The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 09, 1901, Image 8

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    i ? i y yv"-. rfMyw. ww
licet CoukIi Hjnip. Twites Uuori.
in mno. coin (r cirutWMK.
r. W$. T Keeling,
Neiunlin, Nobrnslcn.
Officojn Koolinjj building, nccond door
orth of AynoH linrdwiiro Htoro.
Dealer In
HigliCHl mnr1ct price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tnllow. etc,
.A., r,. STIE1HS, m. r.
Tenders his professional services to
tho citizons of Nomaha and vicinity.
'All calls answorod. Dr. Gaitlior's
office 6 7 i
and Jeweler.
All worlc guaranteed to gtvo HiitlBfiictloti
'.Woat of Oourt IIouso Sfiuarc,Bo'Auuuni,Nou
n m "''" I i ii ... in, i ii i .-.ii m
Dunlor 1 1
and Harness Supplies
Ilrroilor of
Tlioroughbrcd Poland Ohina
Farm ono and one-half miles Bouth
wost of Nomnlia.
Proprietor of the
Liveryft Feed Stable
Gcod Dray in connection with Livory
1 Satisfaction guarantoed.
The 5 Minute Breakfast food.
v Purina Mills, St. Louis, Mo,
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
ii i
How To Flud Oat.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
I unhealthy condi
tion of the kld
neya; If It stains
your linen It Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble: too
frequent dcslro to
pass it or pain In
the back Is nlm
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order,
What to Do.
' There Is comfort In tho knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, tho great kldnoy remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the Urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and tho extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-loot Is soon
realized. It stands tho highest for Its won
derful cures of tho most dlctrwslnr; cases,
If you need a medicine you should have tho
best, 5od. by druggists in 50c. and$J, sle3,
YPU may have a sample bottle of this
wndsrful disepvery M2U.
and a book that ll9iiA&l
mpro about it, both MntBsMjW fe&'c
absolutely frco by mnll, 3lS$W
urjdrcsn Dr, Kilmer & ijcwQortWrneot,
Co,, Dinghamtan, N, Y, Vhen writing men
Hon rcadlNG till generous offer" Jn this paper,
vA Pwztw j V
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. XV. Sakdkiih, publsher
ritlDAl', AUGUST 1), 1001.
.Brownville Locals
Mr. Avoy, tho piano man of Auburn,
was In town Suturday,
E. E. HumbaiiKh, of Nemaha, whb
on our etrt'uto Tuesday.
W. S. Christy Ih homo from Juhnsou
after a two weeka vlalt there.
Ed Jones, weat of town, la drawing
the materlul for a lino new houso.
Thoro aro a few old aoak8 hero that
have to use priming to make ppltcotno.
0. Mulilu was able to bo down town
Monday tho first time in several weeka.
Wm. Smith began to deliver mill1
on tho rural route from this place Au
gust lHt.
Dr. Shclhorn, of Peru, was called In
consultation with Dr. Crane Friday
over Shorin Kanffinan..
Mr. KnulTtnan la having tho awning
of tho butcher shop and D. E. Vandex
vonter'a atoro.repalred, '
J. W. Sapp made a drlvo through the
south part of tho county Thursday and
repoita corn all along tho route.
Mrs. Joe Robertson and children
have returned from a week's visit with
Airs, ltobertaou'a parents, of Peru.
Prof. Geo. W. Mutz, vocalist, of Au
burn, wtis in town Tuesday in the
Interest of tho Auburn, Chautauqua.
Joe Uarada la at present located In
Hamburg, Iowa, where ho will bo glad
to shave any JJro'.vnvilliau that comes
his way. t
C. M. Lowolling and Mr. Young
aro both imitating Job as far as boils
are concerned but aro a little short on
Mr. John Christy, accompanied by
his sister, Mrs. McCotuba, drove out to
.lohnsou Monday for a few days visit
with relatives.
