THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W. V. SANOKKS, I'nlillslicr. NEMAHA, - - - NBI1KASKA. TOPICS OF THE DAY. To lie Kxpcctml. SJnco annexing a slice of Uw tropica to tho mainland It is not surprising Unit a ohunlc of troplont weather should pay tin tin nffcctjoimto visit. 'I'Jio Humor of Fntc. By the liiunor rntlicr thnn the irony of fate, the Youngors hnve been em ployed to Bell tombstone!), for which In their earlier daya they created a demand. In Honor of Ocn. MIotMim. An equestrian statue In honor of the late Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocnm will be erected by the state of New York this summer on the Gettysburg battlefield. . Cotmldcrnlily Itlafltrnrnl. Tho movement Inaugurated by the National Educational association to make corn our national llower linn re ceived something of a setback within tho past few weeks. Former Colleuiruo of Ulnlne. Nathan Church, a man of Bcholarly attainments and tho colleague of Jllaine in tho Maine legislature, is now working ns street cleaner in Min neapolis at a salary of $1.50, a day. Snro to He n Great Inane. No country on earth surpasses tho United States in natural facilities for irrigation. Tho question of a certain supply of water for growing crops is euro to bo a great issue of tho future. A Mont Uorgaoiis Itulnr. When the sultan of Johorc is attired in his Btato clothes ho is a most gor geouB ruler. Ho wears gems worth $12,000,000, which sparkle in his crown, on his epaulets, in his girdle, and in his cuffs. i Onr I'reneut Population. According to tho offlclol census fig ures tho population of tho United States ono year ago was 70,303,387, a gain in ten years of 12,037,038, or 20.7 per cont. It is now, nccording to tho sumo ratio, over W,GOO,000. Jolt n on PIcnc Clevclnnil. Tom Johnson's way of doing things tickles Clovoland. Tho taxablo valua tion of local street ralhvaya hus been pushed up from $505,000 to $0,000,000. Interested companies aro not kicking very loudly, realizing on tho quiet that thoy woro lot off h,t a low figure. Wind Slnoo Her Youth. Miss Bello Hyman, of Chicago, who lias bcon appointed trustee of tho Illi nois industrial hohie, has been blind sinco tho ago of four years, but Is an accomplished musician and linguist and is woll known for her efforts for tho relief of tho blind. Viiy of l'cnnn Aro Itcnt. ' Even tho missionaries, who have been not a little impatient with tho government for not collecting their damages of tho Rultan of Turkey by means of a bombardment, must now sco that tho ways of peaco and pleas antness have been. hotter. Tho money is in hand and there is no blood on it. Itntlo of Two to One. Itov. J. A, Eby, of Grcensburg, To., bn a recent Sunday appointed six men to count tho number of men en tering tho bIx sa.oons of tho town during ono hour. Tho aggregato num ber was found to bo 1,500, whilo only 737 men attended iho Sunday services of tho 13 churches. Mr. Eby thinks that there Is a moral concealed somewhere- in these figures. The Silent Gcorire Gonlil. Georgo Gould, lileo his father, Is a si lent man. Ho divides his Becrets with no one. Taught in a practical school, hehns tho ability, tho wealth and the cxperlenco to devolQp his plans on a Hc'alo of great magnitude. It is pre dicted ho will make a greater reputa tion as a muster financier than his father loft, and that ho will accumu late, if ho has not done so already, a much larger fortune. Mortality on thu Hull. Tho current report of tho statisti cian of tho intorstato commerce com mission brings out tho fact that dur ing tho 13 years ended Juno 30, 1000, 80,277 persons were killed by railroad accidents in tho United Stntes and 400,027 injured. Tho number of em ployes killed was 38,3-10, of passengers 3,485, and of other persons, including trespassers, 51,452. Thcso resomblo tho statistics of a 13 years' war. Coffee Vcratia Ten. This country felt prosperous in 1802, and both coffco and tea were used freely by those who liked them. In that year tho per capita consumption of coffee in tho United States wus 0.07 pounds and of tea 1.38 pounds. Last lycar, when people woro on the aver ago oven better off than they were in 1892, tho consumption of coffco was 0.8 pounds per head and of tea 1.1 pounds. In o decade tho former has become more popular