-"l ' I ik m m NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W. W. HANIIKH", ralilUhrr. NEMAHA, - - - NI3IIIIASKA. 3 DECEMBER 1900. 3 $ Sun. 16 23 30 Mon. Tuo. Wod. .,, "io TTj2 24 25 2 31 i 27 Thur. Frl. 'ji'jL 20 2I 28 s?11!"!?! TOPICS OF THE DAY. NO HOPE FOR CARTER. To Itnvlnlt "iVtrrii Hrnmi. llret Ilurtc. Is phiiinlng to rut urn to America next, year for the purpose of Visiting1 WCHtUI'II HCC1ICH Which llC lltld rendered immortal with Ills pen, mid to notu tin Inter developments In Unit hccIIoii. A Teirror to Kvll.liinr. Oscar K. 1 leu rd luui Just closed n JO-yenr term ns Htnlu'H attorney of Stephenson county, 111. In Unit time Jib bus secured the eonvictloii of Ii,Ul 1 crliiilnnls, among tip) number being three- miinlererH. Fodnrnl Court .Jnilc" Ht. T.tiuU Overrule 1 1 In lleiiuurreir hiiiI Sustain tlm Kul- liiK of lli Trlnl (Jonris. Ht. I.ouIh, Dee. 11. --In a decision luinded down by Judge Hook, of the federal district court of Khiihhh, und eonciirrctl In by United States Cir cuit Judge Amob Tluiycr here Mon thly, Oberlin M. Carter, formerly captain in United States army, un der sentence of Ave years' imprison incut for misappropriation of govern ment funds while in charge of the harbor work of Savannah, (hi., is re manded to the custody of Hubert W. McLnughry, warden of (lie federal penitentiary nt Leavenworth, where Carter lias been confined, the court overruling the petitioner's demurrer on the habeas corpus writ issued some time ago, and sustaining the ruling of the trial courts' together with the subsequent action of Presi dent Mclvinley, who set aside 1U of the charges under which he was con victed, but made no change of the, sentence imposed by the court-martial. LI'S SECRETARY SEIZED. I''IV" Killlor.I.HirmlMtors. The five editors who are to be mem hers of the. incoming legislature of Florida will sec that the noIoiih go to press on time ami that the new laws tell the story in the llrst paragraph. Editors believe in brevity. .Mllltn Hlllrtlloit llln. Nebraska made the smallest propor tionate gain of any s'ate in the union in the past decade always, of course, 'excepting Nevada, which declined In population. Nebraska's increase was - tduidu loss than one per cent. To Kill br HutT iIiim The Japanese government Is said to lit: considering the advisability of in Dieting capital punishment by mount of suffocation. It is proposed to place, the subject In an airtight chamber and then exhaust the air from the box by means of a pump. CLAIM A VICTORY. Vlko Orilnritil Arrestwl lr Ordiir of Count Von WhIiIihh-,, on t ImritH of Com- iiiiuiliHtliKC Willi lloxnr. London, Dec. 11. A special dispatch from Shanghai announces that Li Hung Chang's Manchu secretary, Yllto, has been arrested by order of Kleld Marshal Count von WnldcrsiM' on the charge of communicating with the boxers. The Pekin correspondent of the Morning Post says that Men. Chalice recently wrote to Wiildcrscc com plaining of the removal of instrunien's from the imperial observatory. He atlds that the letter was returned on account of Its tone. The correspond ent further says that (len. ChulVee has informed the mLiistcnt that, ow ing to the frequent cases of looting, all persons are prohibited from passing- the American guard when entering the south gate of the palace. The ministers are offended by the individ ual assumption of authority. NEGROES AND HAWAII. Oinnlnl of thnBiintii F Hnv tho Strike or Tlnrnptirr4 Is I'rHGtlcnlly Ht mi Knit. Chicago, Dec. 11. Officials of the Santa Ke system claim that th' teleg raphers' strike on their lines is prac tically over and point to the fact that almost without exception their pas senger trains were on time yesterday and that freight was being handled in volume as great as before the strike was inaugurated. I Ir.niHi. Will Not HtrlM... Peoria, 111., Dec. 11. Grand Master Sargent, of the Ilrotlierhood of