s!rr3Srssar wm&m. wmmmrw'nmmi.mmm9msetBfPnmtf mSmmiium mmmmmm !&! ffTM,C:3-inn m t "firiTTi .Trilm.'fi C .j.Z.1 kJ llort Cotifrti Bjrnp. Tfutut Hood. Uk ft Ffl In Umi, Soul rf drueulM. jl (Dr. $). W. j.Hf-j(;lun,g, Neinnlm, Nebraska. Offlco in Koeliiig building, hccuikI door orth of Ayntm' hardware store. "'PETER IC1SRKER, Dealer In MEATS IlighuHl iniirkot price puid for Hides, linn, Tallow, etc. J. H. SEID, Ilrrcilor of W Xhoroughlircri Poland China ZEiCDGrS. Farm one and one-half miles Houth wobI of Nemaha. LkWELUNG & SAPP, U13N13BAI, REAL ESTATE, LOAN and Insuranco Agents. Chyico farm loanti ft per cent. Notary L'uhlio in olllco. 1)110 WNVILM3, NBHKASKA.. TJIOS. V. II I ATT, I'rojirlotnr of tlio laivery&Feecl Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Gcod Dray in cennoction with Livory SatiGftiotion guarantoed, Republican Jr., 29348 Standard and registered. Sirod by Republican, 2:Ui.f ; dam, Sndio Vera by Talavora, 2:il0; 2nd dam, Betsy Trotwood by McMnhon, 2:21. Red bay, black points, 7 j ears old, Btiinds 10 ImndH, welgliB 1170 poundn; good high action with lino style. Ludwick, 32673 Standard and registered. Sired by Pat L, 2:00if ; dam, Stidlo Vera; 2nd lam, Betsy Trotwood. Dark bay, black points, 4 years old, stands 10 bands high, weighs 1275 pounds, Both horses will muko tlio season of 1001 at Maple Uidgo stock farm, 2 miles southeast of Uowo, Nobr., at 810.00 to Insuro maro In foal. (Caro will bo taken to prevent accidonts, but should any occur it will bo at owner's risk.) T. H. JONES, Owner, HOWE, NEBRASKA. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kldnoya once every three minutes. .- ... i no Kianeys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sicker out of order, they fall tp do their work. Pains, nchesandrheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood. Hllftfn n,.rtot,l 1. 1,1...... ..l.t- nfc-yiwi muiicy tiuuuic. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney, poisoned blood through veins and arteries, It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized, it stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases ana is so a on its merits r" by all druggists In fifty cent rnd one-dollar siz es. You rnav havo a samnln hntlln hu mall . .. . o'Trf.L . free, nlso pamphlot telling you hov to find cut If you havo kidney or bladder trouble, Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer U. Cq Blnghamton, N, Yt r, w. ii Hov. W. Dicffeiibach, of Auburn, gave ii a a social call last .Saturday, Mrs, 13. A. Mlnlck went to Bracken Thursday to visit her son, O.T. Minlulc. Uev. 15. S. Murphy and wife, of Au burn, visited friends near Nemaha Inst Tucsdayjand Wednesday . I'reston Curr closed bis school in thu McCandlesa district last Friday by giving a splendid entertainment in the evening, Mrs. Cliff, Mrs. Kompthorno ntul Miss McGcchlo drovo to Auburn last .Saturday and visited frlonds until evening. Miss Pearl Wolfe, of Aspinwnll pro eluct, received a handHomo upright piano last week, a presout from her papa and mama. Those having trouble with their eyes, ears, nose and throat should coni suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1211) K street, Lincoln, Neb. STOPS THE COUCH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no 1'ay. 25e Quite u number from Nemaha at tended church at tho "brick" Sunday evening and listened to an able dis course by Uev. VanDyck, of Dunbar, Nobr. Tho county commissioners at their meeting Tuesday appointed G. B. Bev eridgo district clerk to 1111 the vacancy caused by the resignation of Albert D. Ullmore. The now mombers of the village board of trustees wore sworn in Tuess day night. They adjourned to meet next Tuesday night when tlio new board will be organized Sunday school lias bwn held at the Christian church for tlio past two Sun days but a permanent organization lms not yet been effected. Tho Sunday school meets at 10 o'clock a. in. To Curo a Cold In Ono Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refund the money if it fails to curo. E W Grove's' signature on each box. Price 25 cents t) 22 Mrs. Koinpthomu has contracted to teach the fall term of school in District 55, where she bus taucht before for two years. She withdrew her application for tho prlmaty department of the Ne maha school, Geo. Wntklns went up to Nemaha Wednesday but did not stay long, as "ho cnMld not llnd n vacant bitching rack for his to'am in town. It was his first visit for nino years. Shubert Citizen, April 18th. Mr. nnd Mrs. David Frazier arrived in Nemaha Tuesday