k fl... W. .-. r. I i t Lh ;.y. ,,0' - J i ritn, i 9. II. . V f L. L UJ-IHWJ wuiuuiujtujm'juiijiuiuiunuimjmuniuijn Ciim aVHlbC All list lillK. Couh Sirup. Tmi Good. Ceo la Urn. Sola by rtruggl'U- KTmI r. . H7". Keeling, Nomalm, Nebraska. Offlco in Kooling Imildlng, second door orth of Aynes' hardware nlore. 1'ETElt KEliKER, Dealer In MEATS Highest market price paid for IlidoB, Lard, Tallow, etc, THOS. W. II1ATT, Proprietor of tho Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Gcod Dray in cennoction with Livoiy Satiofaotion guarantocd. SHfflSSSSSKxsSI J. H. SEID, Ilrroder of Thoroughbred Poland China t&arimone.-juidsoneihalfzmicBZBOUths: west of Nemaha. Ordorof Hoaring and Notloeon Petition for ' Bettlemant of Aocount. . Injthe County Ooart of Neman County. MfttiM'ftttn. To KlUaheth- Taylor, Julia Vrazlor. Etta Wbb7Joe Webb, liolbnrt Webb, Maud Itln,Oree Ralue'am) Earl Rain nud to all twouY,,uterMt4dMn'lbe estate of Nanoy HfAHlll itAAAAIUul T s yc;i..:,-rr...-Ju. -.,- ... i wlnKbh. Mtttienent tlon Hocount niad In ,VHI court on U0 l8t Hay 01 rsoveinoer,-a. n. law. unci lor uia.uin- 1 ohsnw a admlqlstrittort and i the mtmo hai been Mt for hmrln on the 3rd daytof nwmlir. WOO" e.t 10 c 'clock a. in., at tho eflaaty eeurl room ( M(d county. ln.Autmrm when' and where All persona Interested In ir 1r not show It IB most rab the wh elected u publlcailJ U here gl yen lhat Jf rahiiU I 800. Tl lia filed ftpetinon ftrWylBiti' MNwH'aaiftrAti iitil mnii allhiranon or hla admlttintra. SidOraOr BOt M , flislonli the Thli trlqts b) Mrs. lured in .. .. . . . . aaltM klUiajiB ! .il.AM nil .. U A MMivinniiBr wjr iiyvnr uu diiuw miori .. vny ui prayer or nam pennon there tMny,w thnrenf. and make alien further and other oeara n tho court lna- grant the prayer nnlnrn na tnnv.ha nrnnAr Dated this tut dar'of November, MOO. llIOKAHD K. NRATi, County Judge, BO viAnrT 'XPERIIMMj EU53 The Nebraska Advertiser W. YV. Sanders, publHhcr TK FltlDAT, NOVKMIIKK 10, 1000. Arrangements aro being ramie for tho nn mi ul Thanksgiving hunt nt Hrownvlllo. The boat scoop board made for brIu by tlio Edwards & Brudford Lumber Co. for only $2. Mrs. A. L. Jarvls, who has been in Kansas City for several weeks, leturned homo Thursday. Tho young folks aro practicing on a play, "East Lynno," which they expect to givo in about a month. Mrs. A. F. Walsh and daughter, Miss Helen Mario Walsh, camo down from Lincoln Thursday to visit tho mothor and grandmother, Mrs. W. II. Hoover. To Curo a Gold In One Day Take Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tho money if it falls to curo. E W Grove's signaturo on oaoh box. Price 25 cents 0 22 Wu enclose with this week's Adver tlser a supplement containing tho ollls cial canvass of the votocaatln Nemaha county at tho recent election. Preserve this papor and you can tell just how tho voto utood . Services Saturday Night ltov. A. V. Wilson Writes us that Dr. VanFloet will preacpit tho Moth. It a Noiimlm'Jr'atimlay night k. Services Jon Sunday as on flist page 4 xdiHrcht of this W announce1 kally conceded oven by tho fuslonist that Dietrich and republican state ticket is that the legislature is res Dietrich's plurality is about )ther candidates get a con- birger, plurality. McKinley hillty of about S.G00. Tho elected the congressmen in Fourth, Fifth and Sixth dls- Jiull pluralities. : at day nig Smith at ltntuic 9f S.Mfl' fkB IIJAV & ! A. , riiwm,iwnjjMai,inaiiiiiinWiii'.iiUB