The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 17, 1901, Image 8

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ant Cog flymprrMte Good. CrtH
M tniw. BoM dydnioliit. jljl
The Nebraska Advertiser
Dr. g. W, Keeling,
Nomnhn, Nebraska.
Offico in Keeling building) rcooihI door
orth of Aynos' lmrdwnro Htoro.
PETElt KEltKElt;
Doalor In
Highest market prico paid for IlidcB,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
Breeder of '
Thoroughbred Poland China
Farm one and ono-half miles south
west of Nemaha.
and Insurance Agents.
Choice farm loans 5 per cent.
Notary Public in ofllce.
Fine line of lap dusters and fly nets
just received nt Hiatt's harness shop,
Phil Shuck wont to Auburn Wednes
day ovenlng, where he will go to work
on tho M. P. II. It. section.
Dr. Seymour, the Lincoln eye, ear,
nose and throat specialist, hero Friday,
May Slot, at the Park hotel.
To Curo a Gold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money If it
falls to curo. E V Grove's signature
on each box. Price 25 cents 0 22
Proprietor of tho
Li very& Feed Stable
Gcod Dray in connootion with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Republican Jr., 29348
Standard and registered. Sired by
Republican, 2:lAf ; dum, Sadie Vera
by Talavera, 2::10; 2nd dam, Betsy
Trotwood by MuMahon, 2:21. Red
bay, black points, 7 years old, stands
10 bands, weighs 1175 pounds; good
bigb action with line style.
Ludwick, 32673
Standard and registered. Sired by
Pat L, 2:00&; dam, Sadie Vera; 2nd
dam, Betsy Trotwood. Dark bay,
black points, 4 years old, stands 16
bands bigb, welgha 1275 pounds.
Both horses will make the season of
1001 at Maple Ridge stock farm, 1
miles southeast of Howe, Nebr., at
10.00 to insure mare In foal. (Care
will be taken to prevent accidents, but
should any ocour It will be at owner's
T. H. JONES, Owner,
Deafness is very annoying. Drs.
Seymour and Williams successfully
treat hundreds of cases of this disease.
Consult them when they are here,
Friday, May 81st, If you are having
trouble with your ears.
Wm. Ernest Jr., who lives just over
the line In Nemaha county, east f
Qraf, made a big wolfo catch last Sat
urdaydigging ten young wlves out
of tholr den near his home. As Nemaha
county pays a bounty of $3 each for
scalpB, this was a very good day's
work, from a financial standpoint, bo
sides removing ten hungry feeders on
young sttck. Tecumsth Journal.
Through the kindness of 8. H. Avey
& Co., of Auburn, a fine piano has
been provided for the commencement
exercises of tho twentieth century
class at the opera house tonight. Mr.
French brought tho piano to Nemaha
Thursday. Mr. Avey is now in the
east buying a large stock of musical
instruments for the Bummer trade, and
those wanting anything in this line
would do well to call on them;
Annual meeting of the German Bap
tists at Lincoln May 24 to 31.
Half rates to Lincoln from all peintB
on the B. & M. R. R.
Selling dates: May 24 to SI from
stations within 150 miles of Lincoln;
May 23 to 27 from stations more than
150 miles frem Lincoln.
The meeting will be held on the
state fair grounds at Lincoln, which
are alongside the Burlington's tracks.
J. Francis, General PassengerAgent,
Omaha, Neb.
Albltz Ryan, the popular and well
known conductor on the B. & M., will
be married next month to Miss Edith
UuBWorth, at the home of Ibo bride's
parents at Reno, Nevada, but the exact
dute Albltz refuses to divulge just at
Brownville Locals
W. S. Christy and Minnie Blckford
wero Nemaha visitors Tuesday.
Del Vandevonter has bad a new
Bummer kitchen built this week.
Miss Perlo Minick came down from
Peru and spent Saturday at home.
The funeral of Charllo Vance will be
preached at the Christian church next
Mrs. Pierce has moved lnte the brick
on Main street recently vacated by
Marion Baker.
Mrs, Carson and sen John are occu
pyiug their fine property on Main
street this week.
The Misses Clark and Hoover, of
Nemaha, visited over Sunday with
Mrs. Alice Minick,
Laura Woodwortb, of Exeter, Neb.,
,1b spending the, week visiting her Bister
Mrs. Del Vandeventer.
O. M. Lewelllng made a business
trip to Beaver City Saturday on a land
trade for the firm of Lewelllng &Sapp.
