The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 16, 1901, Image 1

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u a-
Local ISTews
Plenty of ruin now.
The drouth is broken.
Cull on ub for Job work.
Tho merry-go-round la here.
See Hill & Keeling for Ore Insurance
Pine raiua Saturday night and Tues
day. Dr. V. I. Seymour, No. 1110 O st. ,
Lincoln, Neb.
The Auburn Chautauqua beglm to
morrow night.
H. A. Lambert, of Auburn, was a
Nemaha visitor Tuesday.
See W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
Wm. Bridge, of Peru, gave us h
bocIuI call Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs E. D. Hogeu, of Au
burn, were lu Nemaba-Tutsday.
Geo. Chapman and family cumo In
from Johnnon Wednesday night.
Church Howe will be at the old set
tlers picnic at Nemaha August 17.
Best machine oil made for sale by
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Tho old settler' picnic will be held
at Nemaha Saturday, August 17th.
Fruit jars and fruit caus for aale by
the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co
Do uot forget that the Auburn Chau
tauqua opens the evening of Aug. 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred August, of
Brownville, gave this oillce a short call
Have your watches and clocks re
paired by a competent jeweler at
Arrangements have been made to
provide plenty of good cool water for
the picnic.
The Advertiser and thte St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
only 81.76.
Nate Sedoras has moved into the old
Crother house, where Mrs. Wheeler has
been living.
Joe Littrell Is going to buy and ship
apples this fall and will pay highest
market price.
M. H. Taylor drove up from Sbubert
Tuesday and viBiled ISemaba friends
for a rew hours.
Dr. Harlan, oesteopath, graduate of
A. T. Still school, Office In Auburu
Uomultatlon free. 0-7
For sale Commode, bedstead, bed
springs and mattress, all nearly new.
Inquire of L, H. Battles.
If the weather is favorable theie
will be an immense crowd at the old
euttleiB picnic tomorrow.
Have you made arrangements te ats
tend the cliautauqua at Auburn next
week ? The program is flue.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartwick, of
Auburn, expect to start next Monday
for Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
Misa Itnxte Parker, of Auburn, has
beeu the guest of her couBin, MisB
Nollie Sunders, since Tuesday.
Ed Knapp'B hack team took a little
ppin Saturday afternoon, upsetting the
hack but not doing much damage.
Mi83 Leta Linn, of Lincoln, was the
guest of her friend Misa Nellie Sunders
Wednesday and Wednesday night.
For best assortment -of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn W..W. Harris prop'r.
Frank Maxwell came down from
Lincoln several dajs ago, with a bud
case of bronchial tr.ouble. He Is get
ting hotter.
Wm. Daniels returned from Oklaho
ma Thursday.
Tm Hlatt leturned from Oklahoma
Thuisday. He did not succeed In find
ing a location that suited him.
Curtis Brown, who bus been stopping
near Pawneo City fur some time, res
turned home Thursday afternoon .
We understand Charley Leslie, of
Nemaha, and Mtsa Maud Shad ley, of
Auburn, were married at Auburn on
Th u red ay .
Mrs, Lorinda Thompson, better
known as Grandma Slaglo, of Hillsdale,
was in Nemaha Monday, attending to
some business.
i Those baviug trouble with their
eyes, ears, nose and throat should cons
suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1)16
"K street, Lincoln, Neb.
Jundebeur & Darling are the pro
prietors of the "Pulace Steam Hiding
Gallery" that will be at the old settlers
picnic. It is a stood swing.
Mrs. Florence Jarvis, we learn, is
the mother of a (lne daugher, born
August 13th. Mrs. Sarvls is visiting
her mother at Wabash, Neb,
James Hiwtt came up from Troy,
Kansas, Thursday morning, to visit
relatives and friends a tew days aud
attend the old Bottlers picnic.
A.V. Farson, sr., brought ua in a
bean pod Wednesday tuat measures 27
inches in length. No telling how long
it would have grown in a good year.
Mrs'. Nettie Kuwltnky aud children,
of Nebraska City, came to Nemaha
Thursday to visit their mothe" and
grandmother, Mrs. L. It. Strain, and
attend the old settlers' picnic,
-Mrs. Sadie Soot t and her-AristeHni
law, MIbs Minnie Scott, of Pawnee
City, arrived in Nemaha Thursday
morning on a visit to Mrs. Scott's par
cnts, Mr, and Mrs Robt, I. Brown.
