'TSS"" IIIHIX WHfHt All HSf 14 IS. HMZH'UI in ti mo. hoki or nniggmu. r. . W. Keeling, Nomnhn, Nobrnflkn. Offico in Keeling building, second door orth of AyncH hardware Htoro. "" PETER KKHKER, Dealer In MEATS ITighoflt market price paid for Hides, Lard, Tullow. etc, -A.. Xj. STIBES, JVT. X). NEMAHA, NEUIt, Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. All calls answered. Dr. Gaither's office. 6 7 I JOHN A. HIATT, Doalor in . A. K, IS" ESS and Harness Supplies NEMAHA, NEBRASKA J. W. SAPP REAL ESTATE, LOAN and Insurance Agont. Collectlonu nmdo Notary Public In olllco. DROWN VILLB, NKJIRASKA. E. A. HELMER, Watchmaker and Jeweler. All work Ktinrnntooil to lvo witlHfnctlon Wost of Oourt Houso SquarOjSo-AubunNob J. C. CHATELAINE Watchmaker and Jeweler All work guaranteed. Leave orders at L. II Matties' Htoro, Nemaha, Nebraska E. II. KNAPP , Proprietor of tho Livery& Feed Stable NEMAHA, NBBR. Good Dray in connection with Livory Satisfaction guarantood, J. H. SEID, Ilreeiler of Thoroughbred Poland China JE3ZOC3-S. Farm oho and ouo-lmlf miloH south west of Nemaha. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. Via Discoverer of Swnrap-Eoot fet Wort la Ms laboratory. Thero Is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by t heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney r disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad vanco tho kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or tho kidneys themselves weak down and vasto away cell by cell. Then the richness of tho blood the albumen leaks out and tho sufferer has Brlght's Disease, tho worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Svnmp-Root the new dis covery Is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottlo sent free by msil, also a book telling about Swamp Root and Its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, fS, Y. anr mention this paper. Beat Cough Bjrnp. Timlcs Uoud. Uw) I ei hjlll ivsA ' The Nebraska Advertiser W. W Sandeiih, publisher FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1001. Judge Richard P. Neal was intor vlowltiB our citizens on the political oltuatlou Thursday afternoon, Mrs. O. Lilly, of Auburn, who Iiaa beun visiting hor Hon-ln-law, EdThoms as, for Bovorai days, returned home Thursday, taking two of hor grands children with hor. Miss Dora Morton arrived from Ne maha last Saturday, and on Monday began an eight months' term of school in tho Robertson district north of town. Brock Bulletin Tho Modem Woodmen of America will organize the camp at Nemaha next Monday night. Tho exercises will be hold in tho opera houso. Members of tho Brownvillo camp will give the in itiatory work, Nemaha now hits an opportunity to get a bank if the citlpeiiB will manifest tho right disposition. Frank Shubert will put In a bank of Snoot) or S000O if our cltlKtns will take half of tho stock, and wo believe this can easily be done. A bank is badly needed and wo believo would pay a good profit on tho invests mont. Leon Czolgosz had bis trial Monday and Tuesday for tho murder of Prosi dont William McKinloy. Tuesday af ternoon the jury found him guilty. Tho actual time occupied by the trial was eight hours and twenty-llvo mins utes, including the deliberations and return of tho jury. Eighteou days had elapsed from the shooting of tho presi dent and ten days and fourteen hours since Ills death. SCHOOL NOTES. a Maudk Kinton, ) r ... ItOIIKHT StHI'HKNBON J ult0" William Smiley went to Auburn Friday. The eighth grade is baring a time with subtractions in algebra. Harry Baldwin wbh absent from tho seventh grade Tuesday forenoon. Harry White wan absent Monday and Tuesday, on account of sickness. County Superintendent Harriott vis ited our school Wednesday and Thins day. School was dismissed Thursday after noon as a mark of respect to our mar tyred president. Bortha Matt, of tho soveuth grade, has left school on account of her