The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 05, 1901, Image 1

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Local News
Wheat harvest is over.
Call on us for job work.
Extremely hot weather.
A good time to kilt weeds.
Too hot to rtiatle much news.
See HIU & Keeling for Are insurance
Threshing the wheat crop now be
Dr. W. I. Seymour, No. 1210 K st. ,
Lincoln, Neb.
The O'Brien wagon sold and guaran
teed by Chambers & Hiatt.
See W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
Seymour Howe commenced to thresh
bis wheat Friday of this week.
We had a good rain Monday night
and another good one Tuesday night.
The dry hot weather the latter part
of last month cut the potato crop
Have your watches and clocks re
paired by a competent jeweler at
Frank Flack and family went to
Tecunjseh Wednesday to celebrate the
The Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
only 81.00.
Dr. Harlan, oesteopalh, graduate of
A. T. Still school, Offlce in Auburn.
Consultation free. 0-7
If you nfed a new wagon call on
Chambers & Hiatt. They have just
received a car load.
Mr. aud'Mrs. James M. Burns went
to Wymore Wednesday to visit their
daughter, Mrs. Fauver.
A fine line of hammocks and croquet
sets just received by the Edwards &
Brudford Lumber Co.
Dick Chambers aud Tom Hiatt went
to Kausas City Monday night, return
ing Wednebday morning.
You no longer have to stamp checks,
notes, leases, moitgages, etc. The
change will be appreciated.
Mrs. . S. Chamberlain came in
from Johnson Wednesday to visit her
daughter, Mrs. D. H. Claik.
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Sederas went to
Beatrice Tuesday to visit Nate's father
aud other relatives and friends.
And the citizens of the United States
did celebrate the Fourth of July, even
if we are living under an emperor.
Yi e have a full line of screen doors;
also screen wire. Bo ready for flies.
Edwards & Bkadfohd Lumbeii Co.
Mrs. Alice A. Mioick and Miss
Helen Hitte, of Brownville, were call
ing on Nemaha friends last Saturday.
For host .assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Dayllght.Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r.
L. L. Roblsou's mother aud brother
returned to their home at Hickman,
Neb., Monday, after several days' visit
in Nemaha.
Those having trouble with their
eyes, ears, nose and throat should coni
suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1219
K street, Lincoln, Neb.
Mrs. Hoff, of Havana, Illinois, who
has been visiting her brother, George
Yackley, for nearly three weeks, start
ed home Tuesday ufternoou.
Uirl Hoover is the champion on early
roasting ears this year. He had some
for dinner .Monday, July 1st. re hud
our tlrst mess four days later.
The Advertiser and the Chicago In
ter Ocean for $1.40
There are no symptoms of smallpox
In Nemaha now. The last cases have
got well and have been dismissed, the
houses have been fumigated, and all
danger of infection is over.
L. II Battles says he isn't golr.g to
move again for ten years, and when he
does move he will sell off all of his
furniture. He thinks one move is
enough to make in a lifetime.
We acknowledge the receipt of the
program of the Auburn chautauqua,
which begins August 17th. The list
of entertainers Is a good one, and those
who attend will bo well repaid.
G. N. Titus. J. D Ralney, Miss Veva
Clark and Miss Helen Hoover spent
the fourth fishing in the Nishna river,
crossing over at Brownville. Thev
caught lots of fish and say they had a
splendid time.
For the next ten days Chambers &
Hiatt will make special prices on
Wagons. If you need a wagon you
cannot afford te let this opportunity
go by. Every wagon guaranteed.
The 4th of July was quietly observed
in Nemaha. The attendance at the
park was small. In the afternoon a
few patriotic songs were song and a
shorl address was made by itev. A. V.
Wilson. Many of our citizen went to
Auburn and Stella to celebrate.
Dr. Gaither was appointed city phy
sician by the mayor on last Thursday
evening and his appointment confirmed
by the city council. Dr. Gaither has
the reputation of being a good physi
cian and the appointment will doubt"
less prove a popular one. Tarkio
(Mo.) Independent.
Mart May says a small oyclone visits
ed his farm Tuesday afternoon and
tore out hedge in two places, throwing
the hedge into the corn. Mart says be
can get seven good pests from the
hedge that was torn out by the roots.
