The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 26, 1901, Image 3

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XV. XV. HANI)i:it8, PultlUlior.
Emperor Wllllum l'layx n Fin to.
Emperor Will linn 'h hiUmt fn1 Ih that
of playing thu Hutu. Ho hn been
faking k'HHonn on that liiHtrumunt and
is jubilant ovur IiIh progroHH.
That AiihliiK Volil.
Work on tho gold minus In South
Africa Ih opening up, but it will bo
Home tlmo boforo thu Itrltlfth will fill
tho aching void of $500,000,000 Kpent
for war uxpuiiHCH.
'VUcy Are All Hick.
Lord Stanley, of thn MritlHh war of
fice, BnyH hcro aro 251,000 troops In
South Africa, of which number 14,
000 aro wick (phynlcaUy). Tho other
237,000 aro nick of their job.
Mil I'roiiorulc AilvtoittiKCft.
Tho Chicago millloualro who ban de
cided to go among IiIh omploycH and
live an they do, thlnlcH that Hchcmo
prcHcntH economic advantages over Iho
plan of having men Uvo as ho docs.
I'nn tlio IlltfKrnt DIvIiIcihIn.
A Now York paper says the biggest
Industry in that Htato Is tho public
nchool system, with 1,200,57-1 pupils
and 3-1,000 tnachors. It Is tho one, at
least, that pays tho biggest dividends.
IlltCI CMtllinr tO IClUMT.
Tho latest sciontirio conclusion Is
that man litis uxlstcd on tho earth for
280,000 years. It would bo mighty u
torestlng to know what ho was doing
tho 87-1.000 years boforo ho begun writ
ing lilstory.
n of tlio (lMiMrMt .Street.
Ono of "tlio queerest stroela In thn
world is In Canton, China. Tho street
Is occupied exclusively by dentists and
apothecaries. It Is entirely roofed
ovor with glazed paper and contains
more signs, cards and billboards than
any other Htreut In tho world!
AocomttllnliiiieiitM of a l'rliiocim.
Princess Maud, Queen Alexandra's
favorite daughter, can bind books atid
nurBo a sick patient scientifically; she
can also sail a half-rater, rldo a bi
cycle, spin and sew, play chess, mid
converge in flyo languages, including
Hussion. She vies with her mother In
being an expert photographer.
t Pointer for l'orto Kino.
Tho Detroit Journal kindly points
out that tho Porto KicauH, If deprived
of tho privilege of indulging in cock
fight lug, can nmusu themselves by
clocking their horses' tails. They can
also allow their children to uso air
guns and giant firecrackers.
uro plenty of civilized ways of being
Huh I.oMt Itn Knerirr
A thunderstorm Is defined as a rapid
gyration or eddy in tho overpowering
cool How of air, by which it Is im
pelled forward, and often enabled, as
n mighty engine, to cut its way
through tins giant hot wave or roll
its overheated masses far away. That
cool flow of air in tho west of Into
Heoms to have lost its energy.
College for Wimherwoiiien.
A college for washerwomen bus been
opened in New York by the charity
organization society. Tho course is
'l daily lessons nnd tho students re
ceive OP cents a day and luncheon. Jn
Ktruotors tench tho nature of fabrics
nnd the best methods of cleansing
them, and exorcise a strict supervision
until tho pupil receives a certificate.
Too Muuli SiuokliiB.
"Hilly" West, tho minstrel, may
never again appear on tho stage. An
nouncement was mado a day of two
ago that West is suffering from enn
ccr of tho mouth and throat, brought
on by excessive smoking. Ills physi
cians told him mouths ago that ho
would have to stop smoking. Ho die
for a time, but resumed tho practice
until tho disease took a firm hold upon
Arithmetic, Reform.
Common sense Is to hnvo some part
In tho teaching of arithmetic in tho
Philadelphia public schools, when thoy
open next month. Children of nlno to
ten years in that city will not strug
glo hereafter with bewildering prob
lems In "compound interest," "cus
toms" and "partial payments." Or.
