'.! .V .' t',n r I Pi THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER .ili,ml..i..ill.ii. W. W. 8ANDKKH, IMinlUlier. NEMAHA, - " - NISD11ASICA. REMEMBERING THE DEAD. On thft other nldo of tlio ntrcnm Tlmt HtcntH by thin earthly nhore, I know Hint our loved onoH lovo ub still, JuBt nu they loved of yoro. They curry ub In their thought, Thoy Hpeak of u when they meet, Anil over nnd ever tho troth of old Hides with them warm und uwcot. O patient nnd ronntnut dead, "Whom ho piiHlly wo put hy, Wlio fade away frorh our ItimoHt thoughts Ah tho HtitrH fndo out of tho nicy! Wo put them no far away, Wo hldo them ho deep with CJodj Wo think of thorn (mulched to 'the far thest Htnr Ahhooii uh thoy'ro under tho nod. Ah incl It In pitiful ho, Uear lovers, ho leal and near, Ayo, preHflliiK you" faces HKnliiHt tho patos Of our heartH and wo will not hear! O, friends, when our sainted dead fans over that unHccn lino, They Hy not far, to u foreign land, They dwell In your land and mine. A land that no flro can hum, No element nweep away, Tho dear lone homo of Immortal love, Ood'H country nnd ours for nyol Bo.drnw them elosor there, Ah of old time, hand In hand. Ood meant wo Bhotild walk throUKh llfo and death, Tn Iovo'h Immortal land. JamcH lluckham, In ConKrcKatlonnllst. SJSXSGXsXsXS r. Friends Ever. IIV II. H. KICM.IUC. GXJXsXiXiX THEY Lad been friends from boy hood, and possessed tliu snmo tastes and inclinations concerning both play" nnd Btudy. When tho col lego days dawned upon tliu horizon ho minie old spirit, of friendliness manifested Itself; they ehoso tho annio profession, medicine, and were greater friends thtin over in the close rivalry of ambition. In collego they were known uh "Tho TwIiih," though they were wholly dis similar uh to appearance, Htaturo or complexion. Henry Mortiu was short, Btontly built, with blue eye, erlsp ly curling, light hair, nnd n mouth ub HWcct und tender uh u woman's. John Findlay wns tall and slender, with dark hair and eyoH tho latter deep Hot and Hcarehing and u mouth about wIioho eoriiei'H the lines of a UxcducHH of purpoHe oven thus early were drawn. Tho college dnys are over, and we find them both attached to St. Mark's hospital, working side by side; ready for tho ambulance cnll, to rattle away over tho pavements of the city to udminiHter aid to tho unfortunate, bruised and broken; or wo 11 ml thorn together by tho slda of tho dying, quick to smooth tho pillow or rcceivo tho iluttciing pressure of tho en feebled lingers of tho "passer on." "This fair Canadian nurso who re cently came to St. Mark's seems n Rolf-possessed sort of a person," said Henry Morse, locking arms with his friend as the pair passed down tho gravel walk leading to tho hospital Bteps. Hut John Findlny was not in u communicative mood, and ho did not immediately respond. Ho had n habit of pushing one end of his thin, inky mustache into tho corner of his mouth with his linger. Ho is doing it now; and it always gave tho other a chill to see him do it, for Henry disliked habits of tho sort. All hospital grounds, ilowors, walks nnd embellishment?) in tho way of landscape gardening look stliT. They moan to bo alkylating to tho ill ones, charming to tho eye; but they never are, for they bear too closely the marks of precision, soldierly cure; and instead of appearing natural, they seem surrounded with too much red tape. Every ilower, tree or shrub growing upon hospital grounds has tho sign of tho red tape drawn about them. Even tho fountain that tinkles In tho mellow, hushed air of tho place pnys tho- rhythm of rotation upon tho eardrums of tho afflicted behind those stone walls. ,T have been told by many who have Leon "so placed that tho sound of thunder, tho rum bling of a train of cars or tho roar of cannons was more soothing than tho tinkling of tho placidly plashing fountain. After tho pair reached tho thor oughfuro leuding to their quarters, situated but. it short, distance away, Flndluy finally found his tongue, and nsked : "Whoso name did you mintjon?" "Well, you must bo pretty deeply in 'it, old man. I did not mention any one's name," said Morse, withdrawing his arm. "Hut you were speaking of some ono as wo passed through the grounds." v "Tlen it has just struck; you? I was imply Buying that tho fair Canadian nurso seemed to bo a self-possessed sortof person. That's nlj." "By, tho way, eho is not fuir; ami how Is sho different from the rcBt, Henry V" "I mean