The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 30, 1900, Image 7

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Siberian PrtMAi A1ollahed.
Siberia Is no longer to be a penal colony
The imperial decreo abolishing the lymcf
status is tho result of the building of th
Trans-Siberian railroad. Nothing can cony
pare to the rapid settlement of tiie vast Si
berian plains by tho inrushing farmers, un
less it be the rapid growth achieved by
that famous dyspepsia cure, llostetters
Stomach Hitters. Try it for constipation,
indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness or flatu
lency, if you would be well.
A Mean Trick.
llingso Yes, I let my wife bowl all ih
Jingso Why?
"1 twit her about her strength and bet she
can't carry up the coal from the cellar."
Syracuse Ilerald."
! ... m
The CcnanA of 1000.
A booklet giving the population of all
cities of the United States of 23,000 and
over according to the census of 1000, has
just been issued by the passenger depart
ment of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. 1'aul
Itailway, and a copy of it may be obtained
by sending your address, with two-cent
Rtamp to pay postage, to the General Passen
ger Atrcnt of the Chicago, Milwaukee &, St.
Paul Railway, Chicago, 111.
lr ApiicHi-nnccit.
Dyer la that solemn-looking young man
across the way an undertaker?
Gycr Yes; that is, he is a grocery clerk
who has undertaken to support n wife on
a salary of six dollars a week. Chicago
Evening News.
Heat for the llowcl.
No matter what nils you, headache to a
rancer, you will never get well until your
bowels arc put right. Cascarcts help nature,
cure you without a gripe or pain, produce
easy natural movements, cost you just 10
cents to stnrt getting your health back.
Casearets Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put
up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C.
stamped on it. Beware of imitations.
A I'rofcaafonal Opinion.
First Doctor Bolus tells me it is difficult
to exaggerate the importance of his discov
ery. Second Doctoi" Well, it may be difficult,
but I guess he'll do it. l'uck.
Trr Ornln-O! Try Grnln-OI
AskyourGrocerto-daytoshow you a pack
age of GltAlN-O, the new food drink that
takes the place of coffee. Children may
drink it without injury, as well as adults.
Allwbotryitlikeit. GItAIN-0 has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java, but is made
from puregrains, nnd the most delicate stom
ach rcceivesit without distress, i the price of
coffee. 15o.and2jc. per package. All grocers.
A Breach of Etiquette.
-lie "I notice you
don t sneak to the Uptowns any more. What
sneak to the U
have they done?" She Done? Vulgar
things! Lost ail their money!" Philadel
phia uuuetin.
in i i i
To Cure m, Cola In One Day
Tako Lnxntlvo Bromo Quinlno Tablets. All
druggists i of und monoy if it foils to euro. Coc.
Piso's Cure is the best medicine we ever
used for nil nffections of the throat nnd
lungs. Wm. O. Endsley, Vanburen, Ind.,
Feb. 10, 1000.
m i m i
You will never profit by your mistakes as
'ong as you blame others for them. Atch
ison Globe.
Dyeing is as sinipic as washinp when yon
uso Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Sold by nil
Even the timid engineer whisles at dan
ger. N. Y. Press.
Check Colds and Bronchitis with link's
Honey of Horcliound and Tar.
Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute.
No one is ever too busy to tell his troubles.
-Atchison Globe.
The Mexicans allay their thirst by chew
ing Chiclei which is the main ingredient of
White's "'Yucatan" Gum.
Pen Picture for "Women.
" I am bo nervous, tbero 1b not a
well inch in my whole body. I nm so
weak nt my stomach and have indi
gestion horribly, and palpitation of
the heart, and I am losing ilesh. This
headache and backache nearly kills
ine, and yesterday 1 nearly hnd hyster
ics; there is a weight in the lower part
of my bowels bearing down all tho
time, and pains in my groins and
thighs; I cannot sleep, wulk, or sit,
and 1 bclievo I nm dibcrused all over ;
no one ever Buffered as I do."
Tlris is a description of thousands of
ases which come to Mrs. Pinlcham'a
attention daily. An inflamed and ul
cerated condition of the neck of tho
womb can produce all of these symp-
Mrs. John Williams.
toms, and no woman should allow
herself to reach such a perfection of
misery when there Is absolutely no
need of it. The subject of our por
trait in this sketch, Mrs. Williams of
Knglishtown, N.J., has been entirely
cured of such illness and misery by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corc-
fiound, and tho guiding advice of Mrs.