No other damage was done. Mart
would not have growled If the wind
had taken out all the hedge.
Fred Hawxby, whs has just gradu
ated from the law school of the state
university, has formed a law partner
ship with George Cornell and will be
gin the practice of law here Id Auburn.
As Mr. Cornell has to spend more or
lees of bis time in Oklahoma he will
have some one here who will look
after his business while away. Fred
is a bard worker and a close student,
two important elements of success:
Auburn Post.
While Stella was enjoying a pleasant
little Bhower on Tuesday afternoon,
the wind and hail were making things
lively just north of us. It was accom
panied by a very heavy rain. Among
those who suffered damage were:
Witbee school house, chimney blown
off; Albert Larimore and John Neal,
corn cribs unroofed; J. E. Winfrey
and Eli Knapp, windmills blown over;
Miles Knapp and John Curtis, corn
stripped by hail ; Alvin Curtis, a num
ber of apple trees broken off; Will
Marts, three loadB of hay upset; Jim
Nutter, wheat shocks generally dis
tributed over the farm. Stella Press.
Call ai Keeling's drug store and get
a free sample of Chamberlain'sStomach
and Liver Tablets. They are an ele
gant physic. They also Improve the
appetite, strengthen the digestion and
regulate the liver and bowels. They
are easy to take and pleasant in effect.
My little son had an attack of whoop
ing cough and was threatened with
pneumonia; but for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy we would have had a
Berious time ef it! It also tmved him
from several severe attacks of croup.
II J Stlckfaden, editor World-Hearld,
Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by W W
A Practicing Physician
in Montlcello, III., formulated Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup PepBin. Ask at Kees
lings drug store.
By the now game law, which went
into effect July 1st, it in made unlawful
to kill quail at any time until Novems
ber 1, 1003, and after that time the
open season is only the one month of
November for each year.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hebdon, the
temperance evangelists, will hold gosi
pel temperance meetings at the Metho
dist chuich Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday nights of next week. The
exercises will consist of lectures, songs
and views by a powerful lime light
blunial stereopticon. The first two
nights the admission will be free but a
collection will be taken. The last
night 10 and 15 cents admission will
be charged.
The Methodist Sunday school last
Sunday elected the following officers
for the ensuing six months:
W, W. Sanders, superintendent.
Dr. W. W. Keeling, assistant super
intendent. Will F. Sanders, secretary.
Belle Galbralth, assistant secretary.
I. N. Cooper, treasurer.
Nellie Sanders, librarian.
Theodore Hill, assistant librarian.
Lillian Minick, organist.
Florence Minick, assistant organist.
says fcfrr us to tell the people he
Has got through moving and Is
ready to .attend tn business. A
large stock of seasonable goods
Just received. Remember that
will continue to
stock and metlce
$ Monday arid FViday are Poul
try days. Highest prices paid.
Read It in Hie Newspaper.
George Schaub, a well known Ger
man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is
a constant reader of the Dayton Volks
zeitung. He knows that this paper
aims to advertise only the best in its
columns, and when he saw Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm advertised therein
for lame back, he did not hesitate in
buying a bottle of it for his wife, who
for eight weeks had suffered with the
most terrible pains in ber back and
could get no relief. He says: "After
UBing the Fain Balm for a few days my
wife said to me, 'I feel as though born
anew,' and before using the entire con
tents of the bottle the unbearable pains
bad entirely vanished and she could
again take up ber household duties."
He is very thankful and hopes that all
suffering likewise will bear of her
wonderful recevery. This valuable
liniment is for sale by W W Keeling.
Call in and see us it you want to
subscribe for any paper published n
the United States.
About three weeks ago Mrs. John
Clark received a letter from her only
living brother, Benson Noland, whom
she had nut heard from for over thirtj
years. Mr. Noland was living en a
ranch in South Dakota. The letter
was promptly answered. Last week
Mrs. Clark received a telegram that
her brother had died on Tuesday, June
25th. A day or two later a letter was
received from the doctor who attended
Mr. Noland in bis last sickness. The
deceased was an old bachelor and Mrs.
