SeWiiffet i- v 1 f' 14li crow ,w VOLUME XLV H . NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1900. 'UMBER 18 'WcSflBBre? Wwi IRKiL '. ) i r f ;. t, r p.- Local News Fine weather. Did you see Hanna? See Hill & Keollng for Ore Insurance One week from next Tuesday In elec tion dny. Dr. V. I. Seymour, No. 1210 K Bt. , lilncoln, Neb. Frank Titus has been ou the sick lint for seveinl days. S. K. Anderson and family returned from Superior Monday. How many of Bryan's predictions have ever boen fulfilled? S. Cooper sella Page's Woven Wire fnce best fence on earth. We were visited with good rninB Sandny night and Mondy. Buy your scoop shovels of the Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co. Rev. A. V. Wilson is holding a pro tracted meeting at Brownville. The Advertiser and St Louis Globe Democrat both one year for 81.00 Mrs. UostnuWbeeler went to Auburn Thursday to visit relatives for a few days. We can trade a cood farm In western Nebraska for Ntmaha property. Who wants it? A. good line of revolvers just received by the Edwards fc Bradford Lumber Company. Mrs. Theo. lllll is having a hand some new porch added to bir residence in Nemaha. Mrs. Noa, of Stella, visited ber daughter, Mrs. M. T. Hill, a few hours Wednesday. "" i ii . Mrs.O. GalbraitU. went to, St. Joe Wednesday to see ber daughter, Mrs. Irviu Hadlock. Husking pins and pegs, mittens and gloves for sale by the Edwards & Bradford Lumbar Co. G. N. Sanders drove down to J. H. Seld'rt Thursday and bought two fine thoroughbred Poland China sows. Judge Tucker, of Humboldt, will ad dross the voters of Brownville and vi cinity Saturday night of this week. FOR SALE A six-octave Kimball organ, good as new; will be sold at a bargain. Mns. Hose Gilbert. For best assortment of Dry Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r. The Auburn telephone line has been extended from Nemaha to Brownville. This line now reaches every town In the county. k Burn coal this winter cheaper than wood. Good quality for sale at reason able rates by the Edwards A Bradford Lumber Co. Anderson & Brown have recently put in new self computing counter Busies and also a nice stand for holding bulk coffees. Wm. Smith, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Fred Seabury, for several weeks, started for bis home at Orliuda, Mo., Monday. John Russell, who bought the A. D. Skeen farm of 78 acred last week, has bought twenty acres more froui John Skeen, paying foo.fio per acre for it All those having peach seed to sell will please bring them in at once. Leave at Kerker'a meat market. The Titus Nursery. A new serial story will be started In The Advertiser next week. It is entls tltd "The World Against Him," and is a charming story of southern life. It will run fifteen weeks. Coal for threshing machines for sale by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. TIiobc haviug trouble with their eyes, ears, nose and throat should coim suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1210 K street, Lincoln, Neb. Miss Mattie Brose, of Papervllle. Tenn., arrived in Nemaha county Sun day night on a visit to her uncles. John and Wm. Lambert, aud other relatives. STOPS THE OOUQH AND WORK8 OFF THE OOLD. Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. 26c J. II. Seid says prosperity has struck him again. A handsome young lady arrived at his residence early Tuesduy morning. Henry has named her Hanna. John A. Hiatt recently donated a great big long necked crooked sqUHsb to the editor. He has a wagon load or two of them stowed away for future usefulness; G. W. Berge, candidate fer Congress on the fusion tlckot, and Edgar II. Grist, fusion candidate for float reprei sentative, were In Nemaha a few hours Wednesday. Mrs. Wra. G. Maxwell, who returned two weeks ago from Oklahoma, was not carried away with that country, but says she prefers to remain in Ne maha county. Mrs. James F. Bennett received a letter Saturday of last week from Dr. C. E. Coffin, superintendent of the boa pltal for the insane, stating that Jim was a very little better. Rev. and Mrs, Albert V. Wilson drove down from Brownville Sunday evening and on account of the rain were compelled to remain until after noon the next day, Robt. P. Frost is gaining a reputation as a campaign orator. He has spoken at Nemaha several times and also, at Brownville, Shubert, and we believe at St. Deroln and Bnrada. Matt Gering, who was a prominent candidate for the fution nomination for congress, but who was turned down for G. W, Berge, has come out tor Mc Kinley and the republican ticket. John J. Green and Owen Swope started with their families for Oklaho ma Tuesday of last week, going through with teams. We wish them prosperity and happiness in their new home. Mrs. Sadie Scott returned to her heme In Pawnee county last Saturday after a week's visit with ber parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. I. Brown. Mrs. Scott made many friends during hersbort visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong aud daugh ter Edith, who have been vi.slting at the borne of John Kempthorne, left Monday for their home at Danville, Illinois. Mrs. Armstrong is n sister of Mrs. Kempthorne. Geo. W. Harmon, manager, and the electrician of the Auburn Telephone Co. were in Nemaha Thursday putting in some better fixtures that will greatly add to the efllciency of the telephone service over that line. The school board has bought some seats for the primary department ot our schools, giying an additional seat ing; oapacity of twelve or fourteen. This was badly needed as the room has been greatly crowded, A number of the young folks were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R, I. Brown Friday night of last week. The only com plaint we beard was that their sides were sore from laughing. F. M. Taylor did not go ,to Boyd county last week but visited friends in Bedford precinct until Saturday when be came to Nemaha, remaining over Sunday. He expected to go heme this week, Mark Hanna, chairman of tlio repub lican national central committee, made his visit to Auburn last Saturday, It was almost two o'clock p, m, when the special arrived at the M. P. depot. A platform bad, beon bIU In front of the amphitheater on the fair grounds. An immense crowd was walling to see and hear the great Mark Hanna. Victor B. Dolliver, brother of Senator Dolllver of Iowa, made a short talk. In the midst of his speech the orowdud platform collapsed. Fortunately no one wbs seriously Injured. As soon rb the con fusion subsided Senator Hannu stood on a chair and began his speech by saying the people had just been given an object lesson. That was the way the democratic party would be crushed on the 0th day of November. Senator Hanna' remarks were woll received. He waB followed In a masterly address by Judge Ben S. Baker of Omaha The chair in Which Senator Hanna was sitting when the platform went down was crushed. The pieces were saved as relics & the occasion, popn llsta and democrats bb well as republi cans being anxious for a piece of the chair. A son of Wm. Q. Hughes, ex-deputy sheriff, bad bia Jeg Injured In the wreck of the platform. Senator Hanna inquired the bey'i name and that even ing sent him a check for 825. W. P Freeman and Dr. Lutgenieach had it foot bruised and another man had his jaw hurt. Few men in any community are held in so high esteem as Is G. N. Titus. He is well posted ou all public ques tions and when he goes to the legisla ture will always be found voting and working for the laws that will be of the greatest benefit to his constituents. e d not think anyone who is ac quainted with Mr. Titus doubts this. He will do good work for Nemaha couutyv A vote or Nat Titus la a vote for an' honest conscientious, able man. Do not fail to make a cross after his name. You will never have occasion to regret it. Dont fail to make a cross after the name of every candidate for every state, congressional, legislative, county or' precinct office that you want to cast a vote for Ydu can vete for all the candidate for presidential elec tors by making a cross In tbo circle to the right of the names, but for every other candidate you want to vote for you have to make a cross in the square opposite bis name. Do not fail to do this. 4& Thli ilgnature ii on every box of the granlM Laxative Bromo-QuiMfie it the remedy that nree n eoM ta ty It Helped to Win Battles-Twenty-nine officers and men wrote from the front to say that tor (scratches, bruises, cuts, wounds, sore feet and stiff joints, Bucklen'a Arnica Salve 1b the best in the world. Same for burns, skin eruptions and piles. 2-5 cts a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold W W Keeling druggist. SAVE ME. I am worth BO coats towartfono dozen Cabinet pictures till Decbeinbcr 1, 1000, at STONEMAN'S STUDIO. One taken on each dozen. Anburn, Neb. If you have a baby in the house you will wlBh to know the beat way to check any unusual looseness of the bowels, or diarrhoea so common to snail children. O P M Holliday of Deeming, End., who has an eleven months' old child, says: "Through the months of June aud July our baby was teething and took a run ning off of the bowels and sickness or the stomach. His bowels would move from five to eight times a day. I had a ottleof Chamborlain' , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house nnd gave him four drops in a teaspoon bful o water and he get better at once." For Bale by KeeUa. Old papers for sale at this office. Miss Pearl Hlatt has beon sick for several days but Is able to be out again John Kinney returned to Tecnmfleh Thursday where he expocts to work this winter. Miss BurSOIl and Mis Wnmnn nf Asplnwall precinct, nro attending the Nemaha high school. Best kinds of heating and cook