ovenini;, driving through from southwestern Missouri. Davo savs he (s going to quit bis fool ishness now and remain here, lie is tired of runniim around and is satisfied he can llnd no better place to live and thoroughly onjoy lifo than Nemaha. Win. Stophonson. of Edwards, St. Lawrence county, New Yoik, shipped fifty poundB of maple sugar to Nemaha last week thirty pounds for bis poii, James A. Stephenson, and twenty pounds to .lol.n Watson. It h the genuine articlo without a particle of adulteration, and Mr, Watson says it tastes just liko the sugar tbev used to make in tlio old home state. He gave the editor a pound chunk, and it is certainly delicious. The Independent Order of Odd Fel lows was organized 82 years ago last Friday, April 20th, and Victory lodge celebrated tho occasion with an enter tainment and supper. We were fortu tmto enough to be Invited and passod an ovenlng of rare enjoyment. The ontortalnmont was hold at the Odd Fellows hall and consisted of instru mental iiuibIo by Miss Maye Gidther, Bong by tlio Champion gleo club, a tine address by Hev. W. Dl iTenbacli, of Auburn, and an instrumental sulo by Will F. Keating. Those present then went to the Minick ball and teasted. It wns a regular Nemaha Odd Fellows supper and any one who lias been to one of theeo suppers knows what that moans, After supper those who went I back to the hall were entertained with singing by Misiea Lillian and Florenuo Mlnlok, May.o Guiltier and Dora Qluik, Messrs. James A Stephenson, Will F, Keeling, and others. It wn u late hour before those piesent started for (heir Ii nines Brownville Locals Mrs. It. W. Furnas v'silod Auburn Tuesday. Tho Ice wagon began Its daily rounds May 1st. Jim Millor moved into tlio Bridges water bouse this week. David Hayes is having his house repaired and lepaintcd, A. Vandeventcr lias been on tlio sick list moat of the week. It. V. Mulr was transacting business in Auburn Tuesday and Wednesday. Marlon Baker left for tlio west Tues day where he expects to buy a cattle ranch and locate. Jim and Clarenco Daugherty came in ftom Auburn and spent Sunday with their parents. John Folton, Claud Hanloy, Eldor BuckloyandJ. WSnpp were county Beat visitors Tuesday, C. M. Levelling rotumed from Furnas county Saturday and reports Bplondid prospects for a crop this yoar. Mr and Mra. Joseph L. Roy, for merly of Brovnvillo but now of Au burn, were visiting their old friends, M. and Mrs. Dreuroy, Wednesday. A man and four children, with guitars, banjos, triangles, etc., wore on our Btreetd Wednesday, discoursing cheap music for the few pennies thoy could collect. Tho B. &M. It. It. Co. lms had the ground around the depot broken and planted in trees and expect to sod it, making a beautiful park. R. W. Fur nas is supot intending tho work. The saloon closed its doors Tuesday night the license for same having ex pired and Brownville will, as a conse quence, be dry until the council issues another license May 7th. Think of it, ono who'.o week of respectability to flfty-ono weeks of debauchery. People frequently pxpress surprise that newspayers sometimes contain misstatements, and yet if thoy would run a paper themselves for a Into while thoy would realize how liable people aro to give out information that is not true. Some time ago while in Auburn we were told that Dr. Daily had just died. Ah his death had been expected for some time we had no rea son to doubt tho report and published it. hut the doctor was not dead and did not die for several weeks. On Mon day whilo at Auburn we wern told that M. C. Sburtleff. of B,mton pra cinct, had died Saturday night from tin attack of black smallpox and was buried Sunday. The facts are that Mr. Sburtleff bus tlie smallpox but on Thursday was reported to be allvo and getting better Just before one of Di. Seymour's advertised trips to Nemaha we were told by a lady that Dr. Sey mour had thu smallpox. Wo asked her ir alio was sate of it and she said yei, that she saw tlio item in tlio Post that Dr. Seymour, of Lincoln, tlio eo specialist, was sick with smallpox. We got the Pout and she hunted up the Hem and found to her gieat surprise that it was Seymour Calvert or some such name had tlio smallpox in some town in Hid western part of tlio state The above are instances showing how liable people are to be mistaken, but thu publisher gets all the blame. Albert I) Ullmore resigned bis post tiou as district clerk and haw moved to Lincoln, whore ho assumes the position of steward of the Insano asylum. Mr Gilmoro was not an applicant for