The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 20, 1901, Image 1

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Local News
Call on uh for job vorl.
See Hill & Keeling for Are Insurance
Dr. V. I. Seymour, No. 1110 0 at. ,
Lincoln, Neb.
The Adveitlser and tho Chicago In
ter Ocean for 81.40
Sou W. W. Hauls of South Auburn
for Clothing ami Dry Gooila.
Mra. Theo. II ill bus lutd a good walk
laid hi float of lior millinery catubllah
Mra. T. J. Ituiubaugh went to Oma
lia Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mra.
The Advertiser and the St. Louie
Globo Democrat both one year lor
only S1.7&.
Just received by the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co., a lull line ol
boating stovea.
Mrs. J. C. Chamberlain, of Angus,
Neb., was the guest of Mrs. Geo. Alo
Cluro Tuesday.
Seymour Ilowo ia attending district
oourt at Auburn this week in the can
pa'city of a juror.
Dr. Ilnrlan, oesteopath, graduate of
A. T. Still school, Ofiico lu Auburn.
Uon.ultatloti free, 0-7
Mra Scott moved to Stella Tuesday.
Sho wanted to stay in Nemaha but
could uot get a house.
Miss Tudie Scovill went to Topeka,
KaiiaaH, Wednesday, where she expects
to make her home with relatives.'
For best -assortment of Dry Goodu
and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn 'V. S. Harris prop'r.
Dr. II. S. Gaither baa moved from
Tarkio, Mo., to Maltland, Mo. He has
bought an interest in a drug atore at
Frank Titus ia low Ujb ohampion
peach tree budder at the Titu8 Nursery.
He budded 2100 trees in six anil one
half hours recently,
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
say they aro too busy this wool; to
write advertisements but can wait on
all customers that nifty call.
Dr. and Mra. W. W. Keeling re
turned home Wednesday after a pleas
ant visit of two weeks with their two
sons and old friends in Indiana.
NOTICE All parties indebted to
me are requested to call and settle at
once and save trouble. ,
The full ncconnt of the deatir of
President William McKlnley and the
accession to the presidency of Theodore
Roosevelt may he found on an inside
We had throe heavy frosta this weok
one Monday night, ono Tuoaday
night and ono Thursday night. Ico
formed In places on shallow water all
three nights.
Go to Miss Eva Able for dressmak
ing and millinery. New fall stock of
millinery just received. All the latest
styles and noyolties. Prices reason,
able. 'Call and see her Btock.
George Fishar got his right leg
tangled up In a corn harvester Tuesday
and had a gash four or five inches long
cut to the bono on the Inside of the leg
betweun the knee and the ankle.
I am now prepared to sell ladles'
cloaks, coats, capes, skirts, waists,
petticoats, and ladles' tallonnadoauita,
Agent for Edward 13. Grossman & Co.,
Chicago. Flouenoe Minick.
Harry McCandlesa and O. C. Clark
will have a public sale of cattle.horsea,
farm implements, household furnitu,ro,
etc., at Harry's farm, 5 tnllea south',
east of Memaha, Wednesday of next
Gilbert & McCondless have ordeird
a fine automatic cash register for the
Gilbert & McCandlesa aro having a
ware room built southwest of their
store room, on the alley, iu which to
store salt.
Next Sunday ia Rev. A V. Wilson's
last service before the annual ooufoi
once, which meets at David City next
Sheriff" Hossick, of Richardson
county, was lu Neuinlm Thursday on
the track of two horse thieves that hud
stolen a tea. n of horses.
Those having trouble with their
eyes, ears, nose and throat should cons
suit the noted Dr. Seymour, 2io. llltf
K street, Lincoln, Mob.
W. S. Chamliors will have a public
sale Saturday of this week, in Nemaha,
selling cattle, a wagon, etc. Col. R
D, Spelts, of Lincoln, will be the auc
Gilbert & McCandlesa havo shipped
two cars of peaches to the lieatrict
canning factory this week and aie
loading another car. R. 1. lirown is
superintending the buying and loading.
They are paying 25 cents a bushel anil
are getting some good peaches.
The busiiie.18 houses in Neiuaha were
closed on Tnursduy from : until i!
o'clock on account of the luneral ot
President McKiuley. The postolllce
was closed from 10:30 until 2. The
schools were closed during the uftor
noon. The church bulls were tolled
trum 2 until 2:30.
Consul Church Howe visited old
friend in Nemaha Tuesday afternoon
and Wednesday forenoon, going from
hero to Shubert. Ho was the
guest of Frank Woodward whilo here.
Mr. Howe will return to England in a
short time. His friends wero greatly
pleased to havo him visit them.
The Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. have decided to put iu a complete
lino of hardware, and in order to make
room for It are making their store
room thirty feet longer, giving them a
room 21x70 feet, Suveral carpentois
are now at work on the addition. 13,
Hordwoll, of Nebraska City, ia super
intending' the work.
