The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 03, 1901, Image 2

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XV. V. MAXIMUM, I'ltlillnlior.
1901 MAY. 1901
1 9 T
T78 j7(
T3T4T5 T6 77
20 2T 22 23 2?
27 28 29 30 JT
A tJrticHonie Meim-nto.
dipt. llornbcek, (if Fulton, Mo., Iiiih
n rope with which nine different ne
grocH huvo ut vnrloiiH tlnieH been
lynched. Presently Hornbook will tfet
people lo bcllcvo that it Ih unlucky
to be on IiIh Hiring.
South Ainrrlt'ii'N l.nrKcut City.
A recent centum of Kio do Janeiro
r!vH the city approximately 050,000
inhahitantH. This Ih much Hiimllor
than was generally Hiippowd. In all
there, are fiO.HIK Iioiihcs and dwelling,
giving the largo average of ten people
I.lmlti'il KhITi-iikc for Women.
A limited woman hu IT rage bill passed
the New York assembly and was
signed by the governor. The. bill pro
vides that women taxpayers in vil
lages and towns shall have the right
to vote on all propositions for the ex
penditure, of money.
l'ounil 11 1 111 "AltiioKt Oullty."
One of the most perplexing position!"
in which u criminal jury ever finds
itself is when the jurymen believe
that the prisoner is guilty, but are not
sure of it. Jn a recent caso in Georgia
the jury solved the dillleulty in thin
verdict: "We, the jury, II ml the prlu
oner almost guilty."
A Hcllitlile Hiihntltutp.
The Arkansas senate has passed a
bill forbidding the sale of liquor to
nny one not possessing a dram drink
er's license, such license to bo issued
In return for the payment of a fee
of $5 per annum. In case of the loss
of a license it is to bo presumed that
most bartenders would accept a red
nose as 11 convenient and reliable
Xutlvc IIiiiviillmiN Intelligent.
Of tho pure irawalians 83 per cent.
nnd of the part llawaiiaus 91 per cent,
can rend and write. Out of a popula
tion of 199,030 the irawalians form 30
per cent., a little more than one-third.
Hut of the children in the schools
tho Hawaiian and part. Hawaiian num
ber one-half. Of the 0,327 landhold
ers In tho island -1,717 are Hawaiians,
more than two-thirds.
Never I.ft tlit It 0111I.
An old negro, In a neighborhood
town, arose in prayer meeting and
Raid: "Brcdorln' and sistcrin', I been
n mighty mean nigger in my time. 1
liad a heap cr tips an' downs 'special
ly downs since I jined do church. I
Btolo chickens and watcrmillins; T
cussed. I got drunk. T shot craps.
I slashed udder coons wit my razor,
nnd I done n sight er udder things,
liut thank de Lawd, bredderin' and
sistcrin', T never yet lost my religion."
No DouM of It.
A household paper says that Lim
liurgcr cheese lnid away in cupboards
uml refrigerators will drive awny ants.
No doubt of it; it will drive dogs out
of a tan yard; it will drive 11 splko
through a brick wall; it will drive a
mule through a barbed-wiro fence;
it will drive a negro away from a
chicken roost or a man Into Insan
ity who stays five minutes within ten
feet of It savory presence. Yes, It
will drive away ants and nlso uncles.
Ctuinon Henril Kt Mllea Awny.
An Interesting matter, from u scien
tific point of view, in connection with
tho denth of Queen Victoria Is tho
distance at which tho sound of firing
was heard when tho fleet saluted as
the body was conveyed from Cowes to
Portsmouth. Letters In the English
journals of science show that tho
sounds of the guns were heard In sev
eral places at a distance of 84 miles,
nnd that at n distance of GO miles the
concussions were sufllclently lntcnso
to shako windows.
Explorer IIuIiIwIh'm MiimoiiIu Kin jr.
Evelyn 11. Daldwln, commnndcr of
tho llaldwin-ZIegier Arctlo expedition,
has been given by tho Kuno lodge of
free ninsons of Now York city u ma
sonic flag, with tho charge to plant
it besido tho stars and stripes at tho
highest point he reaches, whether the
north polo or not. Kano lodge wns
named for tho Arctic explorer, Dr.
Elisha Kent Kane, who was a mem
ber, and it possesses tokens of several
expeditions in polur regions.
Through '. V. Moririiii As Co. Amnrlriin Out
Control of till) l.nylnml I, Inn, Onu oT
tlio (Iri'iili'st In i:iiropn.
London, April 30. The first Htep
in 1 lie direction of t lie consolidation
of Home of the biggest transatlantic
shipping interests has been accom
plished by the purchase by .f. I'ierpont
Morgan & Co. of the Leyltind line of
steamers. It Is understood that the
purchase price mih over JM advance
on each share. The Leyland line,
whose tleets will thus pass into the
control of Americans, is one of (J rent
Ilritain's greatest shipping institu
tions, far exceeding tins Peninsular &
Oriental Steam Navigation company
in tonnage and importance.
A Hlilii-llnllillnc Coiiililnn.
New York, April 30. Owners of
shipbtiildlng yards met in the olllees
of Henry W. l'oor Sr, Co. yesterday
to begin preliminary work toward
forming a combination of ship-building
Interests. A capitalization of
$('0,000,000 has been spoken of for the
new trust.
Ohio Woman Utnl 11 Wlilti-wuali llruuli In-
Htruil of llutiilint on 11 S11I0011 and
Hit IIIIiiiIou4 llimlmml.
Cincinnati, April no.Mrs. Richard
O ruler, the wife of a house painter,
on being unable to keep her husband
from a saloon on Ludlow avenue, went
to the place with one of his calcimine
buckets and a whitewash brush. Sho
caleimincd him from hend to foot In
the saloon, lie returned to the saloon
after he had accompanied her home
mid changed his clothing. She fol
lowed him again, and the next time
caleimincd the saloonkeeper and his
bar and fixtures, and gave notice that
she would repeat the performance
to anyone selling liquor to her hus
Clilncni) Htulilmrnly IU'hIhIimI tlio Approach
of (ii-rmiin Troop to tlm .Mountain
I'liKHim Leading to SIiiiiinI.
Berlin, April 30. Dispatches from
Pekin show that the Germans had a
dlllieult task in carrying the passes
leading into Shanal province. The
only approaches were steep mountain
tracks and the Chinese held command
ing positions from which they rolled
huge rocks down the mountain si'des
on the advancing Germans. Besides
many old guns, 18 qulck-tlrlng guns
were captured. The German losses
were 1 officer and 7 men killed nnd 4
ofllcerH and 35 men wounded.
Olntrlot iluilijo llariin Sayx Topitkn Council
Hail No Authority to Dnularu Uughi-n
Mayor of tho City.
Topekn, 'Kan., April 30. Judge Tln
zon, in the district court, decided the
mandamus proceedings in the Tnrkcr
HughcB mayoralty contest in favor of
1'arker, the democratic candidate. On
the face of the returns at the recent
city election 1'arker received a major
ity of 11. I'pon canvassing the re
turns the council found an error in
the tally sheets which gave Hughes
a majority of nine and it gave h'1111 a
certificate of election. 1
At tho CIono of tho Nlni'toi'tith Contnry
tho Worhl'H Financial OIiUkiiIIoiih Worn
Tun TlnutN (IroatorTlian In 1HOO.
Washington, April 30. The recent
announcement of the new British loan
of fJ300.000,000 lends interest to a state
ment, just issued by the treasury bu
reau of statistics, regarding the na
tional debts of the world. This state
ment shows, in brief, that the national
debts tif the world aggregated more
than $30,000,000,000 at the close of thu
nineteenth century, or ten times as
much as in the closing years of the
eighteenth century.
All Iho Chnoh AKalnut Mr. Nation nt Wich
ita Will llo Dropped, a I.ato
DUpatch Kiiys.
Wichita, Ivan., April 30. Mrs. Na
tion Sunday received a telegram that
her brother at Loulsburg, Kan., was
dead and she was permitted to go at
once and without bond. It is said
that the cases against her In this coun
ty will be dropped.
A l'ollcuinan In Danger.
Topekn, Kan., April 30. I'atrolman
S. M. Hall, who is in the county jail
charged with killing u drunken man
named George Head Friday night, has
been in considerable danger from mob
violence. Hall was arrested yesterday
and placed In the jail. Last night
jolntkeepers and their sympathizers
were trying to organize a mob to
lynch Hall. It could not bo recruited
to u sufficient number to make the
attempt on the jail, and the attempt
was abandoned for the night.
Huh "ilaulc tho Hipper" lleon Caught?
LiidwIgBliafcn, linden, April 30.
Tho notorious "Jack the Hipper,"
who has assaulted and mutilated IS
women, has been caught here red
handed, by two detectives attired as
Kthlcnreft That tho HrllUh (lovrrnitient In
I'lttlng Up 1111 Inland In llorintxlii
for Cupttiri'il HiirKhiTX.
Hamilton, BerniudnApril 30. There
Is considerable excitement at present
In Bermuda, over the expected arrival
of 1,700 liocr prisoners. The Hritlsh
government has leased Darrell's Is
land, one of the largest islands in the
sound, and within 11 quarter of a mile
of Warwick shore, for one year. The
army oilicials arc, an usual, very reti
cent, and nothing can be learned from
them on the subject, but as the
blacksmiths of Iho town have been
hounded as to their ability to con
struct several hundred yards of Iron
fence, very strong, close, high and
with spiked points, very little doubt
Is entertained as to the object In view
by the government. 15ennudans are.
not feeling very comfortable over tho
matter. It Is hoped that a very strong
force of European soldiers will be sent
with tho Doers, or matters, it is
feared, may be as uncomfortable as
they were recently at St. Helena.
Tint Kx-Oovnrnnr Dcnli-ft That Ho Is a
Camlhlato for tho Dcmorratln I'ri-Hl-
tlnuthil Nomination.
Albany, N. Y., April 30. Ex-Gov.
David II. Jlill yesterday gave out the
following statement: "My attention
has been called to the story which is
going the rounds of the press that I
am expecting to make a political trip
through tho west and south either
this year or next. 1 desire to stace
that I do not contemplate any such
trip. I will state further that I am
not a candidate for the democratic
presidential nomination in 1904. I am
neither seeking the nomination nor
expecting it. 1 regard all suggestions
of candidates at (his time as prcmu
tilro and inadvisable. No one enn
now tell what can or ought to be done
in 1901."
Kxploslnn of !ih In a Minn at Ahlerson,
I. T ItcHti Ih In tho Death of
Five Mnn.
South McAlcster, T. T., April 30.
An explosion of gas occurred in the
mine of the McAlcster Coal company
at Ahlerson yesterday morning in
which five men lost their lives, seven
were injured and another is reported
Tho explosion occurred about 0:43
yesterday morning nt about the mid
way between shaft five and slope
seven which lead to the same mine.
About 125 men were at work in the
7nine at the time. It is not definitely
known how the gas ignited, but it
rather seems probable some of tho
men fired a shot that the regular firer
had not fired.
Thoro Appear No Let Up to tho I'evorlih
Ki'ollnj; at lli-aumont.
Beaumont, Tex., April 30. The ex
citement continues as heretofore.
More tents were pitched yesterday
nnd more street booths were erected
nnd there appears to be no let up 10
tho exciting conditions. News from
the oil fields is anxiously awaited and
rumors of a new well set the people
wild. The latest report from the
Lone Star and Crescent well received
Is to tho elTeet that while it is stated
the drill is very near the oil the hole
has not been completed. Its prog
ress will bo closely watched.
A Conilltlonal 1'arilon for llonry II0II11,
Lincoln, Neb., April 30. Gov. Diet
rich yesterday granted a conditional
pardon to Henry Holin, sentenced five
years ngo to 19 years in the peniten
tiary upon conviction of having, as
city treasurer of Omaha, embezzled
$100,000 of city funds. Holin is grow
ing old and his health is breaking.
Influential men signed the petition
for his pardon.
New Agricultural llullilliif;.
Washington, April 30. Plans hnve
been agreed upon for a new depart
ment of agriculture building to cost
not exceeding $,000,000. It will be
"U" shaped, of white marble, four
stories high, with 11 400-foot front,
and two wings, each 200 feet long.
The present building will be Incor
porated in tho new structure.
Went KoJiilehiK to TrUon.
Jefferson City, Mo., April 30. Hen
II. Morse, who surrendered at the
penitentiary last week to serve two
sentences of 18 months each for de
frauding dead men's heirs, drchsed In
at the penitentiary Monday and was
given work in the library. Morse en
tered the prison rejoicing, saying that
the Lord had so directed him.
Hail WuriitMi 1 It in to Stay Awny.
Syhtm Grove, Kan., April 30. 11. V.
Loy, living seven miles east of here,
shot James Dunn, 11 young man who
had been courting Loy's daughter
against tho parent 1 wishes. Dunn
was shot three times, but still lives.
Loy had warned Dunn to stay away.
Kosult of tho War ltevi'imo Act.
Washington, April 3p. Up to March
13, 1901, tho war revenue act of June
13, 1898, had produced $289,504,417.
Wlion a cheerful, bravo and light-hearted woman is sud
denly plunged into that perfection of misery, tho blues, it is
a sad picture.
It is usually thi3 -way :
Sho has been feeling out of sorts for somo time, experi
encing severe headacho and backache ; sleeps very poorly
and is exceedingly nervous.
Sometimes sho is nearly overcome by faintness, dizzi
ness, and palpitation of tho heart j then that bearing-down
feeling is dreadfully wearing.
Her husband says, "Now, don't get the blues ! You will
bo all right after you have taken tho doctor's medicine."
But she does not get all right. She grows worse day by
day, until all at once sho realizes that a distressing female
complaint is established.
Her doctor has made a mistake.
She 1 loses faith ; hope vanishes: then comes the morbid,
melancholy, everlasting blues. Sho should have been told
;just what tho trouble was, but probably sho withheld somo
information from the doctor, who, therefore, is unablo to
accurately locate her particular illness.
i.MFs. PJ11111 ha9 rolieved thousands of women from
just this kind of trouble, and now retains their grateful
letters in her library as proof of the great assistance she has
rendered them. This samo assistance awaits every sick
woman in the land.
deposited with
which will be
She Unit Toltl the Truth.
Sue You snitl you were going to irmrry
nn nrtist, nnd now you're engaged to n
Kio Well, ian't lie an nrtist? He draws
from real life! Philadelphia Bulletin.
Pronounce It.
Sigridur, Jonsdottir,
Iceland, Europe.
This is the address given in an order for
Dodd's Kidney Pills, received and filled by
the Dodd's Medicine Company of Buffalo,
on Apr. lGth.
This unique direction means, that to
reach the sick people of Iceland, the parcel
must travel to New York, then to London,
Ene.. then northwest to Greenland, to be
landed finally, on the lonely island nt tho
edge of the Arctic Circle.
This is a pointed illustration of how
United States goods find their way to the
remotest corners of the earth.
America to-day, produces better medi
cines, as well ns better manufactured arti
cles than any other country in the world,
nnd this fact accounts for the demand for
Dodd's Kidney Pills from every part of the
known umvcrno.
A good many men nre so shiftless that
they never dress up except on Sunday or
when their church gives a dinner. Wash
ington (la.) Democrat.
Try Oraln-O! Try Griiln-Ot
Ask your grocer to-dny to show you a pack
age of tlUAIN-O. the new food drink that
takes the place of coffee. The children may
drink it without injury ns well ns the ndult.
All who try it, like it. GRAIN-0 has that
ricli seal brown of Mocha or .lava, but it is
made from pure grains, and tho most deli
cate stomach receives it without distress.
i the price of colTcc. 15c. and 25cts. per
package. Sold by all grocers.
A man seldom does his best unless he is
working for himself. St. Louis Star.
If you want "good digestion to wnlt upon
your nppotito" you bhould nlwnys chow u
bar of Adniiib' Popsiu Tutti PruttL
Mrs. Winifred Allender's Letter.
" Dkab Mns. Pinkiiam: I feel it my duty to writo
and toll you of tho benefit I have received from your
wonderful remedies. Before taking Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, 1 was a misery to my
self and every one around me. I suffered terriblo
pain in my back, head, and. right side, was very
nervous, would cry for hours. Menses would appear
sometimes in two weeks, then again not for three
or four months. I was so tired nnd weak, could not
sleep nights, sharp pains would dart through my
heart that would almost causo mo to fall.
'My mother coaxed mo to try Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vcgetablo Compound. I had no faith in it, but to
plcaso her I did so. Tho first bottle helped mo so
much that I continued its use. I am now well and
weigh moro than I over did in my life." MRS.
Owing to the fact that some skeptical
people have from time to time questioned
the genuinenessofthe testimonial letters
we aro constantly publishing, we have
tho National City Bank, of Lynn, Mass., $5,000,
raid to anv oerson who can show thit the above
testimonial is not genuine, or was published before obtaining the
writer's special permission. IroiA K. Pineuam JIedicinb Co.
Cbuhc for ThnnUfnlncNH,
Tommy What yer so sore about?
Jimmy Aw, it's pooty tough on a feller
ter have tcr wenr his big bruddcr's pants.
"Go'on! Yer oughter be glad yer big
brudder ain't a sister an' wore bloomers."
Philadelphia Record.
Von Can Get MIcii'h Foot-EnHe FIIEI3.
Write to-dav to Allen S. Olmsted, Lcroy,
N". Y., for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot
ICase, n powder to slinke into your shoes. It
cures chilblains, sweating, damp, swollen,
aching feet. It makes New or tight slioca
easy. A certain cure for Corns and Bun
ions. All druggists and shoe stores sell it. 25c.
Bobby "He made faces at me, teacher."
Willie "I only tried to show him how ho
might improve his own face, teacher; I just
gave him a few samples; that was all.
Boston Transcript.
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Consump
tion has an equal for coughs and colds.
John F. Boyer, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb.
15, 1000.
- m 1
A man and woman begin to talk freely,
to each other after they have been married
a month, and usually overdo it. Atchison,
To Cnre n Colli In One nny
Take Laxative Bromo Qmtiine Tnblets. All
druggistsrefundmoneyifitfail8tocure. 25c.
It's when things nre coming your way
that you admit they are going to suit you.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
' '
The man who boasts of paying as he goes
is usually slow about making a start. St.
Louis Star.
An empty-headed man is always full ol
himself. Chicago Daily News.
1 1 1 in m 1
The branches of ITic Mississippi havo an
aggregate length of 15,000 miles.
It's a mighty deaf man that doesn't hea
the dinner bell. Chicago Daily News.
Dncnsv liea thn head that doesn't knn
J how long it is going to wear a crown. Puck.
, ".j . J -