Loco motive Firemen, denied the report largely circulated that the firemen on the Santa Ko would strike out of sym pathy for the telegraphers of that oad. He stated that the brotherhood which he represents would not be drawn Into the controversy In any manner and that there would be no attempt, made on its part to tie up the Santa Ke system. . No Alii from t,'iiiiliictor. Cedar Rapids, la., Dec. 11. E. K. Clark, chief of the Conductors' Ilrotlierhood, made emphatic denial of the report that the order had promised aid to the telegraphers in the Santa Ke strike. He added that, in his opinion, arbitration should settle such dispute. A HUNDRED YEARS OLD. LAWS FOR THE NATION. Nvniitjr.Irlv Trnliilimili of ltr. The steamship Kmpress of China, which sailed from Vancouver, 11. C, recently for the. orient, carried a record-breaking cargo of beer for the Philippines. Fifty thousand barrels, brought In 7.' trains, were consigned to Manila. Ill A stirs rloiittrrril to tlm Wind. In the presence of a number of his lifelong friends, the ashes of the late Justice Albert HotVman, of lloboken, N. J were scattered to the winds. The body was first incinerated. When this had been done the ashes were taken charge of ami thrown Into the air. This was In accordance with the wishes of the former judge. I)lUHt Wilcox Oppose Tttolr Importa tion to tlm Islnoit, I)'lnriue 'I liny Would Wipe Out Niltlve It . Honolulu, Nov. IK). -Statistics of immigration show that there Js a considerable movement of orientals away from the islands. During the. past three months the departures of .Japanese for .Japan have exceeded the arrivals by over 700, and 100 more Chinese have gone home than have come here. The question of importing negro labor from the. southern Ameri can states is being warmly discussed. There is great opposition to import ing negroes in some quarters. Dele gate Wilcox has declared himself strongly opposed to St and he will work against It. lie declares that if negroes arc brought here it means the end of the Huwaiin race. NESBIT LAWTs LEGAL. Cmitmiiilitl of tlm Ksliilill'litneot of tlm NltttollHl CHpltlll lit WiKlllllRtOII Hi'Khii WeilneMdity. Washington, Dee. IP.. The celebra tion of the centenary of the establish ment of the national capital here opened at ten o'clock Wednesday morning, when President McKinl'V received the governors of states and territories. In the afternoon the pres ident proceeded to the ri'vicwiiifr stand at the capitol. He was escorted by the governors of t lie states ami territories, large detachments of the army, navy and marine corps, national guards of the various states, naval militia, veterans of wars and distin guished citizens. He then reviewed the parade antl afterwards repaired tt the house of representatives, where addresses were made by representa tives and senators. The celebration terminated with a reception to the governors of the states and territo ries at night. boastoan"alliance. 'Itt'fiikK to I "Mire Koveriilirns. Insurance eompnnleu on the conti nent now refuse to Insure sovereigns. King Alexander of Servla tried to In Hiirc his life for $1,11:10,000 with sev eral companies. They refused, giving as a run non that they did it tin prin ciple, since anarchist crimes hail be come su frequent, ami since they had to pay $r70,()00 for King Humbert's life. Surer"! of Voting IMHcMn-. Voting machines were used success fully In several eastern cities at. thu reVcnt election. A trial was made in live wards of Woonsocket, 1. L, with a machine In which the votes are re corded on perforated strips of paper, When the polls close the strips are run through counting machines ami thu vote for each candidate is quickly ob tained, llrl'il. of HO Yeur. DmitI-iI , For .10 years Mrs. Carrie lltcli has conducted a chicken farm at May's Landing, N. .1. llecciitly she met Uen jainin Humes, several years her junior. Mrs. Rich