The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 04, 1901, Image 1

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viftita'wix'xtiKr'iojairri-ri.nvr-ii ' mmwt.. - -.-
miwu. i mujii i hi umui muu.m luminwniuwumnmuim wii u.tmiu.niUJumBJi
Looal News
ifmwaiwiwt mm
Fine lull weathei.
Call ou us for job work.
The roads are quite dusty.
Quite u freeze Thursday night.
See Hill & Keeling for tire insurance
Dr. V. I. Seymour, No. 1110 Oat.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Ed Knapp has had u floor put In hia
livery burn.
S. Grey Howe, of Beatrice, gave us ti
social c.ll Monday,
The Advertiser and the Chicago In
ter Ocean for Si. -10
See V. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Pry Goods.
A It. MoCaudless went to Omaha
Thursday of last week, letutniug Sttt
urday. The Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
only 31.75.
Mr. Conner, of Iowa, visited his
cousins, Jako and Phil Shuck, the first
of the week.
Dr. Ilarhin, oesteopath, gnuluato of
A.T. Still school, Office in Auburn.
Coneultution free. 07
G. W. Shiveley is building an addN
tion to his house and is making numer
ous other improvements.
Call at the Edwards & Bradford
hardware store for axes, sasvs, or any
thing you need in that line
The Auburn Podt issues a two-page
supplement culled the Brownville Tost.
It is" edited by F. M. Ilulburct.
-r- For beat assortment' of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the D.iylight Stoio of
South Auburn V. W. Harris prop'r.
Tjerp will bo no preaching at the
Mothod'.a church next Sunday night,
but a song and prayer service will bo
held, beginning at 7 :!)(.
Those having trouble with their
eyes, ears, nose and throat should coin
suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1110
K street, Lincoln, XTeb.
If you see a man approaching you
with outstretched hand and a broad
smile on his face it is pretty safe to
guess that he is a candidate
It C Boyd, Judge Richard F Neal, E
B Quackenbush und Fred G Hawxby
drove in from Auburn Thursday even
ing and attended Masonic lodge.
Just received, a good lino of heating
stoves, both coal and wood. Come in
and look them over. Prices right.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co,
NOTICE All parties indebted to
me are requested to cull and settlo at
once and save trouble.
Miss Eva Able, milliner and dress-,
maker. All kinds of dressmaking done
promptly and satisfaction guaranteed.
Latest styles millinery. Low priceB.
It is now time for husking pegs and
mits. Wo have just received a good
stock. Call and got them.
Mis. Mary E. Flack is building a
house 28x28 feet on the lots she recent
ly bought of Frank Woodward, on the
southwest corner of the block east of
the park.
Mrs. Charlotte McClure and Mrs.
z Kittio Clayton, of Galesburg, Illinois,
mother and bister of George McClure,
arrived in Nemaha Thursday forenoon
on u visit.
II. L. Grant, of St. Lawronco county,
Now Yoik, visited his old schoolmate,
fumes A. Stephenson, from Tuesday
until Thursday. Mr. Grant is greatly
pleasod with Nebraska.
Mrs. Rabo Elliott, of Chilco, Okla
homa, arrived lit Bracken Thursday of
last week and is visiting her daughters.
Mrs. 0. T. Minlck and Mrs. Paul Ar
gabright, and old Nemaha county
Mrs. Henry Hartwlck. of Auburn,
visited Nemaha friends the latter part
of last week. Mr, Hartwick has
bought some property in northwest
Auburn und is building a residence
Mrs, MeliBsa Scofleld, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. F. A. Min
lck, went to Hickman Thursday and
from there will go to Taylor, Nebr,
where Mr. Scofleld has arrauged to
start a taper.
My Btock of furniture and stoves is
cmpleto. If you are needing anything
in mv line, give me a call and 1 will
Assure you fair treatment.
J. V. AllMiTnONO,
South Auburn, Neb.
The Edwards & Bradford Company
now havo tho thirty feet addition to
their store room completed and are
stocking up with everything needed in
the line of hardwaro. stoves, etc. Call
and see them, They will treat you
I am now prepared to sell ladles'
cloaks, coats, capes, skirts, waists,
petticoats, and ladies' tallormado suits,
Full line of cloaks. Samples of suits
Agent for Edward B. Grossman & Co.,
Chicago. Flokknok Minick.
Call at residence.
County Superintendent Parriott ex
pressed himself as being well pleased
with the Nemaha school. Hesays we
have a fine school ono of tho very
best he has Been. The government
could not well bo better und the pupils
aro all learning fast.
