The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 24, 1901, Image 1

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3W 1L 41U
Local News
Call on n for job work.
Strawberries are now ripening.
See Hill & Keeling for tire insurance
Dr. V. I. Seymour, No. 1210 K st. ,
Lincoln, Nob.
Chamber & Matt uro having a lino
trade in bmrgles.
quire at this olllce.
Charloy Hunt ia cleaning up the
cemetery this week.
David Carrol started for the state of
Washington Tuesday.
See W.
W. HarrlBof South AuburnV
for Clothing and Dry Goods
"Nlovt TiVlrliiv mnrnlno. Muv1 :ilt.. In
iX, the duto of Dr. Williams' visit.
Have your watches and clocks re
paired by a competent jeweler at Glas
gow & Co.'a, ,
Dr. Kay is having some changes nnd
repairs made about his house, and has
had it repainted..
As has been the custom recently,
there were two or three tights at the
dance Friday night.
J)hn I. Dressier, of Auburn, attended
the commencement exercises at Nema
ha last Friday night.
Seven-eightlij Jeiaey; two yearB old.
Inquire at this ofllce.
Rev. John T. Smith
protracted meeting at
church Sunday night.
commenced a
the Christian'
Grandma Culp went to Johnson last
Saturday to visit her grandson, George
Chapman, and, family.
Louie Kerker is assisting In the store
of Gilbert & McCandless, during Earle
Gilbert's absence in Oklahoma.
Mart May is puttlug on lots of style
vrh a new btiguy lie bought a few
days ago of Chambers & Hiatt.
Nelson Hadlock went to St. Joe
Wednesday, where we understand he
will go to work in a barber shop.
Herbert Ay ties started for Ord Tues
day and from there will go to Sargent,
wbete hip father has a furniture store.
For best .assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight.Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r.
Blckmore's Gall Cure is a sure cure
for galls, scratches, cuts, sore should1
ers, sore nocks, etc. For sale by John
A. Hiatt.
Mrs. F. b. Woodward, of Kansas
City, Mo., is visiting her son, P. L.
Woodward. She arrived last Satur
day night,
Gilbert & McCandless are building a
fourteen by sixteen addition to their
already large store room, to bo used as
a ll6urroom.
"R. I. Brown has been appointed con
stable for Nemaha precinct, to fill the
vacancy caused by the removal of
Sherm Titus.
Mre. Eleanor Iladlock.who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Galbraith, returned to hor home at
St. Joe Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs.' Henry Williams drove
up from Shubert Sunday morning and
sjient the day as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. R.Titus.
The Champion band gave a free open
air concert in the park Sunday after
noon. The music was enjoyed by a
good sized audience.
'Gene Bradley, of tbo firm of Brad
la), DeGroff &Co., wholesale grocers
of Nebraska City, was calling on our
merchants Wednesday.
Mrs. Lillle Walsh and daughter, Mitts
Helen Mario Walsh, of Lincoln, ar
rived in Nemaha Monday Jor a two
weeks' visit with relatives.
County Commissioner John Steven
eon has been in town bq often recently
that ho is now classed as an honorary
member of the board of trustees.
Dr. V. M, Boal, of Auburn, has
bought an automobile the first ono in
Nemaha county and can now mako
trjps in the country at a rapid rate.
Mrs. John Maxwell was In town
Monday for tho llrst time in Beveral
weekn, having been kept at home by
slcknos?. We are glad to know she is
so much better.
Mrs. John A Hiatt went to Sidney,
IsTfiiira I ii at- Sjtirirltitt In trtult- lim tlutinrli
,! "',7 ";... .. . Z .
rer, Airs, ijiiiu owner, misses x tan
and Llllie went with her, nnd John is
running the household alone.
Mrs. Florence Jnrvis is having the
houso she bought of Lester Peabody
moved from tho latter's farm to hor
lots north of the park. W. H. Nichols,
of Auburn, Is doing the work.
B. T. Neal was shaking hands with
Nemaha friends Tuesday, Ben has
been living in Illinois but says ho has
no permanent abiding place, but is a
wanderer on the face of the earth.
W. H. Dressier weut to Auburn last
Saturday. Mr. Dressier was one of
the best teachers Nemaha ever hndand
has the best wishes of our citizens for
a'lapld rise in his chosen profession.
