The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 07, 1900, Image 8

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f;r 'ajjafti
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3 Rort Cough flrruii. f wte (Juod. Upo Pl
Id In tlmn RM nv flrllffulf t(L 11
(Dr. . PP: Keeling,
Nomnlm, Nobrnskn.
Offico In KooIJng building, tecond door
liortli of AynoH hnrdwnro hloro.
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. V. Sandeus, publHhor
FlUDAY, DliQKMHKll 7, 1000.
Congress ia uow iti session.
Dealer In
IligljCHt mnrkct prico paid forllidcB,
Lurd; Tallow, etc,
xnos. W. H1ATT,
The president's message Ja given on
inaido pugua,
Dick Chambers got in another cm"
loud of young heifers Thuraday morn
S. K. Adoraon vlaited Totn Cham
boia, neur Graf, Wednesday and Thura
day. W. II. Loranco, oil Auburn, called at
tlioao hoadquartora Thursday aftor-noon.
Proprietor of tho
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray in connoction with Livory
SatiGfaotlon guarantood,
Tho best scoop board mado for sale
by the Edwarda & Bradford Lumber
Co. for only $1.85.
Mrs. J. F. Wykes and two eons, of
Nebraaka City, aro viatting Mrs. Crlm.
They arrived laat Saturday.
Dr. Galthor gooa to Brownvllloaboti't
every day sr haa been for tho hiBt two
weeks. Ho lias h number of bad caaea
Anderaon & Brown will tako care of
all couponB given out (or lifo Bize oil
(liilah portraita, which aro given free
when cash purchases amounting to $20
aro made.
To Curo a Cold In Ono Day
Take Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablots.
All druggiatB refund the money if it
falls to euro. E V Grove'a signature
on each box. Prico 25 cents 0 22
Breeder of
.'Thoroughbred Poland China
Farm ono and one-half miles south
west of Nemaha.
i i r i .
Order of Hearing and Notice on
Petition for Settlement on
In tbe county court of Nemaha county, Nob.
Thn atitta of Nobranka. Hem aim county, mm.
To OeorKO Lesley, ttoeoe Lcsloy, Smith
Lesley, Wflllam LeMey.Henlsmln F. Lesley,
Llbby Bella llowen and Hobert Lesley, and
all perinnt lutarosUsd In the estate of Benja
inln F. Lesley, deceased.
Notice la hereby given that W. W. Handera
ban filed a petition praying for final aettle
ment and allowanoe of hfa administration
roount filed In tbli court on the aotn day of
November. A. D.19M. and for hto discharge ai
adralnlitrator of aald eatate, and the same
hat been set for hearing on the 16th day or
December, 1000, at 10 o'olock a. m at tho
county conrt mom of said county, In An
burn, when and where all parsons interested
In said matter may appear and show causo,
If there be any, why the prayer of said poll,
tlon should not bo granted, and If surnslont
cause U not shown tho conrt may grant tho
prayer thereof, and make such further and
George McGlnre ia the new B. & M.
agent at Nemaha, taking charge Tues
day evening. He came here from Up
land, Nebr. Mr, McClure'a wife and
fonr children arrived Thursday after
noon. They are anxious to got to
housekeeping but there is uot a vacant
house of any kind In Nemaha.
On Tuesday evening Dr. and Mrs'.
Gather and Miss Maye entertained for
an hour or ao with music and ether so
cial entertainment Mr, Powers, auditor
of aouihern division of B. & M., Dute
Campbell, general rOllef agent, Goorgt
McCiura, the new agent for Nemaha,
and R. I. Brown, private secretary ef
General Superintendent Holdrege of
the O. B. & Q. The decision of all was
that Miss Maye gave some fine music.
School Notes
other orders as may bo propor.
vor wover
Dated this 20th d
November, 1000
County JuiIko,
Clydk KlNTON
Call In and see hb if you want to
subscribe for any paper published n
the United States.
Old papers for sale at this office.
We will send The Advertiser and
the semi-weekly State Journal until
January 1st, 1002, fer only 91.85, cash
in advance.
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood.
All the blood In your body passes throueh
your kidney onco every three minutes.
J" -L- 1..J
i no Kiancys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
impurities in the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess ef uric acid in the
blood, due to nedected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working in pumping thick, ktdney
polsoned blood through veins and arteries.
it used to bo considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning (n kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is
soon realized. It stands the highest for Its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
onrt l rilrt nn lie mrll ""VjT
by ail druggists In fifty
cent and one-dollar sir
es. You may have a
sample bottle by man Homo of swamp-Hoot.
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out If you have kidney or bladder trouble,
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
Ei Co., Blnghamton, N. Y.
