. . ... fc ic ',., M V I i '-T M V 1 VOLUME XLV NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, JWOO. NUMBER 20 . .'ll r I Mt ( w 0 TAW i M lh J- .A !.". i y JLocal News See Hill & Keoliug for tire insurance lien Ualdwln ha built an addition to liia house. - Dr. V. I. tieymour, No. 1210 K at. Lincoln, Neb, LlWlll Keeling Bays ho the poatollice anyway. doesn't want Jdtui's Illal, returned to Troy, Knn bus, last Saturday night. S. Cooper aelts Page's Woven ince besV fence on earth Wire Andy Tynan, of Stella, was visiting Nemaha lilends Tlnuaday. Buy your scoop shovels of the Ed wards & Bradford number Co. The Advertiser and St Louis Globo Democrat both one year for 81.01) Coal for threshing machines for sale by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Mrs. Ollio ticovlll has been very low for the pa-t week but is a little hotter now. Johns Hoovor is steadily growing weaker and his death may occur at any time. A good lino of revolvers just received by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Company. The B & M. Co. are repairing the water tank, putting in a new tower mid making other repairs. Husking pins and pegs, mittens and gloves for sale by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Kev Mr. Diltz, of Brown ville, held services at the Methodist church in Nemaha last Sunday uight. Joe'Stihvcll and Clarence Ay nes, who have been hunting in tho sandhills, res turued to Nemaha Monday. Uov. Mr. Diltz of Brownville will preach at tho MethodlBt church at Nemaha next Sunday night, Tom Clark returned from Long Inland, Kansas, Tuesday morning in time to cast a vote for Bryan. James A. Titus was able to get down town Tuesday and cast another vote for republicanism and prosperity. Best kinds of heating and cook stoves wood and coal fur sale by tho Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co. For best assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r Cornelius Bradley, of Atchison coun ty, Mo., came over to Nemaha Wednes day on a visit to his o'.d friend Mart May. Bobt. P. Frost, who lias been stop ping in Nemaha precinct for several months, started for Oklahoma Tuesday i veiling. Burn coal tills winter cheaper than wood. Good quality for salo at reason able rates by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Claud Scovlll, who has been workiug near Sterling, Neh returned home last Saturday. Ho is now working at the the poor larm. Albert U.TitUB started for Oklahoma Tuesday afternoon to attend to the transfer of his homestead, which he has sold to John J . Green. The republicans had a jubilee in Ne mtilia Thursday night. They tired off anvils, tire works, shot guns, etc., had hoi (lies and enjojed themselves geni erally. George Greene started for Oklahoma Tuesday evening. Ho will locate uear Glp, Oklahoma. George would not leavo until he had voted a republican ticket. All those having peach seed to sell will please brine them in at once. Leave at Kerker's meat market. Thk Titub Nuiiskky. Those having trouble with their oyes, ears, hobo and throat should coin suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1210 K street, Lincoln, Neb. STOPS THE COUGM AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxntlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a coid In one day. No Cure, no Pay. 25c The Curts Dramatic Co. stopped over last Saturday night and gavo unothei play at the opera house. This company is a good one and will cot good houses If they should ever come back. Little Marie Woodward got the largo finger on the right hand badly crushed ltst Friday. Mrs. Woodward was wringing out somo clothes and Marie got her linger caught in the cogs. The nail was taken off and the flesh ground to a pulp. As the form for tbo last page of the papor was being lifted on the press last Saturday morning it slipped through to the floor and was "pled." We couclud ed that page had gouo democratic, so we sent tho paper out with the last page blank. Last Saturday wo received a copy of the Sholllold (England) dally Telegraph of October 23rd from Hon. Church Howe, who 1b the consul at that place. In another column may be found an article copied from the Telegraph. The first quarterly meeting for this conference year will be held at the Methodist church in Nemaha on Satur day, Nov. nth, at 3 o'clock p. m. -and on Sunday at 11 o'clock. It is expected that Dr. Peter VanFleet, prealding elder, will be with us. Mrs. Woodward raised the champion crop of pumpkins this year. One vine came up In the spring and was lot grow. Last week Mrs. Woodward gathered the crop and got fifteen great big yellow