Urooks, at thu head of tho school sys
tem In tho city, is satisfied also that
not ono child in 1,000 will ovor have
occasion In later lifo to uso tho rules
Pulpit anil l'or.
In tho current number of tho In
terior, Luther Lullin Mills fakes up tho
cudgels in behalf of tho ministers of
tho country, who, ho says, do not. rc
celvo tho support and assistanco they
liavo a right to expect from tho great
body of lnymen in tho pows. Tho ut
titudo of tho pew towards tho pulpit
is, in tho opinion of Mr, Mills, too like
ly to bo critical and censorious, while
It should bo helpful and inspiring. In
the wide spread of this feeling ho finds
reason for tho comparatively slow
march of tho church.
Ilcliiotnntly tlio I.lttln Porlo Klciwia Loft
Tliclr Hook Whim Vacation llucuit
A School for Tauoliurft.
Hau Juan, 1. It., July 23. Much in
terest Is manifested in school work
in J'orto Hlco by teachers and schol
ars alike. In schools in tho United
states, as a rule, the students look for
ward to the closing days of tho spring
term and hail tho first day of the
long summer vacation with delight.
In this l'orto Itico children aro differ
ent from their northern cousins. Hero
the rising generation reluctantly left
tho schoolroom on tho last day of tho
term and such a demand was mndo for
ull-summcr schools that arrangements
have been mndo for them In several
Ground will be broken next week
for a complete professional school
to train teachers at Hlo Viedras. About
COO tenchers and prospective teach
ers have signified their intention to
attend this summer school. Hy the
time for the autumn term to open
more than 30 new schoolhouses will
have been completed. Hut oven then
there will not bo accommodations for
half tho children of school age. Extra
buildings in all towns will have to be
retired, as It is quite probable- that
the school attendance next year will
be doubled.
Tho llnreiiu Give thn I'opuliitlon hy Hex,
Nativity mid Color or tlio Third
Group of HtutftH.
Washington, July 23. The census
figures 'giving thu population by sex,
nativity and color of the third group
of states, including Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas and the Indian territory, the
results being as follows:
Indiana Mnlcs, 1,235,101; females,
1,231,058; native, 2,37-1,3-11; foreign,
142,12; white, 2,-J58,532; colored, 57,
000. Of the colored 207 are Chinese, 5
Japanese, '213 Indians and thu re
mainder negroes.
Indian territory Males, 208,952; fe
males, 183,108; native, 3S7.202; white,
302,060; colored, 80,380. Of those
classified as colored, 30,853 arc ne
groes, 27 Chinese, 1,107 Indians taxed
and 51,307 Indians not taxed.
Iowa Males, 1,150,849; females, 1,
075,001; native, 1,925,933; foreign, 305,
920; white, 2,218,007; colored, 13,180,
including 12,093 negroes, 104 Chinese,
7 Japanese and 382 Indians.
Kansas Mules, 708,710; females,
701,779; native, 1,343,810; foreign, 120,
080; white, 1,410,319; colored, 54,170,
Including 52,003 negroes, 39 Chinese,
4 Japancso and 2,130 Indians.
Olondny 14,000 HonioRoitlcor lluirliilurert
ut 151 Itcno Total to Monday
Night, J11H.5U1.
El Iteno, Ok., July 22. All rec
ords in tho registration of homescek
ors wero broken yesterday, when the
clerks in tho eight booths in HI Ue
no added to tho list 14,550 names.
Tho total at 121 Jtono is 93,018; total
at Fort Sill, 25,543; grand total, 118,
591. Tho crowds yesterday poured in
from every direction by rail and
wagon, and it is estimated that at
three o'clock In tho nfturnoon there
were 50,000 people in tho city of El
Ileno, which has a natural population
of 5,000. Thousands left on tho after
noon and night trains riding on top
of coaches and in box ears.