Misses Mattie Broce, Adah Lambert
and Ella Willinms starteu Monday for
Miss Maltio's home ut Bristol, Tennes
see The young ladies expect to visit
there for three or four months. They
also expect to visit relatives inVirginia
where their fathers were raised.
V7e have a fine lino of samples of
cauls, programs, invitations, wedding
announcements, fancy stationery, bus
iness announcements, folders, blotters,
etc. If you want stationery better
than that ordinarily kept in stock let
us order it for you. Call in and see
The members of Class No. 8 of
tho M. E. Sunday school will give a
supper at the Minick hull Saturday
night, October 12. OyBters und coffee
will be served; also pie, cake and
coffee. OysterB and coffee, 15 cents;
pie, cake and coffee, 10 cents. Every
one is invited.
Report of Cnampion school for tho
month ending September 28.
Total number enrolled 30.
Average attendance 2!).
Those not missing a day nor being
tardy Lockie Roberts, Meta Arga
bright, Ituth Argabright.Johnny Arga
bright, Dort Stokes.
Those not missing a day but tardy
Nannie Day, Johnny Hawxby, Vertie
Mead, Sarah Palmer.
Coka E. Hiogins, Teacher
My little son had an attack of whoop
ing cough and was threatened with
pneumonia; but for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy wo would have had a
serious time of it: It also 'saved him
from several severe attacks of croup
II J Stickfaden, editor World-IIeand,
Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by W W
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. 25c
Old papers for sale at this office.
A Practicing Physician
in Montlcello, 111., formulated Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Ask at Keos
lings drug store.
Nov. Albert V Wilson returned from
the M. E. conference- at David City
Wednesday. Ho has been scut to Elk
Oreek for the next year. Rev. Mr.
Wilson is an earnest, conscientious
minister, a hard worker, mid has tho
bo-t wishes of our people in his now
field of labor
Miss Eva Able was called to Peru
Monday evening on account of tho se
rious illness of her grandfather. It
was thought the old gentleman could
not live through tho night, but he ral
lied and is getting better, but is not
yet out of danger. Miss Ablo returned
to Nemaha Wednesday.
The Methodist annual conference
adjourned Monday uftornoou after
making the appointments. Ho v. J. S.
W. Dean succeeds Dr. Van Fleet us
presiding elder. Tho latter is tianB-.
fernjd to Montevideo, Uruguay. Rev
A V Wilson goes to Elk Creok; Itev A
C Crosthwaite is retutned to Auburn,
Rev W W McGuire to Peru, Hev 8
Goldsmith to Stella and Howe, Hev J
M Durby to Sterling. Hev D B Lako,
who has been at Syracuse for four or
live years, comes to Jlrownville, Bethel
und Nemaha Hey E B Maxcy goes to
We carry a nice line of
$Our Winter Goods
all in
nice lino of
Frints eincl Dress Goods
Comforts &.rdi
f low price on
Henriettas and
$ In fact, anything vie carry can toe
j . .-.J..
k oougnt as cnesip as
Road It In His Nowspapor.
Georgo Schaub, a well known Ger
man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is
a constant reader of tho Dayton Volks
zeitung. He knows that this paper
aims to advertise only tho best in its
columns, and when ho saw Chamber
lain's Fain Balm advertised therein
for lame back, he did not hositato in
buyiug a bottle of it for his wife, who
for eight weeks h'ad suffered with tho
most terrible pains in her back and
could got no relief. He eays: "After
using the Fain Balm for a few days my
wife said to me, 'I feel us though born
anew, and before using the entiro con
tents of tho bottle the unbearable pains
had entirely vanished and alio could
again take up her household duties."
He is very thankful and hopes that all
suffering likewise will hoar of her
wonderful recovery. This valuable
liniment is for sale by W W Keollng.
Call in and see us if you want to
BubBcribe for any paper published 'n
he United States.
New Fall eund Winter Millinery
Dr. W. W. Splvey, V. S., of Tecum
soh, Nob , will be at Knapp's livery
barn Sept. 80th for 10 days. Tho Dr.
comes very highly recommended by all
who know him. Parlies having horses
that need tho services of a first class
veterinary surgeon will do well to seo
the doctor while here. .See small bills.
