The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 02, 1901, Image 1

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    i -
Mmbek e
Volume xlvi
Looal News
More rain Is needed.
Cull on hp for job work.
Next coined the old pett'.ers picnic.
Nemaha now' has two livery stables.
See Hill & Keeling for Ore Insurance
' 13. It. Knapp has rented the Coons
Dave Thompson left for Oklahoma
The drouth was broken Sunday
morning. ',-.
Several more houses could be rented
in 'Nemaha.
Dr. W. I. Seymour, No. 1210 Kat,
j jjincoin, amu- ;
See W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing atfd Dry Goods.
Church Howe will be at the old set
tlers picnic at Nemaha August 17.
Best machine oil made for sale by
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
I, i
The old BKtlerrt' picnic will be held
ut Nemaha Saturday. August 17th.
Fruit jars and fruit cans for sale by
tho Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Do not forget that the Auburn Chau
tauqua opens the evening of Aug. 17.
The Champion baud has been en
gaged for. tho old settlers picnic, Aug
17th. .
Dr. KyJe, of .Johnson, the veterinary
aurgeou, was iu Nemaha Fiiday fores
noon .
Lincoln, Neb
Willis Coona and Walter Farl ore
working for Ed Knapp in the livery
Have your watches and clocks re
ualred ' bv a competent jeweler at
The Advertiser and the 8t. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
only S1.70.
J. W. Sapp, the Brownville real es
tate agent, gave this otlice a social call
Street Commissioner Brown is hav
ing some good work done on our streets
and sidewalks.
Dr. Harlan, oesteopath, graduate of
A.T. Still school, Ofllce iu Auburn.
Consultation fiee. 0-7
Nemaha waa well represented at the
reception given Hon. Church Howe at
Auburn Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. Wm.Curley, of John
son, visited Will's sister, Mrs, May
Baldwin, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Schrluer, of Brown
vilie, visited their daughter, Mrs, Peter
Kerker, Wednesday.
For sale Commode, bedstead, bed
springs aud mattresn, all nearly new.
Inquire of L, II. Battles.
Mrs. Geo. Chapman and children, of
Johnson, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Sylvester Yates and family.
Dr. J. A. W. Hull, of Stella, was
proneunued insane last week by the in
sanity commissioners at Falls City.
Mrs. Depoo and two daughters, Miss
Nellie and Miss Bessie, of Missouri,
are visiting J. L. Halth and family.
For best assortment of Dry Goods
aud Slices go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r.
Those having troublo with their
eyes, ears, nose and throat should coni
ault the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1210
K street, Lincoln, Neb.
Dr G. M. Andrews, of Stolla, was a
winner in Wednedday'a drawing for
homes in the Indian reservation in Ok
lahoma, Ilia faim is.,in the Lawtou
Clatk Cary and slater, of Sidney,
Iowa, were guests of John H. HusBell
and family labt Saturday, Sunday and
T. Wf Wheeler and daughter, Miss
Nellio Wheeler, of Auburn, visited
Nemabu relatives Wednesday nud
Charley Lindsoy Jias put an engine
in hfa" blacksmith shop and is now
prepared to do work that waft linpossN
ble before.
Hon Church Howe and Congressman
13. f J. Burkott will be the orators at
the old settlors picnic at Nemaha on
Saturday, Aug. 17th. (
.Mrs Kennedy, of WinBlow, Illinois,
has been visiting her mother and sister,
Mrs. Roalnn Wheeler and Mrs. 0. GuN
bralth, tor several days.
Ora Thorp baa moved on tho Mart
May farm. Mra. May will probably
build in the west part of Nemaha or
on August Quiller'a farm.
Mrs. M. H. Taylor and Mrs. Henry
Williams drove up from Shubert last
Saturday to attend tho musical, They
returned home tbs next day.
F.L.Woodward interviewed Church
Howe Tuesday and Becured his promise
to be at the old settlers picnic August
17th, Ue will draw a crowd.
Geo. W. Mutz would like to meet all
the metnbere of both Sunday schools at
the MethodiBt church next Monday at
5 o'clock p. m., to practice singing.
Dr. I. L. Callison, dentist,
will be at Nemaha next
Monday, prepared to do all
kinds of dental work. Olllce at hotel
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold In one day. No Cure, no Pay. 26c
FARM FOR SALE A good 80n
acre farm two miles from Nemaha. A
good house, barn, outbulldlngi.orchard,
etc. Price 33800. Inquire at this
Mrs. Horner, who has been visiting
her parents, Mr. and MrB. T. J. Rum-
baugh, returned to Omaha Friday, be"
ing callod home by a telogram from
her husband. "
The people all wore a broad smile
Sunday, on account of a good rain early
that morning. Only about a half inch
fell here, but considerably more fell
west and north
After a brief existence of but a few
hours the infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Johnson died Monday fore
noon. The little one was burled in
the Nemaha cemetery.
