fi r i w4 t 5? al fi r li K1MM WJ fcfl l ComkIi In Umo, WHIHL AIL tlbt FAILS. MtCK CllXHl, Syrup. i. Polo Um IfiaEMMbUJSlsMM?! (2r. W$. "PF! Keeling, Noinnhn, Nebraska. Office in Kooling building, kccoih! door north of Aynun' hnrdwnro toro. " ' ' l'ETEll KEltKEll, Deulor In HighcHt market price paid for nicies, Lard, Tallow, etc, THOS V. H1ATT, Proprietor of tho Livery&Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Good Dray in connootion with Livoiy Satisfaction guaranteed. The Nebraska Advertiser W. W, Sandehs, publHher FltlDAY. DltOKMUttll 11, 1000. MrH. Dr. Keeling has been Hick with tho (rip fur Beveral days but is some bettor. ' The beat scoop board made for sale by tho Edwarda ft Bradford Lumber Co. for only 91. 85. Anderson ft Drown will take caro of all coupons given out for life hIzo oil finish portraits, which aro Riven freo when casli purchases amounting to $20 aro matlo. To Curo a Gold In Ono Day Take Laxative J3romo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to curo. K V Grove's signature ) on each box. Prlco 25 cents 0 22 Fred Smith had an experience with an overcoat thief last weok. He was in Auburn one ovonlng when a nice looking old gentlemen asked him to buy a fur overcoat. Ho offered the coat or $2.50 and as it was a good coat Fred bougnt it. Ho soon learned that tho coat belonged to John McCarty and had been stolon from his olllco. A warrant was issued mid tho old man was arrested at Falls City and taken back to Auburn. Fied has gono out of tho overcoat business. SaMTTTKI J. H. SEID, llrccilor of Thoroughbred Poland China Farm ono nnd otic-half milos south- wost of Nemaha. Ordor of Hoaring and Notico on Potition for Sottlomont on Aooount. In tho county court of Nomiilm county, Nob, The Hliito of Nebraska, Noinnha county, hh. To Qearga I.OHloy, Hoono Lettloy, Htnlth Lloy. William I.o-tloy , Uunjnmtn P. LcHloy, lilbbv Hollo Uoweu nnii Koberl Lesley, nnd all pornnns InloroHlvd In tho ewtato or Benja rain V. Letiley, ileceoaeil, Notice Is hereby kIvoii that W. W. Bnmlnra hiiH nioit a petition pruyliut for Anal uottlo inent ami nllowunco ol his HdininltUratlon account flloit In ibis court on tho 20tn tiny of November, A. D.lUiH). and for hlH llncliuroim administrator of nuIiI eslato, and tho iun ha beu tot tor hourluu on the IBM day or Dicuinbar, 1000, at 10 o'clock a. m at tho oouufy court room of bald county, In An burn.wheu and whore all poraonn intorcHtrd In Hald matter may appear and hIiow causo, If tlinro bo any, why the prayor of until poll. tlonshoulil not bo urautcd, and If Huffljlout ciiuhii Is not shown the court may ginnl tho praver thrreof, and ninlco such further nnd other onion, hh my bo propor. iiaica mis uiu Uity or novomnor, iuuu Seal HlOHAHD l' NKAL, County JudKO. We will send The Advertisor and the semi-weekly State Journal until January 1st, 1002, for only 81.85, cash iu advance. rrrirmL-A (WJXjl JbflA l ft RvfcK Old papers for sale at this office. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an .unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If It stains your linen It la evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain In the back la also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There la comfort In the knowledgo so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root 13 soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of tho most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tho best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonuertui discovery and a book that tells more about It, both sent absolutely free by mall, address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnrfhamton. N. Y. When wrltlntrmen tlon reading this generous offer In this paper. Tlomo of 8 amp-Root. School Notes PlHlUY liOWEN, Ed,t0r8' "Lei such teach others who I horn selves excel," Pope. Ada I'eabody lias left school. WIlllo Yates was absent Monday and Tuesday. The algobta class are reviewing iu fractions. ltobort O'llarra was absent Monday afternoon. Belle Qalbraith was absent Tuesday aftornoon. The eighth grade read compositions last Friday. Mable Bennett has been absent for several days. David IlurnB has not beon in school the past threo weeks. The seventh grade had examination in history Wednesday. Tho sixth grade are now taking ex amination in physiology Hollo McGechlo was absent last Tues day on account of sickness. Tlio nice weather Btlll prevails and thus our attendance is good. Thomas O'llarra is again in school after an absence of two weeks. Tho eighth grade are reviewing in grammar, preparing for examination. Mayo Korker and Stella Washburn visited tho high school last Friday af ternoon. Tho show that was In town the latter part of Inst week gave the school a free entertainment Friday afternoon. N0TI0E No. 100 This is 480 acres unim proved, locatod two miles from depot In Red Cloud, Neb. It has