Wm. W. Seid Jias bought John
Kompthorne'8 forty acre farm south
of town and will take possession next
month. Mr. Kempthoruo has rented
Wm. Daniels' farm and .will move
thereon as soon as Mr. Daniels moves
to Oklahoma. The farm bought by
Mr Seid waa formerly owned by Mra.
Seid's father, John Prall, who. built the
house now on it, and he ia delighted to
get back to his old home. The price
paid was 2000.
A. Moore, of Auburn, died last Sats
urday, September 14, 1001, from the ef
fects of a stroke of paralysis, Mr.
Mooro was one of tlio leading business
men of Auburn for about eighteen
years, retiring about two years ago on
account of poor health, no has been
a resident of the county for about
thirty years, and waa in buaiuess in
Brownvlllo for several years before he
moved to Auburn. Ho was never
married. Ho made a host of friends
during his long residenco in tlio
My little son had an attack of whoop.
Ing cough and was threatened with
pneumonia; but for Chumberlrdn's
Cough Remedy wo would have had a
serious time of it! It also saved him
from several sovero attacks of croup.
II J Stlckfaden, editor World-llearld,
Fair Ilavon, Wash. For sale by W W
Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. 25c
A Practicing Physician
in Monticollo, 111., formulated Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Ask at Kees
lings drug store.
Old Settlers Meeting
The members of tlio Nemaha County
Old Settlers' association are called to
meet at The Advertiser oflko a 8 o'clock
p. in. Saturday, September 28th, 11)01.'
for the purpose of electing olllcors for
the ensuing year and the transaction
of such other business as may properly
come before tho meeting. AlLreildontfj
of Nemaha county who camo to Ne
braska before Uh admission as a stale?
In 1807, are entitled to a voto at tlTil
Dr. W. W. Spivey, V. S., of Tectim
8eh, Nob , will be at Knapp'a livery
barn Sept. 30th for 10 days. The Dr.
cornea very highly recommended by all
who know him. Parties having horses
that need the services of a first class
veterinary surgeon will do well to sie
tho doctor whilo here. See small bills.
13. L. Argabrlght, one of the Nema
ha boy who Is farming In Oklahoma,
writea aB follows: "Well, our crops aro
short this year. Wheat wi'iit 10 to
20 ImihIirIb. My wheat ninde 12
bushels on coin stalk land, and my
corn will make about G or 10 bushels
on an average. Has not been a good
rain since June 8th at my farm."
Hi. s. battle
We carry a nice line of
Our VUltit&ir Goods are nearly $
$0l11 In
iA nic line of
iFVints and Dress Goods
Comforts and Blankets
f low price on
Henriettas and Wool Goods
In fact, anything: vie carry can be
bought as cheap as
44 - K - K
Road It In His Nowspapor.
George Schaub, a well known Ger
man citizen of Now Lebanon, Ohio, ia
a constant reader of tho Dayton Volks
zeitung. He knows that this paper
aims to advertise only tho best in its
columno, and when ho saw Chamber
lain's Pain Palm advertised therein
for lame back, he did not hesitate in
buying a bottle of it for Ills wife, who
for eight weeks had suffered with the
most terrible pains in her back and
could get no relief. Ho eays: "After
using the Pain Palin for a few days my
wife said to me, 'I feel us though born
anew,' and before using the entiro con
tents of tho bottle tho unbearable pains
had entirely vanished and she could
again take up her household duties."
He ia very thankful and hopes that all
Buffering llkewiso will hear of her
wonderful recovery. This valuable
liniment ia for sale by W W Keeling.
Call in and see us if you want to
BubBcrite for any paper published in
ha United States.
Tho following appointments wero
made for tho Nomnliu M. E. church at
tho quarterly conference held Soptem
ber 2, 1001
TniBteesW Wheeling. W W San
ders, Seymour"Howe, WLHadlock and
W WlSgjcJ,
Stewards Mra R I Brown, Mrs M A
Woodward, Miss Lillian Mlnlck and
W W Sanders, recording steward.
CommltteesMtonjons W W San
Church extension Eugeno Ilowo.
Sunday aohoola A "V Furson, Mrs
F Yaeklpy, Mra Dr Keeling, W Had
lock, Mrs Wm Sold, Mra M A Wood
ward and Mra HGalhraith.
Tracts Mrs Woodward and pastor.
Temperance Mru Watson.
Education Miss Florence Minick.
Freedmen'a aid and southern educa
tional I N Coopor.
Church records Pastor.
Church music Lillian Minick, Mrs
John Matt, Tudlo Scovillo. Dr Keeling,
W W Sanders, Mra Woodward and
Mrs Anna 1X111.
Estimating pastora salary Stewards.
