The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 28, 1901, Image 1

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Local ISTows
Call on ua for job work.
Prepare for the Fourth.
The hot weather continues.
We had a fine rain lust Snturdny.
Farmers are very busy harvesting.
Seo Hill & Keeling for the Insurance
It has been extremely windy for
several days.
Dr. V. I. Sevmour, No. 1210 K at. , (
Lincoln, N'eb.
Cyrus Mlnick went to Bracken the
first oV the week to work.
Jar via S Church, of Auburn, was a
Nemaha visitor Thursday.
' The O'Brien wagon sold and guaran
teed by Chambers & Ilintt.
See W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
Judge Broady, of Lincoln, was a
Nemaha visitor Wednesday. v
Fine line of lap dusters aud fly nets
just received at Hiatt's harness shop.
Dr. Ebnolher and daughter Tlieora
left Monday for their homo in Downs
Have your watches and clocks re
paired by & competent jeweler at
A great many of our farmers are
busy harvesting. Giaih Is ripening
very fast.
The Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
only $1.00.
"Miss Minnie Yates went to Ntebno,
Mo , Tuesday to visit relatives for a
week or two.
Dr. Uarlau, oesteopattf, graduate of
A. T. Still school, Ofllce in Auburn
Contultation free. 0-7
Mr. Robison, of Hickman is visiting
his brother, L. L. Robison, the B. &
M. section foreman.
T.W. Wheeler, of Auburn, visited
bis mother, Mrs, Bosiua Wheeler,
Wednesday and Thursday.
E S. and A. R. McCandlcss went to
Oinuliu Monday. Ally returned on
Thursday and Swift on Friday.
Theodore Hill, who has been visiting
frionda and relatives in Stolla for the
past two weeks, returned home Suuday.
Miss Grace Paris was on Monday
night elected teacher of the Kennedy
school, two and one-half miles norths
west of Brownville.
A. future harvest hand in tho person
of an eight pound boy arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Workman on
laBt Wednesday evening1.
W. E. Seld, Charley Scovill, Fred
Hoover and the editor havo been put
ting in their time acting as jurors for
a couple of weeks. They dout like the
W. T. Mudd. of Auburn, Is assisting
in L. II. Battles' Btore this week, while
Mr. Battles is helping his wife and
daughter move and get the household
goods in proper order.
If you want to have a good time on
the 4th of July, come toV:Nemaha.
There will bo no longswihded speeches
from politicians, but plenty of music,
recitations, etc., the finest shade any
where, cool water, etc.
L. H. Battles moved his family and
household goods from Auburn to No,
malm this week. He occupies the
Judge Scull property. The house has
bqen repainted inBide, every room rex
p.ipered, a extern dug, and other im
piovements made.
We missed a good job Friday toorn
ing by being at Auburn. Henry Ciark
called to get us to shock wheat, but
as we wore not at homo he was reluct
antly compelled to got another hand.
July 3 and 4 between Btatlons not
more than two hundred miles apart,
Return limit, July 5.
Minimum rate GO cents.
Bessie Anderson, who has been visit
ing hor grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Fox, at South Auburn, returned
home Mo.nday. Sho had a sovere
attack of diphtheria but is entirely
well now, though still somowhat weak.
J, Ben Rlef, who was charged with
attempted rape upon the tensyear old
daughter of J. R. Dailey, plead guilty
in district court Tuesday afternoon
aud was sentenced to Ave years at hard
labor in the penitentiary. He certainly
got off very easy.
G. N. TRub had a case of raspberries
fall off the load he was taking to the
depot Monday morning. One wheel of
tho buggy ran over (the case, totally
wrecking it and ruining all tho berries.
Nat says ho has been hauling berries
for thirteen years but this is his first
experience of thin kind.
Thojurjat this session of district
court is the Arab one in the history of
tho county that hud us a member a
"gentleman of color." Albert Brown,
of Brownville, a colored gentleman, is
on the regular panel. He sat on bis
first case Wednesday the case of the
State of Nebraska vs. Taylor Adams,
charged with illegal voting.