with Americans nd tho latter less popular. THE 1U0KY ONES. Names of Those Who Drew Prizes at El Reno. Big Jiunm IC. Wood nnd Miittlo II. JSrnl Got yuiirtor NtiutloiiK Adjoining I.iiwtnn lloli-oml ami I.iiiiiIi 1'lrat In VA Komi District, El Itcno, Ok., July 30. -James It. Wood, of Weatherford, Ok., drew No. 1 in the Lawton district. Mottle H. Heals, of Wichita, Kan., whoso birth place is Missouri, drew No. 2. Without doubt they will select tho two quar ter sections adjoining the Lawton townslte, which are estimated as worth from $20,000 to $10,000 each. Each of the lucky ones is live feet seven inches tall, according to the oill oiul diHcription. When Col. Dyer, tho commissioner, in thunderous tones announced the woman's age as 23 and her height the same as that of Mr. Wood, 251,000 per sons 'shouted iu chorus: "They must, get married." Number 1 in the El Jlcno district Is Stephen A. Holcomb, of Paul's Valley, I. T., and No. 2 is Leonard Lamb, of Augusta, Ok. Twctity-ilvo names were first drawn in the El Hcuo district and then 21 in tho Lawton district. In tabulating the registration it was apparent that more than 2,000 repeaters had registered at the va rious booths, many giving the iden tical name and address and personal description, all of which wero thrown out, but it Is also reasonably certain that other thousands have registered under different names or variation of their own names nnd different ad dresses. Public opinion stands behind the exclusion of the repeater, but it is reported on good authority that the registration olllee Is throwing out all those names of illegible writing and against this the howl is general, loud nnd determined, as the name of tho applicant is plainly written by the clerk upon his identification slip nnd the applicant was required to sign his name in the presence of the registration clerk and it is not con ceived on what grounds or rights the exclusion of illegibles is author ized. It is found that nearly half" of those registering at Lawton were by mark, nnd it is presumed that these rules would exclude them also a manifest Injustice to the immigrants from Texas, Arkansas and the In dian territory who generally regis tered nt this point. As tho scheme of drawing is under stood nnd talked obout, its possibil ities exploited and its results reasoned upon, it is generally condemned ns unfair. On the first draw only do all chances equal 1 in about 13 to draw a claim and only 1 in 40 for a good claim. Half way down the line the chnnco is 1 in 20 or t in 80, decreas ing in geometrical ratio until on the last claim tho remaining applicants have but 1 chance in 154,000, man .ifestlv unfair and manifestly against the laws of chance calculated on by the expectant homeseeker. "Wood In it Murrlnil JMuii. El Heno, Ok., July 30. Mr. Wood, who drew the capital prize at Law ton, is 27 years old. He was born in Illinois and at tho age of 18 moved to Norton count', Kan., where he taught school. Later ho worked in a hardware store at Norton. Five years ago he came to EI Hono to work In the hardware and farm im plement store of C. Kimmell. A few months later ho married Mr. Kiin mell's daughter nnd went to Weath erford to manage Mr. Klmmell's branch store. Ho and his wife nnd baby came here last week on a visit. At first he refused to register, saying his chance would not be worth the necessary exertion. At tho earnest solicitation of 11r wife, however, he registered, and now he has a fortune within his grasp. He is at Weath erford and his plans for the future, if he has any, are not known in El Itcno. A I.iiulcy Tolamlionn Girl. Kansas City, Mo., July 30. Miss Heals, who captured tho second prize in the Lawton district, was formerly a "hello girl" in Kansas City. Miss Heals lived at the southeast corner of Eleventh and Washington streets until three mouths ago. At, that tlmo her brother removed to Wichita, Kan,, whore he is now living, and his mother accompanied him. Miss Heals was a day telephone operator at the time, and going to the management of the telephone company, she se cured a trnnRfer to Wichita, where she is now employed. It was at Wich ita that Miss Heals conceived the idea of registering for a claim and her departure from Kansas City was in directly the beginning of her good fortune. Two