To Curo a Cold In Ono Day
Take Laxative BromoQulnlnoTahlotB
All druggists refund the money if it
failB to euro. E W Grove's Bignature
on oach box. Price 2f cents 0 22
any one can sell it $
- - K - c - K - t: - - l: - - ( - K - c - K - - c - )( - c - - K
Brave Mon Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles as well na women, and
all fool tho rosult in loss of appotito,
poisons in tho blocd, backache, ner
vousness, hoadache and tired, listncss
runcdown feeling. .Hut tliero'a ao
need to fool like that. S. W. Gardi
nor. of Idavillo, Ind., save: "Electric
Bittora nrojuBt tho thing for n man
when ho don't caro whothor ho lives
or diea. It gave me new strength
and appetite I can now oat anything
and havo a new lease on life." Only
50 conts at Keeling'a drug Btoro.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Ko on Cloar Brain
Your best feelings, your social posi
tion or business success depend largo
ly on tlio perfect action of your Stom
ach und Liver. DrfiKing'a Now Life
Pills givo increased strength, a keen
clear brain, high ambition. A 20c box
will mokoyou fool hko a now being.
Sold by Kooling the druggist.
The Advertiser und St Louis Qlobo
Donaocrat both ono year for 81.75
The popullnta nad a high old tiufiiyit
their convention last JJHtntday.'v! A
goodly number of delegates wero op
posed to fusion but tho majority wefo
In favor ef tho combine The trouble
waa started over an appatently Innoi
cent motion mado by Edgar Forneau
that Geo, E. Codington be renominated
for treasurer. The fuslonlats suspected
a trap, and aomo one offered an amend
ment that a ennunitteo of three be api
poiuted to confer with tho democrats
and arratigo for fusion and a division
of tho ortlcos. Forneau arguod that
tho amendment was not in order but
was overruled and tho amendment
was carried aftor considerable wrung,
ling, during which Wm. Dally said ho
had always fought tho court house
ring, which waa taken as a reflection
on Codington, Snow, Parrlott and Sto
veneoh, but had nlwaya voted tho
straight populist ticket. ' ThlsFerncau
doubted and finally told Dally he did
not believe what he aald. Daily starts
ed across tho room toward Foinuau
but was headed oft bofoie ho. got to
him. Thou tho chairman was stuck x
on how to state the oilglnal motion as
amonded, but Dually had thotn vote on "
it without Jts being stated, and then
the question was raised as to whether
Codington was nominated or not. It
was decided, however, that he whb not
nominated. The committee. wJbcjP
pointed, tho basis of 'frfsfon nrranged,
giving tho democrats tho ulerk, su
perintendent, coroner nud nuivoyor
and tho populists thu .remaining o di
ces. The following nominations wero
Treasurer G E Codington.
Clerk OO Snow.
Sheriff John Herger.
Judge T J Oliver. . .
Superintendent W O Parrlott.
dlerk of district court W J DavUs.
Coroner- -Dr Oppermau.
Survoy'pr Illley Gilbert. ,-. u.
Commissioner John Stovonson.
P. G Hawxby waa nominated for
judge, but when ho heard of it he posi
tively declined tho honor and then T.
J. Oliver was nominated.
F. G. Hawxby was elected chairman
of the county central committee.
This Is An Advortsomont.
If you aro looking for a laxative, Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is IT. Tho
convonionco and merit of this valuublo
remedy will be oxplalned to your Batt
isfactlon by Keeling'a drug store
JustSavod His Life
It waa a thrilling escape tlmtChnrles
avh of BoworBton, O., lately had
from a frightful doath. For two yoara
a aovoro lung troublo constantly grow
worso nntil it seemed he must dio of
Consumption. Then he began to uso
Dr King's Now Discovery and lately
wrote: "It gave instant rolief and of"
fected a permanent curo." Such won
dorful cnreB havo for 25 yoara proven
ita powor to curo all Throat, Cheat
and Lung troubloa. Price 50o and $1
Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bot
tles free at Keollng's drug storo.
Nemaha, Nebr.
Ohicmtjo ,
St. Joseph
KunBiiM Oity
St.XiOuiH and all
PointH IEuhL und
Salt liUlco Oily
Portland '
San IFVanotHCO
No. 97 -Piwsenuor, dally oxcoptSun
lay, for TociwihoIi, Jieatrlee,
Iloldrego nnd nil points wet 0:10 a m
No. 08 PaHHOiiKor, dally excopt Sun
day, for Nobrusku Ulty, Chicago
nud nil polniH north and cunt 1:38 p hi
No. 113 Local frolulit, dally except
Sunday, for lieutrlcu and all In.
tonni'dliUoHtutloiiH 1:00 p in
No. Ill Local frolKht, dally except
Sunday, for Neurntdtu Ulty nnd
all Intermediate stfttloiiH 11:30 p in
No, lie Local fruluht, dally except i
Sunday, for Atchison nud lnlur
medlntfl Htailonu 7:16 p in
No, 112 Local frolulit, dally except
Monday, for NohraHkn Cliy nnd
Intermediate HtntlouH 2:00 n m
Sleenlni:. dlnlne und reoltnlnu chair earn
fReats free! on throned trains. TlolcetH sold
and ImuKiuo checked to uuy point In tho
united MiaieH or I'ttuana,
For information, mans, tlmo tahles nnd
ticket call on or write to Georito MoOluro,
auonl, or J, Francis, General PuBfjeugor
Agent, Omaha, Neb,