. t
The Nemaha folks who registeied
for land in the Oklahoma lottery are
anxiously watching the list of fortu
nate ones who drew a prize, but so far
uone of those who went from here
have been lucky.
Croquet Sets
to cloie out atock
JE. fe B. Lumber Co.
Thli signature Is on every box of tho gonuino
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabieta
the remedy that cures s cold In one day
My little son had an attack of whoop
ing cough and was threatened with
pneumonia; but for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy we would have had a
scrlouu time of It! It also saved him
from stvtral severe attack a of croup.
H J Stickfaden, editor World-Hearld.
Fair Harn, W8h. For sale by W W
Old Settlers' Ricinic
Saturday, Aug. 17.
G V. Shtveley baa bought Ora J.
Thorp's property in Nemaha and ex
pecta to move here about the 11 rat of
October. He will probably build an
.addition to the house before be moves.
W. S. Chambora has opened a livery
stable in the blue barn west of Dirt
Hoover's groceiy store. Ho moots the
trains, delivers, freight or express, and
does a dray business, in addition to a
general feed and livery business. See
his advertisement.
Friends of Mr. ana Mrs John Kemp
tliorne had planned to give thorn a sur
prise laat Sunday, it being the fifteenth
anniversary of their marriage. John,
not knowing anything about It, went
to Tecumseh Saturday to visit friends.
He returned Monday.
Thos. H. Jones, of Bedford precinct,
gave us a social call last Saturday Mr.
Jones is making a success ef flno horse
breeding, and finds ic pays a whole lot
better to raise well bred horses than it
does scrubB. He recently sold a good
road horse to Harry- Clark, of Stella,
for $200. Last week he lost a tine
colt, probably from a snake bite.
Invitesall who AisH to buy goods
at lowest prices to call at tho
He carrids a large stock: and
his prices are the lowest.
- Jt - K - K - K - K
Read It In His Newspaper.
George Schaub, a well known Ger
man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, la
a coiiBtant reader of the Dayton Volks'
zeitung. He knows that this paper
aims to advertise only tho best in its
columns, and when he saw Chamber-'
Iain's Pain Balm advertised therein
for lamo back, he did not hesitate in
buying a bottle of it foi his wife, who
for eight weks had suffered with tho
most terrible pains in her back and
could get no relief. He says: "After
using the Pain Halm for a few days my
wife said to me, 'I feel as though born
anew,' and before using the entire con
tents of the bottle thu unbearable pains
had entirely vanished and she could
again take up her household duties."
He is very thankful und hopes that all
suffering likewise will hear of her
wondorful recovery. This valuable
liniment is for sale by W W Keeling.
Call in and nee ua if you want to
subscribe for any paper published in
he United States.
Wm Daniels tmuto up his mind this
sprint; that he would llko to move to
Oklahoma, so he sold his farm near
Nemaha to Mr. Loyd and invested in
Oklahoma land. The moroho thought
of leaving hero, however, the moro re
luctant ho became, and this week he
bought the farm back and will stay
with us He will sell his Oklahoma
Probably tho best entertainment over
given in Nemaha by homo talent was
ths musical given at the opera house
laat Saturday 'night for tho benefit of I
Miss Emma Crlm. Every number
given wasBuperb. The hall was full,
every seat being occupied. After tho
entertainment tho ice croam social was
llborally patronized. Tho sum of S(15
was realized from tho entortainment
and Boctable, all of which was turned
over to Miss Crlm, as everything waa
donated, Mies Emma may well feel
proud of the good fooling of the people
of Nemaha and vicinity, as manifested
by the Interest taken in tills entertain
ment Even the children were eager
to do something, and Misses Edith and
Lata Hill aold 82.10 worth of button
hole bouquets aud Misses Pearl and
Lillie Hlntt and Maud Burns sold $1 70
woYth of popcorn.
- K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - Kjf
We havo mado arrangement wheroby
we can send The Advertiser and
"Ilomefolks." a monthly magazine,
both one year, and a magnificent 12
color picture all for only Si .10, cash
Now ia tho time to subscribe. This
offor is good for now subscribers and
old subscribers who pay up all'arrear
Bravo Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles as well as women, and
all feel the result in loss of appetite,
poisons in the hlocd, biickache, ner
vousness, headache and tired, HstnesH
runxdown feeling, mit there's o
need to loel like that. a. v. uaru-.
ner. of Idaville. Ind.. savs: "Electric
Bittors are just the tiling for a man
when ho don't care whether ho lives
or dies. It cave me now strength
and appetite. I can now eat anything
and havo a new lease on hie." Unly
50 cants at Keoling'a drug atoro.
