The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 14, 1900, Image 5

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The Important Dates of
the Nineteenth Century
the United States
Copyright, 1900, A. N. KcUorb Kwiptr Co
rr niLTON
Horn in I'M. Pltd
lb. SI, MS.
Feb. 18 Thomas Jefferson elected president
by votoof the house
or representatives
becuuso of tie In
electornl vote be
tween himself nnd
Aaron Ilurr, the
Inttcr becoming
vice president.
June 10 Tripoli de
clares war ugalnst
United States.
Doc 7 Pros Id on t
Jefferson Inaugu
rated system of
sending written
messages to con
gress. Since this
date no president
has addressed con
gress orally.
The second census
tr tnkcil In 1S0O,
but tho total of the enumeration was not
unnounceti until isui. " w .,
lsoa. . .
April 30-Terrltory of Louisiana purchased
from France for $15,000,000. Territory con
sists of 1.171.931 squnro miles. ,...,.,.
Oct. 31 United States frigate Philadelphia
ruptured by Trlpolltans In hnrbor of
1804. , , ,
Fob. 16 United States frigate Philadelphia
burned by Lieut. Htepnen ueciiiui u.m
American crew In harbor of 1 I'lpoll.
Feb. Impeachment trial of Samuel Chase,
nssodutu Justice of the supremo court,
began. IIo was acquitted In March, ISOu.
March 4 Thomas Jefferson and George
Clinton Inaugurated. ...
Juno 3 Treaty of peace signed between
Tripoli and the Lulled States.
July American porta closed to I ho British
and British ships ordered from American
waters. . . . ,, ,
Aug. 11 Successful voyage of Kobert T ul
ton's steamboat Clermont from New
York to Albany. ...
EcpL 1 Aaron Burr, acquitted of charge of
treason for attempting to organizo new
empire in northern Mexico.
Die. 21 Embargo act passed forbidding
American vessels to leave for foreign
J sos.
Jan. 1 Act prohibiting Importation of
slaves Into country became law.
March 4 James Madison and George Clin
ton Inaugurated.
March IK Embargo act, excepting as to
Great Britain and France, repealed.
May 10 First agricultural exhibition In
United States held at Georgetown, D. C.
June Third census taken; population,
Kov. 7 Battle of Tippecanoe fought by
Gen. Harrison.
April 8 Louisiana ndmltted to the union.
June IS U. S. declared war against Eng
land. Aug. in Fort Dearborn massacre on pres
ent site. of Chicago.
March 4 James Madison and Elbridge Ger
ry Jnaugura ted.
"AUg. Til Imlluim maundered pa rrlson and
women nnd children nt Fort Minims, Ala.
8ipt. 10 Com. O. II. Perry defeated British
squadron at Put-In-Bay, Lake Erie.
April 11 Tho embargo act repealed by
Aug. 23 Washington burned by the British.
Dec. 21 Treaty of peace signed between
Great Britain and United States at Ghent,
Jan. S British defeated by Americans at
New Orleans.
Feb. 15 U. S. declnred war against Algiers.
J,me.. s?peaco lny, signed between
United States and Algiers.
April 10 United States bank chartered by
congress i o r 2 0
yearsioapital, $35, '
April 27 First pro
tective tariff bill
passed by congress.
July 5 Ice a quarter
of an Inch thick
formed In Pennsyl
vania. New York
and New England
Dec. 11 Indiana nd
m I t t e d to tho
Dec American col
onization society
organized In
Ben Auirun . K8S-di.iI T,nl,sI0(;lc't' foiinil-
rlca, its object being to establish a home
lor free American negroes.
Jan. Tho United States bank began oper
ations. March 4 James Monroe nnd Daniel D.
Tompkins Inaugurated.
Dee. 10 Mississippi admitted to the union.
April 14 President nppioved act establish
ing ling of United States nt 13 stripes and
a stur for each state,
Dec. 3 Illinois admitted to the union.
Feb. 22 Spain ceded Florida to United
States for consideration of 15,000,000.
May 21 Flist ocean bUumMiip, the Savan
nah, left Savannah, Go., lor Liverpool.