Is a coy young ihlng of HO, ami when Mr. Harnes asked her to be bis she did not have the heart to refuse him. Mrs. Jtich-llarues sent out In vitations for a reception awl all the townspeople come. Anion'- them was the bridegroom's daughter. When she departed she took her fnther with her. Since then he has ; tinned to come back. United Hinted Supr-inn Court Huititln tlm Missouri Court'- Deel.toii Ktiiritnlliii; Ht I.oiiIh' Kle-mlou Men ill c Washington, Dec. 11. .Justice White handed down the decision of thu United States supreme court in the ease of J. M. Mason, auditor of the city of St. Louis vs. the state of Missouri, allirming the decision of the state supreme court of Missouri. The case involves the validity of the state law classifying eities for voting and registration purposes. Mnrrliiicei nod Divorce I.uv. Washington, Dee. 11. In view of the movement for the suppression of polygamy ami for uniform marriage and divorce laws, Chairman Kay, of the house committee on the judiciary, having charge of this legislation, says: "I think a man married to a woman in New York ought to be mar ried to he;' everywhere in the United States, and that when divorced from her In one state he ought to be di vorced from her In eery state." Icnlllotnt Telfiirrmii Stmt liy Qunnii Vic toria of Knt-lRiiil to Her Nephew, Kins: Carlo of I'oriuiritl. Lisbon, Dec. 11. King Carlos has re ceher from Queen iVietorin the fol lowing telegram, in response to the one sent by his majesty yesterday: 'l am greatly touched by your kind telegram. I sincerely thank you. my dear nephew, for the good wishes you entertain toward me and my people. It is again with the greatest pleasure that I recognize the cordial and friendly understanding between Por tugal and England." INDIAN CLAIM NOT JUST. Cloning Session of tlm t'lf'jr-Slxth CnnerrM linn Alnn.v Menaitres In I)lipiie (If-. The Dully Grind, Senator Frye (Me.) on the Cth concluded Ills speech In the seimtu on tho whip sub sidy bill, dovotlnp; his uttentlon to a technical explanation of tho provisions of tho measure. The Iioupo bill for the cele bration of tho establishment of tho scat of national tfovurnment In tho city of Washington was pitHSed without discus sion.... The lionso jlovotctl Itself prin cipally to tloliutltiK tho army reoriiinlzn tlon hill, 11 pages beliiR illBPosed of be fore adjournment. Mr. Kitchen (N. C.) Introduced a resolution to repeal tho fifteenth amendment to tho constitution. Hills were also Introduced to establish a supreme court for tho territories of Arizona, New Mexico mint Oklahoma and providing for a government ship to bring IJoors to tho United States to triko ad vantage of the homestead laws. The senate on the (ith transacted no business of Importance, most of the tbno being taken up hi executive session In dlBcussltig the llay-I'uuncefoto treaty. Senator Hoar (Mass.) presented a reso lution of the Massachusetts legislature In favor of thu purchase, by tho United States government of Temple farm antl Moorehoiiso nt Yorktown, Va....Tho house passed the army reorganization bill by a vote of IOC to 133. Three demo crats voted with the republicans for the bill mid one republican with tho demo crats against It. Otherwise It was a strict party vote. Tho liveliest tight was made upon a substitute offered by Mr. Llttlelleld (Mo.) for the canteen sec tion. Tho substitute absolutely prohibit ed tho sale of Intoxicants at military posts anil was carried by a vote of 153 to SI. Mr. Ilurlelgh (Me.) Introduced a bill authorizing the appointment of Rep resentative Uoutclle, now a conllrmed Invalid, to the rank of captain on the re tired list of tho army. No business of Importance was trans acted by tho senate on tho 7th In tho open session, the tiny being practically consumed by an executive session In which the IIay-1'auncufoto treaty wns de bated. A telegram was presented by Senator Galllngcr (X. II.) from the south ern Industrial convention at New Orleans urging the passage of the ship subsidy bill.... The houso passed the Grout oleo- margn hie bill by a vote of 1!)