The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 04, 1901, Image 2

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W. Vf. HANDKUX, Publisher.
JANUARY. 1901 4
I 6 7 T9 10 11 12 I
1731715 It If 18 1? I
4 20 2 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 3 .... $
Qticon IVIIIk-IiiiIiiii'r (Jn-nt Fortune.
The queen of Holland linn nn oiior
moiiH fortune, only u part of which
bolongH to tlio crown. Sho will Hcttlo
20,000,000 mnrltH ($1,700,000) on her
future husband.
Tho "Pole" IUiiiiuliiM UntlUtiirhetl.
The Iohh of aoo Blilpn within tho
ItiHt century in oxpeditioiiH in Keareh
of tliu north polo Iiiih neither dis
couraged tho exploreni nor inudo'nny
serious inrondH upon tho pole.
Fighting Nirciul of CoiiAiitnptloti.
Deaths from coiiHuiuptiou in Phil
adelphia arc a third less than they
were 17 yearn ago, and tho health au
thor! (Ich say tho improvement in duo
to their continuouH battle against the
Absolute lt(Nt for Thrrn IVftckn.
A prominent medical journal huj'h
tho best treatment for nervous dys
pepsia is "at least tlirco weeks of
nbsoluto rest in bed in some Institu
tion away from home, together with
a full diet."
Fluent Htijriir Mill In lliuvull.
Soma of tho ilnect sugar mills in
tho world, costing $1,000,000 each, aro
found in Hawaii, and thero aro
planters in tho Islands who produce
$800 worth of sugar and $.r00 worth
of rlco to tho acre.
For i Nutlonul Park.
Tho national park of 1,297 square
miles proposed at tho headwaters of
tho Mississippi will, if it is established,
bo tho first in tho centrnl region of tho
country. Thero is a resolution before
congress to investigate tho subject.
Didn't Mill It Var.
Two weeks before tho election the
republican state committee in New
York published u forecast of tho re
sult by counties, which guvo n plu
rality for McKinlcy ovwr Jlryin of
134,000. The actual figures aro 143,000.
Cost In Not Couxlilorwl.
Though tho bottom of lioston har
bor is of tenacious olny filled with
bowlders, It is to bo deepened to tho
depth of 113 feet to accommodate tho
biggest ocean steamers. Tho work
will cost millions, but tho deepening
of channels is tho order of tho day,
and it pays.
Trunin In KumHiim Couutrlen.
Tho stato department at Washing
ton has issued an interesting pam
phlet mado up of consular reports re
garding tho existence of trusts in the
various European countries. These re
ports show that, tho mania for trade
combinations is by no means conilncd
to America. Tho tendency to unite for
the regulation of prices and to do
away with competition is as universal
us trade itself.
Wiitnriiwlone In Winter.
Watermelons of northern growth
may bo enjoyed in winter by follow
ing the plan adopted by Uncle Mlko
Morris, a farmer living near Stanhope,
la. Last summer he selected a num
ber of choice melons and put them
in u cave, after sealing the steins with
wax. Last week ho cut una and
found It as fresh and crisp as though
It had just been taken from tho vine.
All this is vouched for by u local
Tim latent Kllxer.
Prof. Loeb, of thu university of
Chicago, discovered that common salt
furnishes tho force which makes thu
heart beat. When a man's heart stops
heating, therefore, it will be necessary
to inject only the right solution of
sodium chloride into his veins in order
to start tho organ to going again
and restore activity and life. Thero
is one excellent feature about, tho now
elixir of life It is cheap. This is a
great improvement upon tho common
run of elixirs.
Fruuro'H Population Stationary.
Franco alone, of all tho great civ
ilized nations, Jms for years past been
practically stationary In population.
England, Germany, Jmssia, even Aus
tria, aro making constant increases
in their inhabitants, but Franco's pop
ulation luiB exhibited very little
change for a third of a century. Tho
excess of births over deaths in Franco
is 1809, us now mado public, was only
31,000. Four of tho nino years siuro
1890 showed a falling off In popula
tion, and flvo of them revealed gains.