Trip completed in 26 days.
Aug. 23 Com. O. 11. Perry died at Trinidad,
West Indies.
Dec. K Alabama admitted to the union.
J sun.
Muxlt 16 Maine admitted to the union.
March 5 James Momoe nnd Daniel D.
Tompkins Inaugurated president and vice
president for second term.
Aug. 10 Missouri udmltted to the union.
May 4 President Monroe vetoed appropria
tion bill piovidlng for government im
provements on tho Cumberland road, and
transmitted to congress a messnge em
bodying his objections to natlonul ap
propriations for Internal improvements.
This practically chnnged the policy of tho
government regnrdlng internal improve
ments excepting as regards rivers and
Di-c. 2 Proclamation by President Mon
roe declared that for tho futuro tho
' merlcan continents were not to be con
dered as subjects for colonization by
nny European power. This constitutes
the "Monroo doctrine."
March 13 Convention signed between
Great Brltuin and United States for sup
pression of slave trade.
Aug. 15-Gen. Lafayetto landed In New
ork for visit to America.
Js'ov. 9 Tenth presidential electitm. Of
popular vote John Qulncy Adstms re
ceived 10u.321: Andrew Jackson. 162,899;
"V. II. Crawford. 47 "G5: Hpiii-v r-Inv 17 :
(47. No candidate for president received
u majority of electoral votes and elec
tion devolved upon house of representa
tives. John C. Calhoun elected trie
Corn Feb 15, 1809 - DU'il
May 13, Ml.
1 S2B.
Feb. 9 Houbo of representatives voted for
president, each state having otie vote.
John Qulncy Adams received 13, Andrew
Jackson. 7, and William Crawford. 4.
Oct. 29 Erie canal opened from Buffalo to
July 4 Ex-Presidents John Adams, Quln
cy, Mnss., and Thomas Jefferson, Monti
cello, Va., died.
First railroad In tho United States began
operations. It extended from Qulncy,
Mass., to tho Neponset river and was
operated by horse power.
Nov. 11 Eleventh presidential election.
Andrew Jackson received G6S.028 popular
and 178 electoral votes; John Qulncy Ad
ams received 612,159 popular and S3 elec
toral votes.
Aug. 8 FlrBt railway locomotive operated
in America started at Ilonesdalc, Pa,
Jan. 25 Robert Y. Ilnync, S. C, In speech
In congress on Foote resolution on public
lands unnounccd nullification doctrine.
Sept. Antl-mnsonlc party held the first
national political convention in United
States at Philadelphia.
Jan. 15 South Carolina railroad, first pas
senger nnd freight rnllroad in United
States, opened for trnfllc.
July 4 Ex-President James Monroo died
In New York, aged 73.
July 26 First successful renper. Invention
of Cyrus H, McCormlck, tested nt Steele's
Tavern, "Va.
March Black Hawk war begun.
June 22 First denth
from cholera In tho
United States oc
curred at New
July 13 Sourco of
Mississippi discov
ered by Henry It.
July II Tariff meas
ures of 1828 par
tially repealed.
Nov. 13 Twelfth
presidential elec
tion. Andrew Jack
son received GS7,
502 pnpulnr and 219
electoral votes, and
Heniy Clay 630,
1F9 popular and 49
electornl votes.
Nov. 14 Charles Car
rol, last surviving signer of declaration of
Independence, died at Baltimore, aged 95.
Nov. 19 Convention at Columbus, S. C,
ndoptcd resolutions declaring tariff acts
null and void.
March 1G South Carolina repealed nullifi
cation resolution In convention.
Dec. (! American Anti-Slavery society or
ganized In Philadelphia.
Dec. President in annual messngo nn
nounctvd extinguishment of nntlonnl
debt. T
Dec. 28 Seminole Indian war began.
Thomas Davenport, of Braddon, Vt., built
llrst electric railway motor nt Spring
field, Mubs.
March 2 Texas declared Its Independence.
Mny 14 Mexico acknowledged Indepen
dence of Texas.
Juno 15 Arkansas admitted to tho union.
June 28 Ex-President James Madison died
nt Montpeller, Vt., aged S5.
