EKrrm ' ur ?i -"iV Volume xlvi NEMAHA, NBJillASKAj FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1101. NUMUlMt fi 7fl I A B h if ! ri: it Local News Call on il for job work. Too hoi weather to ilo.mncn work. See III11 & Keeling for lire insurance Dr. V. t.oymour,.No. 1210 ISst., Lincoln, Neb. This weather i especially hard on old people and invalids. Croquet sots foranle by ihoEdwurds & Bradford Lumber Co. "- W Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. MiaaEva Able, of Peru, i's visiting her bititer, Mrs. NutoSedoras. David Frazier is making a new house but of the old one on his farm. Mr and Mrs Elmer E. Humbaugh returned trom Johnson Monday. E S. MoL'andle&s went to Beatrici Monday, returning Ihe next day. Best machine oil made for sale b Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. The old settlor picnic will be held rtt Nemaha Saturday, August 17th Fruit jars and fruit cans for sale b) the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co Flmer Brimble returned to Lincoln Monday, after a two weeks' visit at home. Have your watches and clocks re paired by a competent jeweler at battles'. The Ad ver liner hi id the St. Louta Globe 'Deiuociui both one jear foi only 81.75. , ""! Seymour Howe had a severe attack of cholera morbus Tuesday, but la let-ling better uuw ' v - -""- Dr. Harlan, oesioopuih, gmtruaie oi A.T. Still school, Otlicu in Auburn L'ontullatlon lite. 0-7 . If you m-eil h new wagon call on Chamboia ix, Uiutt. They have jus received a eti Iwad. Mrs. Horner uuuu down from Omit ha Monday on a visit wrber pareuia, Mi. uud Mi.. T J lluuibaugh. Dave Thompson, of Oklahoma, ar rived in Nemaha Wednesday, calleo here by Jjhe death of his mother. For best assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes-go to the D.iylight Store ol South Aultfin XV. XV. Harris prop'r Mrs. A. II. Ilebdon preached in the park Sunday forenoon and in the alter noon gave an interesting talk to thr childieu. John II. Argabiight was very sick for several daya and suffered severely, but we are pleased to seu he is able to be out again. Col. W. II Stowell. of the Post, and Attorney B. i tank Neal drove in from Auburn Wednesday toienoon, return ing in the evening Those having trouble with their eyes, ears, nose and throat should cons suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1210 K. street, Lincoln. Neb. From a half Inch to an Inch and a half of rain fed west and northwest of ' town Tuesday night, but wo got veiy little in Nemaha jtista little sprinkle. ""I II STOPS THE COUCH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxall vo Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. 25c FARM FOIl SALE-A good 80. ncte farm two miles from Nemaha. A good house, barn, outbulldinga.orchard, etc. Pi ice 83800. Inquire at this olllce. - Ed L. Culver. of Omahli, came to Nemaha Sunday morning to see his wife, who is visiting her paients.' Dr and Mrs W. XV, Keeling. He returned to Omahu Tuesday. - f m iinijniwtianrjrmtatM'eu'M'""'' The ciost corhfortable place these hot dftys is in a hammock In the shad-. Buy the liainmoi'ks of Ihe 12d winds & Bradford Lumber Co. Mr. Pease, of Johnson county, came to Nemaha a few days ago to visit his daughter. Mrs. Uuell. He was prosi trated ft out I ho heat shoitiy after geti ting here, with symptoms of paralysis His condition is serious. John Kinney came in from Tecum sell Thursday. He expects to go to Iowa in a day or two to visit his par outs. John was so unfortunate us to break his right arm a short lime ago and is not yet nb'le to work. Mrs. W, W, Sanders has lieen very sick for nearlv two weeks. She lirst had rheumatism, then she was pros trated by the heat on Tuesday, and now is suffering from heart trouble ang other complications. Uev. John T. Smith will hold ser vices at the Champion school house next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. He is holding regular services at the Champion school house every alternate Sunday night. Everybody is Invlttd. Elliott McCaudless, sou of Ilarn McCaudless, who wax so badly injured last week by being kicked in the heat, by a horse, is getting along nicely The wound is healing and it Is thought i ho little fellow will bo all right in a few day 8. Will Flack was seriously liijureo Wednesday by being kicked by a horse lie was .leading the horse to water when it got frightened at pomethiog. ind wheeled and kicked him just below the ribs on the right side, knocking him about twenty feet. He win taken Moaie and has Buffeted -severely since" It is hard to tell how serious his injui es are. v Mrs. John A. JlhuC and Miss Llllle went to Sidney, Iowa, last Saturday night, to make the acquaintance ol .Miss Avis Courtney