Mrs. Jay, who has been visiting at
the home of her mother, Mrs'. Nace,
departed for her home at Kansus City
Noah Harlen and wife went out to
Auburn Saturday ani bought a loud of
furniture preparatory to going to
Howard Degman is able to be on the
streets again after being confined to
the house some three months with
Men's fine Summer Underwear,
shirts or drawers 35 cts
Ladies' Summer Vests 05 cts
Ladies' Summer Combination Un
derwear, goqd 40 cts
Ladies' Summer Vests with long
sleeves 19 cts
Half wool dress goods, single fold
black and brown, per yard .... 05cts
Half wool, double fold, blue, black,
brown and green, per yard. . . . 10 cts
Men's good Overalls 50 cts
Men's goat Gloves 25 cts
Men's fine Summer Ties 10 cts
Straw Hats, all prices.
Three handle Selz, Schwab & Co. fine
Shoes; nothing better made.
Call and see me.
Brownville, Nebraska
4 4 44 4 :4 444444444444444444444444
Successor to ANdrew Aynes $
carries a full stock of
The family of Rella Letzer, accom
panied by J. W. Henton, moved to Te
cumsoh, where tbey expect to make
tholr future home.
Dick Barada and John Akerman had
a lawsuit in 'Squire Janes' court Mon
day beforo a jury of three aud we opine
that both parties were beat.
E. D. Berlin has had a new roof put
on his house and 1b otherwiso repairing
it, and whan done will have one of the
nicest homes in North Brownville,
Hon. C. F. Wheeler, ex-represeutn-tlve
and editor of the Beaver City
Times, stopped off between trainsTues
day on business with ex-Gov. R. W.
Courtney Stonecypber, of Furnas
county, Bpent several days this week
viewing Brownville property, and ex
pects his father's family to locate here
in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Moore arrived
Tuesday morning and will make an
extended visit with their people, the
this time. The young lady was for
merly a resldout of this city and a most LewellinK8, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Lew
elllng being sisters.
Mrs. Georgie Covington
Undertaking Goods Buggies Pumps
Oils, and everything that you generally find in such stores.
W. S. Chambers,
i awe v)
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All tho blood In your body passes through
your kidneys once eyety three minutes.
The kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
Impurities In the blocd.
It they are sick or out
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid In the
blood, due to neglected
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteadv
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
(hey had heart trouble, because the heart Is
over-working in pumping thick, kldney-
olsoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to bo traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning In kidney, trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
y first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
f id the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is
toon realized. It stands the highest for Its
onderf ul cures of tho most distressing case3
end Is sold on its merits
by all druggists In flfty-
Snt and one-dollar siz
, You may havo a
sample botllo by man nom ot Qwnmnoot.
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
eut If you have, kidney or bladder trouble,
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
fcCo.i Btnjhamton, N. Y.
loveable young lady, and held in bigh
esteem by ull that became acquainted
with her while she remained in this
city. Mr. Ryan's parents and a num
ber of the young lady' relatives will
go from here to witness the ceremeny
and join in wishing them a pleasant
journey through life and all of the good
thlngB that tbey can think of. After
the ceremony the happy couple will
take a trip to the Pacific coast, after
which tbey will return to this city,
where they will make their home.
Nebraska City News.
After July 1 the venders of peanuts,
fruit and machine made books, techni
cally kuown as "train butcheiB," will
be things of tho past on the entire Bysi
tern of the Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy railroad. On June 1 tho cons
tract between the Burlington company
and Riley D. Gronk, who controls the
privilege on this road, will expire and
will not be renewed. By terms ef the
contract Mr. Cronk will have thirty
days to close up his business, so that
the news agents will not be Qually
withdrawn until July 1,
'Oflicera of the Burliugten did not
deolde to abolish the "butchers" until
all points for und against the custom
had been considered, They have
reached the conclusion that there is no
longer any demand for train vending.
Officers of the Burlington say there
will be no inconvenience to patrons ns
n result of the ouster order. The
library cars on the different trains are
all supplied with newspapers aud cur
rent periodlcles, and when the new
order goes into efteot, uniformed news
agents will be stationed at tho princN
pal points along the line, These agents
will board trains with newspapers and
A Praotlolng Physlolan
in Montlcello, 111., formulated Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepalu. Ask ut Kees
lings drug atore. ,,
and Ella
Sapp have bought the millinery store
of H. Andrew and are stocking up with
new goods and are prepared to run a
Qrst class millinery Btoro. Visit them
before buying ehewbere.
Old papers for sale at this ofllce.