iiiiiiniiiMtiMiiiiial)aaaagaeeiiiiaMMMB,ija ' ' t ;.Jt:.. '.. i " ,' Tho Oompanton for tho Eoat of 1900. Every iusuo of Tho Youth's Compan ion for tho nine weekB of Novemper and December will be enlarged and the holiday numbers will be doublo the usual slzo.with richly decorated covers. From now until tho end of the year The Companion will bo crowded with articles and Btories sullkiently varied to please every taate in both old and young men and womon, bojB and girls: Among the contributions announced for eorly Issues aro "How I acted tho Missionary," by Sir Henry Stanley; "With tho Pretoria Guard," by Hitler Haggard; "A Historic Gamo of Foat ball," by Walter Camp; "Jloroo Sense,'' by Frank II. Stockton; "Pulpit Elo quence," by Dean Farrar; "Days of Long Ago," by lau Maclaron; and "A Baritone Among Famous People," by Victor Maurel; in uddition to which there will be serial and .short stories by Margaret Belaud, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, Bliss Perry, Charles W. Chesnutt nnd other writers of dellghti ful fiction Those who subscribe now for 1001 will receive The Companion for tbo re maining weeks of 1000 free from tho time of subscription, in addition to the "Puritan Girl" calendar for 1001, litho graphed in 12 colors from exquisite de slgtiB painted expressly for The Com pan ion. Illustrated announcement of tho vol ume for 1001 will be sent free to any address, with samplo copies of the pa per. The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass. WE GUARANTEE Dr. Caldwell's Syrup H'opsln to euro any caeo of Constipation, indigestion, Slolc Ilcatluclie or Stomnoh Trbnblo wbon taken according to Ulroctioso. 1. WW mi 'V.IM E Na- .w:.i feisfe. f.Tt iVI T -JJj Itai - ? va7 .-. mi B70MMlMllAftl( Hnrwm wr ' t nulcklr 41V OldMtav 1'ateoW UXm .tfci intimtlon u robabiy nam iinaur ant free. Oli "k ? eonBdent tit VMtal notlM, without I scientific A A fcMKUemelr niefrreUd.j .ilUon oi any ewenui , year j oar MontJaft, 1. MUNN& MMkoe Bri IN Co.'! mmw .im'i in-jnanr m day nli '?? w mi Women as WelLj k Are Made Miser. w .., Kidney Trou! 'f lirltt dledrtvfllL 'ijjrj.' (list Kidney trouble preys upon the rfbwt, jdta courofrca and lessens ambition; bsawr.'ivJror ana cnceriuiness soon yii disappear vnen xna kiq- neys are out ot order ' or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent I that It is not uncommon for a child to be born E? afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates toQAften. if the urlAia scalds the flesh or If. when the crura reaqhaa an age when It should be able to rel the passage, it is yet amictea wiui bftd-ettlnt?. deoend upon It, the cause of the llfttculty Is kidney trouble, and the first, step imouia be towards tns treatment oi these itmponam organs, i nis unpicasam trouhlAls due to a diseased condition of the " ' "B --1-. . . . .. and bladder and not to a habit as moit pl10Pl8 suppose. n as well as men are made mis' erable wtjth kidney and bladder trouMe, and hniMV need the same crreat remedy. Tlte mlldiand tho Immediate effect oi SwaariD-leftot Is soon realized. It, Is sold by druggllhU In fifty cent and.tllone dollar -ize. Youl ynaynave :.i.t. ... ii irnpie doiii.' ivy mu f' Jraa. aiin iulrjlnthlat tell- Homo of Bwaanvitaet in airaboul'l It. Includlnsf many pi ".the w - . - .-"- . .. - A a A.iMjtiMflla .M 'ak a .V r. Lerajr,. 