pumpkins and left one ou the vine that had not rlponed. Wonder If those candidates who pre dicted that if McKinley was elected we would have no more fourth of July celebratious and no more presidential elections don't feel rather Billy when they remember what they said and Bee what effect it had upon the voters. On one subject the voters of all par ties in Nemaha agreed upon Tuesday and that was that tho Methodist people provided the best dinner and supper for 15 centa each that they had over eaten, One hundred and nineteen meals were served and there were plonty of good things left. S. Grey Howe, of Beatrice, a former newspaper man but who Is now trav- cling for a Chicago house, gave this office a social call Wednesday after-, noon. Wo made tho acquaintance of Mr. Howe about fifteen years ago when both of us lived In South Auburn, and we were pleased to meet him again. Albert It. Titus has rented the John Skeen farm of fifly-fivo acres joining Nemaha on tho northwest and will put In forty acres of apple seedlings next year. lie had in about 22 acres of seedlings this year and made money on them but believes with the experionc ho bus had he can do much better next year. In June the editor helped Mrs. R. I. Brown and Mrs. Woodward rescue a little chicken that had fallen into a small hole about four feet deep. Mrs, Hrown, who owned the chicken, prom ised ub that when it got big enough she would invito us over to help eat it and nha kept her promise last Sunday. Of course we enjoyed the feast. Wo will send The Advertiser for one vear and the Form Journal until Jan. 1st, 1005, for only Si, If paid in ad vance. TIiIh offer applies to both old n now subscribers. r gjg Republican GraillS Nemaha Precinct Sur prises Everybody. How the Election re sulted in Nemaha. There was a greater interest taken In the election in Nemaha on Tuesday than has boon tho case for four years at least. Special efforts woro made to get out every vote, and very few cb capod, with the result that 238 votes were ca'st. It was after one o'clock before tho canvass was completed Tho following are tho voteH and pluralities received, the name of the republican candidates bplng given first : McKinley electors, 130; Bryan elect ors, 04; mid road populist electors, 1. Plurality for McKinley, 42. Governor Dietrich 125; Poynter07; Jones 2; Flick 1; Dietrich's plurality 28. Lieutenant governor Savage 130; Gilbert 03; Lrwsou 1; Hotter 1; Savi age's plurality 37. Secretary of state Marsh 131; Svo boda04; hitney 2; Starkey 1; MarBh'a plurality 87. Auditor Weston 182; GrlesB 03; Brodio2; Taylor 1; Weston's plurality 80. Treasurer Stuefer 130; Howard 04; Crowell i; Tipton 1; Steufer'a plurali ty 42. Superintendent Fowler 134; Beck 03; Blaln 1; Mrs. Kollio 1; Fowler's plurality 41. Attorney general Prout 130; Old ham 03; Strong 2; SteveiiB 1. Prout'a plurality 37. Land commissioner Follmer 132; Carey 01; Hickman 1; Salmon 2. Foll mer's plurality 41 . Congressman Burkott 110; Berge 84; Davlos 1; Brewster 1. Burkett'a plurality 35. Preference for U. S. senator ltoso water 31 ; scattering 20. State senator Ilerlet 127; Burross 03, Berlet'a majority 84. Float representative Boethe 120; Grist 82. Beethe'a majority 38. Representatives Armstrong 131 ; TltUBl27; Hawxby 101; McCarty 77. Armstrong's majority over Hawxby, 30; over McCarty, 41; Titus' majority over Hawxby, 20; over McCarty, 40. County attorney Mclnlnch 130; Quackenbush 05. Mclnlnch's majori ty 41. Assessor Mlnlck 124; Anderson 84. Mlnick's majority 40. Constables, to fill vacancy TUub 138 ; Mlnlck 120; Thompson 83. Titus' ma jority 55; Mlnick's majority 43. Road overseers DiHt. 32, May 20; Stllwell 14, May'B majority 10. Dlst. 33, Devorsa 18; Stiers 15. Do vorss' majority 4. DlBt. 34, Russell 22; Hawxby 27 Hawxby'a mnjorlty 6 Four years ago McKinley carried the precinct by 21. In 1897 PoBt, for'su )rpmo Jmle 8ot '20 P'rulHy. I 1808 Hay ward got 18 plurality. In 1800 tho precinct wont fusion, Holcomb getting a plurality of 2 This year McKinley gots a plurality of 42. Tho greatest nurprlso In this precinct was the voto received by G. N, Tltua It la recognized by all that tho form of the ticket caused htm to lose many votes. Many who voted a straight ro publican ticket did not think when they voted about there being two mem bers of the legislature to elect, and as Armstrong's name came first tlioy voted for him. McCarty, on the fusion tick et, suffered the same (ray, running 17 votes behind his ticket. With tho old style ticket Mr. Tltua would have ro eelved tliu largest vote of any man on the ticket, and would have been elected bv a good big majority. School report lor month ending Oct. 20th, 1000: High School. Number enrolled. 