Tho Hock Island at flvo o'clock sent
north tho longest passenger train
over seen in tho territory. There
wero ten coaches, six box cars and
two Pullmans loaded Inside and out.
Several incoming Hock Island trains
from tho north quit taking passen
gers at tho Kunsas line.
Lender of tlio Ohio Demucr.itla Itoltors
Suyn Nvhrimkiin Dlil Not llxiii)rovo
Of tllO nioVDIIIOIlt.
Cleveland, O., duly 23. George A.
(Iroot, who has been most active in
inaugurating tho movement to hold an
independent democratic state conven
tion, owing to thu failure of tho regu
lar convention to stand by tho Kan
sas City platform, said that neither ho
nor anyone olso interested in thu mat
ter had been discouraged by Mr. Hry
un's letter bearing1 on the subject.
Mr. Oroot declared that as a matter of
fact, Mr. Hryan did not express disap
proval of thu movement.
Mrs. Nation Fined mid Sent to Jail.
Topuku, Kim., July 23. Mrs. Carrie
Nation was yesterday lined $100 and
given 30 days' jail sentence by Judgu
llazen In thu diHtriiM court for dis
turbing tho peace and dignity of tho
city by u Sunday joint raid last
.March. There is no appeal and thu
noted woman must servo her time
in prison.
Wont to tho Wall.
Kansas City, Mo., .Inly 23. After
paying out $20,000 profits yesterday
morning tho Traders' Grain and Pro
vision company, with oflices in tho
Exchange building and brandies in a
dozen towns throughout Missouri nnd
Kansas, went to tho wall. Tho cur
rent report is that $150,000 would not
cover the losses.
Crtttlo Itnulmd to Market nt nn Unprece
dented ItMto Hint Market I Drop
pine Uupldly.
Kansas City, Mo., July 23. Cattle ro
eclpts at the stock yurdB Monday ag
gregated 25,000 for the day, tho heav
iest on record and nearly 5,000 great
er than at Chicago. The highest pre
vious record was on October 9, 1900,
when 21,015 arrived. If tho railroads
aro able to supply tho demand for
cars, tho receipts Tuesday may be fully-
as leavy, or ever greater. Tim
heavy movement is due to thu drought
and thu attractive prices paid last
week by exporters, as shown by tho
fact that nearly two-thirds of tho ar
rivals wero beef cattle. Prices opened
10 to 25 cents lower and closed 25
to 40 cents lower.
Frightful Condition In Iowa.
Hurllngton, la., July 23. Iowa baa
never known such frightful conditions
of heat and drought as are now ex
isting. No record has been preserved
of such Intense hent and such wlthur
Ingly hot winds. Several thermom
eters In the downtown districts
Bhowcd 112 degrees. One thermom
eter placed In the sun burst the tube
and flowed out nt the top.
Corn Hour to 00 CntR.
Chicago, July 23. With thu west
ern cornfields withered and no rain in
sight traders at the opening of the
market Monday made desperate at
tempts to buy tho yellow cereal in
this market. Opening bids were wild,
ranging from 57 to 59, or 1 nnd 2
to 3 and 4 cents over Saturday's
Predates Total Failure of Corn.
Lincoln, Neb., July 23x All day the
hot winds from thu south havu been
blowing presaging practically a total
failure of the corn crop. Tho crop has
been tassellng tho past week, and
theso have simple been cooked by the
Intensity of tho heat.
Kunna Clty'n Seorelijnc Hent.
Kansas City, Mo.. July 23. Monday
was the hottest day Kansas City has
ever experienced, the mercury at four
o'clock standing at 100. Thu weather
bureau offers no relief from the ter
rific heat.
Many Koonomlcal KoforinH to Ho Mndo la
tlio Army of Occupation In tho
Manila, July 23. Tho. confcrencc3
butween Adjt. Gen. Corbin nnd Gen.