David Jack, of Peru, and his son,
Dr. John B. Jack, the B. & M. surgeon
with headquarters at Wymore, were In
Nemaha a short time Wednesday even
ing. They were on their way to Wy
more. '
G. S. Christy, of Johnson, gave .us a
pleasant oall Wednesday forenoon.
Mr. Christy bought and shipped apples
at this point lust year, und is looking
after the apple crop ugain, but does not
Qnd many apples.
Ed Knapp advertised a public sale of
stock, farm implements, household
goods, etc., for last Tuesday, but on ao
count of the funeral of Charles Deuv
feldt the Bale was postponed until
next Tuesday, the '20th iuvt.
Last Saturday night the rainfall in
Nemaha amounted to eightj-hund-
redths of an inch, and with the light
showers of the two preceding days
made just one inch of rainfall. On
Tuesday the rainfall was one and one
tenth inches.
Mrs. Perry and her granddaughter,
Miss Mabel Douglas, of Little Rock,
Arkansas, were guests of Mrs. Theo.
Hill Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Perry
was one of the pioneers of Brewnville,
but has been living in Little Rock for
a number of venra
Ed E. Sanders, of Albany, Mo a
brother of the editor, arrived in Nema
ha Saturday afternoon, and visited us
until Wednesday aftornoon, when ho
went to London precinct to visit bis
mother and two brothers, George and
Carl, for a few days.
Geo. W. Falrbrother, who has been
in the newspaper business at Pierre,
South Dakotu, for somo time, has
moved back to Omaha and is now ed
itor of the Royal Woodman, published
in the interests of tho Modern Wood
men und Royal Neighbors.
A Practicing Physician
in Monticello, 111., formulated Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Ask at Kees
hugs drug store.
Mrs. J. A. M. Hull
of Stella, one of tho very beat singers
in tho atate, has been engaged to alng
at the old settlers picnic on Saturday
of this week. Mrs. Hull has a splendid
contralto voice and the people attends
ing the picnic will enjoy a rate treat.
She will sing four aoloa.
Henry Tlce Neff, who lives near St.
Deroln, has applied for a patent oa an
improved wrench that he has invented.
Judging from the drawings it will be
a success. He also claims to have in
vented an engine that Is better than
anything now on the market.
Dr. V, M.Baal, of Auburn, was in
town Tuesday, called here In consulta
tion on the case of Mrs. Walter Had
lock, whose case it very serioos. He
came on his automobile, his flrst trip to
Nemaha with It. It Ms a dandy and
the doctor understands how to manage
It all right.
Carl E. Sanders showed us an ear of
corn Wednesday that he had raised
two and one-half miles northwest of
Brownville. The eawas not selected
for Its extra size but is just an average
eer, raised on upland, and without as
much rain as we had hero. Tho ear is
twelve inches in length and well tilled.
Xj. HI. 33 A.T TLmS I
Invites all who wish to buy goods.
at lowest prices to call: at the
1 v - . - r -. ' $
He carrids a large stock: and
His prices are the lowest.
Read It in His Newspaper.
George Schaub, a well known Ger
man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is
a constant reader of the Dayton Volks
zeltung. Ho knows that this paper
aims to advertise only tho best in its
columns, and when he saw Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm advertised therein
for lame back, he did not hesitate in
buying a bottle of it for his wife, who
for night weeks had suffered with the
most terrible pains in her back and
could get no relief. He says: "After
using the Pain Balm for a few daya my
wife said to me, I feel as though born
anew,' and before using the entire con
tents of the bottle the unbearable pains
had entirely vanished and she could
again take up her household duties."
He is very thankful and hopes that all
suffering likewiso will hear of her
wonderful recovery. ' This valuable
liniment is for sale by W W Keeling.
Call In and see us If you want to
subBcribe for any paper published 'n
he United States.
Old Settlers' Ricnic
Saturday, Aug:. IT.
The eleventh annual reunion and
picnic of the Nemaha County Old Suts
Mora Association will bo held at tho
city park, Nemaha, Nebr , Saturday,
August 17th, 1001. Congressman E
J Burkett, Consul Church Howe, ex
Gov. R. W. Furnas and others will
make addresses. There will be Rood
Lvocal and instrumental music, a game
of base ball, etc. Attend this picnic,
meet all your old friends and have a
grand good time. Fine shade and
plenty of good cool wator.