Sutter. The young lady is Mrs. Hlatt's granddaugh ter, the daughter of Mrs. Lulu (Leabo) Sutter, and was born Saturday morn tng, July ifllh, 1901. Aunt Lilllo, who had the honor of naming her, says she is the finest baby in the country. Mis Hiatt and Miss Lillie returned home Wednesday. Mrs. June Thompson died at her homo in Nemaha at about 4:!10 Mod day morning, July 22, 1001. Mrs Thompson was in her usual health Sunday and attended the services In the park that evening. On the way home she fell down. She was helped home and tboueu very sick all night she would not consent to have u doctoi ailed. Mrs Thompson was the widow of Lewis Thompson who died about two years ago, and was an old resident. She leaves four children David J Thompson of Oklahoma, Mis. Elvira Curtis, Mrs, Minnie Keif and Mrs Alice Seid, all of Nemaha county, Neb. The funeral services, conducted by ltev. A. V. WilBon, were held at the Methodist church at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon SPECIAL SALE ON WAGONS. For the next ten days Ch Ambers & Hiatt will maku special prices on Wagons. If you need a wagon you cannot afford to let this opportunity goby. Every wagon guaranteed. Call at Keoling'a drug store and get a free sample of Chamborlain'sStomach and Liver Tablets. They are an ole gant phytic. They also improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect. My little son had an attack of whoop ing cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy wo would have had a serious time of It. It also saved him from several severe attacks of croup. H J Stickfaden, editor World-IIoarld, Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by XV XV Keeling. Old Settlers' FMctiio Saturday, Atig: iVi It has been. decided to hold the an uual reunion and picnic of the Old Settlers' Association at Nemaha on Saturday, August 17th. Ex-Gov. It. W. Furnas, president of the associa tion, has been appointed the cominltteo to procure speakers, which insures first class talent. F. L. Woodward' Ib the committee on stand rights. Geo. W, Mutz, who will have charge of the music at the Auburn chuutuu qua, wus in Nemaha Thursday evening interviewing our singers. He desires tomeet all the inembprs of both Sun day schools at the Methodist church at 5 o clock Monday afternoon to practice songs and plan for a big union Sunday school op the chaulauqua grounds dur ing the assembly. At 8 o'clock Mon day evening ho deqlrrs'to meet Hie adult singers of the community at the Methodist church. Steye Colenck has bought the Mc Nlnch properly in the west part of town and Is going to quit paying rent A good idea. Jf4)f)f)f)f444444444f444)f)f43f)f'ffiff)ff5f3f)fj(- IEXCLUSIVE CASH STORE I have a gpodlr jKnee Fants. v Call and see tlne stock, ofi Shirt Aaists. ; ?.':. In order to close out the stock we will sell good Sunbonnet9 for IS cts. $ Ae are making low prices on fresh k jGrocdries, CALL AND Hi. HE. BATTLES tnonday and TT trydays. Highest prices paid. t K ... 4 Road It in His Newspaper. George Schaub, a well known Ger man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is u constant reader of the Dayton Volks zeitung. Ho knows that this paper aims to advertise only tho best in its columns, and when ho saw Chamber lain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lurao back, he didlnot hesitate in buying a bottle of it foi his wife, who for eight wcks had suffered with the most- terrible pains in her bacK and could get no relief. He soys: "After using tho Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me, 'I feel as though born anew,' and before using theentire con tents of the bottle tbAinbearablo pains had entirely vanished and she could aguiu take up her household duties." IIo is very thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment is for sale by W W Keeling. Call In and see us if you want to subscribe for any paper published 'n the United States. roinuWuiiUafwUtiiinHhi MUSICAL The following is the protram of the musical to ho given at Uoovur'tt opera house Saturday night, Jnly-27, for the benefit of Miss Emma Ctim: Selection oy" the Champion band Duet M l8ses Grace and Ethel Paris itecitatlouMrs. Mellie Titus Piano soloMiss Holen Illtt Vocal solo MIbb Pearl Mlnlck Recitation Mrs. Alice McCaudless Piano solo Miss Emimi Critn Duet Misses Vova Clark ami Llllim Mlnlck Recitation Miss Helen Illtt Piano solo Miss Furlong Quartette Misses Blanche and Jessie Dye, Lola Argabright, GracoParls Selection The Champion Bund Admission, 10 cents; reserved Beats, 15 cents. After tlio entertainment ico cream will be served in the hall. Everybody is invited. J. W. Armstrong, the Auburn un dertaker, wus called to Nemaha Sun day morning by tho death of Mart May, and