3miihT(jolrdny night of Ufl or a prqirauieu umess. te oars old at his death T)r, BrlttwBs oho of tho prominent Metho- tr.n itii, of Baldwin, Kansas, lee- MethodlBt church Thtiras u foreign missions. Mrs. a missionary for ten years i, Burma, her husband being he English speaking church audVjso haviug supervision Iflsionftry work in Bijrma. Irnedffto this country last Sulci's health having rs. Giiiuii gave uu exceeuing- log lo?turo, V i- - catlbBlieetlng that was to leld at 'Auburn last Hatur- as postpiied until -Wednod- f this week on account of On the Utter date tliey had Therejwua a parade headed iUX Oljib, flrewoi ksj.etc. . m lion. Paul Olrirk (f IndXfiourank Martin ot Flour, rice, ;etc, vm j every ohe vonturh g o i the ki the next morning the sldo- stroetB.weto na white asMr. been Seriow Btorm. jr&V," m. .--. dr. v;. o. cAft; n.t. fHXXt VV 0?JO ttA'.'Jif fjftt"'l " !."..! purcImo pr i.:o. r ,'t 't.m WK? Anderson & Brown Are just receiving a big stock of HOLIDAY i i ROODS, WATOH THIS SPACE. : "-;j." NEW HARNESS SHOP Complete stock of harness and harness supplies. promptly. First door south of meat market. Your patronage solicited. . . . Harness rcpairlngjrioue r. UEMAHAv t NEBRASKA J. W. ARMSTHONG Dealer in HiARDWARE, FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS South of Court House Square, AUBURN, NEB. . . o-DOisfftrsaaeooooaaciocreofioooaaa 9 THE K eaaa. a SliWEEKLYl 0 esoeo(0an WTPf? ii LARGEST CinCULATION OT AU. POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST ?K 0yspepsid CJore. Diq&tS'WhcvfoyGU eat. ItartlflcliSjraige9tstofop.dand aids nncrrnnnamavniin roenn. 8- Always Amcrican- Naturo inv4tengthon eirucung iqexuausi cans. It ia the latest d ant and tonic. No otl can approaehMt in e stantlv relieves and p ,DTsneDsla. Indlwesti '.- '"! r ii. Httftyuienoe,, oour otu 9RkIIeadache. Gastral Uther resblta of imp rrvparifi uy Ei juwi '4 JtmuMmimamammmmwmmiiU nnd rccon digestive or vorcti aigesu- preparation ency. 16 in- auently cures I iioartDuru, en, jNausea,' . cram T)s. una ectdifrestioni"' QO., CIICO0Ub a o o c a a o o o M O n n a 9 0 a a B 9 t 35 THE WEEKLY IHTER OCEAH SUf?J.I!:3 ALL THE MEV3 AND BEST CURRENT LSTEirATWRF. Every Column is Bright, Clean and Packed with News The Literature of its column!; te equal to that of the bast mega zines. It is interesting to the children as well as the parents. 9C3flOOQ 1 fev JF r w $A Eft visw ' o 6. Q Ooaoo&ocrj -3 o n s - ' 3 -Always Republican e aaMX afl O 9 a O o ) 8" n a o o -a If ' l"U ,J SAWIri m -35- to vJi ta L-.a ''J a. . . - -. .- .. w, h rtr . THE INTER OCEAN'S' NEWS IS EXRL.USI VE. ? w t'nt ui uauy ur muu a'l.uuucrvrur a Tim INTE&" OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and whik it ' bringj to -tnc family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and g!vc3 its . readers the best and ablest discussion of all questions pf the day, It h in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discuses literature and'politits from the Western itandpolnt. S.jW&J&di&jA&y :$J.00-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. $1.00 THE DAILY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN " ARE THE BEST EVER SEEil IN THE WEST. vv mm t'fjco oi ounaay vy rnait... . ..... . c i.u y,zr jvnr v .ai;' fa f t m4 Ci.b Jab. a.. !! a?Atfltfuam.M ' isauy uiiu 3uiiuajr vy iuuii.. ....... ,,..?u ui; jjrr jm Si a o- Hjiiiiejiuu ti years?, VHUrftJlaV He wa dlstr its Clty hud nail wU.ll He y 7'aaaV dauEBiW PF 320, ,i!i m HnrLiUi 80lPiill ne4,fKi fruivHam A'DriI islets of this state for mi'iiy tiring from the ministry