0 J " '-! 0 . J 1 , 0 t: V ..W a ! V , ! X , wyjp uoJc hO OtAAy r- U'i. W 4- ) VOLUME XLV NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 31, IflOl. NUMBER 40 U 1, ; 3UHiefKef, Mebfaito lit ,. - 'At- r 1T Pvi lk ' W Local News Call on ub for job work. See H1U & Keeling for Ore insurance Dr. W. I. Soymour, No. 1210 Kst., Lincoln, Neb. The O'Urlon wngon sold and guaran tee! by Chambers & Hliitt. Fine line of lap dusters and fly nets just recelred at Hiatt's harness shop. Dr. Harlan, eesteopath, graduate of A. T. Still school, Office In Auburn. Consultation free. 0-7 Mrs. Kobeccn Barger rtturned from Auburn Saturday. , II I I !! I I lll Nelson Hadlock returned from St. Joe the latter part of last week. Clyde Hill went to Stella Friday morning to visit friends far a few days. Mis. Roslna Wheeler went to Auburn Thursday to visit her sen, T. Wi Wheeler. Tom Hlatt and Dick Chambers started for Woodward. Oklahsma, Tuesday. See W. VV. Harris of South Auburn for Clothing and Dry Goods. 3" T Err-" -v-w I13 5 Qo to FOR YOUR , FOURTH OF JULY HATS MIbs Nellie Sanders has been vislti lag her oousin, Miss Iloxie Parker, at Auburn, this week. An ice cream festival will be given at the Larkio school house Friday night of this week. Bowen A Webb have bought a new separator the Avery. They also got in two car loads of eoal. Miss Hazel and Master Harry Parker visited their aunt, Mrs. W. W. Sanders, from Sunday until Taeaday. Mrs. H. S. Galther, Mips Maye and Miss Lela returatd from Doniphan, Kansas, Wednesday morning. $MRS. SEDORAS. at NEMAHA.? She is selling everything at yray down figures. A Pew Sample Rrlces: Children's Hats, worth $2.00, only $1.25 t . Beautiful Turbans, worth $4.00, only $2.50 Ladies' Leghorns, nicely trimmed, only $2.50 A good line of cheaper Hats, from 98 cents to $2.25 Street Hats, worth $1.00 to $1.50, for 75 cents and $1.00 A nice line of Children's Hats as low as 50 cts. trimmed $ No Old Stock. Euervthine- Fresh and 3 the Iateat Styles. $ The patronage of the ladies of Nemaha and ricinityis so- $ Sfc 1 j4-j-ts3 ""rkll n -! VkA iAtfitiirt1 4-- n 4 Tick a4-fhs1i r tVVrn Vset n - 1 T !. W4 u v "-f -. " , T " - . . ..l.-'.i,,..-: her prices the lowest. Eugene Howe, who has been visiting At 8prlngfleld and Omaha for a few days, returned home Tuesday, .Miss Roxle Parker, of Auburn, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Nellie Sanders, Saturday and Sunday. The editor was unfortunate enough t have a fine Jersey cow die from clover bloat Thursday evening. Mrs. Lillle Walsh returned to Lint coin Monday, after a two weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. W, H. Hoover. m. ! AS MMMMMM MHMM M ' 5 IS HAVING A GRAND CLOSING OUT BALE OP 5 $ -K-Ke-K-K-Ktt MRS. THEO. HILL Millinry; Summer Miss Grace Bready, of Lincoln, is visiting' her brother, J. O. Broady, and friends in Nemaha and vicinity. She came Menday. Herbert Aynes returned to Heaaha last Saturday. Herb dees not feel at home away from Nemaha. He deev n't like it at Sargent. Seymour How is qnlte sick with 8tomaeb trouble and typho-malarla,! fever, but is thought to be a little better. Will S. Jay, representing the Lincoln State Jeurnal aud the Linoeln Evening News, gave us a wclal call Friday morning. Have your watches and clocks re paired by a competent jeweler at Glas gow & Co.',, , ' rr-H Ice oream freezers-best in the mar ket forjwle by tha Edwards $Brad, ferd Lumber Co. ., , Master Claude Thurman, who haa been visiting his uncle, F. L. Woed ward, for two or three -weeks, returned te his home at Atchison, Kansas, Men, day. in F. L. McNown whs h Nemaha visit" or Tuesday and Wednesday. He haa been engaged for another year as prin cipal of the Athens ward scbeol at Auburn. The children's day exercises that were to have been given at the Metha dlst church next Sunday night have been given up on account of tbe small pox scare. Wm . Daniels and Mrs, Jennie Cliff returned from Oklabema Monday. They were both well pleased with the country and each bought a quarter sec tion of land. Mrs. Ed E, Sanders and, children, ef Albany, Mo., who have been visiting Mrs, J. M. Sanders, of London preelnet, cape .to Nesaaba Thursday 'and -are Yialtlag tne editor ana ramiy. Our poetmlstreei, MIm Lillian. Mln iok, took a vaoatloa Thursday surf Went over to the Nishna to flsb, in company with MiseM Ethelle and Graee Paris and their father, Arthur I). Paris. Mis Ethelle Paris closed her school In the Fairrlew dtotrlct Friday of last week. The pupils and patrons had a picnic on that day. Miss Ethelle baa been ef aged to teach the fcboe-1 an ihet year. The little' babe of Mr. and MrsFrank Gaskill, of Aspinwall precinct, waa burled in the Nemaha cemetery Wednesday. The funeral eervlees were held at the Methodist church at 2 o'cleck. r Rev. A. V, Wilton reacted the sermon. Gilbert AMoCandless receive car load ei floar from the. Crete" mills Tbuisday maruHig. There were 400 sacks of the celebrated Victor high patent spring wheat fleur, the balance of tbe car load being Coronet Hoar and corn meal. aas Thursday? waa Weedmen ef thf World deceratlon day and was appro prlaiely abaerved in Nemaha. The graves ef Charles A, TKus and Lew Mather, the deceased sovereigns, wefe corered with nbwua by. the Wtedmen . Manv other craves Wert alio dacoraW I with fe w ef a kylevlng friends. ,- tf- V.r-'.i ,,.'. . , .. .. ,. . BMaaapaaasBaaMaiaaiBBiBBBBBj T- Tf k w $ 1k . ' , k I '.? -k k -k k To the Citizens of Nemaha and Vicinity: Having IbougHt thestock of Central MeicHtricIi,et3 of Glasgow & Go.. I dteslrt3 to assure the ciilzens of Nemaha ekrrdL vicinity tHat I etrrt '"- Vv HCEIIRIEJ TO ST-A."5T. "A riaire leased the store room for IPIve Yearfl and vtHi stay viItri VP l Appreciate, the liberal patronage given when 1 was here, and ask for ft continuance. The eame courteous treatment lvill be given customers, and prices; will at all times Ibe the lowest. Gall and see mef whether you wa&t to buy anything or not -) L H. BATTLES '.VV NfeaASiKA - u , r 'V.' v ! i ! .! I I I I. I ! . 1 $ t I; ! I c4.c '..i, &gj"'t ". V .. K : f A . . 'ft. ' , ..j, .'.i. i , i i,kt.A.rtJAsalSaW &,L'wJktb&iJK&&'i.M J J ... :A v i., . ''il .:,! ' ititki : n 'I !f 1' ' i ' ft J; - ft as? J