the position but his appoinment was asked for by the now superintendent. Mr. Gilmore has filled this position before and made a splendid olllcial. Wo hate to havo him leavo Nemaha county Kven the fusionists, who give erudit for their defeat largely to tlio manage ment of tho campaign by Mr. Gilmore, all like him. Tho following item from the Shubert Citizen of two weeks ago does not speak well for that village: "Business lias beonsodull inShnbort the past week that flies have begun to darken the doois or business bouses; thu only live man that wo have seeH being Win Tldrow. He lms been run ning tlio ice house in the absenco of J. I). Shuix'it- tho Hour store, in the ab-. senuoof Mr UiunJey; the restaurant, and onopping wood for the kllclum de partment of thu Biime." A Prnotlclpg Physician In Monticello, ill., formulated Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Ask at Kees Hugs drip Htore. JNO. W. fr Cash store of Jno. W. Rilchey, Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, a.nd Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Flour, and General Merchandise Highest prico paid for funn produce. Gull mid sco mo. Brownville, - - Nebraska O . t-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-KcY. JNO. W. 0. F. LARIMORE, Successor to Andrew Ayncs carries a full stock of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWAKE :F"u:R,:isriTTT:R,:Es Undertaking Goods Buggies Pumps Oils, and every thing that you generally iind in such stores. W. B. Chambers, DEALER IN gp Was:oas,Bui Get my prices before buying. I will meet all Competition. Warehouse joining the Livery Stable on the south. NEMAHA, J. W. ARMSTRONG Dealer in HARDWARE, FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS South of Court House Square, AUBURN, NEB. Bravo Mon Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles as well na women, and all feci the result in loss of appetite, poisoiiH in the blocd, backache, ner voUHness, headache and tired, listnesH run-down feeling. But there's .10 need to fool like that. S. W. GimK ner, ofldaville, Ind., savs: "Electric Bitters nrojiiHt tlie tiling for a man when ho don't care whether ho lives or dies. It gavo me now strength and arjkpetito. I can now eat anything and havo a new lease on lifo." Only 00 cents at Keeling's drug store. Every bottlo guaranteed. B&& Yrzrzrz' This BlgtiRttiro is on every box of tho genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tawota tuo remedy tbnt cure n cold tu ono liy What would you do if taken with colic or cholera morbus when your phy sician Is away from home or tho diug stores are closed? After one such emergency you will always keep Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and )iarrhoea llemedy in your home; lint why wall until the horse is stolon before von lock the stable? For sulo by W W Keeliiiir The Advertiser nnd tho Ohioau'Q In ter Ocean. for 81.-10 f" f mm tmmmmmMm)mmmfrmJnm M yl gj" RITCHEY fjf o tx RITCHEI T NEBRASKA ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. In tho District Court of isenmliu county. NohnisUit. In thu imiitnr of tho eMuloof Mnr A.. Mc Cain. (lfCOUbOll, '1 his cumociimn nn for liourliiR nt eliiini hniNiu Auliiiin. Kolirni-ka, tiiinii tln ncittlon of V. V.Snmlorn, executor of tlm cnUmi of ICmiim A. McC.iltl, Uereiisetl, pi:y I llu loi . const' tOKoll iots2nnd U.iilook f2, In llio vi. t'iKeoI Nciniihu (Jlij, NcDrnsUa. or n siiill clontiiiiKiiuit of the Kiuiio to liriiiK tlio kiimi ofS52.no for tho pigment of ileli'H ulloweil iiKnlntlKAtd ONiiiiKiiiul Mih ",st of iidinliils itnllon, there not helnu hi niutem personnt propoity to puy thoNiild debia mill expenses It Is thoreloioouliiied thut nil poisons in. tort'Bieil in Nxhl cstnio nppeni heloio mo nt tlio court house. In Aiilnirii. elunskii on Moniluy, Juno3(l, ItKll ntK o'clock n. in. to "how iuino vli u license should n0i lio jjninten" to mild execnior to soil so nmuii f thu nhovo ilencrlheil ru.il eiHlo us innv ho ncesbitry to pny sftl.l dehts nnd eAivi'isis, And Mint notice or this applies Inn ho uIvmii ly piihllPHiton rorfourcoiiM-ciitlvii weoKK In the Nehr.islca Advertiser. Ix weekly leuiil nevp,ipr puhllsiied In u id ot uenernlcli. cuhilmn In said eoiintv. Dated this l&tti day of AnrU, A. It. 1001. JNJ. H, HTUIih. JndBOof mo District Court. R. A. HELMER, Watchmaker and Jeweler. All woilc BUarnntueil to lvo -iMst.icMon "Wostof Oourt Hotwa Square.So.AubnrritNob o JOHN A, HIATT, 1-1 . JBL&'rv'jS S3 S3 nnd Harness Supplies NEMAHA, NlilWASK.V 1 X -4 ft(, Itfti ,:,.M.itMiii'W''-'"''',M'