Every bottle guaranteed.
The Advertiser and St Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for 81.70
Dr.-Noal, of Peru, and Capt. Eu.viud
and Dr. Neal, of Nebruhka City, enmo
to Nemaha on tho paHBtinger Main
Tuesday morning and then drove to
Avon Harper's farm near Shubert.
They returned in the afternoon. Mr.
Harpor talks of trailing his farm fur
western lands.
The homo greeting given Hon.
Church Howe at Auburn Tuesday wan
a great Hueeess in overy respect. Tho
crowd was tho largest ever seen in
Auburn, with possibly one exception.
It waa estimated ut from five to seven
thousand. A long procession of car
riages, buggies, etc, escorted Mr.Howe
to his homo, whore he greeted an many
of bin friends aa could rench him with
a warm handshake. After dinner Mr
Howo waa escorted to tho park and
listened to addroases of welcome by W,
II. Kelligar, ex-Gov. Furnas, and Gov.
Savage, to. which ho responded in a
Bhort address. Tho Pawnee City, Te
cumeoh and Auburn bands furnished
good music.
Just Saved His Life
It was a thrilling escape thn tChnrles
avis of Bownraton, O., lately had
from a frightful doath. Forttvo years
a sovoro lung troublo constantly grow
worao nntil it eocrned tie must die of
Consumption. Thon ho began ton so
Dr ICing'B New Discovdry and lntoly
wroto: "It gayo insta'nt relief and ofr
footed a pormanontcuro." Such won
derful cures havo for 26 years proven
its power to euro all Throat, Chost
and Lung troubles'. Price 50o and $1
Evory bottle guaranteed. Trial bot
tles freo ut Keoling's drug store.
Don't Be Funny.
It does not pay. If you havo a good
thing, tell it right out. Don't use false
means to attract attention. We Bay
"right out" und mean It, t'o, that Dr
Caldwell's Syrup Pepslii w iff o tiro every
case of StomnchTroublo. It wllj Htop
pain caused by Indexation; it knocks
Sick Headache by attacking the cause
of tho complaint and aids you to diges.
your food, no matter what youieat,
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tabids.
All druggista refund the money if it
fails to euro. E W Grove's signature
on each box. Price 25 cents 0 22
Yon may as well expect to run a
steam engine without water as to find
au active, energetic man with a torpid
liver, and you may know his liver h
torpid when he does not relsh his food
or feels dull and languid after eating
often has headache and sometimes diz
zieness. A few doses of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore
his liver to its normal functions, renew
his vitality, improve hie digestion and
make him feel like a new man. Price,
20 cents. Sample free at Keeling's
drug store.
WISH Worn oh ri Nnhr
JVUiUUUi) .,,..,
Lincoln Donvor
Omaha Helena
Clxiouzo 33utto
St. Joseph Salt lialto City
KansiiH City Fortlarid
St. HouIn and all San 3TranaiHOO
I'ointSjlfiaHt und And all IJolntH
South Woat
No. 07 -I'ansoiiKor, dally oxcoptSun
cluy, for TecuinBoli, lleiUrlco,
Iloldrego and all points west 0:40 a m
No. 98 I'aHHonuor, dally except Sun
day, for Nubranka Oity. Ulilcago
and all pollen north and eatt 4:38p m
No, 113-Local frolRlit, dally except
Sunday, for noalrlce and all lu.
tertnedlatoHtaMoiiH 1:00 p in
No. 114 Local freight, dallj except
Sunday, for NolrHUa Ulty and
all In termed Into atntlouH ,.,., 11:30 p ni
No, UK-Local frolijlil, dally except
Sunday, lor Atchleou and Inter
mediate stations 7:45 p in
No. 112 Looal freight, daily except
Monday, for NebniHlta Cljy aud
Intermediate stations 3:30 a m
Sleeping', dining and reclining chair oars
Keats free on tliroiu;li tratnu. TlolieU o!d
aud unKan cheeked to any point In tho
United mates or Canada.
For Information, maps, tlmo tahlea aud
tickets call on or write to Oeore McOlure,
agont, or J. Francis, Oeneral Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Tho Advertiser and the Chicago In
ter Ocean for 81.40
' i
4 '