Tho Blind Boone Concert Company
will bo at the opera houso in Nemaha
Thursday night, October 10th, for one
niuht only. This Jh tho twentieth sea
son of this company before tho public
and they are greeted by huge audiences
everywhere. Blind Boone is a musical
prodigy, possessing wonderful musical
talent. Admission 25 and .'15 cents.
Reserved seals on tmlo tit the drug
Btoro after October 1st.
Old papers for sale nt this office.
are nearly
Wool Goods
any on can sen it i
Brave Mon Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles as well as women, and
all fool tho result in loss of nppotito,
poisons in the blocd, backache, ner
voUBneHS, hoadacho and tirod, listnoss
run-down feeling. But thero's ao
need to fool like that. S. W. Gardi
nor. of Idavillo, Ind., savs: "Electric
Bittors aro just the thing for a man
when he don't care whether ho lives
or dies. It gavo me now strength
and appetite. I can now oat anything
and havo a new louse on lifo." Only
CO conts at Keeling's drug Btoro.
Every bottlo guaranteed.
Ko on Clear Brain
Your best feelings, your social posi
tion or business success depend largo
ly on tho perfect action of your Stom
ach and Liver. DrSKing'a Now Lifo
Pills givo increased strength, a keen
clear brain, high ambition. A 25obox
will moke you fool hko a now being.
Sold by Keeling tho druggist.
Tho Advertiser and St Louis Globe
Democrat both ono year for 81.75
Mrs. F. B. Woodward, who has
been visiting her son, Frank Wood-
! ward, for two weeks, rottirtind to her
homo at Kansas City Saturday. She
lias spent tho summer visiting relatives
in Iowa and other places. Mrs. Frank
Woodward und Marie wont to Kansas
City with her and will visit tliero for a
fow days.
A lettor from Luther II. Barnes In
structs us to change the address of his
paper from Waukomla to Bison, Okla
homa. Tho latter is a new town on
tho Rock Island road within five miles
of Mr. Barnes' farm. It Is' only six
weeks old and has two elevators, two
lumbor yards, hardwaro and grocery
store, etc.
Mrs. Theo. Hill has had a handsome
chso in her millinery establishment for
the display of hats. Slio can now show
the hats to much better advantage than
heretofore aud at tho samo time keep
them away from the dust. Slio has
also widened 'the shelving, repapored
and repainted tho room, aud has made
many other improvements.
The people of Nemaha were delighU
ed whon they learned that Rev. D. B.
Lake would be pastor of the Methodist
church hero the ensuing year. Bro.
Lake is a general favorite in Nemaha
with all classes of peoplo. He is one
of the ablest ministers in tho confer
enco. Wo do not know whether he
will (111 his appointment next Sunday
or not.
Dun raven Castle No. 30,, the Royal
Highlanders, gavo an entertainment
and aiippor in the Masonic building
Monday night, to tho memburs of the
castlo, their families and u very fow
invited guests. Tho entertainment
consisted of singing of the opening ode,
recitation by Fair Lady MelllngerTitus,
recitation by Mrs. Kutu Sampson, duet
by Fair Ladles Melllnger Titus and
Lillian Minick, address by Clansman
W. V. Steuteville, und tho singing of
the closing ode. The recitations, sing
ing aud address woro all linn. Thon
came the best part of the program
the supper. The Highlanders are
noted for tho good suppers given, und
this was no exception. It made us re
joice that we wore a Highlander. A
good time was enjoyed by all,
A camp of the Modern Woodmen of
America was organized in Nemaha
Monday night. The Brownville camp
tnrned out in force and took charge ol
the ceremonies. The (team is finely
drilled and put on tho work in good
shape. The camp starts out with a
membership of about thirty. Tho fol
lowing is a list of the officers ;
Consul Leslo L Roblson.
Adviser Edgar S Stlers.
Clerk W W Sanders.
Banker-J II Seid.
Escort Charley Lindsay.
Physician Dr A L Stlera. . .
Watchman Chas Colerick.
Sentry Leo Devorss.
Managers Stephen Cooper, Fred E
noover, G F Larimore.
R. D. Spelts, of Lincoln, was the or
ganizer. There are several peraonB
who have been examined and are ready
to join but who were not able to be
present Monday night. Tho camp
will meot again Friday night of this
This Is An Advortisoment.
If you are looking for a laxative, Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin la IT. The
convenience und merit of this valuable
remedy will be explained to your saU
isfaction by Keeling's drug Btoro.
To Curo a Gold In Ono Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if ift
fails to curo. E W Grove's slguaturo
on each box. Price 25 cents 0 22
- K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - H - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K
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