iby fair she is oh, well, charming, pleading and pretty. She seems to know how to do things with out asking. Slfe In ready without urg ing. She has good nerve, too. Why, she did up tliu smnshed leg of that poor fellow who was brought in day before yesterday, before I came, in a manner to equal anything of the sort I over saw." "Jlumphl that's what sho Is at St. Mark's forto learn how to do things, As for beauty and all that sort of thing, I " "Well, what, John?" asked tho other, as the tali, slender fellow lift ed his hand to apply the latch key. The other hand was busy with the mustache, .pushing one end of it out of sight. Henry Morsa gave a little shiver of dislike, and Findlny said, as ho pushed open tho door: "She may not bo charming at all without her hospital garb. Come, let us go In; drop nurses, nnd such trash." He led tho way up' tho wldo stairs, and tho two were soon settled for tho night In their suite of rooms. When they appeared at tho hospital tho next morning they were asked to stop into tho olllco where "Old Ice," tho pot name bestowed by tho young fellows upon Koger Thorn, M. D., the best surgeon in tho city, wifo await ing them. Ah, many u poor fellow's death warrant had been drawn up in tlmt square, compact little niche of St. Marie's! And many n bold and in tricate case had also been solved therein by tho thick-limbed and sandy-headed man who is sitting In tliu big, leather-cushioned chair drum ming upon 'the window sill with those long, blunted lingers. "Old Ice" is cool at. all times or at least his fingers are and those same lingers have guided tho keen knife within a tiHHiie's breadth of many a jugular vein, or have searched for many a hid den ill among bone and muscle.. "Good morning, gentlemen; sit down; L want to tell you something," uttered tho celebrated surgeon, in his peculiar, jerky words. After tho two were seated, ho turned around square ly and asked: "Hither of you want to die? Ha, ha! Good joke, that stop! Don't say a word until T get through. I'm not much of a talker; I like to finish what I've got to say before the other chap begins, though. Some men are born soldiers, and do not know what fear means. Others acquire bravery after much practice. Was a timid young thing myself once. Got all over that with a few exceptions here and there. Tho rase I'll mention is ono of tho exceptions. Candidly, T am timid about it. Wish people would have some other sort of ills if they must bo sick. This crtse I do not like. It makes mo timid, oh I said. I'm as cowardly as u child before a bulldog now." If "Old Ice" felt as ho said ho did, lie failed to show any signs of it In the slightest. Ho looked as ready to perform a great piece of work as ho over did. John Findlny, who could contain himself no longer, ventured to suy: "Will you plcaso enlighten us con cerning tho case, (doctor?" "in a moment. First, you nro both suro you do not want to die?" "You arc joklng.my dear sir," said Henry Morse. " joking? You must bo mud, sir! T never joke. I may play jokes with nerves, bones, muscles and such; but what, is commonly called joking I never Indulge iu tho foolish practice. To come right down to tho facts of tho ease, I will simply say that T am about fo take a great, a very great risk. 1 am obliged to call upon my young men to take tho same risk " "Doctor, we aio at your service," broke in Findlny. And Morse, nodded approvingly. "Ah! that's the sort of spirit I like to sec in my young men," said "Old lee," good naturedly. Then fixing his deep, hazel eyes upon tho face of John Findloy, raised his hand' and punctuated the air wth his long fore linger as he spoke: "It is an easy mat ter, -young men, to remove a limb or sew and plaster n wound; nothing easier in our line in the world. Hut when a Burgeon fakes his llfo In hi3 own hands and attempts to heal a poor mortal of a fatal Infliction, and is liable, feu chances against tho rest, to incur himself a fatal infliction, how about it, 'eh?" Tliu sandy fringe of hair seemed to be bristling about that grand old head that had bent low over many a serious ease in its time. Henry Morse began to feel as though he was wholly Ignored, for the sur geon kept his eltar eyes fixed upon Find ley's face. Andjhen Henry grow ncnous as his friend began to push that inky slip of must ache out of sight with his fingers. '"Well, doctor, what is the case?" asked Findlny, without glancing lit" his bosom friend, who was