Mrs. Molninch, formerly of this
place but now of St. Jot', Mo , urrived
Tuesday to make hur mother, Mrs.
Shurtz, an extended visit.
Shlrm KaufTman, who was struck by
tho early morning train August 1st, j
In a fair waj to recover under the
Bkillful treatmentjof Dr. Crane.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bridge
water Friday, a (laughter This
youngster has conferred now titles to
a numbor of individuals iiinotigvlUun
is Grandpa yapp. .
Harvo Woodworth, of Exeter, Neb.,
visited his sister, Mrs D1. E. ' Vnntle
venter, over Sunday. Kit wont with
him on his return as far as Johnson
Monday returning homo on the eve
ning train.
If thoso oxtremests who have had
tho corn in Nomaha eountv burned im
for the past month vill call st Sapp's
real catato otllco thoy can see eomo
samples of corn raised and put on exi
tiltlon Uijjjo by T. P. Moore that would
convince them that this is a corn county
even if a dry'yoar. The bugest sample
measured 1!1 feet in length the other an
inch or two shortor and both hav a
veiy largo ear of well filled conrvnd a
smaller ono. Mr. Muoru la a caro'ill,
pitiiiHtaking farmer that will niiso cohi
wet or dry.
. Don't Bo Funny. ,,
It does not pay. If you havo a good
thing, toll It right out. Don't uso false
means to attract attention. V H"'
"right out" and mean it, to, that Dr
Cald well's Syrup Pepsin will cure every
case or Stomach Trouble. It will stop
pain oauned by Indigestion; t knocks
Side Headache by attacking tho cause
of tho complaint and aids you to diges.
your food, no matter what you eat.
This Blgnatnro la on ovcry box of tho gonulno
Laxaiivc Bromo-Qiiinine Tabled
ho remedy that vnvci n coJil in ono tay
fy little son had an attack of whoop
ing cough and was thieatencd with
pneumonia; but for Chamberlain's
, Cough Jlemedy wo would havo hal n
Boriotis time of it, 1 1 also savnd Itiiu
from several severe attacks of nronp
fl J Stickfaden.t'diinr World. Hwinrt.
Pair Haven, Wash, Fur bo W" W W
Married. At (he fjUthi-ruu parson
age, South Auburn. Kebr., on Wednes
day, August 7, lOiJl, bv Kev. W
DlefTetibnch, Mr. Horace V Davis to
Miss Minnie F.Kroli. both of Stella,
JustSavod His Llfo
It was u thrilling ('cciij)c tlu" tClnirlca
ivh of Boworston, 0., lately hud
from a frightful death. For two years
a severe lung trouhio constantly grew
worso until it soomod ho must dio oi
Consumption. Thon ho began to use
Dr King's Now Discovery and lately
wrote: "It giivo instant relief and off
footed a ponrmnontcure." Such won
derful cures havo for lb years proven
its power to euro all Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles. Price GOo and $1
Every bottlo guaranteed. Trial bot
tles frco at Keeti tig's drug Btoro.
Laxatlvo JJromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold In ono day. No Cure, no Pay. 25c
Dcalur In
Window Shades
and Iron Beds
All colors and prices
We aro aftei tho sewing machine
peddlers, t hot of ore we offer tho
White Drop Head
Sewing Machine for
$21 and $29.
with alt attachments, guarantoed nr
10 years.
Undlert Slicing
Our liearsn oharRoi are from $( 00 to
fS.OO, according to distance. C.iskets
and onllliiH, all s.izs and prices. Em
balming dono by u graduated ombalmer
Shubert, NeJbr.
Dr. CnltTwell'M S.vrnp IPoj'eln in ewe
any car.o ot'Cofiatipii'u'i.j!, iiulh;ii.:L,i,
Siolc IJcadac?io w Sumaoa ;:ionUlc
xvho'A tal:cn acooi'diiiif co fllvo-ctins.
dr. w. s. c. f.rnrx.