We desire to extend our most hearts
felt thanks to the kind friends and
neighbors who so nobly helped us dur
ing the long illness and death of our
.darling Clarence. Only heaven can
reward such kiudness and may ench one
receive heaven's rich blessings.
J. F. Ebnotiiek
Minnie Ebnothkh.
A few ot the Nemaha ladies spent
a very pleasent day at Mrs. George
Yackley'a last Wednesday. Qulting
was the order of tho day but I think
the hardest work was done- about high
noon at the table with things too num.
erousHo mention. We would be very
much pleased if Mrs. Yackley would
have another quilting in the near
future. One who was there.
Excursion Rates to Eastern CH'os.
These rated will interest you.
They are as low as will be in effect at
any time this summer:
Detroit--July 5, 0, and 7, 822 for
the round trip from Nemaha.
Cincinnati July 4, G, and 0, 821.0G
to Cincinnati aud return.
Milwaukee July 20, 21, and 22,
818 25 for the round trip from Nemaha.
Chicago July 23, 20, and 2G, $15.85
for tho round trip.
Low rates daily to the PansAmerli
can Exposition at Buffalo. Ask the
ticket agent about them.
J. Francis, General Pussenger Ag't.
Omaha, Neb.
Call ai Keoling's drug store and get
a free sample of Chamberlain'sStomach
and Liver Tablets. They are an ele
gant phyBic. They also improve the
appetite, strengthen the digestion and
regulate the liver and bowels. They
are easy to take and pleasant in effect.
My littlo aon had an attack of whoop
ing cough and was threatened with
pneumonia; but for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy wo would have had a
serious time of it.' It also saved him
from several severe attacks of croup.
H J Stlckfaden, editor World-Hearld,
Fair Haven, Wash. For salo by W W
A, Practicing Physician
in Mouttjcello, 111., formulated Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Ask at Kees
lings drug store.
Tho annual school meeting was held
at tho school home Monday night.
After the usual reports by tho director
and treasurer, the.vquestlon of voting
in favorof levying a tax to provide
free tuition at the Auburn high school
wa broached, and after considerable
discussion the vote was unanimously
against the proposition.
Tw trusteeslworo to bo elected, to
take tho nlaco of Peter Kerker and
August Quiller. John R. Russell
was elected on the first ballot. After
a number of ballots August Quiller
was'elected, his opponents being A.
McCandless and F, L. Woodward.
Mr. Korker was not a candidate He
has served the district six years and
thinks he is entitled to a rest.
Tho usual levy of 2ft mills was made,
10 mills for teachers fund and 15 for
Another ono of Charley Ilowe's
horses died u few days ago. Charley
is certainly unfortunate. He has lost
three good horses in less than ft year.
Frank Lindsey
front to Johnson
says for us to tell tin people he
too busy moving to nrite
ad. this week, Jbut wanis It
djstjiejtly understood that the
-uvrlll continue to
stock and ma Re-
Monday euridL YrldLety are Poul
try days. Highest prices paid.
K - K - K - K -
Road It in His Nowspnpor.
George Schaub, o well known Ger
man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is
a constant reader of tho Dayton Volks
zeitung. He knows that this paper
aims to advertise only tho best in its
columns, and when he saw Chamber
lain's Pain Balm advertised therein
for lame back, he did not hesitate in
buying a bottlo of it for his wife, who
for eight weeks had suffered with the
most terrible pains in her back and
could get no relief. He says: "After
using tho Pain Balm fora few days my
wife said to me, 'I feel as though born
anew,' and before using the entire con
tents of tho bottle tlia unbearable pains
had entirely vanished and she could
again take up her household duties."
Ho is very thankful and hopes that all
suffering likewise will hear of her
wonderful roc very. This valuable
liniment is for sale by W W Keeling.
Call in and see us if you want to
subscribe for any paper published n
the United States.