'inkham of Lynn, Mass.
No other medicine has such a record
for absolute cures, nnd no other medi
cine is "just as good." Women who
want a euro should insist upon getting
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
jMJund when they ask for it at a store.
Anyway, writo a letter to Mrs. Pink
ham at Lynn, Mass., and tell her all
your troubles. Her advice is free.
The Htnnd MhiIb by Ihn Man of thn Twtnty
Ninth Infitntry Acalnftt nn Otetvrlnilm-
In Force a llrllllant Eplnmle.
Washington, Nov. 24. Mail ndvicca
from Manila give in considerable de
tail the story of the rescue of Cnpt.
Shields and 50 men of the Twenty
ninth infantry after their enpture by
tho insurgents in Marinduqiie. The
fight that Cnpt. Shields and his party
put up against an overwhelming force
is declared to have been one of the
most briliaut incidents in the history
of bush lighting in the archipelago.
The CO inon in question were pursuing
a party of insurgents of superior force
into the mountains when they were
ambushed in a box canyon by a force
of 250 riflemen and 1,800 bolomen.
They made a continuous fight for
eight hours, killing a large number of
insurgents, and were overpowered only
nfter they had fired their last shot
and practically were smothered In a
hand-to-hand fight with their 2,000
adversaries. Scrgts. Williams and Mc
Carthy, who were in charge of some
of the wounded, come in for particu
lar praise. They were cut oft from the
rest of the party during the retreat
and intrenched themselves on tho
hillside where they stood off their as
sailants for about three hours, sur
rendering after every cartridge had
been exhausted. Scarcely a man in
the expedition escaped being grazed
or slightly wounded during the'flght.
The total liBt of killed amounted to
only five. Capt. Shields was wounded
early in the fight, but continued to
direct the operations of the rear guard
during four miles of retreat, lie
finally was knocked out by a bullet
through the jaw, neck and shoulder,
which was thought at the time to be
n fatal wound. The rescue of the
party was effected by Gen. llare, who
some months before, when only n col
onel, led the party which effected the
rescue of Lieut. Giliunrc and the men
from the Yorktown, after their long
months of captivity in northern Lu
zon. Cnpt. Shields nnd his men say
that they have no complaint to muko
of their treatment during captivity.
Th Chlwf of Mm alnrv wml Allovrince
niTlalon of Pint OIIIi-h Dinrtmtnt Sub
mit Homo IiitiT-tlnir Flcuri-n.
Washington, Nov. 24. George Bea
vers, chief of the salary and allow
ance division of the post ofllce depart
ment, in his annual report to the
first assistant postmaster general, sub
mits some interesting figures on the
wide field covered in that office, which
handles more appropriations than nil
the other divisions in the first assist
ant's ofllce combined. He shows that
the total annual allowance for clerk
hire at first, second, third and fourth
class offices on June 30, last, amount
ed to $12,008,213; for rent, fuel and
light, $1,830,405; total allowances in
connection with the military postal
service, $49,037, and amount involved
for rent of leased buildings, $922,993.
The total number of presidental of
fices at the beginning of the present
fiscal year was 4,220. The increase in
salaries of postmasters at all presi
dential post offices over the previous
year was $492,000. The aggregate of
the salaries was $7,123,000. The aver
age salary of all postmasters on July
1 wus $1,731. The estimates include
$2,100,000 for rent, fuel nnd light for
the next fiscal year. The total esti
mate amounts to $30,777,100, mi in
crease of $2,250,000 over the present
Krnenr to Auk for MolWMon.
Brussels, Nov. 21. The Soir yester
day evening said Mr. Ivruger, on his
arrival at The Hague, will ask for
mediation and, if unsuccessful, lie will
make public all the documents of
state in his possession, showing the
secrets of the war. The paper adds
that Mr. Kruger believes that when
Europe knows the tnilh it will pro
duce such an outburst of public opin
ion that Great Britain will be com
pelled to be less harsh. The Soir adds
that, failing this, Mr. Kruger will re
turn to the Transvaal.