Mile In n Ml nil to. London, July 30. Sir Hiram Maxim, in an address last night, said electric railways wero revolutionizing Amer ican city life and property values. Ho declared that light eleetrio roads were capable of 120 miles an hour; that their construction was perfectly practicable, and that their cost would bo cheaper than the present steam lines. CENTRAL WEST SOAKED. Conlmm Union Ilnvo Full mi In Kiinwi, In Woaturii JUInnourl nnd In Other I.OCfllltloA. Kansas City, Mo., July 30. Tho drought has been broken in Kansas and Missouri by good rains that have fallen In heavy and frequent showers since Sunday morning. The rain will be worth thousands of dollars to farmers in tills section pf the country in reviving crops that were not en tirely ruined by the long period of hot, dry weather preceding the showers that set ij Saturday. They have ex tended all mor Kansas and tho west ern half of Missouri, several points in these Btntes reporting two inches and more of rainfall. Tho weather bu rea i nt Kansns City reports that mi Fettled conditions prevail all over tho two states, and the outlook is gootL, for still more rain. Local thunder storms are probable Tuesday in Mis souri except in tlio extreme southern portion. Showers and cooler temper ature are alsq forecasted for Kansas. The rain has been general all over the central west during tho last 48 hours, extending from Minnesota and northern Illinois to western Texas and Arizona. Col. Georgo W. Vale, who hns close ly watched conditions in Kansas for a score of years, said that Kansas would raise. nearly a half crop of corn. The Into planted corn, ho said, was already showing signs of life nnd vigor and all that had not tasseled out before the rains came would make more thnn a half crop. He said the people would raise sufficient forage feed for all cattle now on the range in Kansas. ADDS WEALTH TO LAND. Intcr-tlnir Figures from (lovnrnmont Ir rigation Work In Arlonit ff-tft Mile of CiinitU mill IJltchofl. . Washington, July 30. Irrigation in Arizonn has been the subject of on investigation conducted by the gov ernment, the results of which are now available. Within ten yenrs 545 miles of canals and ditches were construct ed at a cost of $1,508,400. The total Increase in irrigated laud in ten years has been 119,575 acres. At a low estimutc, ItB present average valuq is $30 per nqrc, or $3,587,250. Irriga tion has added this large amount to the farm wealth of the territory. The total number ncres of irrigated crops is 137,233, while the total number of ncres of land irrigated is 185,390. The difference of 48,103 acres represents approximately tho area of pasture land irrigated. UNION WAGES OF SERVANTS. An Organization In Chicago KutablUlieH u Sculn nnd FormulutcH Working Utile nnd li;iiliitioiiB. Chicago, July 30. Tho Servant Girls' union has formulated a scale of prices as follows: Cooks and housekeepers, $5 to $? a week; general and second girls, 4 to $5 a week; young and inex perienced girls, $3 to $4 a week. These mandates for the mistresses are now being concocted by the members of the organization, and this Is to be their tenor: Work shall not begin before 5:30 u. m. and shall ceaso when the evening dishes nre washed and put away. Two hours each afternoon and tho entire evening, at least twice a week, shall be allowed the domestic as her own. LETTERS REMAIN UNREAD. Mm. FolHoni Did Not Appear ut HpLrltmil- iHt Camp MiHitliiir to Ilnvuul ContuiiU of Sfiilod Envelope. Springfield, Mo., July 30. The spir itualistic camp meeting which hns been in session at Zoo park, near Springfield, for nearly three wcekB, has not developed anything unusunl or extraordinary. The physical man ifestations were almost wholly con fined to private seances. Mrs. Josie K. Folsom was advertised to read sealed letters in tho pockets of thu audience but Mrs. Folsom did not ap pear. I.ooIih for n Surplus. lluffalo, N. Y., July 30. President Milburn, of the Pan-American exposi tion says: "The. exposition has al ready accumulated a considerable surplus. An attendance during Au gust, September and October equal to tlio attendance at Chicago in Oc tober alone will pay all tho obliga tions of the exposition and leave n largo surplus." MttAtlley Still l'ollco .ludqe. Kansas City, Mo July 00. Not