Nov. S Thirteenth presidential election.
Martin Van Burcn elected ptcsldcnt with
"CI. 549 popular and 170 electoral votes,
against 73 electoral votes for his nearest
competitor, William Henry Ilnrrlson.
Total popular vote, 1,498,20!. No vico
president chosen because of lack of ma
jority of electoral votes. Senate chose
IMchard M. Johnson.
Jan. G Michigan admitted to the union.
May 10 All bnnks In New York city sus
pended specie payment because of finan
cial panic.
Mny 10 Banks in Now Yoik resumed
speclo payment.
Oct. 10 United States bank suspended,
causing tlnnnclal panic.
IN 10.
Jan. 19 Lieut. Wilkes dltcovei id Antarctic
June Fifth census taken. Population, 17.
OhS.CGO. Nov. 10 Fourteenth presidential election.
William Henry Harrison received 234 elec
toral and 1,270,017 popular votes, and Mar
tin Van Buren 60 electoral and 1.12S.702
popular votes.
IN 11.
April 4 Pres-ldont Iiairlson died, aged 68.
July 6 Act tp distribute mom y from snlcs
i oi puunc iiwiuH among mo states passed.
I 1M2
Aug. 14 End of Indian war In Florida pro-
Aug. 20 Ashburton renty, settling Maine
i boundaiy depute between United States
and England, ratified by senate.
Oct. IS First submarine cable luld by Prof.
I Morse In New York harbor,
i ISM.
Muy 27 First telegram sent over a land
lino from Washington to Baltimore.
Nov. 12 Fifteenth prcbldentlas election.
James K. Polk received 170 electoral and
1,335.834 populnr votes. Henry Clay re
' celved 105 electoral and 1,297,033 popular
J:in. 23 Congress appointed first Tuesday
following llrst Monday in November na
1 tional election day.
cb- 'FT'1'?!! ns. annexed by loint resolution.
March 3 Florida admitted to the union.
June 8-Ex-Preildent Andrew Jackson
died, aged 78.
i Dt'.c- 29-Texas admitted to the union as a
i 181(1.
April :5 Hostilities between Mexico and
eniteu states be
gan by capture of
small forco of U.
S. troops by Mexi
cans. May 11 President
I' o 1 k announced
that statu of wnr
ex Is toil between
United States and
June 15 T r e a t y
signed with Great
Britain settling the
the Oregon bound
ary dispute.
July G Com. John D,
Sloat, U. 8. N., oc
cupied Monterey,
Oil., and declared
country annexed to
United States.
Ellas Howe patented llrst success
sowing machine.
23 Iowa admitted to the union.
181 7.
Feb. 22-23 Battle of Buena Vista founht:
20,000 Mexicans defeated by 5,000 Amerl-
Horn April 27, 1781 -Pled
Aplll 2, urt.
Sept. 13 City of Mexico occupied by
American troops.
Jan, 19 Gold discovered near Colomn,
Cal., by James Wilson Marshall.
Feb. 2 Treaty of pence between United
States and Mcxlro signed nt Guadalupe
Hidalgo. United States paid Mexico
J15.000.000 for New Mexico nnd California.
Feb. 23 Ex-President John Qulncy Adams
died at Washington, aged 81,
May i9 Wisconsin ndmltted to tha union.
Nov. 7 Sixteenth presidential election
Znchary Taylor received 16.1 electoral
votes, and Lewis Cass, of Kentuc.ty, 127
electoral votes.
18 in.
Juno 16 ExPresldent Jnmcs K. Polk died
nt Nashville, Tenn.. nged 51.
April 1! Bulwcr-Clayton trenty for Joint
occupancy of oannl across Central
America signed.
luno 1 Seventh census taken; population,
July 9 President Taylor died at Washing
ton, nged CO.
Sept, 9 California admitted to tho union,
8ept. 20 "Omnibus" bill passed by con
gress. 185t.
April 29 Trial of electric lOcomotlvo built
by Alfred Vnlt with congrosslonnl appro
priation on B. i O. lly. It attained a
Sliced of 19 miles per hour.
Oct 8 Hudson river rnllroad opened frow
New York to Albany.