Itnt.pvl!' Dotil lni In V-tti Wvrk'n ,h.
Albany, N. Y., Nov. 21. Gov. Roose
velt last night gave out his decision
in the application for the removal
from ofliee of Mayor Robert A. Van
Wyck, of New York city. He declines
to remove the mayor on the ground
that, while he was undoubtedly n
stockholder in the American lee com
pany, there has been no proof that ho
willfully violated the law forbidding n
public officer to be a stockholder in a
corporation having dealings with his
Mi .Mori- Clcfir-itN for Iihth
Dubuque, In., Nov. 21. An order
came to all tobacco dealers yesterday
to at once ship out of the state their
entire stock of cigarettes and cigar
ette papers. The order came from tho
American Tobacco company, in con
formity with the recent decision of
the United States supreme court.
Tim Tribal Tux IJnImlif.
Muscogee, I. T., Nov. 21. The United
States court of appeals in a decision
handed down Thursday upheld tho
Creek law imposing a tribal occupa
tion tax on non-citizen merchants und
professional incu,
National Irrigation Congm Cnlt Upon
l'realcleiit McKlnlny to Take Dp Thla
Hubjoot In Hid Nttxt Mmtftur.
Chicago, Nov. 24. Yesterday's sen
Bion of the National Irrigation con
gress was devoted to papers nnd ad
dresses pertaining exclusively to the
question of practical watering and re
claiming of arid lauds and arid plant
life. After the conclusion of the set
speeches C. ll. Dentil, of Los Angeles,
Cal., chairman of the committee on
permanent organization, submitted
its report, recommending the election
of the following officers: President,
Thomas V. Walsh, of Washington; first
vice president, ex-Gov. T. L. Drad
ford Prince, of New Mexico; sec
ond vice president, V. H. Thurber, of
New York; secretary, II. H, Maxson,
of Nevada. It was recommended that
members of the executive committee
and one vice president be named by
delegates from each stale repre
sented. At the night session Thomas V.
Walsh, of Colorado, was the first
speaker, his theme being "Gold nnd
Silver Mining nnd the Markets They
Afford." John W. 121a, of Chicago,
followed with a short address on "A
Forecast of the Future." Mr. Kin
dwelt entirely upon the future of the
country when a large part of the arid
lands shall have been reclaimed and
asserted that, the format Ion of these
lands into small farms was to he one
of the great sources of the welfare of
the country in the time to come.
Dwight B. llrnrd, of Arizona, read
a paper upon "Government Irrigation
Works In India and Kgypt." Alex
ander H. llcvell, of Chicago, spoke
upon "The Grandest Opportunity in
the Pathway of Nations." Frederick
II. Newell, hydrogrupher of the United
States geological survey, delivered an
illustrated lecture upon "Our National
Irrigation llesources."
The following resolution was adopt
ed and sent President McKinlcy:
Tho ninth annual hchhIoh of tho National
Irrlpatlon conirrcBH, now in session at
Chicago, respectfully urKcn In your nios
huko to congress you cnll attention to
tho national Importance of the preserva
tion of our forests, nnd of tho extension
and conservative uno of tho forest re
serves; nail, further, that you emphnslsio
tho need of national uetlou to store tho
Hood waters that now go to wasto.
On?, llrncly Urm-n no Kxti-nnlnn of I lie flen-
er-Hl Limit I.nw to llm Territory
Condition of Nutlven,
Washington, Nov. 24. The annual
report of Gov. John G. ltrady, of
Alaska, to the secretary of the infe
rior urges congressional legislation on
the extension of the general land laws
to Alaska, giving the natives the same
legal status as the whites and the
representation of Alaska by a dele
gate to congress. The report says
that nt Cape Nome "everything and
everybody is pell mull; fhere are sev
eral claimants for each town lot, bench
claim and creek claim, fully 25,000
people waiting for the notion of the
court there.''