!! to 02. The bill makes the product subject to the po l'co powers of the states, but prevents them from forbidding the salo of the product untler certain conditions. An amendment was adopted that tho act should go Into effect July 1 next. The war rcvemiu reduction bill wns reported by the chairman of tho ways and means committee nntl notice was given that lie would call It up In a day or two. Mr. Tayler (O.) introduced a measure Intend etl to bring about federal prohibition ot polygamy. Tho senato was not In session on tho 8th. ...Fntler a special order adopted at the lust session tho house duvoted the day to paying tribute to tho memory of tho late Congressman A. C. Ilnrmer (Pa.). Mr. DcArmottd was nmong those who pronounced eulogies on tho dead representative. The liousu afterwords adjourned as a further mark of respect to the deceased. Charles A. Towne, tho recently ap pointed successor to the late Senator Davis, of Minnesota, took the oath of ofllce In the senato on tho 10th. No busi ness of Importance was transacted In open session, tho senate going Into secret session on tho Huy-I'aunccfoto treaty as soon ns routine, business had been con cluded.... Tho house passed tho legisla tive, executive anil Judicial appropriation bill. The bill carries $IM,I,30S nnd has 131 pages, but there was less than ten minutes' debate upon It. Mr. Glllett (Mass.) Introduced a bill to prevent the sale of tlrearms, opium and Intoxicating beverages to aboriginal natives of tho New Hebrides Islands and other Islands In tho Paclllc not under tho control of any civilized power. Supreme t'ourt Dfi'litc AchIikI ihn Wleli'.- tit, ('hortHW) nnd Clilclaipiiiwn In the Wlnlllln ItHanrvtttlou C'hko. Washington, Dee. II. The supreme court Momlay rendered nu opinion in the claim of the Wichita, Choctaw ami Chickasaw Indians in connect ion with the old Wichita reservation. In 1801 the Indians made a treaty with the government ceding the Wichita reservation and agreeing to tnke 100 acres of land in severalty. They then claimed that they were entitled to the proceeds of the sale of the sur plus land. The court decided against the claim. DEMANDS OF UNION LABOR. Itcftt for the Ilovtclt. No matter what nils you, hendnche to at cancer, you will never get wcllbutitH your bowels nrc put right. Cascarets help nature,, cure you without n gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health hack. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put. up in mctnl boxes, every tablet has C 0. CJ. stamped on it. Ituwate of imitations. AMvitj'N In One. ' Crimes Is your wife fond of pets? j Ilarum- 1 should say she was. She is al most always in one IJoston Transcript. To Ctire n Cold In One Tiny Take, Laxatlvo Uromo Quinino Tablets. All! druggists lef und money If it fails to cure. 25c.. Grace "I thought you were never going; Walking with that SnaggsV" Nell "1 was n't; hut I've got a beautiful new cloak antl I just had to go walking." Syracuse Herald- "Some folks," said Uncle Khen, "nobbec itahts in gittin' downright industrious until dey 's doin stitnpin' wrong." Washington! Star. You cannot bo cheerful if you have tlys ncpsia. You won't have dyspepsia if youi chew White's "Yucatan." Photographer "Now, smile, please." Sit ter "I can't: I am a humorist by profes sion." Ally Slopcr. SWOLLEN FEET DEMOCRATIC AMENDMENT. HeClioreeil rltli the l.lelit HHcnil. In Switzerland county, Intl., Uvea Thomas O'Duy, 70 years ok'. Thonm has in his possession a medal ami papers which establish the fact that some .10 years ago he was an active participant in one of the most start ling nnd spectacular events in his tory. Mr. O'Day Is, in fact, one of tlm few survivors of thu famous "Chargo of thu Light Brigade" at Paluklava. His horse was killed soon after the light cavalry brigade started on its crrund of death, and O'Day himself was severely wounded. Will Krrot 'oloMnl Knductlou Work Nogules, Ariz., Dee. 11.