Nov. 2 Seventeenth presidential election
held. Franklin Pierce received 251 elec
toral votes, and Gen. Wlnflcld Scott 42
electornl votes.
March 21 Oath of olllco as vice president
ndmlnlstcred to William It. King by Con
sul Sharkey at Cumbre, Cuba. Allowed by
special act of congress.
Dec. 30 Treaty providing for purchnso
of territory south of tho Glln river from
Mexico approved. Extent of purchase,
45,535 square miles; consideration to Mex
ico, !1U,VU0,UU0.
Mny 30 Kansns-Ncbrnska bill paBscd by
congress. It repealed Missouri compro
mise act of 1820.
Jan. 24 Pro-slavery legislature In Knnsns
recognized by President Pierce. Proc
lamation clnsscs attempt to establish free
stato government un act of rebellion.
Nov. 4 Eighteenth presidential election
held. James Buchnnan received 174 elec
toral votes. John C. Frecmont 114 nnd
Millard Fillmore 8.
II, Bessemer Invented process of making
steel by pnsslng cold air through liquid
Iron. Known as the "Bessemer process,"
Jan. 6 Free state legislature In Kansas
dispersed by federal troops.
March 6 Drcd Scott enhc decided against
plaintiff by United Stntcs Mipreme court.
1 H.-iK.
May 11 Minnesota admitted to the union
Aug. 5 First Atlantic cable completed.
Oct. 9 First overlnnd mall from San Fran
cisco reached St. Louis. Time, 24 days. 18
Feb. 14-Orcgon ndmltted to tho union.
Oct. IG-Governmcnt arsenal at Harper's
Ferry seized by John Brown.
Oct. 18 John Brown captured by govern
ment troops under Col. It. E. Lee '"
Dw -Jol,n Bron hanged nt Charleston,
May IS Abraham Lincoln nominated for
president on fourth
naiiot at Chicago,
June Eighth ceti
sus taken. Popula
tion, 31,413.321.
Nov. C-NInetecnth
presidential elec
tion held. Abraham
Lincoln received
ISO electoral and
1,866,352 popular
votes; John C
Breck.Mi ridge, 72
electoral and 847,
514 popular votes:
John C. Bell, 39
electoial and 6S7,
S30 populnr votes.
i.lia:i nowu and Stephen A.
lioin July 9. l: -Did """F"1". 1B, ?';?.:
Jiiiib 1. 1873. torn', and 1,375,157
populnr votes.
Dec. 20 South Carolina seceded.
Jan. 9 Steamer Star of the West with
ruenforcementa for Fort Sumter llred
, upon by South Carolina troops from
Morris island and forced to retire.
Feb. 4 Confederate congiess met at
Montgomery, Ala. Six states repre
sented. Feb. 9 Jefferson Davis chosen president
urd Alexander H. Stephens vice presi
dent of Southern Confederacy.
April 14 Fort Sumter surrendered.
April 15 President called for 75.000 troops.
Apill 19 President proclaimed blockade
of southern ports.
July 21 Federal troops defeated nt battle
of Bull Hun.
Jan. 1. Government suspended specie
March 9 Battle between Monitor and
Merrlmac at Hampton ltoads.
April 25 Admiral Farragut occupied New
May 20 Homestead act approved by the
June 19 Slavery forever prohibited In tho
Juno 2G-July 2 Seven days' lighting.
Army of the Potomac retreated from
before Illchmoud
July 24 Ex-President Martin Van Burcn
died at Llinlenwold, N. Y., aged 80.
Aug. 19 Sioux Indians attack frontier set
tlements of Minnesota.
Sept. 5 Confederate forces crossed the
Potoninn Into Maryland.
Sept. 10-17 Confederates defeated at An
tletam. They retreuted Into Virginia
tho following day.
Dec. 31 West Virginia admitted to the
union to date fiom June 20, 1S63.
Ian. 1 President Lincoln issued proclama
tion freeing slaves in confederate states.
They numbered about 3,120,000.
May 10 Stonewall Jackson died. Wound
ed May 2 at Chancellorsvllle.