par outB moving to Browuville. Our now books anlved hist week, consequently each student Is now sup plied willi a full set of books. Emery Howe and Alva Maxwell, ntudonlB of tho Peru noimal school, visited tho Nemaha school Friday. iNTUUMEDIATK. The sixth giado is busily engaged with fractions, It was wairn and disngaeenble the first two dnyB of tho week. Boy Hiatl la missed from tho inter mediate siuco his removal to Browns ville. W. W. Sanders and County Superin tendent P.urlolt hao visited our room i to inly. The. geography classes are practicing on dtawing maps ot North America from memory. Tho Intermediate department has been having examinations this week Tho sixth guide had arithmetic. histo ry and goographj ; the fifth, geogiauhy. spelling and arithmetic; and tho fourth, geogiapliy. ritlMAUV. Stella Washburn vibited tho primary school Friday. W. W. Sanders was a pleasant caller in the primary room Thursday. Mai t Thorp returned to school Mon day, after an absence of sovoial dajs. The prlmiuy childiou wcio delighted Fnday with tho arrival ol tho now books. Etliol Matt, who moved to Brown villo this week, will bo missed iu tho third grade. Marie Scofleld enrolled in tho tlrst ginda Monday. This increased the number in tho llrst grade tu twenty. Republican Convention For County Treasurer, ILISUT II. KUl'KIt For County Clork, OIIAltLKH T. llAOKCIt For County Superintendent, OEOltUK UAIUUNUTON For County Judge, ' HIOIIAHI) K. NKAIi For County Bhorlir, AHKA1IAM Ia IiAWHENCU For Clork of tho DlHtrlct Court, JAMKa M. ANDE1WON For County Hurvoyor, HEN PAKKKIl For County Coronor, UK. LUTOUN For County Commissioner, First District, H. V. McININUU Tho abovo Is tho ticket nominated at tho republican county convention held at Auburn Monday. All are good men and well qualified for tho offices to which thoy aspire. Mr. Kuper is a Gorman, living in Benton precinct. Ho is well educated, reliable, and iu every wny ilttod for tho olllce. Mr. Hacker Is a resident of Auburn, has had considerable experience in clerical work, and will make a good clerk. Mr. Carrlngton, also a resident of Auburn, was born and rulsod in Nomalm coun ty. He is a school teacher, holding a line first grado certlllcate, and id well qualified, educationally and otherwise, for tho position of county superintend ent. Judge Nal Iiiib filled the office of county judge so acceptably during tho past year that his re-election In coneeds ed Abo Lawrunco ia a prosperous farmer of London precinct who is too well ond favorably known to need any introduction. Ho will make ns good a Bherlff as Nemaha county over had. Mr. Andorson, the candidate for dis trict clerk, is tho present postmaster of Johuhon. He ia well adapted for the position, Ben Pinker, candidate for surveyor, and Dr. Lutgen, candidate for coroner, aro both residents of Aui burn. Mr. Mclninch has served tills district for six years, 1SD0-D1-02 and 1800-07-08, and his services were so ac ceptable that he was nominated again by acclamution. Tlie couuly convention was called to order by the chairman of the central committee, M. S. Mclninch, who win elected temporary chairman. Win, H. Housfield was elected temporary seeres tary and L. II. Ilohmeyer assistant. A committee on credentials was aps polhtod and reported every pieoinct represented except the Island. Tho temporary organization was then made permanent. Tho only contest that took moro than ono ballot to decide was that of sheriff. For this nomination thero were six or oight candidates. It took seven ballots to decide, the three leading candidates being W. S. Hussell. W. II. Hill and A. L. Lawrence. Reso.utions were ndopted.concerning tho assassination of President McKin loy, and also regarding the deatli of Postmaster W. It. Loach, of Auburn. A motion was also adopted before the nomination- pledginglthe candidato for county clork, if ho should bo elected, to Berve for tho legal