If, cStar t?ttr.,r tw- vM t "$ r
:oafc ur ona CaMux Iaw', H. t: . -lo
as rovHtavn:, V7.,5.'. ...Civ.l
purcliaso prta.
a eanK.f.
Kncourflij bcyi to an active, ruiUt'Unc, out-of-iloor lift?
V .v clvn lu liwilth ami attfirdtr.f
i U tX rfiV" a rrrmtM rwTjuiuii'iro
k t.' 4. 1 "1
J, htevuw ah;jb TOOT CQ
Ifn . . Olitcpfffl VnU, Mdn,
A & .
) .. s. ?! '. i llh .NUreltlimi wliUU J
OV-, f, iVi.-V. . Vf uo y fJiitnltn It fom-
S V;. i'D if "' l''11' ,,,,w" ,h' lrolli
ftRwAwitV ' IfjiZ Z liu.l..t if life. i
Stem RHIn Wli
t tlrnvdlp a;iu.v. i'.fVi ,?;tftVWM'SfTOtM
Old papers for sale at this ofllcr.
Paid Doar for his Log,
KD Uluntun ol Thnckorville Texsit.
In two years paidover$U()U to doctors
to euro a running soro nji his leg.
Then thev wanted to cut it ofl'hu't ho
curod it with ono box of Huoklen's
Arnica Salvo Guarantoed euro for
Piles. 25 cts a box. Sold by Keeling
tho druggist.
Call at Keeling's drug store and get
a free sample of Charnborhiin'sStomuch
and Liver Tablets. They are an elo
gnnt physic. They also improve the
appetite, strengthen the digestion and
regulato ttio liver and bowels. They
are easy to take and pleasant in effect.
Ko on Cloar Brnln
Your best feelings, your social posi.
tion or business suecoas defend large
ly on tho perfect action ofyour Stom
ach and Liver. Driving's Now Life
Pills give increased strength, a keen
clear brain, high ambition. A '25a box
will niakoyou feol like a new being.
Sold by Kooling the druggist.
Low rates dally to tho PaniAmur!
can Exposition at Uuffalo. Ask tho
ticket agent about them ,
All our farmer readers should take
advantage of tho unprecedented club
bing offer we this year make, which
Includes with this paper The Iowa
Homestead, its Special Farmers' Insti
tute editions, The Poultry Farmer, and
The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Jour
nal. These four publications are tho
best of their class and should be in
every farm homo. To them we add
for local, county and general news our
own paper and nviko Hie prico for tho
tivo for one yt-ur $1.35. Never before
was so much superior reading matter
offered for so small an amount of
money. Tho four papers named which
we club with our ov n lire well known
throughout the west and commend
themselves to the reader's favorable
attention upon mere mention. The
Homestead is the great agricultural
and livestock paper of tho west. The
Poultry F.iiinur is tho most practical
poultry paper for the tanner published
in tho country; Tho Farinera' Mutual
Insurance Journal is the special advo
cate of farmers' co-operative associa
tions, and the Specie' Farmers' insti
tute editions are the most practical
publications for the promotion of good
farmiuit over publinh-jd. Take advant
age of this great offer .
Old papes tor sale at this oillce.
New Rigs Prompt Service.
Proprietor '
ivery, Feed
W. l&. 01iasnafi3ev
Get my prices before buying. I will meet al
Competition. Warehouse joining the
Livery Stable on the south.
Union Lock Poultry Fence.
For Poultry, Rabbits,0rcliards, Gardens, etc.
o HlllllllllllllffffE 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14444444444
c ::::::::::::::W F m 2
?? ' ""IZEI In! 7?
StropfBi end fitoaci' opaolpjf than any other mojifl.
Qup Union LqoU Hog, Fioki ungi Coulo Fonqe, Union Lawn
Poncp QBtR, ate, Rt.iarcmfr.iQf4 flrst oJaBs.