After referring to the outbreak of
the grip, accompanied with pneu
monia and measles, that occurred
among tho unlive Eskimo this year,
the governor snys they were threat
ened with utter extermination last
summer. He adds: "A deathly plague
and a wild stampede of hungry and
avaricious whites poured in on their
precincts and turned loose upon them
by shipload after shipload, bringing
with them the arts and accomplish
ments of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is
hoped that through the missionaries
and n change from a hunting to n
pastoral life a remnant of a noble
people may be saved. The withhold
ing of the land laws is the real diffi
culty in the way of getting a territo
rial government for Alaska. If con
gress would treat Alaska as it has
other parts of the western frontier in
regard to land titles this will bring
within n few years a population there
ready to assume the burden of an ex
pensive government, where now an en
tire population, who are simply squat
ters, with a few exceptions, are not
able to do so."
Tnrkwy ej!t llm IC-iHi'l fornn Kxrqiiu-
lur fur Unlifil NihIok Ooimul
ui llHrpool.
Constantinople, Nov. 21.-The porte
haft definitely rejected the request for
nn exequatur for a United States con
sul at llnrpool. This refusal is re
garded by (he United States legation
as u direct violation of treaty rights,
and consequently, despite the refusal,
Dr. Thomas II. Norton, who was ap
pointed by President McKinlcy some
time ago to establish a consulate at
llnrpool has been directed to proceed
to his post. The expected visit oT
the battleship Kentucky to Smyrna is
believed to relate quite ns much to
this matter as to the indemnity ques
tion. Drnhlnil In of III Xtiwp tie r,
Pierre, S. D Nov. 21.The supremo
court has handed down two opinions
in which the question of libel of men
who are candidates for public office
is decided, both eases being in fivror
of the papers which criticised mi-:i
who were candidates for ofllce.
Mrs. F. J. Lynch, 334 South Division street, Grand Haplds, Miclu, writes:
Tho Pcruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio:
Gentleman- -"I aarnmatl? rooommond Poruna to mny auffortmm; iommn
as It ourom quickly. I had a moat persistant cough which nothing ttoommtl
to aura. Two bottlou of Poruna did mora for mo than mil 1km timet or m
meanutd to do. In a couple of wee km I found myself In excellent health,
and harm been enjoying It ever mince. Ilonca I loch on Poruna aa m tm
friend to women." MRS. F. J. LYNCH.
Chronic Coughs
and Colds Are
Catarrh is the Contin
ual Scourge of
Catarrh hovers ominously over every
city, and nestles treacherously in every ham
let. It flies with vampire wings from coun
try to country, and casts a black shadow
of despair over all lauds. Its stealthy ap
proachanditHlingcriiiE stay makesit a dread
to the physician und a pest to the patient.
It changes the merry laugh of childhood
to tho wheezy breathing of croup, and the
song of the blushing maiden to the hollow
cough of consumption. In its withering
grasp the rounded form of the fond wife
and mother becomes gaunt and spectral,
and the healthy flush of manhood turns to
the sallow, haggard viage of the invalid.
Cough takes the place of conversation,
Allillseaomnf the rsctiim trpatoJ on n POHITIVK UAH ANT UK. and NO MONET OK HOT!
ACCIil'TEII U.VriK. 1WTI I..VT INOUUKII, Bond forl'llEK 104 pnifO bookiatmttlet onrccua
d.oiiu, and hundreds of tmtiinonlal lottcrs, vuluulilo to nnj lino affilrtrd. Alio our 48 pttffe book for woronnj
AMwvr' DIS- THORNTON & MINOR, 1000 Oak Street, Kansas City, Ho.
Please Remember that wo have no Branch Offices.
Curc-H relapses from other treatment- endorsee', liv InihltiPhs drum of National Reputation. Write
for convincing evidence-. THE PAQlSltt IMMUNE CO., JJt-pl. 28, St. Louis, Mm.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert? !
This question nrisci in tho family I
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try I
n delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling i no
baking! add boiling water and set to j
cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package '
at your grocers to-day. jo cts. I
TlrWIlllarrn' Indian I'lle
Olntmoni will euro llllnd i
IIIkhUiik and Uelilnx
Piles. It nhnortm Hie '
tumors, iillnyH thu Hell-
v ink ui unci' uum Ml, H I
m in ultlrn prc Infttaiit re
hi) Her. Prepared for I'lloi
MHdaBi s&jr uiiu iiuninvui win iiuvfiii: '
mull on receipt of iirleo. no rent find SI no.
