' THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W. AV. HANI)I!K8, Publisher. NEMAHA, " - NEKHASKA. TOPICS OF THE DAY. Cannot Unit (lio flninc. When ono rcmlH Unit tlio profile of tlie nniln tabic at Mnnto Carlo in the jiiiHt 00 1ayH aro floured at $5,000, 000, tlio hankering to bo pointed out as ii "man who broko the bank at Monte Carlo" grown noticeably Icbh. Ih !)! Time. Tho Halo of liquor Iiiih been prohib ited among the Moros of Hutu. For tho prcftunt tho clouti'd wnrrlorn uuiHt bccoiitent with thecxhllarntlngnatlvo bono. In due time, however, the ad vance of wcHtern civilization, hugged or bottled, will comu in and do 'em to u HiiIhIi. InlcrcNtliifc IiiNtiriiiiue Doolnlnn. A Kentucky court recently ruled that when a member of tho Modern Woodmen lodgo HiiicidcH within two yearn after joining the order tho wid ow can collect only the Hum tho dc ceaHcd Iiiih paid into the treasury and that the order Ih not liable for tho whole policy. Tip for Niionulntlvo lltinkcrn. An Indiana Vmnk olllelal who tried to place money in tho vaultH of tho in Htitutlou by (speculating in tlio Htoclc market and who was Hcntonccd to a term of ten years in prlmm lias been pardoned. Thin ought to lio very en couragbig to thoHo baukeru wlio aro diHpoKcd to Hpeculatc. Tlir Olilrnt 1-Vilcritl .IiiiIko. Judge John J. JackHon, of West Vir ginia, Iiiih been ajiiHtlce of tho United KtutcH district court for 10 yearn. Ho Iiiih nerved an a judge longer than any other man In the hlHtory of thu state or federal courts, Ho Ih now 77 years old and claims that, lio will die in tho harness, an event, however, which seems to bo far in the future, as he in still active and vigorous. Tlii'otdhifc licet Nttirnr Iiidtintry. Tho spectnclu of tho sugar trust throttling tho beet sugar Industry, as it in manifestly trying to do in Cal ifornia, will not make tho public more willing to tolerate legislation favora ble to tho trimt when congrens incetH ngnln. It was not for this that tho United Stales government has been at mich pains to encourage beet sugar production. IIIm rower In Almolutc. Ono of tho most absolute of tlio world's uionarchn Ih tho nhnh of rot-niii, who U master of tho lives and goodn of nil tils subjects. The whole rovenuo of tho country being ut their disposal, recent nhahn havo been ablo to amass large private fortunes. That of tho present occupant of tho throne Ih reported to amount to $25,000,000 or $30,000,000, most of It represented by diamonds. Hot Weather Knvorn Hoc. Tho approach of spring in tho Hoer country makes the outlook for tho llrltish rather blue, so far as regards tho chancer of ending tho wnr within tho next fow weeks. South Africa is now having its winter, which is un favorable for tho weaker side in a war like tho present. When tho grass, two months honcr, begins to peep above tlio ground and vegetation in general beginn to grow tho food for man and bcnBt will bo moro plentiful than it is now. IIcllHMl Slave to Freedom. Jacob Tierce, n Grand Army veteran, who died u fow days in Denver, Col., wan known in Ohio in tho years pre ceding tho civil war as a director of tho "underground railway," and through him many a slave was helped to freedom beyond tho Canadian frontier. His principal work during tho war was us wardmaster of all tho union hospitals in Nashville, Tenn. Tn tho lino of his duty it foil to his lot to close tho eyes of moro than 1,000 boys In blue. Tho l-'lmt of ltd Kltiil, All tho railroads, witli four excep tions, centering in Chicago havo ac cepted tho proponed terms to build a $40,000,000 union railroad station. It is to combine both passenger and freight, facilities, and will bo equipped to innko it tho llnest structure of its kind in tho world. There has always been a great desire among railroad men of Chicago to bring tho eastern and western roads together in tho same structure, and this union station will accomplish tho object. Fond for Dime Novel Writer. Tho story of tho thoft of $3110,000 worth of gold bars and bullion from tho Selby smelter vnlut at Vallojo, Cnl., with tho probability that all will bo recovered, invites tlio enthusiastic attention of dime noved writers. Tho most mnarkablo feature of the case in tho fact that thiH robbery of 1,200 pounds of solid gold scents to havo been tho work of ono man. Tito most dramatic part of tho story is tlio fact that tho successful plunderer gave up his rich booty, though it was hidden at the bottom of an ocean bay. RACE AYAR IS ON. Murder of