salary and no more. Congressman Rurkett gave a memo rial address on William McKinloy af ter tho business of the convention was over. It was an eloquent tribute to the memory of tho Into piosident. Yon may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an active, energetic man with a torpid liver, nnd you may know his liver is toipid when ho does not relah his food or feols dull and languid after eating often has headache and sometimes diz zionesH. A few doses of Chamboi Iain's Stomach and Liver Tnhletp will restor his liver to its normal functibns, renew Ins vitality, improve bin digestion and mulio him feel lilo a new man. Pi ice, 25 cents. Sample fieo at Keeling'a drug stoie. PnicJ Doar for his Log, 11 D Blanton ol Tlmckervillo Texas in two yo.irs imidovor!10l) to doctors to cure a running mho on his log. Then thov wanted to cut it oil' but ho cured it with ono box of Bucklon's Arnica Salvo Guaranteed euro for Piles. 2o uts a box. Sold by Keeling the drugget. Tho Prosklont of tho Amencau Federation of Labor, Union 8,215, says: "I am using your Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin myself and In my family, mid llnd it does lots of kouiI Yours truly. Geo. (J Camp hell, Clinton, Iowa." Sold by Keeling' diug stoio. f,, Oa&li Store of JTNO. W. ItrxOI-IISY I wishbcall the attention of my trade to the fact that I have received my Rail Sc Winter Stock of goods, which we will bo pleased to show you. We quote a few pi ices: Good Prints, per yard, 3c Good Prints, full standard, per yard, 3(c Good unbleached Muslin, per yard, 4c Quail Oats, per package, 8c Lion Coffeo, per package, 12c. Everything In Men's, Ladles', Boys' and Children's Underwear, Blankets, Ladies'Wraps, Shoes, Boots, Overshoes, Folt Boots, otc. Call and seo me. J2TO: W. RITCHE"? BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA yrc-K-K New Rigs A. S. CHAMBERS Proprietor Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Nemaha, Nebraska DEALERS IN WAGONS,'; BUGGIES FARM IMPLEMENTS, Etc. Get my prices before buying. I will meet all Competition. Warehouse joining the Livery Stable on the south. NEMAHA, c ' Notico for Hearing Claims In i thu Conn tv Court or Nenmlm county, Nob. In tho mnttor of the t'tUuto or GhnrlcsUuur- fol'It, (k'Ct-HHGll. Notice 1h licrpliy Klvon Hint tho court lin timiloiui order llmltliiKtno lime for orcditoiH to lllo plnlinu ngHlnst Mild dcct'iiHcd to hI. mouths Jioiu tho la Hi ilav of Octnlier, 1001, imd t hut Docombor 12111, 1001, Ki'hiuary 12.h, nnd Vprll 12th, 1002, at "I o'clock n. m. ot c-ncli dny, nt tho odlcn'of , ,c County Juduo f Noinuhu county, NohrnHltn. In Auluirn, No briinkn, hn boon il.vcd by tho . iurt n tho tliiU'Hiind plnco when nnd whoronll purHotiN who huvo clulinn nnd domnnds nunlnst nnld docoiisod on n hnvo tho hiuiio oxivmlnod, ml Justed nnd nllowod, mid nil cIhIiiih not pro Konted by tho Inst montlonod dnlo will be forever barren, by nn order of tho court- Dated September lctb, 1901. KICIlAUI) F. NKAL, County Judo. This Is An Advertisomont. If you are looking for a laxative, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is IT. The convenience and met it of this valuable remedy will be explained to your bhU isfaction by Keeling's drug Btore. &&& Ynrzrt' Thin slrwnturo Is on ovory box of tho gonulno Laxative BrornoQuininc Tabicta tho remedy that ciwi n cold In one Joy JustSavod His Llfo It was a thrilling escape tliHtCharles wn of Bownrston, O , lately had from a frightful iionth. For two jears iiBovere lung trouble constantly grew worso until it soernod ho must dio ol Consumption. Then ho began to use J)r King'o Now Discovery nnd lntoly wrote: "It gave instant relief and ef fected a pornianont euro." Eiichwon d.riul cures have for 2o i'oars proven its power to cure all Tin oat, Chest and Lung troubles. Price GOo and $1 Every bottlo guaranteed Trial bot tles fri'o at Ivt'oling's drnc store. C J. LORD will sell