30. Average dally attendance, 82. Number pupils not absent, 12. Number pupils neither absent nor tardy, 0. W. II. Stkutkvillk. Intermedlnto. Numbor enrolled, 45. Averago dally attendance, 41, Number not absent, 7. Number nolther absent nor tardy, 0. W. II. DiiEssLun. Primary. Number onroiled, 50. Averago dally attendance, 45. Number not absent, 18. Number neither absent nor tardy, 0. Miillik Miniok Auburn will Katify. A grand ratification meeting will be held at Aiiburu Saturday night, lion. Frank Martin of Falls City and othei speakers will make addresses, there will bo a parade headed by tho nam beau club, fireworks and a big time generally. A special invitation is extended to all republicans of the coun ty to be present Mra. Sylvester Yates fell und waB badly hurt Wednosday. She was asi alBltug Mrs. Pearl Larimoro clean up the Cooper place and stepped on a tjoiiul in the yard each end of which rested on atones. One end of tho board slipped off the atone and Mrs. Yates was-thrown to the ground, hurting her hip and knee. She was carried in the houso and afterward carriod over home on a cot. She Buffers sevoioly from tier Injuries SWA yrwt Thin Blfrnnturo Is on ovory box of tho genuine Laxative Dromo-Quinine Tawou the remedy that curou n cold In bo day It Holpod to Win Battles-Twenty-nine olllcors and men wrote trom the front to say that tor (scratches, bruises, cuts, wounds, sore feet and stiff Joints, Uticklbii's Arnica Salve Ib the best in tho wot Id. Same for burns, skin eruptions and piles. 25 cts a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold W W Keeling druggist. BSaeSfesffl.nSgj-,?JgIlrT!igq SAVE ME. I am worth QO ccutu toward ono dozen Cahlnut pictures till Decbemlier 1, 11)00, at STONEMAN'S STUDIO. Ono tnken on each dozou. Auburn, Nub. Vm&ftiki uL-s:i-gsa If you havo;a baby in the house you will wish to know the best way to check any unusual loosenesu of the bowels, or diarrhoea so common to small children. O 1' M Holllday of Deeming, rid., who has an eleven month' old child, says: "Through tho months of June and July our baby was teething and took a run ning off of the bowels and sickness of the atomach. Ills bowels would move from ilvo to eight times a day. I had a ottle of Chamberlain' , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in tho house and gavo him four dropB In a teaspoon bful o water and he got better at once." For salo by Keeling. Old papera for sale at this office. Prices Guaranteed. A new and complete stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, A'. and SHOES Just received. Prices Lower Than Ever Be fore Offered'in Nemaha County. With 30 years experience in theCloth ing business we know what good Clothing is. Also new DRY GOODS HOSIERY GROCERIES and CHINA EDW. E. LOWMAN, Brownville, Nebraska. WW Keeling guarantees every bottle of Chamborlain'a Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one wiio Id not Hii tln(lod after using two-thirds of tho contents. This is the best remedy in the world for la grlppe.coughs. colds, croup and whoopingcough and is pleos tnt and sufo to take. It prevents any tendoucy of a cold to result in pneu monia. This Paper One Year. Farm Journal nearly 5 Years, PAT UP AND GET BOTH PAPEBSF0E, THE PEI0E OF ONE. Wo want to got'fiOO now mibsoribors t our pnpor, rmd nro going to do It If wo oan wo thoroforo continue our arrangement with tho Farm Journal by which wo can Homl Tho Nebraska Advortior and tho Farm Journal for tho remainder of I90O and nil of l)ol, lfio2, lnofl, ljjol, both for $1. And wo uinko tho Riuno of for to nil old subscrib ers who will pay all arrearages and ono year In advance You know what our Is, and tho Farm Journal is u gom prnotlcnl, progrofwlvo a clonn, honest, UBofnl paper full of gump tion, full sunshine, with nn humonBO circu lation among tho host pooplo ovory whoro. YOU OUGHT TO TAKE IT Btor ofaSlavo. To bo bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease Is the worst form of slavery. Georgo D Wllllaraa of Manchester, Mich., says: "My wifo has been so helpless for ilvo years tbut si y could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottleB of Electric Blttera she la wonderfully Improved and able to do ner own v This supremo remed for female diseases qnickly cures ner vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. It is a godsend to weak, sickly, run-down people. Cure guaranteed. Onlv COc. Sold by W W Keeling, drug list. fn n V," not J H u i rrj Mi; 'p'nyjiW ffiA"r --" V tts!wVi, ""ir "rr zzxvmx" rj&ac?stii