Clark was his only sister. He left
some property but it is not yet known
how much. It is probable D. H. Clark
will go to South Dakota as soon as he
can get away from the farm work and
look after the affairs of the deceased.
Old papers for sale at this office.
carry the largest
the lowest prl
- K - K - K - - K - )( - K.K - K -
We have made arrangement whereby
we can send The Advertiser and
"Homefolks." a monthly magazine,
both one year, and a magnificent 12
color picture all for only 81,15, cash.
Now is tho time to subscribe. This
offor is good for new subscribers and
old subscribers who pay up all arrear
Brave Men Fall
Victims te stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles as well as women, and
all feel the result in Iobb of appetite,
polaonB in the blocd, backache, ner
vousness, headache and tired, liatneaa
run-down feeling. But thero's ao
need to fool like that. S. W. Gard-
ner, of Idaville, Ind., savs: "Electric
Bittors are just the thing for a man
when he don't care whother he lives
or dies. It gave me new strength
and appetite. I can now eat anything
and have a new lease on lifo." Only
50 cants at Keeling's drug store.
Every bottle guaranteed.
The Advertiser and St Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for 81.75
Forty-six years agoin 1865 Blrl
Hoover, Samuel Stiera and William
iloiiell celebrated tho Fourth of July
at Brownville. Mr. Rossell was then
living,, in Missouri, moving to Browns
villo the next year. The next year the
Fourth was celebrated In Nemaha.
Mr. Hoover has been In Nemaha every
4th of July since that time. Mr. and
Mrs. 8tiers wero the (list couple mar
ried in Nemaha county. They were
married In October. 1854.
William Ceteriok, an old citizen of
Nemaha precinct, died at hid home
three miles southwest ot Nemaha Fri
day morning, July 5th. Mr. Colerlck
first came to Nemaha county In 1858,
settling on the Muddy. Afterward he
moved back to Indlaua and from there
to California. He lived in the western
part of this state for some time, mov
ing back here several years ago. He
leaves a wife and several childien.
The funeral services will be held at
Prairie Union Saturday, the procession
starting from tho borne at 10 o'clock
a. m.
The list of entertainers for the
burn chautauqua, the "twentieth cen
tury assembly," which will be held at
Aubuin August 17th to 25th, includes
the following: The Auburp Male
Quartette, Hon F O Fritz, W J Orem,
Rabbi A Simon, Edith C Soli el I, Geo E
Blgelow, Hen A 8pencer Zook, Rev A
T Wolff, A B Whitmer, Laura A Gregg,
Rev O M Shepherd, Mrs. J A W, Hull,
Prof W H Wright, Prof Samuel Smith,
W F Wright, Geo W Mutz, Alton
Packard, Rev Tbos W Conway Gheee
man, Rev F C Burner, Medora D L
Nlckell, Mrs Annie 8wan Demaree and
Mrs Annie V Gates.
Just Saved Hla Life
It was a thrilling escape thatCbaxlee
avis of Bowerston, O., lately Red
from a frightful death. For two years
a severe lung trouble constantly grew
worse nntil it Beemed he must die of
Consumption. Then he began toae
Dr King's New Discovery and lately
wrote: "It gave instant relief and ef
footed a permanent curc."u8uch won
derful cnreB havo for 26 years proven
its power to cure all'Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles. Price 50e and $1
Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bot
tles free at Keeling's drug store.
Don't Funny.
It does not pay . If you have a good
thing, tell it right out. Don't use false
means to attract attention. We say
"right out" and mean it, to, that Dr
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will cure every
case of Stomach Trouble. It will stop
pain caused by Indegestion ; it knocks
Sick Headache by attacking the cause
ef the complaint and aids you to diges.
your food, no matter what you eat.
To Cure a Gold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E W Grove's signature
on each box. Price 25 cents 0 22
Yen may as well expect to run a
steam engine without water as to find
an active, energetic roan with a torpid
liver, and you may know his liver fa
torpid when be does not relsh his -food
or feels dull and languid after eating
often has headache and somotimes diz
zieness. A few dosea of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore
his liver to its normal functions, renew
his vitality, improve bis digestion and
make him feel like a new man. Price,
25 cents. Sample free at Keeling'
drug store.
Old papers for sale at this office