July 1-2-3 Confederate unity, numbering
82.000 men, defeated at Gettysburg by
federal army, numbering 73,600 men.
July 4 VIcksburg mm rendered to Oen.
Sept. 15 President Lincoln suspended writ
of habeas corpus.
Sept. 19-20 Federal army defeated by con
federates ut Chleltaniuuga.
Nov. 23-24-25-Fedoral army under Gen.
Grunt defeated confederates at Orchard
Knob. Missionary nidge ami Lookout
March 10-Gen Grant placed In command
of tho federal
May 4 F o d e r a 1
army, numbeiing
130,000 men, crossed
the ltapldun to at
tack Leu.
May 5 Struggle be
tween federal and
confederato armies
in tho Wilderness
and ut Spottsyl
vanln began In
theso battles thu
ledoral army lost
40,000 men.
M a y 17-P o s t a 1
money order sys
tem established.
May 19 Nathaniel
Hawthorne d I a d
lit Plymouth, N. II.,
ngeii wj.
Juno 19 Federal cruiser Koarsnrgo cap
tured confederato cruiser Alabama off
Cherbourg. Franre.
July 16 Gold reached tho maximum, 285
pur cent.
Sept. 2 Atlanta captured by Gen. Sher
man. Oct. 31 Nevada admitted to the union by
proclamation of president.
Nov. 8 Twentieth pi evidential election.
LlncolnandJohnson carried 22 states; Mc
Clelluu and Pendleton, 3; 11 not voting.
Horn Fell. II IMt pint
April It, 163.
Dec. 21 Savannah captured by Gon. Sher
man. 18(1.1.
Feb. IS Gen. Leo placed In command of
all confederato forces.
March 3 Confederato debt disowned by
net of congress.
March IS Confederato congress adjourned
rIiio die.
April 9 Leo surrendered to Grant nt Ap
pomattox. April 11 President Lincoln shot by J
Wilkes Booth In Ford's theater, Wash
ington. April 15 President Lincoln died nt 7:30 n
m. Vico President Johnson took oath of
olllco as president same day.
April 2G-J. Wilkes Booth Bhot in barn
near Bowling Green. Va.
Mny 13 Last battle of tho war fought
Federals defeated by confederates near
Palo l'lntn, Tex. Tho total number of
enlistments In tho federal servlco wcro
2,859,132; total number of engagements
fought between tho two armies 2,261; in
tho federal army the total loss by death
was 279,732; tho confederato government
existed 4 years 1 month nnd II days.
May 22 Southern ports opened by proc
lamation of president.
Doc. 1 Habeas corpus restored In north
ern states by proclamation.
Dec. IS Thirteenth amendment to consti
tution declared adopted by tho several
Feb. 9 Nebraska admitted lo tho union.
March 2 Military reconstruction act
pnssed over president's voto.
May 13 Jefferson Davis admitted to bnll.
Juno 20 U. S. acquired Alaska from Bus
sla. Consideration (7,200,000. Extent,
577,390 square miles.
Feb. 24 House of representatives voted to
Impeach President Johnson.
Mny 26 President Johnson acquitted of lm
penchment charges.
June 1 Ex-PreHdent Jnmcs Buchanan
died nt Wheatland. Pa.
July 2S Fourteenth nmendment to consti
tution declared ndoptcd.
Nov. 3 Twenty-first presidential election.
Ulysses S. Grant, 214 electoral nnd !l,016.-
071 popular votes, nnd Horatio Seymour
80 electornl and 2,709,fll3 popular Votes.
Dec. 25 Amnesty proclamation granting
unconditional pardon to alt concerned
In confederato rebellion Issued.
Mny 10 Union Paclllo railroad opened Tor
Sept. 24 "Black Friday." Culmination of
llnanclnl panlo In Now York. Gold
quoted ut 162V4.
Oct. S Ex-Prcsldcnt Franklin Pierce died
at Concord, N. II., nged 65.
April 9 Amerlcnn Anti-Slavery society
after existence of 37 yenri, dissolved.
March 30 Fifteenth amendment to con
stitution declared adopted.
June Ninth census taken. Population,
July 21 First through car fiom the Pa
clilc reached New York.