Chuffcc, recently held here, will prob
ubly result in radical economical and
administrative reforms in the army
of occupation. It Is estimated that
tho total cost of maintaining the
American nrmy in the Philippines enn
be reduced by CO per cent, in the
courso of ono yenr. The principal
change will be the reduction of the
present force to between 20,000 and
30,000 men. Tho abolishment of the
present army districts is contem
plated and three brigades, with per
manent headquarters at Manila, Dag
upan and Hollo or Cebu, will bu insti
tuted in their stead. The troops will
bo concentrated at three points su
lected, abandoning all minor posts.
These changes will result in an enor
mous saving in tho transportation of
supplies and the paying of rental for
barracks for the soldiers. At present
in most towns tho troops are quar
tered In churches, convents and pub
lic and private buildings, for t3io
use of which considerable rentals are
More Death In Kunsu City on Account
of Hent Thermometer ltoglttturod 10(1,
llrvaUInc All Heeordn.
Kansas City, Mo., July 23. There
weru ninu deaths from the bent in
this city yesterday and 14 prostra
tions. Tho names of those who died
are: Illchnrd P. Taylor, Marcus
Clark, T. Clark, Mrs. Allie Baugh
mnn, Mrs. Marguerite Boyle, John;
Brenuan, James Williams, Mrs. Maria
Kwing and Junius A. Peterson. For
thu fifth time this season Kansas City
beat yesterday broke all records. At
3:20 o'clock In tho afternoon the nn
pa railed maximum of 10(5 degrees was
reached. Lust night there was a
slight shower.
f 1'oHtfl for Military Instruction.
.Washington, duly 23. Secretary
Boot speaks In high terms of the pos
sibilities of Borts Biley and Leaven
worth as posts for military instruc
tion, lie says Fort Biley Is an excel
lent post for ono of the big military
camps of instruction and maneuvers
contemplated by congress; also that
troops to tlio present capacity of tho
quarters at Jefferson Barrack's and
Forts Biley, Leavenworth and Sheri
dan will be stationed at thVse posts.
Kx-l'ronldont ICruecr UitprrsHod.
Amsterdam, July 23. Former Presi
dent Krugcr, of tho South African
republic, is, very depressed as a result
of the, death of his wife, but his
health is unafTccted. On the contrary
he has thrown himself into his work
with more than bis usual energy.
Press comment on tho death of Mrs.
Kruger Is sympathetic. Tho newspa
pers do not attach any politlcnl sig
nificance to the event.
uoth Had One,
An enMiusiastfc Louisiana flsbvrmnn hid
jrc&t Inclt while fishing on the Illinois
river recently. I5iirin(j the day ho wired
his wife: "I've got one. weighs seven
pounds and is a beauty." He was consid
erably Mirpriscd to receive the following
reply from hi wife: "So have I. Wcichi
tn poumlfl. He isn't a beauty. Looks like
you. Chicago Inter Ocean.
No fir-cut liOdd.
Innkeeper (after waponload of hunters
has departed) Silas, did you Gnd room in
their wagon for them bIx cases of beer and
the case o' whisky?
Silas Yes, gt everything In cr gash
all bonilick! T forgot to put In their guns!
"What! ye dad-vummcd-oli, well
they'll never miss 'cml" San Francisco
Men -with Weak Intellect.
The captain on a Ctaiarder forced a
"skin" gambler to give up his gaind. Tbc
Sainblcr, of course, regards it as an unjust
iscrimination, as a man who docs not
read tiic papers enough to keep away from
steamboat poker is pretty sure to give his
money to tho first bunco man he niccts
after he goes ashore. Washington Star.
"It's kind of diicouraging, Ethel." said
Mr. Cumrox: "kind of discouraging.
"What is, father?"
"It's nearly a month wnccyou read your
graduation essay, and they haven't taken
your advice on how to run the government
yet." Washington Btar.
llloodnhcd Avoided.
Jones What would you do if your bur
glar alarm went off in the night;
Brown Well, in the dark, you know, it
would take mo n good while to find my
ihoes and my pistol, and that would givo
tho burglar time to get uway. Detroit Free
She I don't believe you're telling tho
lie You arc most annoying sometimes.
I suppose you think you can read me like
a book.
"0! no. Like a paragraph, I should say."
Philadelphia Press.
A Ilnlloon Asccimlonlst Killed.
A balloon nsccnslonist was recently killed
while making one of nts daring trips. Life
is too valuable to trifle with in fool-hardy
ddventurcs. It is better to employ our
selves in peaceful pursuits, where we may
be fcccurc. Then if we take care of our
health, we can livo to a good old age. The
best means of promotinc health is Hostet
tcr's Stomach Bitters. This medicine cures
dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, flatu
lency and Insomnia. Be sure and try it.
Discovered There Were Others.
ITe (sadly) I can remember when you
used to say I was all tVe world to you.
Shi; Fcrhaps; but I've studied astron
omy since! Puck.
nest for the rlowcls. t
No matter what ails you, headache to a
cancer, you will never get well until your
bowels arc put right. Cascarcts help nature,
cure you without a gripe or pain, produce
easy natural movements, cost you just 10
cents to start getting your health back.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put
up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C.
stamped on it. Beware of imitations.
That's Different.
When a full grown man robs a bird's
nest, he is not in the same category as the
small hov. He is alluded to as an ornithol
ogist. Washington Post.
Do Yonr Feet Aclio uul Ilnrn?
Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot-Ease
n powder for the feet. It makes tight or New
bhoes I'cel Easy, Cures Corns, Itching,
Swollen. Hot, Callous, Smarting, Sore and
Sweating 1-ect. All Druggists and Shoe
Stores sell it, 25c. Sample hent FKE13. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy,, Y.
So Say We All. McJigger "You don't
mean to say you believe in divorce?"
Thingumbol) "Well, 1 do in the case of the
man who is wedded to his opinions."
Philadelphia Press.
Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infalli
ble medicine for coughs and colds. N. W.
Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1000.
- i i i in
Don't swear at the mercury. May bo
it has been climbing up to find u cool place.
Indianapolis Nowa.
Mirth is nature's best remedy for ills.
Chicago Daily JNcwu.
Kansas City, July 23.
CATTL.K Beef steers $1 35 D 75
Native stockcra 2 SO & a G5
"Western steers a 10 5 05
HOGS 4 50 ?p 03
sheep a io fit) a 40
WHEAT No. 2 hard G7 CS
p No. 2 red C7?i CS
COHN No. 2 mixed CO U C3
OATS No. 2 mixed 41
RYE-No. 2 G3
FLOUUMInrd wh't patents. 3 10 3 20
Soft wheat patents 2 75' 3 40
HAY Timothy 8 00 13 50
Pralrlo 8 00 13 00
BKAN-Sacltcd 85
BUTTEH-Choico to fancy.. 11 IS
C1I13ES13 Full cream 10 12
POTATOES i 73 100
CATTLE Beof steers 113 5 C5
Texas steers 3 23 4 40
HOGS Packers 5 75 5 00
SI I EBP Native 2 50 3 30
FLO U It Patents, new 3 50 3 C3
WHEAT No. 2 red (13 V6 70
CORN No. 2 5'J GOV
OATS-No. 2 40 41
BUTTER Dairy 13 15
DRY SALT MEATS 8 12'i 8 G25
BACON U00 050
CATTLE-Steora 4 25 G 20
HOGS-Mlxed and butchers. 5 SO 0 00
SHEEP Western 3 50 4 00
FLOUR Spring patents ....3 20 3 50
WHEAT No. S red 71V6 72
CORN No. 2 67 53
OATS-No. S 40
RYE July 57
LARD July S G3
rORK-July ....' 11 37Vi
CATTLE-Steera 4 50 5 85
HOGS U 15 G25
SHEEP 2 50 4 25
WHEAT No. 2 red 77W 79?J
CORN No. 2 62 02
St. Petersburg, Bussla, is discussluff
a $100,000,000 overhead railroad.
Franco bought $800,200 worth or
toys of Germany In 1900.
Residents in England have 110,
000,000 invested in mortguges in for
eign countries.
nollnnd bus 10,100 windmills, each,
of which druius 310 acres of land, at
ait average cost of 25 cents an acre
a year.
Tho exportation of beer from
Franco lias increased in ton years
from 047,421 gullons to' 2,114,030 gal
lons. At a meeting of the National Poul
try Organization association it was
stated that tho annual consumption,
of eggs in tho United Kingdonl aver
ages 130 per head of the population..
Racind, Wis., July 22nd. Jolin John
son, of No. 024 Hamilton Street, thi--city,
is a,happy man.
For yenrs hu has suffered with Kid
ney and Urinary trouble. lie was so
broken down that ho was forced to.
quit work. Everything he tried failed,
till a friend of his recommended a new,
remedy Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr.
Johnson used thorn, and the result sur
prised him. lie is well as ever ho was,
completely cured, and working away;,
every day.
Ills case is regarded by those who
knew how very bad he was, as almost
a miracle, and Dodd'a Kidney Pills aro
a much talked of medicine.
yf PKOmtt BOM
Arrange Your
Summer Trip
an-American At
gxposition, Buffa,0
May 1st to Nov. 1st, 1901,.
Ono of tho Seven Wonders of tlio World, within
an hour's rluo from Buffalo.
Thousand Islands, Muskolta Lakes, the Adiron
dacks nnd Now Kncland points aro but a short,
and delightful rldo by luko orrull.
Big Pour Route
Stopover allowed at Buffalo on all Through
Tickets on Payment of Ono Dollar.
WARREN J. LYNCH, Geo. Pass. Agt., Cindnnat O.
'Warrant Ail Uaf ar.n..f
NatWA. m-vmakl.., .. Tt 111 .(i.i. D
(audio. HaJo extra, long and wide In thu fiklrt.
Insuring r. dry coat for rider. JSanlry converted
into a walkhiBcoat. Iivcrr snruinnt wnv-
ira nuicrprvoi. jxkik lor iruuo-raarE.
slur Brand, wrlto or catalogue.
H. M. SAWYER A SON, Sole Mfra.,
cusi liamonaQo, Mass.
Your Money Can Eerjr
50 to 100
Desorlptlvo Circular on Application rur.E.
47 IIKO.VDWAY. .. V.
llof nnrt l'OSlTIVB-
I-'orfreo Rump'.) address.
"ANAKK81H," r
u nu hulldlui;, Nuw York
AdtlroM KU1V. A. 10V CO.. Cl.NUXMTI, O
I WunM.
I UUI1U In Mil will tliul special facilities
for Rrir.Mipportwbllo educating himself at tlio KANS1B.
IITY UMTKUHUV. Many fctuU-ut! employment
ykltllnt: from tlirt-o to ten dollar.) per week for two,
liounilalinrper day. Term open Sept. 25th. Addreia.
U. S. BTKl'llUXS, Chancellor, Kaimaa city, Kuujm,
A. N. K.-D
pleaie tulc tliut yoi" aavr tho AdvertlM
ent (a tbU puper.
TBWKMf Jh Jra IllBa 111
Beet Cough Byrup. Tastes Good.'
in time. Hold by druraliu.
AYvSm A sslf f "
'A )WJY14M1
II vx
yWn r
' t
OATS No. 2 41
ffiiSMir. '.r?i..7Try-,4msswi . j3ms, r""? "
' y lit
3"? . t , ---r
' .wrcw.,-..yv