Chinese Plenipotentiaries Ayree to
Terms of the Powers.
foreign MIulAlorH nt I'iiMu Agreeably Hur-
prloeil nt tho Attltmlo of tliu Imperial
Court I.I Hung Cliiiiifrllml (JrKutl
Complete Compliance.
Pekhi, J)cc. 31. The Chinese pleni
potentiaries have been unexpectedly
ordered to sign tho preliminary joint
note nntl have notified tho foreign
envoys to that effect. Tho Chinese
plenipotentiaries themselves were
greatly astonished at receiving tho
Imperial instructions. Neither Li
Hung Chang nor J'rlneo Chlng had
expected success in persuading tho
court under ten days. Tho emperor's
instructions ore to agree fully to the
note, but to endeavor to get the best
terms possible, particularly in tliu
mutter of limiting the number of tho
legation guards and also as to the
places where these are to bo located.
Tho plenipotentiaries are instructed
to endeavor to limit the number of
army posts along tho line of railway
to as few as possible and finally to re
tpiest tho powers not to destroy the
forts, but merely to disarm them.
Foreigners HatlHlled with Note.
Pekln, Dec. 31. Tho foreign com
mittees in Pekln aro greatly satisfied
at tho decided tone of the collective
nolo and the assertion that tho pow
ers aro determined to entertain no
proposals for thu modification of their
demands. It is understood LI Hung
Chang sent a memorial to tho throne,
couched in very strong terms, urging
complete compliance.
Moor Capture l'ont lit Helvetia, Killing nuil
WnuuitliiK (SO IlrltUh Soldlern unil
Taking 1JOO 1'rlftouerx.
Loudon, Dec. 31. Tho war oiTico
has received tho following dispatch
from Lord Kitchener, dated Pretoria,
December 30: "Gen. Lyttleton re
ports that our post at Helvetia was
captured yesterday morning by the
Doers. About, SO were killed and
wounded and 200 taken prisoners.
Col. Kitchener reports that he is fol
lowing with a small force in thu
track of tho enemy, Helvetia being
rcoeeupied by Peeves, who has been
reinforced from Delfast. Helvetia
was a very strong position on the
Maohadodorp-Lydcnberg railway and
was held by a detachment of tho
Liverpool regiment. Am asking for
further information."
While Lord Kitchener sends bad
news for England on tho closing day
of tho 'year, tho press continues to
take a surprisingly hopeful view of a
grave situation and of revelations of
an enormously wide Held of Doer no
tivlty. Gen. Dcwet is still at large.
Kimberley is isolated. The Doers aro
in forco enough to have captured a
strong position at Helvetia, in the
Lydenburg district, while judging
from Lord Kitchener's very recent ml
vices, no progress is being made
against the Door invaders in Capo Col
ony. According to further telegrams re
ceived yesterday, Zerust is practically
besieged, but has provisions suffi
cient for Uvo months. Tho garrison
at Ottoshoop has been withdrawn to
All dispatches arriving in Lon
don agree that the Capo Dutch show
no inclination to rise, but on tho con
trary, appear to be tired of tho war
and desirous of peace. Many refuse
to supply thu Doers with, food and
are willing to give information to the
Dritish regarding Doer movements.
Kimberley Surrounded by loern.
Criiddoolc, Capo Colony, Dee. 30.
Kimborly is almost isolated by Doer
raiders. Provisions aro at famine
prices. Tho military took charge of
all tho foodstuffs December 2U.
United States (llen Notlee Tlmt It AV1II Piiy
M:i,:iUO,000 and No Morn for the
DanlHh AntllliH.
Copenhagen, Dec. 31. Who United
States minister, h. S. Swenson, has
informed tho Danish government that
tho United .States oilers 12,000,000
krone ($3,3(10,000) for the Danish An
tilles ami will not give more.
Ileuy Full of Snow Iteported.