187 J.
Oct. S-9 Fire destroyed 20,000 buildings In
Chicago; 98,600 people mado homeless;
loss, $192,000,000.
March 1 Yellowstone nntlonnl park estab
lished. March Strike for nn 8-hour day, In
e k a n in New
York. It lasted
three mouths and
remitted success
fully for tho strik
ers. Sept. 14 Geneva tri
bunal awarded
Unltnl States
$16,600,0 0 0 from
Oieat Britain.
Nov. 6 Twenty-second
election. Grunt re
ceived 286 electoral
and 3,697,070 popu
lar votes. Itemaln-
TSifnnnurT r ir Her Ul firuitil hi
OI Jn,, ,v, , y(XHwsf,VB!CGra.
Oct.l..lM Brown, 18; Thomas
A. Hendricks, 42; Charles J. Jenkins, 2;
David Davis, 1. Combined populnr voto
of Greely and Brown wnH 2,834,079.
i87a. ,
jrvb. 7 "Trade dollar" ordered and silver
demonetized by net of congress.
Feb. 27 Oakts Ames, of Mass., and James
Brooks, of N. Y.. censured by congiess
for connection with Credit Moblller.
Sept. 20 Panic on New York stock ex
change; exchange closed: reopened
Sept. 30. ...
"ov. 19 William II. Tweed convicted In
New York; sentenced to 12 yeurs In tho
March 3 President's biliary llxed nt $50,000.
March S Ex-Presldcnt Millard Fillmore
died at Buffalo, N. Y.. aged 74.
Jul -Oct. Grasshoppers Infest Western
and Northwestern states.
Aug. 28 Itev. Heniy Wurd Beeehrr nc
qultted of charges prefeired against him
by Theodore Tlllon by a committee of his
May 1 Whisky frauds exposed. Losi to
government In levenue Ktninps, $I,6M),P00.
July Alexander Graham Bell constructed
llrst sueeesuful telephone.
July 31 Ex-Presldent Johnson died near
Joncsborough, Tenn., uged 67.
Mav 10 Centennial exposition opened at
Philadelphia by I 'res. Giant and Don
Pedro II. of Brazil.
June 25 Gen. Georgo A. Custer and 270
men massacred bv Indians under Sit
ting Bull nenr Llttlu Big Horn river,
Montana. ,
Aug. I Colorado ndmltted to thn union.
Nov. 7 Twenty-third presidential elec
tion, Hayes received 18" electoral and
4,033.295 popular votes: Tlldon 181 elec
toral and 4,281,265 popular votes,
July 16 General railroad strlko begnn In
Pennsylvania ugninst reduction of
wages. It lasted three months, iiprend
throughout thn eastern and central
states, and resulted disastrously for
tho men.
Feb. 28- Bland sliver bill passed over tho
president's voto.
April 12-Wllllam M. Tweed died In Lud
low utreet Jail, Now York, uged 55.
July 10-15 Yellow fuvcr epidemic began tit
New Orleans.
Dec. 17 Gold down to par In New York,
first tlmu slnco Jan. 13, 1862.
Jan. 1 Specie payment lesumed by tho
June Tenth census taken. Population.
Nov 2 Twenty-four"! presidential elec
tion Gnrlh'Id teculved 214 electoral and
4, !',, .421 popular votes; Hancock 155 elec
toral and 1,417,888 populur votes.
July 2 President Onrfleld shot by Gnl
teau In Baltlnioru and Potomac depot
at Washington.
Sept. 19-1'tesldent Garfield died nt El
beron. N. J., nt 10:35 p. m.
Sept. Forest flru In Huron nnd Snn
llac counties, Mich., rendered 2,900 fam
ilies homeless, caused loss of 13!i lives
ur.d spread over 1,800 square miles.
March 25 Edmunds law excluding blg
amlstn and polygamlstu from holding
olllco passed.
Mny 13 Lieut. Loekwood nnd Sergt.
Bralnard. of Gieeley expedition
leached 83 degrees 23 mlnutea S seconds,
Mny 21 New York and Brooklyn bridge
Juno 14 Verdict returned of not guilty
In Star-ltouto case.