bending eagerly forward, with a rosy flush spread over his fair face. "Putrescent abscess of the liver." John Findlny quit gnawing his mus tache; he straightened up In his chair and looked for a brief instance into those clear, hoel eyes fixed upon him. Then he rose and said, hesitatingly: "Dr. Thorn, I am very sorry to suy that we do not care to assist you in the case " "You mean yourself not I," broke in a sweet toned voice. "Eh? You why bless my stars!" broke from tho Burgeon, us ho gazed at flic fair speaker. "My friend Is only joking?' Come, Henry, let us go." Findloy went to the door and laid his hand upon the brass knob. He opened the door nnd stood for a brief instant upon tin threshold, ns though waiting for his friend to depart with him. Ho only sat there, smiling back nt the hazel eyes of the Bnndy-ncadcd man who was looking at him in astonishment. Tho door opened and closed, and tho sur geon of St. Marie's and the student were alone. 'T thought he had tho most nerve," Bald tho surgeon. "So did T." "I hud picked h'm out from among tho entire lot of young fellows' to help mo hi this ilTnir. Well, I was" mistaken." "So wns I." "And you will join me in this cape, young man?" , "With the greatest pleasure in all the world, doctor " A pair of hands clasped there in the little square room where many a life or death verdict had been pronounced. Tho young man received his instructions ns to the hour of operation and then he left the room, went out where the flowers nodded, and where n pretty girl dressed in tho uniform of tho St Mark's nurses stood by the sido of the tinkling fountain under the olms. What passed between the pretty Canadian nurse and tho young medi cal student Is of small import to us; but n look of surprise, ' followed by ono of anxiety, came upon her face when Henry Morse responded to the question sho asked. She turned her face away from his, nnd looked down at tho gold-fish darting hither and thither in the shaded pool nt her feet. Ho asked her n question, but she did not answ'r; she continued to look down, drew In slightly her under lip, and gave a dainty shrug of her shoulders. When she lifted her face again, he was at tho gate. Then she murmured: "Ho is grand, but L thought the other wns the strong, brave one of tho pair." The day passed, and the subject of tho operation to be performed upon tho following morning was never mentioned between the two friends. Once, only once, Morso turned his eyes toward the dark face bonding oer a book. Tho blnck eyes were fixed upon the page, and the fingers of one hand were crowding tho inky mustache out of Bight. .And when thev parted to retire, Henry Morse . . w held out his ",hnnd before going to his chamber, saying: s "Shake, old boy. Hecollcct, wc are friends, over." "Friends, ever," echoed Findlny, as ho took the warm palm between his chill fingers. "Good-night, John, my friend." "Good-night." The door between the long, wide, waiting-room and tho operating room opened,, and "Old Ice," leaning heav ily upon tliu arm of the fair-faced young student, emerged from it. The huzol eyes were not ns bright ns usual, und thu generally ruddy face of tho great surgeon was ashen. He was helped into his office, where he took n glass of wine, after which he seemed to recover-some of his old-time snirits. He. left the hospital after- wiiTds and inside of ten days wns a dead man. The cause of tho old sur geno's death was pronounced to be blood-poisoning. Upon the evening of the dny of the surgeon's funeral, Henry Morso wns taken to St. Mark's ill, weak, nerve less, "There seems to bo something wrong with tho boy," said Findlny, ufter his friend had been placed upon one of thu snowy cots, in a cool, quiet room. A white blind wns laid upon the sick man's brow. Findlay turned to meet the calm gazo of .the Canadian nurse. "Yes it is now a struggle between life and death. I pray God I will win," she said, softly. "You?" "Yes, 1 shall bo his nurse." "There are others who can nurse him." "There is no one but myself who can do so much for him," snid the sweet, low- voice of the fair girl. "Why you, more than any other nurse?" "That, no one but he bus n right to nsk," replied she, ns sho pointed to ward the face upon the pillow. And then commenced the great bat tlo for the mastery Medical science said tho bravo young fellow should die. Close, careful and skilled nurs ing, backed up by youth and man hood that hnd never known "any