David Burns waa out of school Wed
nesday. Our school seems to enjoy the nice
Lucy Russel is absent from school on
account of sickness.
BosbIo Wnphburn and Bertha Hiatt
are absent this week,
We were pleasod to have a number
of visitors last Fiiday.
Tommy 0'IIara ia absent from school
as he ia shucking corn.
Fred Bridge, who stopped school to
husk com, la buck again.
Frank Aynes ia at school this week
after several days absence.
Lizzie, Rufuo, Eddie and Charlie
Morton have moved to Kausas.
Nora Buraon and Pearl Wassou were
out of school Monday afternoon.
Curtla Brown waa visiting friends in
Pawnoe City Monday nud Tuesday.
Cecil and Claude Wykes, of Nebraska
City, are visiting tho aehool this week.
May and David Curtis and Viola
Faraon are new pupils In the primary
Tbe geometry class bad their first ex.
arulnatlou Menday, and now are begin
ningbook 2,
We are glad to have vliltora but we
do not want them to hang around at
play time and leave as soon as school
Alva and Ned Maxwell were tardy
this morning (Wednesday) on account
of hav ng a runaway as 'hay were com
ing to school.
A Tributo to tho Memory of
Johnson P. Hoover.
"Uncle Johns"! What a Hood of
motnoriea flow in upon tho writer at
that name! Memories aad and memo
ries humorous. Memories always as
sociated with tils smiling face and that
of Aunt ilutdah, hla wife. Mmorlea
of plcnicH and watermelons; of hours
apunt ou his farm, teatltig the fruit of
that trco and this vine, viewing tho
sheep in thla pautlirc and tho cattle in
that, and everything else attendant on
J his well regulated farm.
Johns IJoovetv is dead( Tho news
flashed over- thirfiountry and tho coun
tenances of those who heard it wore
expressions of pain and relief. Pained
to think they had lost a friend and re
lieved to hear that that friend they all
loved waa at last free from tho horrible
torturea of tho cancer which literally
devoured him.
Johns Hoover ia dead! Dead? Yea.
What la death? Only a reloaso from
the sorrows and Bufferings attendant
on life whilo on thla sphere. Only a
birth into another world a world on
which ho haa had hia eyes fixed with
unswerving dovotion through nli tho
trials and hardships ho encountered
hero below.
Johns Hoover was an honest man.
This may seem small but it ia a tribute
that all long for, and few, even kiuga,
receive, It is a tribute that hu do-
served and wo unhesitatingly bestow
it upon him, knowing, as wo do,
he ia worthy of it. Kind, gentle, con
siderate of the welfaro of others, ho
was liked by all hia acquaintances and
loved and honored by hia friends. This
fact waa testified to by tho hoata of
friends who, despite the raw day, gath
ered at hia homo that aad Sunday and
followed hia remains to tho Episcopal
church, of which he was a member,aud
from thence to the cemetery wnero the
laat aad rites were ministered.
The deceased waa born in Fulton
county, Indiana, August 27th, 18;!7. In
the year 1855 he moved to thla county,
where he haa lived ever since, with tho
exception of two yearajapent in Oregon,
On the 15th Of May, 1801, he was mar
ried to Miss Huldah Pavey, with whom
he haa lived 'both lovingly trusting
each other to thB day of hia death.
What he suffered in his last illness be
alone knows, and it cannot even be
Imagined by those who have not passed
through it. Starting with a kick from
a colt It developed into a cancer, taking
first a couple of fingers, then his geod
right arm, and finally his life.
Mr. Hoover never was a member of
a secret organization in his life. He
was a brother of Birl Hoover and the
lateW. II. Hoover, of Lincoln. He
waa the father of eight children, only
one of whom, Harry, Biirvive him.
Itia a nolicable coincidence that be
waa buried on the 73rd birthday of his
more than friend and reiutive, tho late
G. W. Falrbrothea. Br.
To the remaining widow, relatives
and friends, we can only say in our poor
way, that whilo the like or Johns wll
never hi seen again in this world, yet
the hours of separation are compsri
lively filioit, and that we should not
allow tho toare in our eyes to dim the
vision of the glorious reunion in the
other land which only lies across the
silent river. F. M. II.
Evorybody Can Afford It
There waa a time when many fnmh
lies could not afford to tako a dally pa
per, but now that, the Lincoln Evening
Newa is aunt by mall at the cheap rate
of 25 conta a month, tho daily paper
with all ita advantages ia within the
reach of every family, and tho reduc
tion in prico haa brought The News
several thonaand new subscribers. Tho
News ia printed at tho state capital,
tho fountain head of news events, and
with its eight big pagea, with markets,
telegraph and atnto newa makea it one
Froo Until Jan. I, 1901.