We have received a copy of the pro
gram of the commencement exercises
of the Guthrie (Oklahoma) high school,
which takes place next Monday. Miss
Lizzie Melvin is one of the graduates.
A number of Auburn citizens drove
to Nemaha last Sunday and enjoyed
themselves picnicing in our magnifi
cent park. No other town in the coun
ty has such a fine park. Nemaha is
justly proud of It.
WARNING. All persons are here
by notified not to lariat stock so it will
got on streets that are traveled, or same
will be taken in charge by tho marshal
and usual fees collected.
By order of the board of trustees.
We have made arrangement whereby
we can send Tho Advertiser and
"Ilomefolks.- a monthly magazine,
both one -year, and a magnificent 12
color picture nil for only 81.15, cash.
Now is the time to subscribe. This
offor is good for new subscribers and
old subscribers who pay up art arrear
ages. Ajchange was made in the firm of L.
H. BattUs & Co. Monday. Mr. Battles
sold bis interest in the store to his
partner, S. P. Glasgow, who has taken
his brother, Bert Glasgow, as partner.
The firm Is now Glasgow Co. We
understand Mr. Battles Intends going
to Colorado. He is u good merchant
and we hate to have him leave us. Tho
new firm will continue to carry a large
stock and makeN lowest prices. Bert
Glasgow will have charge of tho store.
Paid Doar for his Log,
It D Blanton oi Thackerville Texas
in two years paidovor$300 to doctors
to cure a running soro on his log.
Then thev wanted tc cut it off but ho
cured it with one box of Buoklon's
Arnica Salvo Guaranteed euro for
Piles. 25 cts a box. Sold by Keeling
iho druggist.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No Cqre, no Pay. 25o
Keon Clear Brain
Your best feelings, your social posi
tion or business success depend large
ly on tho perfect action of your Stom
ach and Liver. Dr King's Now Life
Pills give increased strength, n keen
clear brain, high ambition. A 25c box
will miikoyou feel liko a now boing.
Sold by Keeling tho druggist.
Another ono of our oldest and best
ctt.i7.on8 passed away Wednesday night.
John C. Clark died at his home, two
and ono-lmlf milos northwest of Nema
ha, Wednesday, May 22nd, 1001, at 11
o'clock p. m. Mr. Clark had a stroko
of paralysis four or flvo dayB previous
to his death and never recovered from
Us effects.
John C. Clark was born In Kentucky
In 1820. In 1850 ho moved to Holt
county, Missouri, nnd in 1805 to Brown
villo. In December, 1850, ho bought
the quarter section of land where he
lived for over forty-five years.
Mr. Clark was highly respected by
friends and acquaintances for tils sterl
ing integrity and christian character.
His death will be deeply regretted by
Tho funeral services will bo held at
thu residence Friday, May 24th, at one
o'cloo p. ro. The body will bo taken
to Brownvllle for burial.
Dr. Williams, eye, ear, nose and
throat specialist, who is with Dr. Soy
inour, will bo bore next Friday n. m.
Do not fail to see him.
Mrs. Stroble and Miss Barrett, of
Brownvllle, wereguosts of Mrs. T? J,
Ilumbaugh Wednesday.
Goods at
We are now prepared to handle Poultry $
Sand will receive same every Monday and$
' . ... . ,
$ Friday. Highest market price paid.
The cemetery board of trustees re
quest parties cleaning off lots in ttie
cometory to carry all rubbish outside
tho grounds and not dump it in streets
or on other lots. The request is also
made that all dead trees be cut down
and taken off tho ground.
Andrew Aynes has bought a stock of
furniture nnd undertakers' goods at
Sargent, Neb., nnd is now transacting
business at that place. The citizens of
Sargent aro to be congratulated on se
curing so good u business man and cit
izen as Mr. Aynes. May prosperity
attend him.
Drs. Seymour and Williams have
been making regular visits hers, and
will be in the city again at tbo Park
hotel on Friday, May 31st. This op
portunity of consulting them should
not be missed by these needing the
services of an eye, ear, nose or throat
The Advertiser and the Chicago In
tor Ocean for 31.40
Largest and Most Beautiful stock of Spring $
and Summer Millinery
Prices Always the Lowest.
Dr. Seymour, eyo specialist, here
Friday, May 31at,jit Park hotel.