ill, said ho should not die. Every change, no matter how slight, was watched by his friend, John Findlny, .who seemed to be always by the nick man's bedside. The fair nurse never left the bed sldo until Findlay went out for his meals or to snatch a few moments of sleep. i it is midnight, and the eiisis io - hand. The face upon the pillow l livid. Tho blue lips are drawn back, and tho white teeth gleam in tho shaded light. By the side of tho bed sits tho young student, Findlay, hold ing the feverish hand of his friend. The tinkling of the fountain" falls upon' IiIm cars. The rattling of wheels over tho pavement cornea from tho distance. The sleeve of the sick man's robo is pushed bock, nnd the arm with the turgid reins Is disclosed. Tho small figure In hospital garb stands with buck turned to Findlny. A long, lean linger produces from the vest pocket something that glitters In the light. A careful hand guides the ob ject to the thick part of the forearm, und then like a phantom, as quick nnd as noiseless a small figure leans ' over the bed and pushes one slender white- hand between the instrument's keen point nnd tho bared arm. A pair of blnck eyes nrc raised to the now livid face of Findlay, and u pair of tightly-drawn lips huskily whisper: "Do it, coward! You dare not!" Tho instrument is withdrawn, and John Findlay leans back and begins to push Ills inky mustache out of sight. Again, tho figure of the nurse stand ing upright, and with arms folded neorss the breast, and a pair of searching eyes penetrato to the in nermost heart of the false friend. The sick man stirs uneasily, the lips part, and upon the quiet air of tho room there falls softly, slowly: "Friends e-ever." Tho nurso laid her cool hand upon tho forehead, and gave a sigh as of sat isfaction. Tho brow was no longer hot and feverish. It was cool to the touch. "Go, please; I can attend to him now without your help," she snld. Findlay rose, gnvo one glance nt tho sick man's face; and then left tho room, fussing with his mustncho in tho old, tiresome manner. Up in tho Canadian woods, where Henry Morse went with the fair irirl ho married, ho found health rapidly. Once only once ho asked her why his friend Findlny hud left him so suddenly. His wife shrugged her shoulders, nnd snid nothing. "I had an idea, dear, that he fancied you." "I did nqt fancy him." "John is queer but he and I are to be friends ever." Hut the two were destined never to meet ngain upon this world. Good Literature. CAPTURED BY AN OSTRICH. The Feathered IUpcd Tnnitht i I.cn- hoii to the Conceited GiiardH- Mun. A guardsman in the reserve of offi cers, who is better known for his swagger than for his brains, hnd an unfortunate experience in South Africa, euys the London Express. Ho was stationed about 100 miles from Cape Town nt u remount depot. One morning n. farmer stopped him as he was taking a constitutional nnd warned him against crossing nn in olosure containig u cock ostrich, which hud become bad-tempered. The guardsman said that no ostrich ever hatched would turn him out of his way and went on unmoved. As he had not returned home four hours afterward his brother officers were alarmed and sent out search par ties. What was their surprise to dis cover him lying on his back unhurt, with u cock ostrich sitting on his chest. The bird had knocked him down each time he had tried to rise, but could not hurt him while ho lny on his back. Yet leave his enemy he de clined to do nnd threforo snt quietly upon him until driven off by the res cue party. "Where He Wan Weak. Mr. Jowdcrs looked gloomily at the letter to which ho hud just painfully affixed his signature, und then cast u dubious glance at his wife. "Do you want to just run this over before I f.end it to son James?" ho in quired; und when Mrs. Jowdcrs shook her bend, he hastily folded the. sheet, wjiich bore the" marks of hours of toll, and thrust it into an envelope, which he senled with trembling expe dition, nnd then lenned bnck in his chnir with nn air of relief. "I was afraid you'd want to rend it, nnd then most likely 'twould bo nil to do over again, mother, like the Inst one," he said. "But I'm glad Jnmcs wrote he didn't mind a word mis spelled here an' there. There's some things I can do, but T never could seem to get a good purchase on tho system of spelling, honiewny." "As r view it," continued Mr. Jow dcrs, "(here's some words you can spell by the looks, and some you enn spell by