- (leorgu Westlnghouse, of Pittsburg, lias bought the entire lliiena Vista grant, comprising 7,000 acres, and intends to erect at some point on the Santa Cruz river eollossal reduction works and smelter and build a railway con necting the mines , the reduction works ami Nogules. l.iim: Tilp for MiMiinltii ripct. New York, Dec. 11. Five little cockle shells of the navy are to travel more than lll.OOU miles to the Philip pines. Tlic flagship of tills mosquito fleet will be the gunboat Annapolis. They are to be sent in response to the request of Rear Admiral lleiney for small essels to do patrol duty in the Philippines. AIIkimhI Find of Apliltiiin. .foplin, Mo., Dee. 11. An immense bed of asphalt has been discovered six miles west of .lopliu, near th-j lladger zinc mine. While sinking ., prospect sluift the miners opened up a big cave, with black walls of pe culiar substance, which proves to be asphalt um. Minority MrmtiHr) of Whvh unit Mptum CoinmltM'. Would Hmliii'n ltvrmi About 70.0t)0,OOI). Washington, Dec. 11. The minority members of the ways and means com mittee have completed their report on the revenue reduction bill. It urges a reduction of the revenues of about $70,000,000 or about $:iO,000,0()t) more than that proposed by the majority of the committee. It also proposes an income tax with a view of again bringing the subject in modified form before the United Slates supreme court for final adjudication. 1'npiilM t'li'i of Soiiih Okliiliiinui Clt'rH. Washington, Dec. 11. The popu lation ot certain incorporated places In Oklahoma having more than 2,000 but less than 25,000 inhab itants is as follows: lllackwull City, 2,281!; HI Keno, S,:iS3; ICnid, .I. HI; (iutlirie, 0,081; Kingfisher. 2,301; Norman, 2.225; Oklahoma City, 0, 070; Perry, 3,351; Ponea, 2,52S; Shaw nee, 3,102; Stillwater, 2,131. Our Inoiiliir Trnle. (l-nwlnir Washington, Dec. 11. Kxports from the United States to Cuba, Porto Uieo ami the PhiUippine, Hawaiian anil Sa moa!! islandr will aggregate $50,000,000 in the year 1000, against $11,000,000 in 1809, This enormous growth is shared by each of the islands named, but is especially apparent in the case of Porto Illco. FilTiitloii'n NiMloni.i I'ouvHiitlou Auk- for tilt Inltlntlvn nod ltti'er'iitttm und M'liilclpxl OuutTHlilp Louisville, Ky., Dec. 11. Immedi ately following tin call to order Mon day the resolutions committee of the American Federation of Labor sub mitted its report. The first resolution recommended by the committee was one reallirining its favorable position ontheinitiativcand referendum, which was adopt etl by the convention by a vote of 82 to 50 after considerable de bate. Following in rapid succession were recommended and adopted reso lutions requesting support by con gress of a bill for the higher educa tion of the blind; in favor of an eight hour bill for all post olllce em ployes tt be introduced at the com ing session of congress, antl in favor of municipal ownership of public utilities. Tlio IIhiiivo ' tlriiWoiiiM Curt". San Francisco, Dec. 11. The trims port Hancock arrhed yesterday from Manila via Nagasaki with a grew some cargo. it consisted of the bodies of about 1,500 sailors and sol diers who either tiled in battle or succumbed to the ravages of disease in the Philippines, China and Hono lulu. This is the largest number .if bodies brought home since the out break of the Spanish-American war. Tlie Hancock was 25 days In making the run from Manila and was 17 days in coming from Nagasaki, the last port" at which she touched. She brought 52 cabin passengers, 500 in the steerage and there were 11 deaths on the voyage to add to the cargo of dead carried