with standing tho mandate of Judge Teas dale, Thomas R. McAuley still acts as police judge. Herman Rrumbaek ap peared lu court Monday, but McAuley was already In the chair and refused to vacate. It is probable that nothing more will be done until the supreme court passes on tho case. Stanley Tlilulc llendorn Live. Topeka, Kan., July 30. Gov. Stan ley does not share in tho belief of many of the old settlers of Kansas who declare that tho notorious Ren ders of Labette county wero killed by a posse which followed them into In dian territory shortly after they left the state. LIKE WASHINGTON. Manila's Government Patterned After the Federal Capital. KoHlilontii ot LitrRoflt City In Philippine Will Not Ho PuriiUtd to Vote-Army OIUcorH Not Kntliualuxtla Over Corutii'H itvfurut HcUkiuih. Manila, July 27. Gen. Hughes ca bles the news of the first surrender of insurgents in the island of Saimir, 600 men, with two field guns, 30 ,riflcs and 70 bolos, giving themselves up to the authorities. The opinion prevails among tho United States officers that it will take years to acomplish tho economic pro gramme of Gen. Corbin. The civil and education authorities hold that a continuance of the protection over minor posts is necessary, aside from that afforded by tho constabulary. It is generally expected that tho con centration will be more gradual thar is anticipated in Washington. The first meeting of the legislative chamber, held to-day, was largely at tended. Commissioner Wright, speak ing of tho charter of Manila, said the same reason that controlled iu mak ing Washington the federal city ob tained in Manila; and Washington, ho declared, was the best governed city in tho world. Representatives of thu Spanish chamber of commerce vehe mently opposed tho charter, asserting thut it wus inconsistent with the prin ciples of the freest government on earth to deny the right of suffrage to the residents of the metropolis whilo grnntiug It to those of other localities. They also declared that the proposed system of government for Mnnila was far less liberal than that offered by the Spanish authorities, who proposed to make the representatives of tho district in Manila elective by the peo ple. TOTAL REGISTRATION. Thirteen Applicant for Kach (Jiturtur Soo- tlon or Nw ludluu Liiud Kl ltuno's Good Ksvord. El Reno, Ok., July 27. Fully 175,000 strangers have been cared for by El Reno in a hospitable manner. There wero brief periods when the water supply was limited, and nights when it was difllcult for everybody to find comfortable beds, but tho town has made a record not excelled by any other town in the United States. The merchants and keepers of the restau rants and hotels were satisfied to charge every-day prices, and extor tion was the rare exception. There haB not been a killing in the town limits. Several persons were shot, but none dangerously injured. Women passed freely through the streets without molestation, every man ap parently making himself a committee of one to see that they were pro tected. ' When the booths closed here last night at six o'clock the total registra tion for both districts had reached 1G7.000. The recistrntion at El Reno yesterday was 3,850. making- n totalv of 130,315. "Yesterdays registration at Lawton wus 512, making a total for that place of 30,091. This was tho last day of registration and all who came were able to register. ONE-TENTH TO CHURCH. DoleRutes to lliiptUt Yniincr Puopln'A Con vention Favor Till Method of (living Against CurUH and Duuulng. Chicago, July 27. "The manner in which money is raised for our churches is often a disgrace and nn abomination," snld Rev. W. D. Nowlin, of Lexington, Ky., in addressing a meeting of the Raptist Young Peo ple's union. It was accepted as the sense of the conference that every church member ought to give one tenth of his income to the church, no matter what it nmounte'd to. Rev. F. F. Jordnn, of Grand Islnnd, Neb., declared dancing, card playing and the theater was wholly out of the ques tion. "In some of our young people's societies," said Kev. Mr. Jordan, "tho desire for amusement comes danger ously near supplanting tho desire for a higher spiritual life. Our amuse ment tends to lead young people to forget tho high calling which is open to them." Officers were elected