St. .loseph, Mo., Dec. 31.--A severe
snowstorm set in late yesterday after
noon with it constantly lowering tem
perature. Telegraphic reports from
all sections of Kansas, Nebraska,
Iowa and northern Missouri show th'j
fall to be heavy. Winter in many sec
tions of these states, as well as
throughout the west generally, has
been greatly in need of a heavy
blanket of snow, which will afford
ample moisture as well ns protection
to thu grain from severe freezing.
Alliance to Defeat Khlp Subsidy lllll.
Washington, Dec. 30. Senator Pct
flgrew, in nlliancu with Senators
Allen, of Nebraska, and Dutler, of
North Carolina, has formed a combi
nation in tho senate for thu purpose
of defeuting tho ship subsidy bill, ire
calls it a monstrous schemo of in
luqlty and spoliation.
Mr. Xntlnn'a Friend Will Try In rnratiniln
Jolin fl. Wooley to Defend Ilcrv-W.
C. T. i;. Securing Ilonil.
Wichita, Kan., Dec. 31. The caso of
Mrs. Carrie Nation, charged with des
troying the fixtures and paintings in
the Carey hotel bar, was continued
until January 15. The local members
of tho W. C. T. U. have wired John G.
Woollcy, late presidential candidate
on thu prohibition ticket, to fight her
case. Tho courtroom was filled
with white rlbboners, who accom
panied Mrs. Nation to her cell, where
she conducted a prayer meeting.
IUrn. Nation rernlU In KemulnliiK In Jail,
Wichita, Kan., Dec. 31. Mrs. Carrie
Nation, who wrecked tho bar at tho
Carey hotel, Is still firm in her pur
pose to refuse bail and insists upon
remaining in her cell. Tho W. C. T.
U. secured Saturday bond and went
to tho jail for the purpose of liberat
ing Mrs. Nation. She, however, firm
ly refused it, and said that under no
circumstances would she step out of
tho jail until tho charge against her
is cleared. Shu says that shu can do
more good to the cause by remaining
in jail than by going out on bond.
Ho linn Secured Control of 7,O0O Acre o
Wyoming Dencrt Lund and Will
Try tolteelulmlt.
Washington, Dec. 31. Col. William
F. Cody, known to almost every civi
lized nation of tho earth as "Duffalo
Dill," secured patents to 27,000 acres
of thu public domain in Wyoming.
On the land which ho has secured he
expects to form and build up a great
settlement of whites, which will turn
an arid sandy wastu into a fertile
and populous plain, and incidentally
enrich himself and his associates in
thu deal. He acquires litis to it un
der what is known as the Carey net.
Within u short time lie expects to
divide tho land into farms of 10C
acres each, and so situate them that
advantage can bu taken of tho system
of irrigation installed. Tho climate,
ltu says, is all that can be desired,
and he believes that he and his as
sociates will have no trouble in tak
ing hundreds of people out to the
northwest to buy land and make
their future homes.
Dentil Came to Samuel McDonald, tlie Mur
derer of F. II. Morrlii, Auditor of
the War Department.
Washington, Dec. 31. Samuel Mc
Donald, who one week ago shot and
killed F. II. Morris, auditor for the
war department, died Saturday from
tho self-inflicted wounds ho received
at the time of tho murder. It was
thought he had a fair chance of re
covery, owing to his remarkable
physique, but he was determined to
diu and so informed the attendants
nt the hospital. He was carefully
guarded and prevented from inflicting
any further injuries on himself but
for two days he refused to take nour
ishment as far as possible. Tho phy
sicians say deatli was duo more than
anything else to McDonald's deter
mination not to live. It was a remark
nblu exhibition of will power.
Young Man Just Itack from South Africa
,)oen into a Kaunas City Theater
Smoking u Cigarette.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 30. Frank
Puttigrew, son of Senntor Pettigrew,
of Sioux Falls, S. D., sustained a
fracture of the cheek bone last night
at the (iilliss theater, the result of a
blow from the fist of an usher numed
Frank Skinner. Pettigrew had gone
into the theater with a lighted ciga
rette and was told that smoking was
not allowed. Pettigrew refused to
heed the notice and Skinipsr knocked
him against a gate, breaking his jaw
bone. Pettigrew recently returned
from South Africa, where he was with
the Doer army as a spectator of war
ItebitlveH of the Frank Klehanlnon
Will Not l.lnten to Suspicious Talk
Against Ills Wire.