from the Philippines. Mft '- Tr - rni i ii i . ii Tl " I M and hands usually indicate an ad vanced stage of Kidney disorder. It is cue of the last special pleadings of na ture to seek a remedy. Look out also for backache, scalding urine, dizziness, headache and brick-dust or other sedi ment in urine which has been allowed to stand. Heed these warnings before it is too late. Monitorrs EJ arc guaranteed under oath to be the best remedy in cxistancc lor Dnght's Disease or any other form of Kidney Trouble. A cash forfeit is offered fotr any case Kid-nc-oids will not cure. KANSAS AMI .MISSOURI People rurcil l.jr KIII-MMHIlS. In uritliiir tlicni lilriuir enclose Mniupt'il mltlrissed enTelniie. Anilniir .lucolou,i2S I.iivlnlo St.. Atchlon, Kii.. - . AtiUriMr'riMltii:iM,SuMler'lInmi,l.oavenworUiKn9. II. A. Willis. :ar-'4th St.,Topeku Kit". J. W. Power, Uimiir, Mu. Mrs. A. It. Winters. KUPortcr St. Molierljr. -Mi. Mri. Mury Almit, N. Clii-rry St.. t'lillllcutlie. Mo. Mr. M. M. Christina, Sill K.Uth St., Seilitllii. Mo. Morrow's Kid-nc-oids aro not pills, but Yellow Tablets and sell at fifty cents a box at drug stores. JOHN MORFIOV; d-CO., OPniNQFIELO.O . SHOES UNION MADE v&. Tho rciil worth of AV. I.. Douulns 83.00 nntl 83.no hliocs compared with other uiukcs Is (M.00 to S.f.OO. OurflHOHtKdpnT.ino cannot ho equalled at any iirleif. Ovcrl.OOO, 000 Hiitlstled ivcnrern. Wj WE YJA USE oV W ... ko"Vt. If FYELETe TirS. mil. 'UHY.BBfV'ii-n-TJ?i--S One pair of W. L, Oouglsi ?aorJ.ou o.ioo J win will positively outwear pairs oi ordinary $3 or $3.50 noei. Wo aro tho largest makers of men's 83 etna 83 .no Bhors In tho world. We mako nnd sell more 83 nnd 83.C0 shoes than anr other two manufacturers In tho U 8U DCCT DouKlM 1 3.00 and 3.W 1iom for nPOT DCOI itjlf. comfort, on J wear U known QLOl er-ry where throughout the world, Q CfJ They hr to trl-e tetter iatUtc- (0 fill iSiJiuU Hon than other makei Uecau.e u)u.UU the itandard hit alwiyi been CUflC I1"4 o hl5h that the wearer CUllE OllUE- eipect moru for their money OllUC than they can get elwwhere. TIIK JtKAMON mom W. ),. Uouglai (3 antl XJ. hoea are told than any other mako it because Tlll'.Y AJCi: 'X'lIE IIKMT. our dealer ahould keep them i we give one dealer cxcluairo alo in each town. Ta k n nn aobatltiitet Inilit on having W, h. Douglai thoea with name and price (tamped on bottom. K your dealer will not get them for you. teud dtrict to factory, enclosing price and He. extra for carriage. Ptate kind of leather, aire, iid width, plain or cap toe. Our ihoea will reach you anywhere, Catalogv' I'ne. W.Xm DoUQlua HUoo Co. Jtrockluu, Mum. I.r.wminm'ln1!nnPll" Ointment will euro llllnil. Illpetllnp ami Uclilmt I'llos. It nlisorlit, tlia tumors, nllnys tliu ItcU lliK nt once, acta an a iKinUloo. ulvei Instant ro ltof. Prepared for Piles nndllchlnK'Of theprlvnte . par's. At nniKKi'miir r7 mail on rocelnt of prlco. no ronl unil 81.1)11, WILLIAMS MFU., CO . Props.. Cl.KVBI.AND. Onto PILES Ailvoexte-) .Morn It 11 rill Kre Unlivery. aslihi;toii, Ucc. U. Tlic uiiiiunl report of. Charles Kinory Smith, post liuistcr ycueriil, cinpluisizcs the ini Iioi'tiiuci! of the extension of the rural free ilellvcry systcin, antl fjlves nn cxliiuistivi' icw of t.ho operation of the system and careful estimates of 1 1n cost of extending' It over 1,000,000 bcjmiru miles of territory. HKADKKS OK THIS PAPKH DKSIItlNll Tp 11UV ANYTHING ADVKIt'flSKI) IN ITS COLUMNS SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVING WHAT 'I'll BY ASK KOH. IlKKUSING ALL SUHST1TUTK3 OH IMITATIONS. PILES ANAKESIS fftiSSte: llof nnd 1'O.SITIVK I.YtlllltKM 1'II.IVS. tor free tminpltt address "A.NAKK(tlN," Trlli uno bulldliiK, Nuw Yorltv rH7019QVNKV DlSCOVntT; uUc - tT. ii quick relief and cures worst raaea. llooli of teatlmonlala snd III days' treatment c Ur. II. U. OltEEN'H BONS. Uox D AtUnt"" "k r - r IV -rs"3: $ ;t3 , t: .i.t'