Summer Millinery
Ht - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - V
Ambrose Howo
and fever.
is sick with chills
Marrlod. At tho Luthoran parson
age, South Auburn, Nob , at high noon
on Wodnesday, Juno 20, 1001, by tho
Rev. W. Dleffenbach, Mr. Raymond
M. Anderson to Miss Gertie Flack,
both of Nemaha county. Tho brido is
the youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
John P. Flack. The groom is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Anderson. We
understand tho young couplo will go
to housekeeping at once. May happi
ness, prosperity aud long lifo attend
Old papers for sale at this ofllce.
carry tho largest
the lowest prices.
K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - K - Klt - K - K - K
Wo havo made arrangement whereby
wo can send The Advortiser and
"Homofolks." a monthly magazine,
both one year, and a magnificent 12
color plcturo all for only 81 .15, cash
Now is tho time to subscribe. This
offor is good for new subscribers and
old subscribers who pay up all arrear
ages. Bravo Mon Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles as well as women, and
all feel tho result in loss of appetite,
poisons in tho blocd, backache, ner
vousness, headacho and tired, liutnoss'
run-down feeling. .But there's ao
need to fool like that. S. W. Gard-.
nen of Idavillo, Ind., savs: "Electric
Bittors are just the thing for a man
when he don't care whether ho lives
or dies. It gave me now strength
and appetite I can now eat anything
and have a new lease on lifo." Only
50 cents at Keoling's drug store.
Every bottlo guaranteed .
The Advertiser and St Louis Globe
i Democrat both one year for 81.70
- K
Conductor. Cronkhite narrowly ea
caped a bad fall Tuesday afternoon.
As tho train got ovon with tho depot
platform tho conductor stepped down
on the lower stop and It broko. For
tulately ho had hold of tho railing, but
came near falling, and might havo res
colved serious Injuries, as the train
had not yetBtopped.
The ca8o of Miss Grace McGrew va.
the town of Peru, In which Mlas Mo
Grew sued the town for $10,000 dam
ages for Injuries recoivod In March,
1803,011 account of a defective sidewalk,
was decided Tuesday night in favor of
the plaintiff, but tho damages wore
assessed at $500. This Is the fifth
trial of this case, and of course this
verdiot was a compromise ono.
A Holiday in California.
A month In California Is an educat
tlon of the best kind.
It will give you new ideas, ihnrpon
your powers of observation, bring you
into contact with people who regard
lifo from an unusual standpoint.
Go there next July at the tlma of
tho Fp "orth League meeting in San
Novor will you have a better oppor
tunity. Never have the ratts been s
Think of it 945 for a round trip
ticket from Omaha to San Franoisoo.
Less than the regular oha-way rata...
Stop-overs allowed both ging-and
returning.Ticketss good to return untt
August 31.
Beautifully illustrated folder, giving
full information, mailed on request.
J. F11ANCI8, Gonaral Passenger Ag't,
Omaha, Nob,
Just Saved His Life
It wa3 a thrilling escape thatOharloB
avis of Boworstou, O., lately had
from a frightful death. For two years
a sovoro lung troublo constantly grew
worso nntil it seemed he must dio of
Consumption, Then he began touso
Dr King's Now Discovery and lately
wrote: "It gave instant relief and off
feotod a permanent euro." Such won
derful cures havo for 26 years proven
its power to cure all Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles. 'Price 50o and $1
Every bottlo guaranteed. Trial bot
tles free at Keoling's drug storo.
Don't Bo Funny.
It does not pay. If you have a good
thing, tell it right out. Don't use false
means to attract attention. We say
"right out" and mean it, teo, that Dr
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will cure every
case of Stomach Trouble. It will stop
pain caused by Indcgostion; it knocks
Sick Headache by attacking the cause
of the complaint and aids you to diges.
your food, no matter what you eat.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablots .
All druggists refund tho money if it
fails to cure. E W Grove's slgnaturo
on each box. Price 25 cents 0 22
Yon may as well expect to run a
steam engine without water as to find
an active, energetic man with a torpid
liver, and you may know his liver in
torpid when ho does not relsh his food
or feels dull and languid after eating
often has headache and seraotimes diz
zleness. A few doaes of Chamberlaina
Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore
his liver to its normal functions, renew
his vitality, improve his digestion and
make him feel like a new man. Price,
25 cents. Sample free at Keeling
drug store.
SassssL.-. zza