Catarrh of tho eyes, ears, nose and
throat can be cured. If -you are afs
dieted In this way do not fail Jtp see
Drs. Seymour and Williams, the noted
Lincoln specialists, when they are here
Friday, May 31st, at the Park hotel.
Farming Implements,
Wagons, Buggies, Etc.
Get my prices before buying. I will meet all
Competition. Warehouse joining the
Livery Stable on the south.
Dealer in
South of Court House Square, AUBURN..NEB.
Those having trouble with their
eyes, ears, nose aud throtit Bhouid coti-i
suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1210
K street, Lincoln, Neb.
Nemaha, Nebr.
St. JoHopb.
KatiHiiti City
St. Hioulu and nil
Points I&UHt and
Salt liiUco City
Sin . ITrunoisoo
A.u 1 nil 3?ointH
No. 07 -Fassonttur, dully oxec ptSunn
ilny, tor ToouiriNuli, 1 'ixtrlco,
Hold roue nuri ull points went 0:40 a m
No.08 PnttxouKor, dully uxcont Sun
day, tor Nebraska Cll . Clileugo
aud nil polnis north and east 4:33p m
No. 113 Looul freight, dally oxcept
Humiay, icr liomnco aim an iu
torinedlatoHtuMoiM 1:00 p ra
No. 114 Local frolKht, dull except
Sunday, for NourBUu (My and
all Intermediate stntlous 11:10 p in
No, 110-Looul frolnht, dully oxcept
Sunday, lor AtciliWon a. id 'liter,
modiuto BtailoiiH 7:15 p tn
No. 112 Looul trelalit, dully except
Monday, for Nebraska C!hy mill
Intermediate muttons 3:10 a m
Slpeplnu. dining and roollnlnu rlmlr enr
(Beats free on tlirninjti t ratlin. TloketH Hold
mid Iukuui checked to auy point In the
United Htutes or Canada.
For Information, miipn, time tallies and
tlnlcelKcali on or write to George McUlure,
nuent, or J. Francis, General PuHsougor
Agent, Onialiu, Neb.
Bravo Men Fall
Victims to stomneh, liver and kid
noy troubles us well as women, and
all fuol the rosult in loss of appetite,
poisons in the blocd, bucknche, ner
vousneH8, headuche and tired, libtness
run-down feeling. But there's o
need to feel like that. S. W. Gnrd-.
ner. of Iduville, Ind., savs: "Electric
Bittors are just the thing for a man
when ho don't care whether he HveF
or dies. It gavo me now strength
and appetite. I can now out anything
and havo a now louse on life." Only
50 contB at Keeling's drug store.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Thla nlgnaturo is on ovory box of Ibo genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
the remedy that ciirea t coIU In one day
What would you do If taken with
collo or cholera morbus when your phy
sician is away from home or the drug
stores are closed? After one such
emergency you will always keep Clmm
berlalu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Itenwly In your home; but why wait
until the horse Is Htolen bpfore you tocU
the stable V For sale by W W Keeling
The Advertiser and the ChlcHgo In
ter Ocean for 81.40
In the District Court of Nemaha county
In the matter of the estate of Mary A. Mc
Cain, dec sed.
1 Ills cuupo came on for hearing at clmm
bora at Auburn, Nebraska, upon the petition
of V. W.Sanders, executor of the cstuio of
Emma A. McCain, decoaaed, praying lor li
cense to sell Iota 2 und 3. block 72, lu tho vlt
Inge of Nemaha Oily, Nebraska, or u snftl
clent amount of the sumo to bring tho sum
of 852.00 for tho payment of debts allowed
ngaliiHtBald estate aud tho cst of adminis
tration, there not being sufllclent. personal
proporty to pay the snld debts and expenses.
It Is thoreforo ordered Hint all persons In.
'erc8ted In suld estate nppenr beforo me ut
lie court house In Auburn. Nebmsku, on
Monday, June 3rd, 1901, at 8 o'clock u. in. to
how rause why a license should not be
ranted tneuld executor to sell so much of
ho above described rent pslato us inuv bo
necessary to pay said debts und expeubes.
Aud that notice of this uppllca'lon bu given
by publication for four consecutive weeks In
the Nehrnsku Advertiser, a weekly legal
nowsnaper published lu und of general olr.
dilation in said county.
Dated this 16th day of April, A. D. 1001.
Judge of tho DlbtrictCoi rt,
and Jeweler.
All work guaranteed to give satisfaction
"West of Court House Bnuare,So-Aubuni,NQb
Dealer in
and Harness Supplies
r-1 T- i.
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