you Furniture cheaper than any one Wo make u specialty of Undertaking C.iHkt8, all kinds and prices Embalming done. Hearse tut ulahed JSHuJberi, NeJbr. Cornell & Hawxby ATTORNEYS AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Koal Ksttito, Loans and UolleeiioiiH Phono 8(J Ollicu, So, Auburn, Nub. , " V- AC- Prompt Service NEBRASKA Notico of Probato of Will. atnto of Nebrnskn, Nemnhn eounl , m. In tho Countj Court of Neinnba connty. u!i"l", ' JI,'Jy' Jo'l" QuIHer ClnrnTliorp Mlnnlo.May Kl.i Wnshbiun, Stoila Wunh biirn. litMtloWaHtiburi! nnd Kvei tWiiNhbuin M.,.,li"",wr,io".H,",ore''Utl "l IbouHtato of Mni tin , . Aluy, dfeeiised. "ieiii nro liijioby noil tied Hint bhermnn i Jiiij him ilkd a p Hlon praltig thntiui nHtruiiientllled In 1 Ills court, nurpoi Miil' o bo tho lHHt will and tctnment of Hld dp. cenHed, iimy tm proved, allowed nnd recorded ; h tho last win and letitnmeiit o Jlnrtln 1,: r. il.y' ',ec,ei,Hctl! H't't Hiuil liis-iruincMt may ho hi Hiut.t'd to piobnle, mid iiilinlnlstriillon 9'?"l,r,l,U0B,,ll,l,'u toSlioimnn'l Mnyund n, , ' M,lv as eyecutoih.and that 0th dny ot Oolobiii, a. li. 1001, at 10 o'clock n. 111.. at (he oimt.v con it 1001.1 oftlild uouiiiy, In Anbiiin is been Hxod hk tho time 1.111! plnco of piov" iitf snld will, when you nnd nil lnten led may appear nnd M10W cause, if theio bo iup why tliepinyorof tho petition Miould not bd BV!,".,L'"' ",,(1 l'onol the pi ilmto III eof, Wll liens my hand mid honl of said court this 14th day of .September. A. r. 1CI1. niCHAUU F. m-lAL, County Jude. TTotioo of Application to SoU Eoal Estato to Pay Dobts. Nlbriih1V,lBlrlCt C"rt "f Numn,m county, In tho inatler of tho estiito of Onbrlel Yettcr ULLt-liHt.(lt ThlK caiiso rntne onjfor henrlriK In open court upon tho petition 01 Finnic L. Wood wa id "din nlstrator of tho eMiuo of Gabriel You ter, decenBed, prayln lor a license to sell lot 0110 ot four, bolnj; a pnrcol 01 laud layiin; bo. t ween tho town silo of Ht. Ueroln nnd tho Missouri rlvor. In sec Ion 31, town i. north of niini'i li.enHt,coninlnl!iif ttuoeiicroMiiiornor esH; alM.. lot two ol lour, bolnK a pltco of iindcoiiimoiicliiKiittlioM)iit.,eHl eornor r the own hlto of thn town of t l)eroli In fcctlon si, town 4, unilli of Tniijc 17 "as iiiiiiiliiK north 80 rods nlotiK the ohhi inrj of said town, thenco eiiHl 55 kkIh. theneo bontli SO rods, thence wntfiB rodH to the ph.co of b, tfun'.V'r Vi"'",llnlV 27nure8 more or el a so the fill owliiKdevirlbul lots m tho towa o St. Dornln: All or block 7: nil of U 1 a I of block 17; all of block '"is .w t i n ho north of block 18. nnd all of blocV 9 all or bl-ck 2(; Hiibjnet 1.1 a leiiHo to F. 11 11 I nnt for lot U. block 17. for n te. in of "0 ycirs from Juno 1. 1SU0, In town of si. 1). loin Nemaha county, ebrnski., or a si lUclei ! !-i0rV,lrn'if t!,,u S',mo .'" b,,ut! '' "' m r f4(.4 67, for the piymoht ot debts 11 1 lowed iwuljiHthiild ostaio and tho costs of "ml. iiilnlstrntloiii them not bvmK sunieUit wrl .oi,i"pil,rope,ly t0 ""y l" hnl1' 'lts and'ex! mILl,Sn,i,,ie.,,'(fo,r,oor'oro(1 ""' "I' borons In to Hteil In snld estate a pear bof iro a JiKiiro "f, l "ill8trlct poii.t 111 tlie Fli.t f.ulTc nl lis? J.i h'n-ur 1 " ' l ';V,K0 I A n Im r r. , Mink .,o,,uVtedtosa.d.,d ?, f ?,,J.,oi "i1 milch of tho nbove doscrlhej icnl .stntotf sa d iioi.ts nnd uxnniNHB, mid tlmt intiea i!r snld up ilcntlon sl.nll hi mil llVl iw ,,., i" eehs vo weeks in the Nebtiiskn A I "oit Imp ft "em. L,pC0!!,:,"X f ""' nil el?ei IntVoi. u ..".' '.' roun,N Nebraska. I'uted thU luth day of Hnptember, 1901. T , JOHN s Hli'M,, JnilBP of tho Dlhti let Court. Apples and Produce Wanted Al'l'LKS will huy your entire crop, hand pinked, downs am! leennds. Also PBACFIE CAMIIAdK, PUMPKIN SQUASH, TOM.vroiJH, IlKANS and SOHGHUM, for which highest chhIi prices will be piUil. Por tuith&r infoi. (nation cilLupon or address OTOE PKERRVI.YO Cp., Is'ebrasku City, Nobr, f A. i k Hi' s