In order to Intioduce The Semi
Weekly State Journal to a whole lot of
new homes it will be sent freo from
now until January l, 11)01, to any pers
aon aendlng ua One Dollar for a year's
subscription. Tills gives you the paper
from now until January 1, 1002, for
only One Dollar, The State Journal ia
tho recognized state paper and should
bo in euery liolno in the atate. Printed
at the capital It givea more prompt and
accurate reports of Nebraaka doings
than any other paper, and us it gives
of tho brightest papers in Nebraska. I you two papers each week it furnishes
It's worth more but it only coats you
25 cents a month. Why not have The
Lincoln News visit you during the long
winter months now coming ou. You
can subscribe through your postmaster
or The Advertlaer olllce or send your
order to The Lincoln Daily Newa, Lin
coln, Neb,
A Koon Cloar Brain
Your beat ieeliaga, your social posi
tion or bualncsa success dopend large
ly on tho perlect action of your Stom
ach and Liver. Dr King's Kew Lifo
Pills givo increased Btrongth, n keen
clear brain, high ambition. A 25c bx
will make you feel hko a now being.
Sold by Keeling tho druggist.
Wo will send The Advertiser for one
year and tho Farm Journal until Jan.
1st, 1005, for only $1, If paid in ad
vance. Thh offer appliea to both old
n new subscribe! a.
you with tho latest newa several days
ahead of other papera. You will nob
want to be without Tho Journal dur-
ing tho legislature and tlio great senas
torlal contest. Tho earlier you send
tho dollar tho more papers you will get
for your money. Addreaa Tho Journal
at Lincoln, Neb.
Old papers for aalo at thla olllce.
Bravo Mon Fall
VictiniB to'. stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles as well na women, and
all fool the result in loss of appetite,
poisons in the blocd, biicknche, ner
vouanct8, hendnchc and tired, lUtncsB,
run-down feeling. Cut thero'a no
need to fool like that. S. W. Gnrdi
ner. of Idavjlle, Ind., aavs: "Electric
BittorB nrojuet the thing for a mun
when ho don't care whether he lives
or dies. It gavo me now strength
and appetite. I can uow eat nnything
and havo a new lease on lifo." Only
CO conta at IOcling'a drug storo.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Aro making a specialty of
just now. If you haven't been in their store recently you will be
surprised at tho large stock of holiday goods they carry and still
more surprised at the low prices. It is their intention to carry so
lai-ge and varied a stock and make such low prices that there will
be nd good reason for any one going away from Nemaha to buy
holiday goods. In the line of Chinaware they have some elegant
designs. There are dainty little cups and saucers so thin, you can
see through them; moustache cups; sets of plate, cup and saucer;
tea sets; novelties in shaving mugs; cigar and tobacco sets; and a
whole lot of novel designs of difloront kinds. They have a largo
lino of Silverware some handsome mugs, cups and saucers, curd
receivers, powder boxes, etc., etc. Celluloid jewelry boxes, hand
kerchief boxes, glove boxes, cuff and collar boxes, etc. Fancy
baskets. Albums. Books. Dolls. Toys. Jewelry. Watches.
Pictures. And a whole lot of what Sam calls "pretty things. " ,
They invite all to pay them a visit before buying holiday
goods. If they dont havo just what you want thoy can order it.
Complete stock of harness nnd harness supplies. Harness repaiiing done
promptl). First door south of meat market. Your atronago solicited.
The Advertlaer and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
only 01.00.
Nemaha Is to have another doctor in
the near future. Dr N. S. Peters, of
Paperville, Tenn., after investigating
the outlook through correspondence
and otherwise, has decided to locate
here b Boon us he can arrange his bus
iness po ho can get away. Dr Peters
ia highly racommendod na a physician
and a citizen and we believe will be a
valuable acquisition to Nemaha. The
doctor'a attention waa first directed to
Nemaha by hia friend Will S. Uusaall,
who speaks very highly of bin.
Paid Ommr fr hla Lag,
R D BlanUs at Tkackerville Texas
la wo years U over $800 to doctors
so eure a Tanning sore on hia leg.
Tfcea tar wanted to out it off but he
oarad It with one box of Buoklon's
Arnica Salve Guaranteed ouro for
Piles. 25ctsabex. Bold by Keeling
tho druggist.
For Sale or Trade
820 acres improved land in the "land
of tho Big Red Apple," also in the lead
and zlno country of the Ozarks, in
south Missouri, Lund 1b well located,
near Mountain Orovo, whoie the state
fruit experimental station is located.
A great cattle, aheep and fruit country
Want Nobrutika or Kansas land or
merchandise. Addreaa this paper,
Dealer in
South of Court House Square, AUBURN, NEB.
. JttMK9LJMr ""!'iJt
,Aier oa "