Savannah, Mo Dec. 30. The of
ficials of Andrew county have nearly
abandoned hope of solving tho mys
tery surrounding the death of Frank
Dichardsou from a pistol shot in his
own home on Christmas eve. The
fact has been established that lUch-
unison did not commit suicide and
was murdered. Jtelatlves of the
murdered man declare their positive
belief in thu innocence of Mrs. Itleh.
unison of any complicity in the
crime, They are especially diligent in
diverting the slightest suspicion from
thu widow.
Gold Democrats In Control.
Chicago, Dec. 30. V. call signed by
21 of 31 members of tho democratic
statu committee of Illinois was is
sued for a meeting at Springfied Jan
uary 7, when, it is predicted, John P.
Hopkins, a -gold democrat, will be
elected statu chairman. Tliu anti
Hopkins men wonted thu meeting
delayed until after W. J. Dryan's visit
to Springfield.
Dreamed. lie Hntl io Pay a Dollar for
a Cab anil Wn Afraid to Go
to Sleep Ajrnln.
There's a good story told of a young fel
low here noted for his cloecncss. He went
to epend the night with a friend. During
the entire night he betrayed much restless
ness, which kept tho host wide awake, and
finally the slumbcrcr betrayed signs of vio
lent emotion. "He's going to have a night
mare," said the friend, "hut he always
grumbles so when you wake him up that
I hate to disturb him." He waited awhile
longer, Bitting up in bed staring at the mis
erable sleeper, and, finally becoming
alarmed, he roused him. He sprang up in
bed, glared wildly around and said:
"Where am I ? I don't see the storm?"
"Why, here in my room," said his host,
soothingly; "you remember you stayed nil
night with me? I beg your pardon for wak
ing you up, hut you carried on so I had to."
Hcg your pardon," gasped the guest. "I
Khali never be grateful enough to you. I
dreamed I was out with Miss Dud and a ter
rible storm came, up, and my shoes were
new, and I was just ordering a coupe for
two when you roused me. Old hoy, you
have saved mo a dollar."
And the host says ho was actually afraid
to po to deep again that night for fear the
eoupe would come, soya the Louisville
91OO Ilcwnrd 100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is nt least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure in
all its stages, mid that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure
known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh,
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Curo is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of tho disease, and giving tho patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Little Ieft to Stuiiil On.
A pcientist has now arisen who declares
the Gulf stream is a myth. If science' con
tinues its devastating way we shall soon
have nothing left to cling to hut esoteric
Buddhism and the significance of cat tracks.
N. Y. Press.
Try Grnlii-O! Try tirnln-O!
Ask your grocer to-day to show you a pack
age of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that
takes tho place of coffee. The children may
drink it without injury as well as the adult.
All who try it, like it. GHAIN-0 has that
rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is
made from pure grains, and the most delicate
stomach receives it without distress, i the
price of coffee. 15c. and 25cts. per package.
Sold by all grocers.
Beatrice Did you ohserveMr. Flashleigh's
beautiful hose? They're the most exquisite
Constance I fear you have Mr. Flashleigh
transposed; the machinery you speak of,
my dear, is in his head. Ohio State Jour
nal. Piso's Cure is the best medicine we ever
used for all affections of the throat and
lungs. Wm. O. Endsley, Vnnburen, Ind.,
Feb. 10, 1000.
1 1
tThe powers showed a disposition to for
give China in return for certain commercial
concessions. "That is to say," observed
China, sagely, "the open door lets me out!"
Detroit Journal.
To Care a Cold In One Day
Take Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine- Tablets. All
druggists refund money if itf oils to cure. 25c.