the sound; them I can most gen'lly manage. But when you come to spelling by jedgment und mnln stren'th, my chances nro about ns slim ns they mnko 'em." Youth's Com panion. One-Sided. She So this is the end of our en gugemcnl? He It mny bo for you, but it will tnke mo a yenr yet to pny the billy, Brooklya Life. TREATING SANDY SOIL. How io Make It Available for Gar denim 1'nrponen nt a Compara tively Small Expcnae. Soil of a somcwvliat sandy charac ter, although excellent for garden purposes on account of warmth, caas of manipulation and quickness o re sponding to fertilizer applications, has the ono great fuult of allowing moisture, nnd plant foods with it, to escape to tho lower stratn by leach ing much fuster than is often desir able. This fault Is most nppnrcnt when the soil Joes not contain much decaying vegetable matter (carbon), und hence may be remedied by abun dant applications of barnyard ma nure. Thi? xursc is naturally an ex pensive one, and a good dressing of clay can often bo made more effect ive m correcting the deficiencies of sandy soils and at the same time to ndd the element of potash, which is often deflcifcnt in such soils. The clay can be put on the land during the fall and winter, at nny.time when most convenient, and the frost will act on nnd pulverize it. A mnrket gnrdener stntcd that he is able to tell to a yard, by the looks of his crops, where the clay was put, and the ground that nns hnd scvcraL dressings always grows better straw berries and vegetables than that which hns hnd no cloy applied. Land thus treated holds moisture bet.ter, the clay taking it from the dew and rain, and retaining it much better,, thus absorbing more juices of the manure used than the undressed land. For mixing with light loams cluy is usually of grout value, and so -it Is used In the same wny with manure or leaf mold for growing melons, etc., which like stiff soils, but in either ense it should be such ns hns become ameliorated by exposure to the weather. Some gardeners have tooi stiff and unworkable kind of clay, nnd need the lighter material, but the remedy, in their case lies the otiier way. Bond .-scrapings, lenf rnlc ings nnd rubbish heap -ingredients properly nnd continuously employed will soon effect nn improvement. Agricultural Epitomist. THE NEW PEA PEST. Dextructlvc Insect Which Han Al ready Inflicted 111b: IiOmmch oil VeRetahle Grower. The new pest, the destructive pea nphis, has in the last two years in flicted enormous losses in various re gions where peus are grownfor can neries, as Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. Michigan und Wisconsin nlso have suffered from it. Some of the scientists clnim thnt it is naturally more an enemy of clover than of THE DESTRUCTIVE PEA I.OUSlv. pens. An encouraging feature noted in Canada is that wherever the aphis occurred it was attacked by para sitic enemies, the most vigorous of these being the smnll orange larvae of a species of diplosis minute mag gotswhich suck the juice out of the body of the nphis. The "brush nnd cultivator" method of lighting the pen louse is accepted as the most generally effective. For this it is necessnry that the pens be planted in rows, and when the in sects are noticed thu vines nrc brushed bnekwnrd and forward with a good pine switch in front of n cul tivator drawn by a single horse. In this manner the plant lice are cov ered up ns soon us they full to the ground, und a large proportion of them ure destroyed, Fens sown lute or on poor ground sustain most damage. The pea aphis is sketched many times enlarged. ORCHARD AND GARDEN. It is not n bad plan to plant a tree in every neglected corner ubout tho farm. The objection to the plan of mulch ing continually, year after year, Is that it tends to bring the roots too near the surface. In all transplanting cure must bo tnken to see that the roots come in close contact with the soil. A failure to do this causes loss. Jn transplanting plants of every kind, whether largo or small, care must bo taken to keep the roots moist or the plants will be injured. If any of the trees in the orchurd have grown forked it will be a good plan to tiu thu forks together in such a way as to afford mutual support. In order to get tho full benefit of heeling in trees in the fall ndvuntngo must be taken of tho first favorable opportunity to et them out in the-prlng.-Farmers' Voice. r i. -r- & 0""SW') TWKK vwt " r -y i,V" - tvi"W-' ' "Ir! i - -.T