about 120 acres In cultivation, 10 acres in alfalfa and balance in grass. Plenty of timber for fonclng nnd shedding, school house at corner of place. This is all good soil and what is not iu cultivation is very best of grasB land. Owner also claims to have living water on tho place. Wo are able to offer this farm at the present tlmo for 85G00, which is a thousand dollars less than heretofore offered far. This Is certainly a great bargain and no ono will object to the price after seeing the farm, ll will pay you to invent!, gate this at once. For further infor mation please call on or address D. J. Myeiis, Hod Cloud, Neb. A Keon Clear Brain Your best looliags, your social poei tion or buslnoBs success dopond large ly on tho porfeot actidn of your Stom ach and Liver. Dr King's New Lifo Pills givo incroaaod strongth, o keen clour brain, high ambition. A 25obsx will mukoyou feel hko a new being. Bold by Keeling tho druggist. Old p ipers for salo nt this office. Santa Claus. by j. ritANK Day. This Is our Christmas festival. 'Twas mado for girls and boys; When "Santa'' comes to scatter Ills famous Xinna toys. Away iu Scandinavia Ho's called tlio "Zulu man;" And thoy say ho packs his presents To little Fritz and Yan. With reindeer and on sledges Ho skims the country o'er; And loaves his yuletide treasures At every "Fllka'a" door. Far off In minny Doutchland "KriB Kringlo" Is his name; And to nil tho llttlo "kinder" Old Kriss Is one of fume. But hero In grand Nebraska We call him "Santa Glaus;" For audi is the tradition Taught by our pa's and ma's. I thought to get my stockings full Of candy, nuts and toys; And all the little gimcracks That pleases girls and boys Yet I'd rather have them bore displayed Upon this Christmas tree Than to have them in my stocking Whero none but homefolkB see. t I've tried to bo a good girl, too, And mind my mumn truo; Yet this is very hard sometimes For little folks to do. But I'm getting quite Impatient now Old Santa Claus to see, As I think he's hung a present For Cora on this troo. HjTjirj,!,- -iMCMiuTr FOR H0ME3 OF TASTE. The famous old Delineator, which for 27 years has occupied a unique position in tho American magazine world makes a great departuro with the January number, just out, by printing a prospectus of what will appear in tho twelve issues for 1001. With Tho De lineator in tho house half a million practical women know that they have the very latest dress news at hand, set forth in such a way that by her own needle each woman cun keep np to date positively and inexpensively. The science of housekeeping the rnre of children in sickness and in health, the art of living and of living well, a life progiessive in a Ijprao beautiful of all these things The' Delineator is acknow ledged to be tho .beta exponent in the world. , , llav. J , B. Cams, state superintend ent of the anti-Kaloon league, yave a lecture at tho Methodist church Thurs day night. The church was fairly well II I led and good attention was givmi the speaker, who gave a good lecture. An organization was effected with about forty mnmbors. Tho following officers wore elected: President-Dr. W. W. Keeling. Seciotary W. II. Dressier. Treasurer MIhs Lillian Minick. Agitation committee W. W. Sand ers, F. L. Woodward, II. D. Boebe. Legislative committee Rev. John T. Smith, W. V. Steuteville, Enforcement, committee Rev A. V. Wilson, John Watson, Walter Hadlock. Enrollment committee Mrs. Wood ward, Mrs. Gaither. Financial committee Mrs. Brown, Miss Nora Aynes. Slate collector Miss Florence Minick. CHEAP TRIP TO LINCOLN. The Burlington will sell tickets frpm Nemaha to Lincoln and return for $2 45 on Docombor 25, 2ft and 27, on account of the annual meeting of the Nebraska State Teachers' association. Return limit December 20. Paid Dear for his Leg, B D BUntan of Thackervillo Texas in two years patf over $800 to doctors to cure a running sore on his log. Then thov wanted to out it off but ho cured it with ono box of Buoklon's Arnica Salvo Guaranteed curo for Piles. 25 eta a box Sold by Keoling tho druggist. For Sale or Trade 320 acres improved land in the "land of the Big Red Apple," also in the lead and zinc country of the Ozarks, iu south Missouri. Land Is well located, ntar Mountain Grove, whoro the state fruit experimental station Is located. A great cattle, sheep and fruit country . Want Nebrti8ka or Kansas hind or merchandise. Address this paper. The Initial number of Tho Designer for 1001 from cover to cover Is replete with helpful matters of interest, to feminine leaders in particular. Tho winter fashions and millinery are charmingly HPt forth in artistic colors and In black and white, and the many other illustrations aro of equal merit. Designs of gieat originality for ma?, querado and fancy costume are given in tliis Issue, andjPoluts on Dressmak ing contains tho valuable and season able advice commenced in