Your debtor shoujej httndle this line if not. write us for
prioo- catalogue 0O
Burke tt and Hon
I Church Howe
at theOld Settlers
Picnic Aug, 17,
j. w. SAPP
and Insurance Agont.
Collections niadn
Notary Public in oillco.
Cornell & Hawxby
l?eal Estate, Loans and Collections
Phono 81). Oilico, So, Auburn, Neb.
Notice of Probate of Will.
Stale of Nfibrm.lca, NoiuiiUii count , m.
In I tin Uoiiiuy Uouri or Nemaliu county.
'lo.Jolm M, Colorlek, Krnnols A. Cnlrrlrk,
Wlllliun Jl. Oulorlrh, J islniii D Uolnrle);,
Lloyd S. Colvriolc. UIiiiiIch 11. Colerltk ntut
KitlH .M. Coiurlulc, iiuii I o nil pi-ioti8 hiltrusL
cl lu tlioesititoof W'lllliai) Colcrluk,leceiiic(l
You mo hurt-by uolIfltMl Hint D. M. (
Imsflli'ila nutltliiii pr.iytni? that an liiHiru.
inunt lllfd In IMi conit piirporllug to bo tlm
Inst will aii'l U'MtainiMitor Haul df teased, iniiy
bo proved, allowed and recorded aa the last
will and iftiiuiiieiilnr Wlllinn C.Ii Iclt, de
caxed; that biild Instruimuit iriuy lio tiditilt
tel to probate, and or said
estate grained in. I. .1 . Heal an administrator
with will annexed, and that the 10th dnv of
AiikiiM. A. U. HMil, rtt 10 o'clock a. in., at coun
ty court room ol miM county, In Auluirn, has
boen llxed as the 1 1 mo and plan, or proving
8ild , 111, when jou and all interested may
appuiir and Hhnw can He. it llicie ho nnj, wiiv
tho prnyer ol tin- r tltlon Hl.ould not bo
granted, nnd conteat iho probate tliurcof,
WttuuKs my hand and seal or mild court tills
16th dnv or July. . 1). 11)01.
UIC1IAHD F. MiAh, County Judge.
Wotico of Appointmont of Acl
miniatrator. In tho County Court of Nemn ha county, Neb.
The Statu or Nebruhk. t.'onniy ol Neinnlia,gs,
To David. I. Thoini.s.n, liivira Curtis. Mary
Kelt, Mollle UaUei, Itu Ii llekor, James lin
ker, Lewis J iin-oii, muh Johnson, CharU-8
1,. Jol.nson, Mav Willnce, Ie Johnsoii,
Clnioncu Joiiiisnti and Willi. m Johnsfin.niui
to nit peroiis lutfrasied In the thtateof Jano
Tho't'pson, dfceant'd '
Not " liorel y given Alice Held has
filed ii pRiiilon pralng tin. I adullnlKirallon
or hill OHtiito ho ui'tkiit'-il t' J. M. Wl-gbt as
iiiltnli lsln.toi; that the hctrlng there f lias
been fl.etl ior the JistitaN or Aiigutd, 100', at
lno'el. fit a. in., at tliocomitv court mom of
paid county, In Auburn, wnon you and all
persons lnlereateci mav Heptmr and Nhow
c.iuso. if theie boahy, why lie. prni r or fuilil
petlton should not lo gninicd. and iinltK
you so (he court may g "ant 'ho pro j er
orKnld pei tlon, or nppolut some other suit
able person, and make all pioper oniers ror
the tine 'tdnilnlHtratlon ol s.ild t state.
Witness my hind nnd seal of said court
thiH'JTth da of July, IJHll,
KICIIAUI) l NI5AL, County Judge.
and Sale Stable
JRf iMM WMwVi','''ll,''ir7,f "l"""" ,Mir
SWPp' " ? i m .y
-- v-m)imm!ii . i I
dd . Ail i J . ,
. -J
L,i, .