a Girl at Pierce City, Mo., Excites the Populace. Two Negro NiiiiocI Tnkiin from .Inll mid Huinmurlly IIUponoil of mill Other Aro In DiuiKiir Negro limine Ilnrniul. l'lcrcc City, Mo,, Aug. 20. Will God Icy, n negro, was lynched by a mob composed of 1,000 armed citizcim shortly after dark hint night for tlio murder of Miss Casello Wild, whoso dead body was found yesterdny in the woods near hen. The mob went to tho jail about nine o'clock nnd battered down the doors and threw ropen around the necks of Godicy and Jean Carter, another suspect. Godley was hanged in front of the Lawrence hotel and Ills body riddled with bul lets. Carter was nhot to death in tho street s by tho hiiiuo mob a few min utes later. Neither of the victims in believed to have had any connection with tlio murder, but both of them bore very bad reputations nnd were lynched on general principles. God ley had just completed a term in the ntate penitentiary for an assault upon a white woman GO years old in this vicinity Home yearn ago. Iko Cartcr'H house, in which were Pete and Hob Hnurjpton, two negroes of denperato character, wjih bombard' cd and tired. Several negro women who were in the house were fired up on, one being shot. Tho people nro determined to drivo all tho ncgrocn out of the town and surrounding country, and a regular rneo war in on. Miss Casello Wild, an cslinmhlo young lady of this city, wan assaulted while going home from Sunday school 13' a negro, who, after ravishing Iter, cut her throat from car to car. Tho crime was committed at a bridge near the 'Frisco track, a half mile distant from the depot. The girl wns cross ing tho bridge when the brute, who had been sitting on the rail, attacked her. A farmer In an adjoining field saw tho assault, but hearing no out cry paid no attention to the matter. Later his suspicions were aroused by seeing u, negro running down the rail road track. He gave the iilarni and the mangled body of the girl was found lying In the weeds near the 'Frisco tracks under the bridge. At once a posse organized and set out in pursuit of the perpetrator of the foul deed. Two negroes were nr rested. STEEL MAGNATES GAIN. ilKRrrnilvu Work llolnq; Done to Open Sev eral 111k Mill in Spite of tlio Strlkum. I'ittsburg, Va., Aug. 20. The United, States Steel corporation made u series of gains yesterday in the res toration of properties crippled by the strike of tho Amalgamated associa tion and Its sympathizers. Tho steel mills ut MoucHsun,. after a long period of Inactivity, were partly put In mo tion by strike breakers gathered in some of tho southern states; two more mills In tho Painter plant were also started up and another large mill at the Clark property was operated for tho first time. There was some disorder in tho streets of Moncsscn during the day, but tho local police never lost control of the demonstra tive crowds and there was no serious trouble. Tho reopening of the Mon csscn mill Is believed to be the first of a series of aggressive moves on the part of the steel corporation. IN TEN FEET OF WATER. Htenmur Sunk Nonr I'uduruli, Kjr., During u Storm mid 1(1 of IU l'uaNenircrM Drowned. I'adueah, Ky Aug. 20. The steam er City of Golcouda, plying between this city and Kllzabethtown, HI., wim struck by a squall during a storm about seven o'clock last night as sho was en route to I'ndueah and turned over in ten feet of water, six miles above the city, as she was going into Crowcll's landing. Sixteen persons aro reported drowned. The disaster occurred as supper was served and many of the 75 passengers were in the cabin. The wind struck the boat without warning and there wns no tlmo for those on the inside to es cape. t?o n ii ee I Inir Track Open, l-'ort ScoM, Kan., Aug. 20. The first train was run over the Meinpliis-'Fris-co connecting track from Miami to Aft on yesterday. It was the Miami local in charge of Conductor Durbin. The track Is almost completely bal lasted now and will be ready for through trains from Kansas City to Texas and Oklahoma in a few davs. Oumm Hope for u Union. Topeka, Kan., Aug. 20. John H. Curran, seeretnry of the pvpulist state committee, has not given up hope of a union of the people's and democrat io parties next year. Ho be lieves that tho rank and file of both parties will agree to support a ticket Inbek'il "union." , FEW INCOMPETENTS. Civil Henrico Cninmlii'lon Mitkeft n Good Jtupurt of Tliooe Who lluve lloen Ap pointed on Merit Alone. Washington, Aug. 20, Tlio seven teenth