fivo on aecouut or poor health. iresldlug elder of tho Hastings me term and of tho Nebraska trlct two terms. Dr. Hrltt y friends in this county who pained to learn of his death. ea a wife, one son and two 8. -X V from a IcCo., KM testimonial lcttors .racalved Ypured. In wrltlne Dr. . Kllnw tViton, N. Y., ba aura H or Sale or Trade res improved laud in tho "land ig lted Appln,1' also In the lead e country of the Oz;trkn. in sonri, Lund is well loomed, rntiiln Orovo, wliero the state Imenta station is lnnnttn). ttle, PheYrand fruit country Nebri8karjn Kansas hind or Hdiso, .Address this pnper. P fefeXfe5)X!0 p'S r o m VlX r o MA' y m re: 7 C: fl? s ? I Pi; 7v,l.. p.; r r a?' V-Ai Jr. Pi MS o O 14 aaeeipeeeooooeiKooooooc.oeo(io.30cor"' Advertiser Democrat Kuo, and tho St, Louis both one year for HON. CEO. P. BEMIS. Omaha's oldost and boat known Roal Estato doalor and nogotlator of loans vvrltoa: "Hovlng known of fiomo romnrknblo euros of Omaha doodIo offootud bvthousoof Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr. Kay's Lung Balm; I tako plooauro ln in commonainB tnu viriuuu ui inu ruiuuuiua iirupuruu uyinour. B.J.Kay Modlcal Co. I bollovothoso groat romodios aro worthy ofthoconfidoncoof tho public" Dr. Kay's Renovator thoroughly jpa renovates the system and cures all stomach troubles, constipation, jffel catarrh oi summon, lnuigcsuon, palpitation oi neurt, bilious nenuacno, bowol, liver, and kidney complaints Write our physicians your symptoms and they will send you personal Free Advice, Free Sample of medi cine and Free Book on home treatment of diseases. , Hon. Coo.'P. Bomls, Omaha's Most f opular Mayor nnl collnpso noarcrnnrt ncaror to utterly trUlctl to obtul ur ivav a uunovAior which I had not ilono fd nps tlm Dr. Kay's Renovator. It cured George W. Hervey, Editor of Omaha's great weekly World-Herald of u terrible Stomach Trouble of many years stand ing after tho thrco best physicians in tho stato had failed. Ho writes. "For years 1 was trouhlcil with Indigestion bo sovoro as to aako It Im possible to tako moro than two meals a day without lntcnao suflonnir. I crow vrorao with Increased pain and soreness over tho pit of my stomach nnd sharp pains In my right sldo which rapidly Increased until I could scarcoly get my breath. A phvslclan vus called and hypodermic Injections of morphine rcsortod to. I lost twerity.two rounds In nine days nnd was left wholly unuulo to tako any nourishment. I wnscottlncr I tried thrco of tho best physlalnns in the suite but they (ailed to t'lvo mo roller. Having cllef , I tlnaly made arrangements to go to Chicago to bo treated whon I chanced to get a samplo package of was inaucea 10 iry unnu ucioro was ait uscu i naa bo unprovou inai i was railing inrco moais a day, vears. It ti eight mouths slnco 1 commenced using Dr. Kay's Renovator and I now hnvo uo symptoms it whatever of my old t roi Dr. Kay's Ronovfcitor, sold by druggists for25cta. and Sl.OO or six for $5.00. Tako nosubstltuto they claim Is ' just as gfod ." It has no equal Wo will send any ot our remedies by moll on receipt of prlco, If they don't hnvo it. Dr. Kav's Lune Balm euros all colda. coushs. lunrc and bronchial affections. Sold bv druaalRtR in . - . .- .. ... z . ..--- i .- '- .:"" "- iocoptoand2&cntsf oroontpy maiiby ur. b. j. kay MfcDicAL co., Saratoga springs, N.Y. R8gsw8ty8rs?s8qgsjgsg6ia mSK?3gi 3 t V '. -'' -t. x r '' r WwWeWlW iur. . i J Y l vit a3iaaamTOMiBiiMlTOiWC '..