Hammocks J
Croquet Sets
to close oat stock
E. A 0. Lumber Co 7
T - - - l ll l - i
acre farm two miles from Nemaha. A
good house, barn, outbulldings.orchard,
etc. Price 68800. Inquire at this
We have made arrangement whereby
we enn send The Advertiser ' and
"Homefolks." a monthly magazine,
both one year, and a magnificent 12
color picture all for only 81,15, cash.
Now is the timo to subscribe. This
offor is good for new subscribers and
old subscribers who pay up all arrear
ages. Brave Men Fall
Victims te stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles as well as women, and
all feel the result in loss of appetite,
poisons in the blocd, backache, ner
vousness, headacho and tired, liutnesa
runxdown feeling. But there'B no
need to feel like that, S. W. Gardt
nor. of Idavillo, Ind., savs:' "Electric
Bittors are just the thing for a man
when he don't care whether ho lives
or dies. It gave mo new strength
and appetite. I can now oat anything
and have a new lease nn lifo." Only
CO conts at Reeling's drug store.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Tho Advertlsor and St Louis Globo
Democrat both one year for 81.75
Ttln1 A. 1)!-... CJ.....1. T-V..I. -. .
B, 1001, Lorea, jouimeut daughter of
Mr and Mrs. J. E. DeMotte, aged 'A
years, 2 months and fl days Royal
Woodman, Omaha.
Tho bereaved mother la well known
to many of our citizens, having llvi-d'
hero for several years when a alrl
Miss Bessie Falrbrother, daughter of
Geo. W. Falrbrother
Dr. J. A. W. Hull, of Stella, wns In',
Nemaha Wednesday morning and gave
this office a short call. The doctor was
recently pronounced insane by the
Kna.1 t9 IkaaMllli mam. Ml-l. .. &
. umu ui lunjiiiiijr uoiuiuiBBiuuers at
Falls City but got a rehearing before
Judge Letton and the case was dis
missed. Tho doctor has formed a part'
nersblp with a Falls City physician
and will move to that place.
Married--At the Lutheran parson
age, South Auburn. Neb., Wednesday
ovening, August 14, 1001, by tho Itev.
W, Dleffenbacb, Mr. Willis Coons to
Miss Ella Brimble, both of Nemaha,
Nebraska, The sewly married couplo
are among our most popular young
people and are receiving the congratu
lations of their many friends. They
will go to housekeeping at once in the
Goons house.
The village board of trustees recent
ly decided to make come changes about
the public well and tank. The old
tank had become pietty rotten, and It
never was much account, no a new
one was ordered. Then it was decided
to move the mill and tank to the woll
one block north, and ueforo they get
through n new windmill and fortvilve
foot tower was beught. Frank Wood-
ward has bought the old windmill.
Victory Lodge No. 105, )
I. Q. O. F., Nemaha, Neb.
Whereas, Our brother, E. H. Knapp
has met with the sad misfortune tn the
death f hie wife, therefore be It
Resolved, That we, bia fellow broth
ers, extend to him and his little daugh
ter Ruth our sincere sympathy .and
fraternal help in F L, & T.
Jas a. Stephenson,
J. A. Hiatt,
Cms, Howk,
Hall of Olive CamJito.l4i
W. O. W.,Aug.fftMt. S
Whereas, Our brother and sovereign
E. H. Knapp has been so sadly be
reaved In the loss of bis wife by the
grim monster death oa the aftirrnoen
of August 5th, 1901; we, b!a fellow
sovereigns, de most sincerely and sol
emnly Rosolve, That we extend to him and
bis little daughter Ruth our heartfelt
sympathy in this sad bereavement, and
will do all we can for their consolation
in this their sad bereuvement of wife
and mother. W. W. Kkklino,
R. I. Brown,
H . D. Beebk,
The farmers in this part of Nebraska
are in good shape, notwithstanding the
dry weather. The most of them
raised a good crop of wheat, and the
recent rains will bring out tho late
corn, F. L. Wood word, who has In
vestigated crop conditions considerably
in this part of the county recently,
says we will have half a crop of corn.
The Increased prico will bring our
farmers moro monoy than a good crop
at ordinary prices.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggiBto refund the money if it
falls to euro. E W Grove's slgnaturo
on each box. Prico 25 cents 0 22
Yon may as well expect to run a
steam engine without water as to And
an active, energetic man with a torpid
liver, and you may know his liver i
torpid when be does not relsh his food
or feels dull and languid after eating
often has headache and sometimes diz
ziness. A few doses of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore
ills liver to its normal functions, renew
his vitality, improve bis digestion and
make him feel like a new man. Price,
25 cents. Sample free at Keellng's
drug store.