agHln Monday morning by he death of Mis. Thompson He roi mained in Nemaha until after the fun eial of the latter, Tuesday afternoon. selection of Boys' SEE US. FVicJeiy are Foul- MMMMtMM We have made arrangement whereby we can send The Advertiser and 'Tlomefnlks." o monthly magazine, txith one year, and a magnificent 12 qolor picture all for only SI .15, cash Now is the time to subscribe. This olTor is good for iiew subscribers and old subscribers who pay up all arrear ages. , Bravo Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles as well us women, and all feel tho result in loss of appetito, poisons in the blood, Imckache, uer voUBness, headacho and tired, listness run-down feeling. Hut there's jo need to feel like that. S. W. Gard-, nor. of Idaville, Ind., biivs: "Electric Bittors are just tho thing for a man wlion ho don't care, whether ho Uvea or djes. It ;avo mo' new strength and appetito. I can now eat anything and have a new louse on life." Only f)0 conlH at Kreling's drug store. Every boUlo guaranteed. Tho Advertiser and St Louis Globe Democrat both one year for S1.75 , DEATH OP MART MAY. The entile community was hiiddencit last Sunday by the report ol tl e liemh of Mart May. Three or tiuu yeius ago Mr. May had a struko or paialjBls ai.d has BUflered fiom (he effects ever since, llecontly ho has been troubled with heart disease. About a week befoie Ills death he was prostrated by the tx tteme heat. He had been visiting Ins son-in-law, August Qulller, lor a few days, and Sunday morning he got up uid ate breakfast with tho other mem oorfloftho family, about live o'clock. I He laid down on tho lounge alter breakfast but in a few minutes raised up suddenly and then dropped back. Members of tho family caught him. but at that instant his spirit had passed away mid they were shocked to find that ho was dead. Tho funeral Bervicea were hold at tho residence of Mr. Qui Her at 10 o'clock a. m. Monday, July 22nd. Hov. E. S. Chamberlain preached the f-er-raon. Tho body was laid at rest in tho Nemaha cemetery, , Martin T. May was born near Green ville, Bond county, Illinois. April 20, 1830. He was married to Miss Jane Stewart July 10, 1650. Ho moved to Missouri the following year, and in tho spring of 1R80 moved to the farm near Nemaha, Nob, He died at tiie homo of hia soninlaw, August Qulller, at G:U0h. m. Sunday, July 21. 1001, ngod 05 years, 3 months and 1 day. He leaves a wlfo.four children, Mrs. August Qfilllor, Mrs. Ora J. Thorp', Bhermlm May and Miss Minnie May, all living in Nemaha and vicinity, ono broth er, T. II May, of Carl Junction, Mo, and one sister, Mrs. Nancy Wright, of Hurricane, 111. We wish to thank the many friends who so kindly assisted in caring for our loved one through hia sickness and during our great trouble, and for the words (of comfort and consolation.. We also wish to thank the choir. Words cannot express our gratitude. Mns. J. I. May, Mns. J. B. Quilleh, Mns. C I, TndrtP, Sheiiman Mat, Minnie May. Just Saved HIsrLlfe It was a thrilling escape thatChnrlos ivU of Boworston, O., lately had from a frightful death. For two years a sovoro lung trouble constantly grow worse nntilit seemed he must dio of Consumption. Then, he began to use Dr King's Now Discovery and' ktoly wrote: "It gave instant relibfr'and ef fected a pormanont cure.," Such won derful cures havo for 26 years proven its power to euro all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Price 60o and $1 Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bot tles free at Keoling'B drug store. Don't Be Funny. It does not poy . If you have a good thing, tell it right out. Don't use false means to attract attention. We say "right out" and mean it, to, that Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will cure every case of Stomach Trouble. It will stop pain caused by Indegoation ; it knocks Sick Headache by attacking the cause of tho complaint and aids you to diges. your food, no matter what you eat. ' To Cure a Cold In Ono Day Take Laxatlvo BromoQulnino Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to euro. E V Grove's signature on each box. Price 25 cents 0 22 Yon may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to (Ind an active, energetic man with a torpid liver, nnd you may know his liver In torpid when ho does not relsh his food or feels dull and languid after eating often has headache and soraotlraos diz-1 zleness, A few doses of Chamborialn's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore his liver to its normal functions, renew his vitality, improve bis digestion and make him feel llko a new man. Price, 25 cents. Sample free at Keellng'd drug store. Old papers for sale at this office. A' 4 A. I i ' ts