December ou the Making of Fur Garments. Thro are three capital and entirely new ideas given for holiday entertainment, viz. : A New-Fashioned Candy Pull, An Ex position livening and An End of the Century Party. Thero aro three short storlos. Aunt Maria's Castaway, The Finger of Duty, and Jack Frost, the last a talo for the little folks. The parlor comedy this month is How Kate Proposed, and it may be performed effectively by amateurs without the aid of flpeclal flceuery or costumes. A vory attractive illustrated article is Some Now DinnerCards, which will undoubt edly prove of great value to tho holiday hostess. Congenial Fields for Women Workers treates this month of tho woman designer. The regular depart ments of Fashion nnd Fabrics, Fioris culture, For Health and Beauty, Book Notes, Knitting and Crocheting, House Furnishing, Among Ourselves, The Kindergarden iu tho Homo, Etiquette, NutsoryLoro, Household Advice, and Cookory are, as usual, timely, Intarost ing and instructive Bravo Mon Fall Victims to Btomnch, liver and kid ney troubles as well ns women, and all feel tho result in loaa of appetite, poisons in the.blocd, backache, ner vousness, headiicho and tired, lihtness, run-down feeling. But there's o need to feel like that. S. W Gnrd- ner, of Idaville, Ind., save: "Electric Bittors are just the thing for a man when he don't caro whether ho lives or dies. It gavo me now strength and appetite. I can now eat anything and have n new lease on lifo." Only CO contB nt Koeling's drug store. Every bottlo guaranteed. EiMjUiT-Z-agfr Tie Ycuth'j Companion in 1001, The endsj of the earth will be under tribute for tho 1001 volnmo of The Youth's Companion Statesmen, Diplomats, Tnivelns, Trappers, Indian Fighters, Cow -Punchers and .Self-Mado Men and Wnmeti of Many "Vocations wilt contribute to the entertainment of young and old in Companion homes Theodore Roosevelt will write upon Tho Essence of Heroism " The Sec retary of the Treasury will answer the question, "What is Money V" Frank T. Bnllon, tho old sailor who spins fas cinating yarns of life at sea, will con tribute a story. W. D. Howella will describe the relation between "Young Contributors and Editors " , Paul Lei cester Foid will write about "The Man of the Dictionary" Noali Webster. Tlieto Is not spnee here to begin to tell of tho good things already provided for readers f the new vol umo of The Youth's Companion Interesting in structive, inspiring from the pens of famous men and women. Illustrated announcement of the vol ume for 1001 will bo sent Tree to any ad dress, with sample copies of the paper. All new subscribers who send in their subscription now will leceive not only tho 52 issues of Tho Companion for 1001 , but also all tho Issues for the remaining weeks of 1000 freo from the time of subscription, besides the beaut iful "Puritan Girl" Calendar for 1001, lithographed in 12 colors and gold. This Youth's Companion. Boston, Mass. Estray Notice. Came into my enclosure in Nemaha, Neb., about December 4th, 1000, a red heifer calf; some white on body and in face. Owner can have same by paying all costs. F. W. FLACK. We will send The Advertiser for one year and tiio Farm Journal until Jan. 1st, 1003, for only $l, if paid in ad vance. This offer npplles to both old n new subscribers. The Advertiser and the Iowa Hornet etead, Poultry Farmer and Insurance Journal all one year for $1.35 ANDERSON & BROWN Aro making a specialty of HOLIDAY noons just now. If you haven't been in their store recently you will be surprised at tho largo stock of holiday goods thoy carry and still more surprised at the low prices. It is their intention to carry so largo and varied a stock and make such low prices that there will bo no good reason for any ono going away from Nemaha to buy holiday goods. In the lino of Ohinaware they have some elogant designs. Thero are dainty little cups and saucers so thin you can seo through thorn; moustache cups; sets of plate, cup and saucer; tea sots; novelties in shaving mugs; cigar and tobacco sets; and a whole lot of novel designs of different kinds. They have a largo lino of Silverware some handsome mugs, cups and saucers, card receivers, powdor boxes, etc., etc. Celluloid jewelry boxes, hand kerchief boxes, glove boxes, cuff and collar boxes, otc. Fancy baskets. Albums. Books. Dolls. Toys. Jewelry. Watches. Pictures. And a whole lot of what Sam calls "pretty things. " Thoy invito all to pay thorn a visit before buying holiday goods. If thoy dont havo just what you want thoy can ordor it. NEW HARNESS SHOP Complete stock of harness and harness supplies. Harness repairlnir tone promptly. First door south of meat market. Your atronagp solicited. " JOHN A HIATT, NEMAHA, NEBRASKA J. "W. AKMSTHOJSTG Dealer in ' HARDWARE, FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS South of Court House Spare, AUBURN, NEB. Y f- a" twr w: IsSl