f h t 5 IS J DC r- rTrrrr-trii. "' sMkse k'tiklS WlftHt ALL ttbt fAILb. Beet Ciroirh Bynip. TftMes UikiiI. in amn. wln oy orupcisis. Uoo H n . TT. Keeling, Noiimhn, NcliniHkn. Office in Keeling building, second door orth of Aynen' linnlwiiro storo. PET 13 II KKUK15R, Dealer In 3UEIE.A.TS Highest mnrkol)iicu puitl for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, The Nebraska Advertissr W. V, Sanubuh, publHhcr FIIIDAV, AL'HLL 20, 11)01. J.- ZL uj"Jr's-1 E. A. HBLMER, Watchmaker and Jeweler. All work guiirniileoil to nlvo untlHfaetlon Wost of Court IIoubo Sfiuare,So-Auburn,Nob J. H. SEID, Ilrociler of Thoroughbred Poland China HOGS. Farm one and onc-balf inileH south west of Nemaha. M. T. Hill hud Mis Elvira CurliB arrested Tuesday, charging her with assaulting lilu huh Theodore, ilttren years old, Monday evening. Mrs. Thoo, Hill waa having n fenco moved and Mrs. Curtis claimed hoiiio of the posts. Theodore was helping A V. Eurson move the fence. Ho wub carry ing a poat that waa claimed hy Mrs. Curtis and ruaiated the attempt of the latter to tuko it, when Mra. Curtia whipped him in the face, making hia mouth bleed, and then raised a piece of scantling to strike the boy, when Stove Colerick yelled at her and ahe dropped it. The trial was held before Justice Smiley Wednoaday forenoon. A nunihor of witnesses were examined and at the close of tho trial Mr. Smiley found Mrs. Curtis guilty and lined her $20 and costs, a toUl of 3-11.70, as tho costs amounted to $21.70. Mrs. Curtis has given bond for the costs and lias appeuled the caso to the district court. STOPS THE COUCH ArD WORKS OFF THE COLO. LitxiUI vo Jiromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in ono day. No Cure, no Pay. ii5c BMjBBMtBBMiafc-ifcHfB lBK Republican Jr., 29348 Standard and registered. Sired by Republican, 2:l0f; dam, Sadie Vera by Talavera, is :0 ; 2nd dam, Betsy Trotwood by McMahon, 2:21. Red bay, black points, 7 years old, atundB ID hands, wolghs 1175 poutms; good high action with lino stylo. Ludwick, 32673 Standard and registered . Sired by Pat L, 2:00; dam, Sadie Vera; 2nd dam, Hotsy Trotwood. Dark buy, black points, 4 years old, stands 10 bauds high, weighs 1275 pounds. Low Batos to California, July 0 to 1!) the Burlington Route will soil round trip tickets to San Francisco at unprecodently low rates. Tho rato from Omuha, for instance, will be 345. From other points, corre spondingly low. Tickets good to return until August 81. Stopoveru allowed, both going and returning. Teachers, clergymen and others who can get away during the hot summer months, are urged to investigate re markable opportunity of obtaining the most enjoyable outing in their export once at a cost so small as to be within reach of almost everyone. Beautifully illustrated folder, giving ull Information, mailed on request. J. Fkanuis, General Passenger Ag't, Omaha, Neb. Moth horsoa will tnako tho season of 1001 at Maple Rldgo stock farm, 1i miles southeast of Howe, Nobr., nt 810.00 toltiBuro maro in foal. (Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but should any occur it will be at owner's risk.) T. H. JONES, Owner, HOWE, NEBRASKA. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Bravo Mon Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles as well as women, and all fool tho result in loss of appetite, poisons in the blocd, backache, ner vousness, headache and tired, liatnoss run-down feeling. But thero's io need to foel like that. S. W. Gardi nor, of Idavillo, Ind., savs: "Electric Bitters are just tho thing for a man whon ho don't care whether ho lives or dies. It gavo mo new strength and appetite. I can now eat anything and havo a new lease on Hfo." Only 50 conts nt Keoling'B drug store. Every bottlo guaranteed. Brownville Locals The editor of (he Auburn J 'oat was on our streets Tuesday, Judge Cullens, of Missouri, was a business visitor Tuesday. I). E. Vnndeventer made a flying trip to Nebraska City Friday. Mr. Haro has moved into tho house recently vacated by Mrs Meriltt. Mrs. Minlck Hpent a few days with tho girls at l'eru returning homo Tues day. Miss 1311a Sapp has gone to Peru to work for Mrs. Dillon in tho millinery store. Will Steuteville, principal of Iho No uuha school, visited the parental homo Saturday. There has been a now dentist and a new jeweler located here during the past week. The Latter Day Saints havo been plastering and otherwise repairing .heir church. Mrs. Roland Morritt has stored her goodsand gone to spend the summer with her parents. Dick Stoutovlllo has a contract far a big ditch near Auburn and is working several hands shoveling mud. The town is being generally cleaned up and when you want to sso some thing nice come to Brownville. Mr. McKinney's are treating their house to a coat of paint which adds greatly to the appearance of the place. A numbor of young people met nt the home of Elmer Cole Friday evening and spent the evening in games and music. Mr. August, who has been at Omaha for several weeks having his eyes treat ed, roturned homo Monday but little improved. Art Vandeventer, while burning brush Saturday, had tho misfortune to burn his coat but luckily he did not have the coat on. There has been anew porch built on the west sidi of tho harness shop mak ing a line place for the goods box coun cii to congregate. TZZXj&T hriZfCmrSTJ!Li'.&M!' JNO. W. RLTCHEY jf)f)f4)f5f5f'fjf'f-4f4jf4'f5fX-fjf5-'-f3--5f'f)f5f5fjfff-5f u ft o TV Cash store of Jno. W. Ritohey, Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Flour, and General Merchandise Highest prico paid for furtn produce. Cull and see me. Brownville, - - Nebraska "3 o t JNO. W. EITCHEY G. F. LARIM0RE. Successor to ANdrew Ayncs carries a full stock of 444444 :' 44 i HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE IFTTZLSTITTXIEilE Undertaking Goods Buggies Pumps Oils, and everything that you generally find in such stores. && Grandpa Lewolllng has had tho large walnut trees on the corner of 0th and Main streets cut down preparatory to planting hia lots iu fruit trees. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Penny have moved to Omaha where they expect to put their invalid son iu St. Josuph hospital for treatment for catarrh of the stomach, Dad Androws has had a force of men at work ull week plowing and grading 'ind building a new wood house and fencing his property on the corner of Colloge and Second streets and whon completed will havo one of the neatest homes In Brownville. W. S. Chambers, DEALER IN Farming implements, Get my prices before buying. I will meet all Competition. Warehouse joining the Livery Stable on the south. D ffTWC- 4 LC n iL iffC l : v Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads tho news papers is suro to know of the wonderful cures maae oy ur. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Lthe great Kidney, liver and madder remedy. m It Is th f reat msrll. ?KJ cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of .. w scientific research by -dpNB Dr. Kilmer, tho eml- der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. KllmerTs Swnmp-Root Is not rec ommended for everythlog but If you havekld noy, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just tho remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every caso that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent freo by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to ynrut' This nlRnnturo Is on every box of tho gomilno Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabiota tho reniody that curra n cold ta one ly Tho Advertiser and tho Chicago ter Ocean for 81.40 In Don't Bo Funny. It does not pay. If you have a good thine, toll it richt out. Don't use falsi- means to attract attention. We say "right out" and moan it, two, that Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will cure every case of Stomach Trouble. It will stop pain caused by Indegestlon; it knocks Sick Headache by attacking tho caiiBe of tho complaint and aids you to diges. your food, no matter what you eat. What would you do If taken with collo or cholera morbus when your phy sician Is away from home or tho drug storea nre closed? After one such emergency you will always keep Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy iu your home; but why wait until tho horse is stolon beforo you lock the stable? For salo by W W Keeling GARDEN SEED Good western-grown seed, true to name and suro to grow. Bought in bulk and sold cheaper than packet Beed. What we use. PETER KERKER. THOS W. H1ATT, l'roprlutor of tho Livery& Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA NEW HARNESS SHOP Complete stock of harness and harness supplies. Harness repairing done promptly. First door south of meat market. Your atiouage solicited. JOHN A HIATT, Gcod Dray in cennoction with Livory Satisfaction guaranteed. LeWELLING & SAPP, GENERAL REAL ESTATE, LOAN and Insurance Agents. Choice farm loans 5 per cent. Notary Public in ofllco. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA J. W. ARMSTRONG Dealer in HARDWARE, FURNITDRE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS South of Court House Square, AUBURN, NEB. find out if you have kidney or bladdei trouble. . . Vhen writing mention reading this generous u,tti Wantod: Active man or wtuian to deliver and collect. No canvusslug Salary 6n0 per month: Extra cemmlst slou. References nnd security required. Address J. E. FhlllipH, manager, Clar- Union Lock Poultry Fence. For Poultry, Rabbits, Orchards, Gardens, etc. Iowa. offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnrr- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and items ot8n&mp-non; Hollar alios aro sold by all good druggists. IPl.TIMI Ji ItlfBQIBU A Practicing Physician in Monticello, III., formulated Dr. O dd well's Syrup Pepsin. Ask at Kees lings drug store. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. In tho District Court of Nomnlin county. NfitnHkn. In Hid mutter of tho eHtato of Mur A. Mc Cain. th'COUNi'd. 'Hits ciuuonuno on for licarltiK nt chain borH ut Auburn. NobrnNkn, noon the oHltlon of V, V. SnmliMM, oxeentor of Uih estate of Kmiuu A. McCain. (IpcprmhiI. nrnvlnu lor 11- conso to soil lots 2 nnd .l.lilook 72, In I ho vll lKuof Nomaha Clly, Nebraska, or a nulll oltMit amount of the Hiime to brlnt; tho sum of SV2.00 for tho payment of riobm allowed ngaliiNlBnld osliitiuuul tho cost of adminis tration, there not bolnn HiilUolt'iit personal nroporty tit nay tho salil ilebts and espouses. It In therefore ordered ttiat nil peisons In. tertHted In Hi.lil estnto appear before mo nt thocnuit house In Auburn. Nebraska, on Monday, .liuio 3rd, 1001, nt 8 o'clock a, in, to Hhow en u he vh h license should not bo K ran ted to said executor tit soil so much of tho nbovo described rent potato as may bo necessary to pay said tlebts anil expenses. A.nd that notice of this application be given by publication for four consecutive weolis In the Nebraska Advertiser, a weokly leual neWNvnpor published Iu and of itenernl cir culation In said eutinte. Dated this 16th day of April, A. 1). 1901. .1NO. S. HTUMi. Judge of tho Dlsti let Court. (A o C 2 n C '3 u u si - u W 3 a a fl tA U EE ill Jss VAy April XDt 3, 0 ta o o r O 3 n CM O a to 3. w C3 l'.UfllUJ July It, 18911 Stronger and closer spnclng than any other make, Our Union Lock Hog, Field and Cattle Fence, Union Lawn Fence Gates, etc., guaranteed first class. Your dealer should handle this line if not, write us for orlcos. Catalogue free. UNION FENCE CO., DE KALB, ILL., U. S. A. ft fc til 1 S r A)