July 19 Strike of telegraph operators be
gan nt Pittsburgh, Pa., and spread
throughout tho country. It Involved
J7.000 men who asked for 15 per cent. In
crease of wages. Lasted 30 days and wai
Sept. 9-Northern Pnclflo railroad finished.
May 6-7 Firm of Grant & Ward and
Marine bank fulled in New York.
Mny 11 Financial crlnls occurred In Now
Nov. 4 Twenty-fifth presidential election.
Clcvclnnd received 219 electoral nnd 4,
911.017 populnr votes, Blnlno JS1 electoral
ami 4,818,331 populnr votes.
Feb. 21 Washington monument dedicated.
First foundation
n t on'o .was laid
July 4, 1848.
Feb. 2D Contract la
bor law passed.
March 3 President
Arthur approved
net nppropilatliiK
$1,890,000 for now
ships for tl, H.
navy. Thh wan
tho beginning of
tho present navy.
Sept. 1 First elec
tric railway Hun In
America from Bal
timore to llmnp
drn, Mil., distance
2 miles, opened.
Oct. 2 tlen. George
B. McClelhui died
nt Orange, N. J
ngeu Ki.
Horn April J7, IKS-PUil
JlllJ 21, US3.
Nov. 25 Vlco-Prcsldcnt Thomas A. Hen
dricks died ut Indianapolis, liul., aged CU.
March C Knights of Labor struck nn
southwestern railroads.
May 4 Anaichlst riot and Ilnymurkot
mnssacro took plnco In Chicago,
Aug. 31 Charleston, H. O, nnd other south
ern points visited by severe enrthquakn.
Sept 4 Gcronlmo. Apncho chief, surren
dered to Gen. Miles nt Skeleton canyon,
Nov. IS Ex-Presldent Chostor A. Arthur
died nt Now York, nged 50.
Jan. 29 Mexican war pension bill ap
proved. March 22 First Interstate cointnorcn com
mission appointed,
Aug. 1111. H. Ives & Co., Now York
brokers, failed, liabilities, $20.000.)0.
Sept. 12 Act prohibiting Immigration of
Chinese Into United States approved.
Nov. C Twenty-sixth presidential election.
Cleveland received 108 eleclornl nnd 5,510,
329 populnr votes; Harrison 233 electoral
and 5,439,853 popular votes,
April 22 Oklahoma opened for settlement
and city of Guthrie established.
Feb. 20 Act to create Maritime Canal com
pany passed by congress.
May 31 Disastrous flood nt Johnstown,
Pa., caused loss of 2,142 Uvea nnd property
to amount of $9,C74,10G.
Oct. 2 Pan-American congress organized
In Washington
Nov. 2-Noith nnd South Dakota admitted
to the union.
Nov. 8 Montana admitted lo the union.
Nov. 11 Washington ndmltted to the union.
Juno ?Elfenth eensus taken, population,
July 3 Idaho ndmltted to the union.
July 10-Wyomlng, tho 4tth utute, admitted
to the union.
July 14 At authorizing purchase of 4.E0O,
000 ounot'H of 'silver per month nnd, for
coinage of 2,000,000 ounces per month un
til July 1. 1901, passed by congrcssf
Oct. 1 McKlnley tariff bill approved.
Oct. G Poljgnmy abolished by tho Mor
mons. Deo. 23 -Kittle with tho Indiana nt Wound
ed Knee. S. D
Nov. 8 Twcnty-neventh presidential oloa-.
Hon. Cleveland received 277 electoral
and 6,66(i,C33 populnr votes; Hai'ilson, 14G T '
electoral aim o, uo.ziu popiunr voicn;
Weaver, "i electoral ana j,iz2,ihd i
Jnn. 11 Gen.
APMikAi vrvjiy
lliun In viiix Her, Vt ,
Pit 51, 1M7
Benjamin F. Butler died nt
Washington, aired
Jan 23-Judgo Ij. Q.
C. Lamiir, soldier,
Mtatenmnn, Jurist,
died at Macon, Gn.
Jan. 27 James U.