Miss Newrich "I know nothing about
the world." Mrs. Chaperon "That is im
material. Doe the1 world know anything
about you?" Indianapolis News.
Courtesy is a duty public servants owe to
tho humblest member of public. Lord Lyt
ton. m
You cannot be cheerful if you liavo dys
pepsia. You won't hnvo dyspepsia if you
chow "White's Yucatan."
It is a great pity that we can't save money
without economizing. Puck.
ii ' m -
To put on style is often the cheapest way
to ptit off creditors. Detroit Journal.
Example is more efficacious than precept.
kKr I I 5tM '
is an Important symptom of Kidney
Troublo which Is frequently overlooked
Pain in tho back, scalding urine, ncr
vousness and general debility also indi
cate tho presenco of this deadly disease.
If any of these symptoms are present
let a quantity of urine voided in the
morning, stand for 12 hours and look for
sediment in bottom of vessel.
Delay i3 fatal. Don't wait.
will cure any caso of kidney trouble and'
tho symptoms arising therefrom undec
S50 forfeit by n responsiblo company
This is a bona-fido oiler.
l'copto enro by KID-NE-OIDS. In nrltlnp thorn,,
lilcuso enclose stamped addressed cnrclopc.
SIm. Kramn Wilcox, 32t W. Court St., Bentrlco, Nob
Sirs. Uoo. fiwoltzor. Kile & Itth 8tc, Uoatrlco. Nob.
Mr.II. F.Mntlioi,43IJonsenHt., Kromont. Nob.
Mrs. J.Ii. linker, KB 8. 4th St . Atchison. Knn.
Mr. M. r Try, 701 Dnkota St., Leavenworth. Kan.
Mr. A . It. Ulsliop. sua Onno St.. Iiivcnworth, Kan
Mrs. K.Oodo. 127 Vim IlurenHt.,Topokn, Knn.
Mrs. J. K. Armstrong. 813 W. lleetl Kt.. Moborly, Mo..
Mrs. A. II. Wlntors, K0 Portor St., Moberly. Mo.
Mr. NleholnH Ncllls, riunr Milker, Maryiivlllo, Mo.
Mr. J. S.SarKhmnn,llUI.ocustSt.. Kansas City, Mo
Morrow's Kid-ne-oids aro not pills,
but Yellow Tablets, and sell nt fifty
cents a box at drug stores.
Little Liver Pills,,
Must Bear Signature of
See Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Vry amaall mnO. as eaajr
M cSnts I Purely VegctaMv&iW6&vv
?KIAl m your own borne, we
urnlih the ffenulno and
to any reader of thl. ruiner-
Xtmtmtj la ad fine trrr Ion.
CoitipoilUnraaraatc. COSTS
aitincr unruiim nn?v7.iJJi
with moat all other treatments. Cam . all otfcrr -.
trie bfita, applltaeM aail rcoll fill. OUICK CURE tor
moretbantoallments, OnXIfiUOBCURinror airnervou-i
diseases, weaknesses and disorders. - For coinplot
catalogue, cut Ibis ad. out and mnlltous.
8EAR8. ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago..
For Infant and Children
J) trflfizfo
Over Thirty Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Cures LaGrippe, Coughs, Colds, Croup.Sore Throat,.
Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Frost Bites, Etc
Dr. J. t Earnhardt, Claiborne I'arlih, Imltlana, my:
I find Wonderful Klght to be a good remedr for Influenza and Pueumonla.-
Bolct 33 y Acent Ira Xivery Towrn.
Dr.Bull's Cough
Cares a Cough or Cold at onco. fiStMMMMH Wfe
Conquora Croup, Whoopinpr-Oough, BVil 1111'
Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Qrippo and wmm W JGi
Hfimgjt consumption. Motliers praise it. Doctors proBcrlbo It.
l?iJS8J2y6' Quick, sure results. Get only Dr. Bull's 1 Price, 25 cents..
fyflE utf Dr. DuU'i Pills cure Constipation. Fifty pllU, 10 cU. TrUI box, S cts