ns follows: President, John II. Chapman, Chicago; treasurer, H. C. Clossold, Chicago; re cording secretary, II. W. Reed, Toron to, Can. Two Attorneys for Woodmen. Rock Island, III., July 27. The Mod ern Woodmen of America will have two attorneys instead of one as here tofore. J. G. Johnson, of Kansas, will have charge of the order's legal business west of the Mississippi river nnd Mr. White, who succeeded John son two years ago, will look after that east of the river. Foreign Commerce of the United Stntes. Washington, July 27. The detnilcd figures of tho foreign commerco of tho United Stntes in tho year ended Juno 30, 1001, 'were completed by tho treasury bureau of statistics yester day. They show total imports, $822, 073,010; total exports, $1,487,755,557; exports of domestic products, $1,4C0, ABSOLUTE ECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Dear Signature of 5c Fnc-Slmilo Wrapper Below. Vcrjr small and as os? to tak a BSffa. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION CARTERS rrriE LYEB PILLS. jmuijm.u.m ' CURE SICK HEADACHE. SPLINTERS AND CHIPS. The total length of ocean cables ia 1G0.842 miles. Norway sends to England 180,000 tons of ice a year. A man. should weigh 20 pounds for every foot of his height. The Chinese have twice sacked Mos cow, once in 1237 nnd again in 1293. In 1094 the capital of the Rank of England was X 1,200,000. It is now , 14,500,000. Mozart holds the record among composers of having written G24 com positions. There arc on the Swiss lakes 65 steamers, of which the largest can carry 1,200 passengers. In 1882 the speed record on a high bicycle was 20 miles in an hour and 12 minutes. Behind a motor pacer a rider has recently covered 40 miles ia an hour. ProMpcrlty In Alabama, There is great prosperity in Ala bama. The earnings of the railronds of that state for the year 1900 were $20,807,853, an increase of $3,024,853 over the previous year. I'lnyliiMT n Sure Gnmc. As long as Sir Thomas Lipton keeps racing his two Shamrocks each against the other he will always have a chance to win. TroublcM of I.I Hunt; CliniiK. It is taking Li Hung Chang n long while to get the old empress dowager to put him back on tire pay roll this time. SIX DOCTORS THIS TIME. South Bend, Ind., July 29th. Six dif ferent doctors treated Mr. J. O. Lande mau, of this place, for Kidney Trouble. He had been very ill for three years, and he despaired of ever being well. Somebody suggested Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Landeman used two boxes. He is completely cured, and besides losing all his Kidney Trouble, his gen eral health is much better than it has been for years. No caso that has occurred in St. Jo seph County for half a century, has. created such a profound sensation,, and Dodd's Kidney Pills arc being welL advertised, as a result of this wonder ful euro of Mr. Landeman's case. 20,000 HARVEST HANDS Kcnulrod to hfevont the Krnln crop of WVulei-n CAN Aw A. Thu mo t. KJillV'Crfr lr' noiuKiuni yum on tho SSilK? I.m Continent, lti-porl aro WPlAS 'jYiTjrlir Hiut Ui uvorap. yield of WZmAvvZi&tViZ WoMi-rn Cnntulo will lis ifilMl5 "Tcr thirty Unslmln to tlio nUMiKlont y old on tho. KA nrre. lrcH for farm BplcnilIU Rnnchlne l-nndaiMlJolnliiutlHiWIit-iiiIlelt. - llitltl Hill hA ul un EXCURSUS win u'i run irotn mi puinm In tli nnliprt Simp to tint IMtri". (llt.vN'l l.AA US. recuio n homo ut miro. nmi If yon whh topuiuliuonl pruviililnc prlcc-y.nml oecuru tlio nrt vnntiiiju of tlio low num. apply for I.Unnituro,. llutfu. etc.. to K. I'lCDIdCY. Snpt. Iminlur.iilon. ou.iwii.t iinmlii. or to J a. t'ltAVM'Oltl), Vll v t. I'll St. KimmmClty.Mo t W V. IIKNNKTT. SOI N. Y I.ltu llUlK'.OiiKilm, Net)., Canadian (iovurmueut. Asunt. tier Wlinn vlhltliiu Iludhln, do not Inll to Hfo tin; CANADIAN lCXHlIilT at tlio IMtii-Aiiicrlt'iiu. WHISKY and other Oruir iililt nnrnil. Wo Wfint tllU worst cti';es. Hoot nnii references FKEK. i)r U. M. WUOI.l.UY, JIox U, Atluiitu, ttu.- i I WWQMVJQ n ace, iHiaMIItjrjininVMowliootltP.I. iLIittlUiifl or any II. K. .Sorllro. LAWS MIKK.. A.fUclUKUllK feONS, Cluclnatll, 0. "bltou, II, C cukes where all else fails. - . .....- -- ,.., . ; lOUgD Syrup. TOMCS U0O4. UEO in tlmo. Sold by druggists. iujijr-isi jjyncs m MHr-irPFi f i L f b i ,-te 'hf T A o. T 'Mj; "jn'TSapjWrs!: