f tf t"ii""j TC? l I' M ., liUKU WHtHl ALL USt (AILS. Kl IlCBt CoilKll Bjrup. TWICS UOtMl. CrJ In tlnio. Pnln iirdrnpRlntn. r. c. W: Keeling, Noiimlm, Ncbrnskn. Office in Kooling building, nocoiul door orth of AynoH linnlwiiro Htoro. PETER KERKEli, Dealer In J Highest market price paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, jl. L. stiers, jvt. r. NEMAHA, NEBR, Tonders his professional services to the citizons of Nemaha and vicinity. All calls answered. Dr. Gaithers office. 6 7 I B. A. HELMER, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Ail work gunrAntood to give natlsfactlon , West of Court House Square,8o-Atiburn,Neb JOHN A. HIATT, Dealer lr HA.JRWEJSS and Harness Supplies NEMAHA, NEBRASKA IBbN J. H. SEID, Breeder of Thoroughbred Poland China Farm ono and ono-half miles south r, west of Nemaha. THOS. W. HIATT, , Proprietor of the Liveryft Feed Stable NEMAHA, NIBE. Good Dray in connection with Llvory Satisfaction guaranteed. Republican Jr., 29348 Standard and registered. Sired by Republican, 2:10&; dam, 8adie Vera by Talavera, 2:80; 2nd dam, BetBy Trotwoed by MoMabon, 2:21. Rh1 bay, black point?, 7 years old, stands 10 bands, weighs 1175 pounds; good blgh action with One style. Ludwick, 32673 Standard and registered. Sired by Pat L, 2:0014; dam, Sadie Vera; 2nd dam, Betsy Trot wood. Dark buy, black points, 4 years oTd, stands 10 bands lilgb, woIkIis 1275 pounds. Both horses will make the season of 1001 at Maple Ridge stock farm, 1 miles southeast uf Howe. Nehr., at 10.00 to insure mare In foal. (Care will be taken to prevent aeoldents, but should any occur it will bo at owner's risk.) T, H. JONES, Owner, HOWE, NEBRASKA. m y-i'-.i-"! i , . .i.milj The Nebraska Advertiser W. V. Sandehs, publnhor FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1001. Tho O'Brien wngon hoIi! and guaiau teed by Chambers & lllmt. Rev. A. V. Wilson will hold services in the park Sunday night if Uio weath er Is favorable For sale Commode, bedstead, bed springs and muUresi, all nearly new. Inquire of L, II. Battles. The series of meetings hold in the park was not so well attended as they should have been, on account of the extreme beut. Next weak we will begin the publi cation of an interesting aerial entitled "Ray's Daughter," by that popular uu thor, Qeu. Charles King. A Practicing Physician in Monticeilo, III., formulated Dr. Caldwell's Syrup PepHin. Ask ut Kees lings drug store. i Tho Burlington Route offers twenty prlxes, aggregating 600 lor letters which can be used in encoutaglng ims migration to Nebraska F. II. Knapp has bought the livery table of Thos. VV. Hlati anil will take possession next Monaay Tom has not yet fully decldad what he will do, but talks some of going to Oklahoma. We hopo he will stay here A number of persons who ate ice cream at the birthday part of Mrs Koellng Thursday night wens very sick shortly afterward and vomited se verely. Some are quite t. It is not known what caused the sickness. Congressman BurkeU s received and accepted an invitation to dellvei the address before the Nem ilia county old settlers' association on August 17, at Nemaha City. Tho id Haulers of this portion of the state swine a great deal of enjoyment out or hmnh annual events and at each nut ing they are addressed by Burnt- pi uiett person from the state State .Imirnul Mrs. W. W Keeling w.m pieaaantlj reminded thatThurndav wanner birth day. Her friends gave Iim h gnnuine surprise party that ulght. Mrs. Keel, ing had no suspicion of tliu party and attended preaching services at the pik. When she got home she found the yard illuminated with Chinese Ian turns and a lurne unrulier of friends present. The evening vho passed in social et.joymtnt. James 8hiveley, of Asplnwall pre clnot, raUed the rthampioii wheat in this neighborhood, so far aa we have heard. lie threshed nine acies and on Thursday hauled it to the elevator and it weighed 883 bushels an average of a little over 42bushels per acre He got 57 cents a bushel, his crop on HiIb piece of ground bringing him 2i 25 and a fraction per acre. He has thirty acres more of wheat which he stacked, a good part of which is just as good as the nine aorta. Great preparations are being made for the reception to Hon. Church Howe, who is expected to arrive at Auburn over the Missouri Pacltio at 12:80 p ra. next Tuesday. The Pawnee Cltv.Tecumseh, Auburn and Johnson bauds have been engaged The procession will form at the depot and escort Mr. Howe to his home. There will be a basket dinner in the park. At 2 o'clock the procession will again form and Mr' Howe will be ea corted to the park. There will be ad dresses of welcome on behalf of the city by W. H. Kelligar, on, behalf of the county by ex-Oov. Furnas, on be half of the state by Gov. Savane. and on behalf of the country by J, Sterling Morton, and response by Consul Church Howe, atter which a general reception ...III r..,i..... mil iiiiiuw. Brownville Locals Dr. Kraft'a father, of Brock, came in Wednesday to visit u wliilo with his (ton. News of tho death of Elmer Erback, formerly of this piuce. has'just reached his irieuds here. Mr. and Mrs. August and duughter and Mrs Alice A.MInick were Auburn visitors Tuetday. Report has it that our city marshal was locoed and then limboea out at Auburn over Butiday. Eph, Elias and Burr Lovd with their teams went to Wyraore Tuesday to engago in railroad work. W. S. Andrew sold his house and lot on tho corner of 7tli and Main streets to W F. Thompsou Monday. A. M. Aldrich, manager of the Moler dystem of barber schools of Omaha, wiib u business visitor Friday. E. F. Jeflers and Jim Roberts de. parted for Colorudo Monday to soe the sights and obtain employment. Miss ArbunnaEuton, of Exeter.Neb , is the guest ot her undo and aunt Mi. and Mrs. A. Vandeventer this week. Rev. J.Lewelllng went to Scribner Monday where he will remain some time practicing the art ot maguetic iieallug. Elder Rowe, ofj IUckport, llo.t preached to a fair sized audience at the Christian church Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. M. McCombs, of White Pigeon, Iowa, a sister of Samuel and John Christie, came inj Thursday to make them ttu extended visit. It has been mildly suggested during thcweek that we have a Sunday closing' ordinance. Every citizen of the town ougut to favor such move. A controversy having arisen be tween Mr. August aud the basebull boya over the laud where their grounds are located, has been the means of ut ting our city mayor and city marsh.! arrested for trespass. Their trials are Bet down for 80 days hence when an interesting tiaio is expected. And now comes Governor Savuge with his proclamation setting apart Friday, July 20, a'Sa day of fasting and prayer that ttie weather conditions now existing may be changed when the fact is every man. womeu and child in Ne braska bus been praying for the past two or three weeks with a fair prospect of fasting a little later in the season. &&& ASK YOUR GROCER POR Tfcc 5 iwnnte Breakfast fto& PURINA HIALTH FUOUIt "BH A.1TST BUB? Aft" Purine rViillp, St, Louis, Mo, Ke on Clear Brain Your beet feelings, your social poej. Hon or buslnosn aiu'coju depend larger ly on tho porfeot action of your Stom aoh and Liver. Dr Kinu's Now Life Pills give increased strength, a keen olflar brain, high ambition. A ti.rubx will mkiynu feel )ioa now hojng, Sold by Keollng the druuiiM. EiUHUNGTON ROUTE l4)v rates dally to th p,inAinnrN nan Exposition at Huff.ilu. Ar-k tint lfo(it. iifii'iH ulmut litem y?r&tSg0' Thli Ignntur is on erery box of the gcnulno Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that rnrcs a cld fa one day Paid Dear for his Leg. R D Blanton ot Thackerville Texas In two yoird i)iiidovor$3(KJ to doctors to cure a running sore on hh leg. Then thev wanted tc cut it off but he cured it with one box of Bucklon's Arnica 8-tlvo Guaranteed cure for Piles. 25 cts a box. Sold by Keeling the druggist. All our farmer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented club blng offer we this year make, which Includes with thia paper The Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmers' Insti tute editions, The Poultry Farmer, and The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Jour nal. These four publications are the best of tlioir class and should be in evey farm home. To them we mid for local, county and general news our own paper and make the price tor tho Ave for one year $1.85. Never before was so much superior reading matter offered for so Hmall an amount of money. The four papers named which we club with our ov n ure well known throughout the west and commend themselves to the reader's favorable attention upon mere mention. The Homestead is the groat agricultural and live stock paper of the west. The Poultry Farmer is the most practical poulcry paper for the farmer published in the country; The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal is the special advo cate of furmois' co-operative associa tions, and the Speoial Farmeis' Jneti toH editions are tjie most practical publications for tin piomoiion of good fanning ever publlshod. Tako advuiit DgB of tills ureut oflVr. The AdvaiMseraml tho Chicago In Jer Ocean lor j 40 'Old puper for sals at l ol)pe. Notico of Probato of Will. Htnlc of Nebmnlcn, Nomnhn ronnt , ph. In Iha Cotitiiy Comt or Ncmnliu county, NebrnHltn, I0J0I111 H. Cnlerlflc, Frnncli A. C lerlrk, wllllHtn II. Colcrlcli, .IiHluii I) ColTlrk. Moid s. Colcrlck. ClmrlPH II. Coterlck mid I.r.ln M.Co'urlck, mid to nil )ei(iiin lrit rc. od In tliop-iiilnof Wllllnm Poierlck ilcci-.i -l You nro licroby nollllrd Unit I). M. L'olcrlrlc ImHlllpdft notltlon prhytnK 'hnl itn In m. ment IIIimI In this court purporting lo im tlm lost will and IfHliunont of Kulil ii cnscl. tuny bo proved, iillowrd mill recorded us tho IkhI, will and teslameutor WllltPin CMerlck, do erased; thiitHnld InRtrumniit trmv bo ml in It led to probnte, find ndnilnlstriitlon of Mitd estntogninlcd to.1. It, Held ni mtminlfriir with will nmicxed.nnd Hint the Idtli dnv t AjjriihI. A. I). llWl,tlUo'clookn.m.,ht coun ty i-ourt room of 8ild oniin y, In Aiimini, Iiuh 1x3011 (lxod hh the lime nnd pl.ic) of proving mild will, wlien'you and nil liilereMtcd inny nppcnr and show rainte, II there ho nil), wiiv tho irynr ol I In- petition mould not bo grinned, nud ronteHt tho prolmto t hereor. WltnenH my linnd nnd nenl or wild court this 16th dftv or Jmy. I) 1001. KICUAHD F. NliAL. County JudRO. v J. W. SAPP REAL ESTATE, LOAN and Insurance Agent. 1 Collections mndn Notary Ptiblib in ofllce. BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. 1 r ----- Cornell & Hawxby ATTORNEYS AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate, Loans and Collections Phono 80. Office, So. Auburn, Neb TIME TABLE jVcmalm, Nebr, Xjtiioolti Omnhu ChlcuBn St. .ToHojili IvtitiHitH Oily St. XjoiiIh unci nil TolritM lUuHtniul South Doiivor TTeloiiu Xlutto Salt Lfike City I'lixMltiiid San O'rimolHco Vnd all XJointH 'WOHt I RAINS LCAVK A8 FOLLOWS. Nil. 07 -PiiKnpiiKcr, dullycxeeptSutio dny, for TpouiiispIi, lltnlllro, HnldrcKonud nil points went DitOnm No. 08 I'HHonicor, dully except Sun day, lor Nebraska City. Ulilcugo nnd nil polntn north uiuIcii.mI 4t38p m No. 113 Local freluht, dally except Htindiv, Mr lloatilce nnd all In. tenni'diatoMta'loiiN l:0Op m No. 114 Local IrelKht, dull. except Sunday, for Nebr"ki City nnd all Intermediate sttlotiH i;3o p to No. 110 Local ficlttlit, dally except Sunday, lor AtehUon and Inter iiM'dlnto NintloiiH 7d5 p ni No 112-Locat freluht, dnllv except Monday, Tor Nebraskn Chy nnd InterniodlitioNtntiouM 3:30 n m r.?Jpr'n', t,lr!nK H' rpcllnlng chrtlr enrs fHentsrieeJonihicinun traltm. Tlokola Sold ?r" . ?K, H eheokod to nny point In the United Htalrn or Canada. tlckots eat' on or wrllo to Ginrie McUlure a. sr.Ji5..pfisr oouem' p"8s Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind of couRta, laprlppe, bronchltln, soro throat, croup, vrhooplnK cough, etc Nover deranges tho stomach. At Drog-g-iitB, 10 & 25c. .-. July Clearing & Remnani Sale Thus far.the trade on summer vnnA has been very good, consequently many i-eiuiiuius uccumuiate, p.nn q 1 "afinrr rf , "w.., ... v, L.awns, Jaconets, Organdies, Mulls, Prints, Muslins and many others, which will be collected, measured and marked at an extremely low price. Some full patterns, some enough for waists and many otber uses. Clearing sale price on ladies' slippers: Our regular $1.50 slipper goes at $1.19 Our regular $1.25 slipper goes at 98c Ladies' gingham aprons, full size, I3c Ladies' white lawn aprons, insertion and hem stitch, 19c Children's and boys' fancy bows, worth 10c, now 5c Pins, per paper, lc .Needles, per paper, good, 3c i ream writing paper, 120 sheets, 12c Try our fancy Rio coffee; per lb 15c CASH STORE OK - JNO. W. RITCHEY, Brownville, Nebraska s M. - $ i if. . Otia,ml3ev Sz Ilia it, DEALERS IN WAGONS, BUGGIES FABM IMPLEME3SITS, Etc. Get my prices before buying-. I will meet al Competition. Warehouse joining the Livery Stable on the south. NEMAHA, - - . NEBRASKA J. W. ARMSTRONG' Dealer in HARDWARE, FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS South of Court House Square, AUBURN, NEB.' Union Lock Poultry Fence J7.. . .Ij rv m For Poultry, RabbitsOrchards, Gardens, etc, o li 5' lo; 1UDC '.U;lt Jur l. 18' NS; mw M n 6jniUS, UjJ .Tr0,"81 pvloeiQr wpoclnsr thnrt ny other mokq, 9T u,Uon UqcIc HPH, Flold and CpuIo Ferjco, Unlorj Lawri FenoQ Gute, to., Kuurnntci first oIdbb. ' Y priL0aUrcp1JiSSuSeh?rU. hm tWS ,me-,f "Qt' WrHe U ' UNION FENCE CO,, PE KALP, ILL., U. , A, i i L I 4 I ; ; f n 1 -- VW t . fttLMn ly, r " " ' " ' WW.WoW. tJMr8ai'wT'Jyta'Mta'yxa'''tr 4