HI a I n e died nt
Washington, aged
Feb. 20 Gon. P. T. ,
G. Beadregard died
at New Orleans,
nged 76.
Feb. 22 lumniv-Unn
stiwimnnK 'City of
NowYork and City
of Parln trans
ferred from British
to American registry.
March 2 Act to com
pel railroads to use automatic couplers
uud ulr brakes on nil earn npprovvd.
Aug. 15 Ilehrlug sen court of uibltrutlnn
n pnrti'd. Jtlght of U. H. to i eloseil sen
Aug. 2S Seveie hurilcnne In South Atlantic-
states; more than (.00 lives lost.
Sept 11 World'i: Parliament of KollgloiiB
fim.tiftil In ('n
! Oct. 2 Destructive htorm on Gulf of Mex
ico caused loss of over 2.WU llvci.
Nov. 1 Act repealing silver puichaso law
March 26 J. 8. Coxey's army of tho com
monweal slutted from Massillon, 0., for
April 21 General strike of mlno workers
throughout tho country ugnlunt a reduc
tion of ungcH. It involved nearly 200,000'
men, nnd ywih partially successful at tho
end of two mouths.
June 2K-Sympnthellc strlko ordered on all
western railroads by American Hallway
union. It lasted two mouths.
May 20 Supreme court decided Inroiuo tax
law unconstitutional.
Dec. 20 -New tariff bill passed. 1
June IS United States nnd Rowland ncrood
to nibltrute Venezuelan boundary- dis
pute. Aug. 17 Gold discovered In Yukon district
ol Alaska by Geo McCormack.
Nov. 3 Twenty-eighth presidential elio.
thin. William Mc Kluley received V.IOT.Kfil
popular and 271 rlictoral votes; William
Jennings Bryan, 0.01 1,073 populur and 170
electoral vote.
Jan. 11 Arbitration tieaty between United
States and Liigianu bigucd.
July 7 Dlngley tarirt bill passed.
JiinolG llawallanannexntloii tieaty signed
at WaHilnglon. Itlands formally annexed
July 7.
Feb. 15 Butthfhlp Maine destioyed in Ha
vana hnilioi by txploslou, 2C6 olflcti and
men killed
April 20 Spanish minister, Polo do Bernado,
glcn his piifhtmrlH.
Aptll 23-Pret:dtnt tulls tor 125,000 volun
teers. Mny 1 Hpnnlhh pqundron destroyed ut Aln
nfla by A merit an squadron under dim.
Dewey. Hpaiiltsh loss, 400; American loss,
none. ,
June 22-Geni Sh'tHer with 0,000 troops
landed In Cuba.
June 24 Advance against Santiago begun
by Gen. Shatter
July 1-2-UiittlcH of El Onney. El Pnso nnd
San Juan fought Spanish driven back tu
Santiago Mid Hlego began.
July 3 Spanish squadron destroyed off
Santiago. Spanish lous. tOO killed, h'S:
July 8 Philippine lepubllo pioulnliue.d by
July 17 Sutitlngo surrendoied to American
July 25-Gen. Miles landed tu Tot to Itlco
with Ameiieaii army.
Aug. 12 Penco protocol signed,
Aug. 13 Cllj of Manila captuicd by Amer
icans. 18M).
Jnn. 1 Island of Culm truiisfericd to Unit
ed States by Spain.
Jan. 6 Penco In aly between United Stale
nnd Spain ralllled by senate; vote, 67 to .17.
March 30 Miilolos, seat of Filipino govpre
meat, ruptured by Aiiicrlcan troops 1111110"
Gen, MucAMhur
June Twelfth census taken; population
76,295,220. Sept. 8 Galveston. Tex., practically de
stroyed by West Indian hurricane; loss,
of life estimated ut botweon 5,000 uud 8.000.
N',v' .'.fty.'.'"''''.."''.' 1'renWfiitlnl eleo
llon. William McKlnley received 20-' eluo
toiul vote and William J, liryaji 156
-rtlawr. itfKwwr-afftf ytufwnwn-' tffctyt-
. , fll"'i "K
twt,nh -hhma.- .., .,.uoH;.-