Camo on my farm, throo miles
northwest of Nemaha, April 30th,
1001, one 2-year-old red oteor with a
white spot In each flank. HaB been
dohorned but has Bhovt.stubs of horns
yet. Thin In flesh. Owner will ploaso
call nnd settle damages and take steer.
Don't forget tho date: Next Friday
mnrntnrr Mnv Hint, in wllpn Dr. WIN
j liams will be bore. At tho Park hotel.
at the
Prices. $
Just Saved His Life
It was a thrilling escape thatCharles
avis of Bowerston, O., lately had
from a frightful death. For two years
a sovoro lung troublo constantly grew
worso nntil it seemed ho must die of
Consumption. Then ho began to uso
Dr King's Now Discovery and latoly
wroto: "It gave instant relief and ef
fected a permanent euro." Such won
derful enrcs have for 26 years proven
its power to euro all Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles. Price 50o and $1
Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bot
tles free at Reeling's drug store
Don't Bo Funny.
It does not pay. If you have a good
thing, tell it right out. Don't use false
means to attract attention. Wo say
"right out" and mean it, teo, that Dr
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will cure every
case of Stomach Trouble. It will stop
pain caused by Indexation; it knocks
Sick Headache by attacking the cause
of the complaint and aids you to diges.
your food, no matter what you eat.
Tho ninth annual commencement of
the Nemaha high schoel was held at
Hoover's opora houso Friday rilght,
May 17th. In less than ton minutes
from the tlmo tho doors wero open tho
room was crowded full. The hall was
beautifully decorated with flowers and
the class colors, old gold and royal
blue. Tho olass motto, "Launched but
not Anchored," was over the front of
the stage.
The 20th century class consisted of
MlBses Dora Clark, Datey Frazlor, Mln
nlo Yutos and Mayo Gaither. Tho
evening's program began with prayer ,
by Rev. A. V. Wilson, followed by
an Instrumental duet by Misses Jessio
and Blunche Dye. Miss Dora Clurk
gavo an oration and salutatory, "Char
aoter Is tho Crown of Life." Miss
Qrace Paris sang a solo entitled "The
Night Bird's Cooing." Miss Daisy
Frazier delivered au oration entitled
"Ignis Fntuusj," follewed by a duet by
Misses Jessie and Blanche Dye. Miss
Minnie Yates gave an oration entitled
"Little Things." MIbs Emma Crim
played an instrumental solo. Miss
Maye Gaither delivered an oratlen and
valedictory, entitled "Tho Dawn." A
duct, by Misiss Grace and Ethelle
Paris followed, entitled "In the Wild
wood." Prof. Porter of the state nor
mal school, gavean oxcellent class ad
dress, taking for his subject "The 20th
Century." Peter Kerker, president o
the school board, presented the diplo
mas to the graduates. A quartet,
"Voices of the Woods," by MIbbbs
Bessie Anderson, Jessie Dye, Blanche
Dye and Lela Argabrlght, followed,
and tho audlonce was then dismissed
with the benediction by Rev. A. V.
The orations were nil good. The
ideas were excellent, tho language well
chosen, and the delivery good. Each
graduate received piles of flowers and
Beveral nice books. The order during
tho exercises was goed, considering the
crowded condition of the room.
The Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
only 81.00. i
WW Keeling guarantees every bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund tbo money to any one who
is notsatisQed after UBlng two-thirds of
the contents. Tbid is the best remedy
in the world for la grippe.coughs.colda
croup and whooplngcough and is pleas
tnt aud safe to take. It. provents any
tendency of a cold to result In pneu
monia. The claim of other cough medicines
to be as good as Chamberlain's are
effectually set at rest in the following
testimonial of Mr. O. D. Glass, an em
ploye of Bartlett & DenniB Co., Gardls
ner, Me. He says ; "I had kept adding
to a cold and cough in the winter of
1807, trying every cough medicine I
had heard of wiihout permanent help,
until one day I was In the drug store of
Mr. Houleban and he advised me to try
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aud
offered to pay back my money" if I was
not cured; My lungs and bronohlal
tubes woro very sore at this time, but
I was completely cured by this remedy,
and have always turned to it when I
got a cold, and soon find relief, I also
recommend it to .my friends and am
glad to say It is the best of all cough
medicines." For sale by W W Keelin8
The Advertiser and St Louis Globo
Bemocrat both one year for $1.75
Jt. it
Jy .'toniiifc.foiiM.UA,