W1LUAMU AUG., CO.. Prop.. U.evui.aNIi, OHIO
II.OOO,4IOO imm iifitr iKnda Hi nprn tu m-ulmni'iit.
bubucrlbi) for 1IIK. KIOWA ( IIIKK. duw.ltil If. Infur
matlon aliout thono Undi Ona vi'fir. II do. Mni;i.
cor, JOa. Bubtrrlliurn rrrolvu rri-o lliutritti d tionk nn
umniiuina. Jidic.n Man. ml (liv mt HfUIrr ifUMv
Willi nn tuctlonal mp. tl Oil Mn "i rrntii. .Ml
above. 11.75. Addrtei UICK'I l!OUIA;f. J'hllllY.O.T,
lief nnd 'OHITI VII
K'ir freu niinp'n nddiess
tiulldlni;. Nuvr York.
Fm 4tF3b. fj liu
;inii h?
speech give way to spitting, the repulsive
odois ol chiouic catanh fUn&on tho kits of
the fondest lovers, and thickened mem
branes bedim sight, impair hearing nnd de
stroy taste.
Like the plague-stricken Kiryplinnii a ciy
of distress has gone out from every house
hold, and the mildew of woe clings to every
Catarrh in some form, catarrh 5 it, soma
stage htrliR as an enemy in the slightest!
cough or cold and finishes its fiendish work
in heart dUeasc and consumption.
No tissue, function, or organ of the body
escapes Itn ravages; muscles wither, nerved
shatter, and secretions dry up under its
blighting presence. So stubborn and diffi
cult is this disease that to invent a remedy
to cure chronic catarrh has been the ambi
tion of the gieatest mind in nil ages.
Is it therefore any wonder that tho vniil
multitude of people who have been cured
of chronic catanh by Pcruna nre so lavish
in their prnUc of this remedy? That thn
discovciy of Pertinu has made the cure of
catanh n practical certainty is not only tho
testimony of the people, but many medical
men declare it to he true.
As a (Irtur store in this age of the world i
Incomplete without Pcrnria, it can be ob
tained anywhere with directions for use.
A conyilete guide for the prevention and
euro of catarrh and nil diseases of winter,
sent free by The Pcruna Medicine Co., Co
lumbus, Ohio.
A trentinciit nthoine by tli
ji.-illfiit which rviuWrs
Whiskey, Beer, Etc., Wmkus.
,ll()l l.l) INHJ8T WON HAVINi;
To Self-Supporting Women
Without Inicrcrlni; with your icjtulnrtlullr-i yon
can iimke mono liymcinsof ourofTcrof Bt7.tiot
1'Ult NUilKI ItlH'KON. Bend for lull par
ticulars. Tin: nr.r.iNKAToK.
7 to 17 IV. llllk Hlirrrt, w "fftl-lu
Jf ICMTC1" 11 1,,"1 McatdnM wmio:
'Vl-.l I W Wllltl- I'll
lflf A iMIT'KT rtk mil. Mi
:iii'Uiiuw ludiiiit
UIV M I iU.fc-' l'ul-Urnnn.l .S.VUOJt'M
i;tiVi"l'IA, (III,, Addnm CIIICUAHjiW
MI:J1('I.M: CO.. SO?.? HlaUi Ml., CUtrucu.
t-y ITGk W lr - 0 MUliKrcllcfMdrnitiwoiiit
I'am-H. Hrml; nf trutlinnnlulti nnd 1 hii. Irrtiluimib.
Tree Dr 11,11 (lltl.KN'U M)NS. Hoil). Allnntu.O
until 17 Hint All llvk (i
II tit (Joutfh Uyrup. 'i'astua (iuod
in iimn i in.mata
! klllJkl. ttll It J IIIMMUM,
A. N. K.-l
wiii:.v to a uvkhtihkks
Iilen.i- tntr Unit yiu- ui- llie Adu'rllw
tueut lu (Ul pitjjov.
T ml!?
. Um0
- v.wHf- fr Mr" iiMfir
'i-iaaaat-awwaagM3iiauiat:t -''"'.? r--f
-e r.
z-y,-TWiiiMMwatisWMBMBwurwt . ''-" , ri'i
i- . .-,,.-,.--.-,-.--.. , .,... : - --t -v "'- "j t