annual report of the civil Bcrr ice commission, just issued, in cheerful In tone. While the commission has found violations of law, it says condi tions arc improving. Last yenr 47,000 persons took tho examination, 35,000 passed and nenrly 10,000 were appoint ed. From the beginning of the sys tem's operation in 18H3, more than 100,000 apointments have been mnde in tho classified sen ice. Tho appoint ments hnvo been .so satisfactory that only about two per cent, of, those cm ployed have been discharged for in competency. The aggregate snlarlcs of the positions now in the classified service, numbering about 00,000, nnd to be reached only through competi tive cxnminntlons, approximate $75, 000,000 a year, while tlio salaries of all unclassified positions in tho executive branch of tlio government, probably numbering slightly over 100,000, are estimated not to exceed $30,000,000, of which over 00 per cent, is for tho com pensation of the 1,129 presidential postmasters and the 72,105 postmas ters of the fourth-class offices. SEEK WEALTH UNDERGROUND Great Activity ut I.iiwton and Vicinity In rronpootlnir for Oil mid ftlliuiniln 1,000 ChilniM Fllutl. Guthrie, Ok., Aug. 20. rarticn from Lawton say that the oil excitement has superseded everything else there and over 100 oil claims were filed yes terday, bringing tho sum total of mineral claims filed to date well up to 1,000, and about three-fourths of these are oil claims, but many who have been prospecting in the moun tains are filing copper claims, and in two instances copper has been found J so pure ns to be uiluuble, and dozens oi the oil claims cover the same ground, and conflict and litigation will follow. I.iiwton T-o(m Soil tlin lllKhrxt. Washington, Aug. 20. The secretary of tho Interior has received tele graphic reports from Gov. Klchards of the sale of town lots at tho three county scats of tho newly-opened reservation in Oklahoma. At Lawton 009 lots havo been sold for $280,370 At Anadarko 047 lost brought $100,005, and at Hobart $107,101 were paid for 052 lots. Thcbc prices aro considered very good. KANSAS SCHOOL MONEY. The Soml-Annunl Apportionment of 8S03,- oUO.UO Will lio DUtrlbtitod Anions 008,010 1'upllH. Topeka, Kan., Aug. 20. The stntc superintendent of public instruction is making tho semi-annual distribu tion of tho Interest on the stntc school fund. The school population is 508, 910, or an increase of nearly 5,000 since tho February distribution. The sum to be distributed is $203,500.90, nnd the per capita is 40 cents. Wyan dotte county leads in school popula tion and will receive $9,139.00. Shaw nee is next, with 17,023, and w511 get $7,049.20. The other larger counties In order are Sedgwick, 14,232, $5,C92.80; Cherokee, 14,230, $5,092; Crawford, 13, 830, $5,532; Leavenworth, 12,199, $1, 879.00; Cowley, 10,501, $1,225.00; Atch ison, 10,057, $1,022.80. Stanton hns the least school population of tho 105 counties 05, and its allowance, $38. Morton linn only one moro child of school ago than Stanton 90 nnd its allowance is $38.40. THE SHELL EXPLODED. Ono Soldier Killed at Fort Klloy, 1IU Head llelni; lllown Off Three Other Dangorounly Injured. Junction City, Kan., Aug. 20. A bad accident occurred at the artillery tar got range on the Fort Uiley milltnry reservation nor tit of town Monday. Sicgo battery O was at target practice with its big seven-inch guns. While a gun was being loaded a shell ex ploded prematurely. One man was killed; his head was blown oil. Three, others wero dangerously injured. Two or threo men were blinded and several seriously wounded. SAVED FROM AWFUL TORTURE Indian Had Captured ii Mexican Hoy nnd Weru About to Make lllni Dance Over Ciiettiti HeilH. Phoenix, Ariz., Aug. 20. Junn Hob cles, a Mexican boy, 10 years old, was saved from a horrible fate by u posse which went from hero to a settlement of Yaqui Indians, where tlio boy was about to bo put to death by torture for killing Aguln, tin Indian, for beat ing a squaw. The boy was found un conscious from pain, with hands and feet bound with tightly-drawn cords. The Tndhms wero preparing to force Hobelcs to dance over beds of cactus, n mode of torture common among them. A Kaiiftitn Town In Durknem, Clay Center, Kan., Aug. 20. Fire to tally destroyed tho city electric light plant here, valued nt $20,000, and this will lenvo the city in tliirkness for some time. BaaHBaaBBaBaHBIBaiaBHaHBBBBBBaBBBBHBI'. Hi CmWr, m ii lly y L Iwn m LH II II s ic1 -.r yj If It Millions of Mothers USE CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving;, purifying:, and beauti fying the skin of infants and children, for rashes, itchings, and chafings, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dan druff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, and for all the purposes of the toilet, hath, and nursery Millions of Women use Cuticura Soap in the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and excoriations, for too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautif iers to use any others, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children Cuticura Soap combines delicate emollient properties derived from Cuticura, the great skin, cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refresh ing of flower odours. No other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, how ever expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Comploto External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour. a ConBletlnfr of Concinu. Soap, to clcanao tho skin of crusta and lllflrlll'd scales and soften tho thickened cuticle: Cuticuiia Ointment, to IMM.IttMll em Instantly allay Itching, liifliimnititlon, ami Irritation, nnd 60otho nnd 2 heal, nuu CUTicunA HloLVhNT, to cool and cleanso tho blood. Yuc etT A Single 8ct1b often snfllclont to euro tho irosttorturinjs, dlsufr. Int OKI urlng, and humlltatliiB ekln.fcalp, and blood humours, vnth loss of hair, when all else falls. Hold throughout tbo world, tlrltleh Depot: F. Newbehy & Sons. 27 and 28. Chartarhouso So,., London. l'OTTun Dnoo and Ciieji. Com-,, Sale Props., Boston, U.S. A. UOW TO SAVE MONEY. Mixed Homo and Hnrn l'lilnta, will not o preaerre houo unit barn from elomenta of tho weather. If attended to at ouco it will proe a aavlnc often, nor celt, on Talue of tho property. Our high-grade paints are cotebratod for their strength of color, coTonnc capacity and durability. To those who nro Interested, wo will mall, Yee or charge, our combination color carda and urlcet. Exclusive Auency Klvvn luouo dealer In eaeU town. SLIANO l'AJKT CO., Nt. JLouls.. The Modrrn Hotel. "Sir. Dnsh," said the waiter, "a man just lilted a silver spoon trom the taoie. "Call tlio police!" roared the clerk. 'The man is a Unci. "Hut he is one of our regular guests." "Ah, then lie is doubtless n kleptomaniac. You needn't mention it, George." "And lie pays 5 per day on the Ameri can plan." "Ho does? Why, the gentleman is a sou venir collector. IIow dure you cast reflec tions on hia character?" Chicago News. IlcKone, Dull Cnrc! A Droitwich barber was just finishing lathering a customer and was talking volu bly, as usual. "Yes. sir," he said, "there's no careless ness allowed by our employer. Every time wo cut a customer's face we are lined a six penee, and if we make an ugly gash it costs us a shilling." Then, picking up and brandishing his razor, he added: "But I don't care a rap to-day. I've just won a sovereign." Lon don Answers. KrlcnriNliln'M Tribute. Tho man at whose funeral they were as sembled hadn't drawn a sober breath dur ing the last 15 years of his life, and had been noted for always being in trouble with his neighbors. "Weil' said ono of his old ac quaintances, turning badly away nftcr tho hcrviccs were over, "he was a man of mighty reg'lar habits." Chicago Tribune. A Good Sitcmler. Gizram Who is that young millionaire stopping nt the Seaside hotej? Gazzam lie's no millionaire; he's only a dry goods clerk on a ten days' vacation. Ohio State Journal. .When a man has a clever wife, ever no tice how he lets her run things? He is glad to get rid of the responsibility. At chison Globe. A qbiatlon of n few dollars Invented In pnrcbulng nJ amilvlnu- tho Jti'Unnce JllirlfUnulp. IteuiW- OIllV LeaUtlfv llllt Will nabn tirrlv hum.. lmnn.itl.lBA SEAFARING MEN rT KNOW THE VALUE OF y sft OWEIty tiHVti OILED CLOTHING IT WILL KEEP YOU DRY i IN THE WETTEST WEATHER 'LOOK FOR ABOVE TCADE tlAEd UN Mix EVERYWHERE; riTAincilPv ence SHOWING. FULL tTNE 0FGARI1ENT3 ANDHAT3 A.d.lUWCKLU..DUD UN. PI A55 IUEADEkS OF THIS PAPER DKSIKINQ TO BUY ANYTHING ADVKIITISKD IN ITS COLUMNS SHOULD INSIST UI'ON HAVING WHAT THKY ASIC FOIL KKFUSINO ALL SUHSTITUTia OH IMlTATIONa PILES ANAKESIS ?,';;' lief nnrt I-OSITIVK-I.Y UUIIKM ril.CM. For frco Mimplondilrosa- ANAKKtHM." Trib une builUlutf, New York B MHl! WIUHt ALL ELSE FAILS. Q Best Couch Syrup. Tastes Good. UsoP, In time. Bold by dniSRlstn. IH SVjI Jr0 4 -T"TL kwisf wKm m4mn i '. A t ,yjff . a t u ,,Jk4ok