stoves wsod and coal fur sale by the Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co. The candidates on the republican oounty tlckot and other speakers will address the citizens of Hillsdale and vicinity next Monday night. Evorys body Is invited. ' Miss Jennlo Hawxby ran a nail al most through ber foot one day this week. Fortunately the nail was u uew one so the results are not so likely to prove serious bb It would If the nail had been rusty. Will S. Russell, wno has been visit ing in Tennessee aud Kentucky for Beveral weeks, returned home Monday.' Will reports having a One time and gained twelve pounds in weight, but says he would not like to live in either of those states. Rev. J. W. Taylor and wife started for Oklahoma Wednesday, where they will make their home with their daugh ter, Mrs. E. M. baker. Their many Nemaha friends wish them great joy and peace during tho remuinder of their time on earth. E. Bordwoll, of Nebraska City, one of the auditors for ths Edwards & ford Lumber Co. was hi Neman Tuesday and Wednesday and assisted H. D. Beebeln making some cbangeB in the hardware etore that gives a much better display of the goods. Mrs. John Hlatt says The Advertiser slighted ber. aa it never mentioned that John Russell, who has bought the old A. D. Skeen farm and meved here, was her brother. Mr. Russell and Mrs. Hiatt are brother and sister and Mr. Hiatt and Mrs. Russell bear the satrie relationship. Miss Frances Farmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Farmer, of Brown ville, died Wednesday morning, after a lingering illness, from consumption. The fuueral services were held at Brownville Thursday afternoon and the remains laid at rest in the cemetery at Nemaha. Wm . Rossell was 81 years old Mon day. That day be caught 17 fish and the next day he caught U5, besides go ing hunting and bringing back two squirrels. Saturday morning he caught a cat fish weighing four pounds and an American carp weighing fourteen pounds. The most of the flsh be is catching are sturgeon. Riley Turney and Mrs. Fannie Fair bank went to Tecumseb Wednesday and were ' there united in the holy bonds of matrimony. They went to the bridegroom's old home In Missouri where they will spend a few days visit ing relatives. The happy couple have tbe best wishes of The Advertiser for a long, bappy and prosperous married life. DISSOLUTION N0TI0E. Notice ',8 hereby given that tbo parts. nership heretofore existing between Peter Kerker and J. P. Hoover, under tho firm name of Kerkor & Hoover, proprietors of the City Meat Market, la thin day dissolved by mutual consent, J. P. Hoover retiring. Peter Korker, who will continue the business at tbe old Btand, assumes all indebtedness will collect all accounts due the firm, Nemaha, Neb., Aug. 31st, 1000. Petkk Kkiikisk, J. P. Hoovbk. We will send Tbe Advertiser for one year and the Farm Journal until Jan. 1st, 1005, for only $1, if paid in ad vauce. This offer applies to both old n new subscribers. Prices Guaranteed. A new and complete stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, and SHOES Just received. Prices Lower Than Ever Be fore Offered'in Nemaha County. With 30 years experience m theOloth- ing business we know w-u4. , , .,, . WJiat gOOCt GlOtlling 18. Also new DRY GOODS HOSIERY GROCERIES and CHINA EDW. E. L0 Brownville, Nebraska. WW KeelinKsuaranteea everv bottl of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy anl will refund tbe money to any one who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of tbe contents. This Is tbe best remedy in tbe world for lagrlppe.cousbs.ooldi. croup and wbooplngcough and is pleae tnt aud safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result In pneu monia. This Paper Farm Journal nearly 5 Years- One Year. PAY UP AND GET BOTH PAPEBBF0E THE PEI0E OP ONE. Wo want to goCKOO new Babsorlbore U our papor, and aro going to do it if wo can, WO UlOrOforO Continue our arranoAnunt with tho Farm Journal by whioh wo cam Bend The Nebraska Advertiser and the Farm Journal for tho romalndor of I9OO and all of l)ol, I902, l0o3, look both for 21. And wo make tho some offer to all old subsorib- era who will pay all arrearages and ono year in advance. You know what our is, and tho Farm Journal in a gom practical, progressive a clean, honest, UBOful paper full of gump. Uon,,f all sunshine, with an iuimonso circu latien among tho best people everywhere. YOU OUGHT TO TAKE IT. Stor of a Slave. To be bound band and foot for years by the chains of disease ia the worst form of slavery. George D Williams of Manchester, Mich., says: "My wife has been bo helpless for live years that sl'y could not turn over In bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own w This supreme remed for female diseases qnlckly cures ner vousness, sleeplessness, melanchol. headache, backache, fainting and dizzy apeua. 11 ib a godsend to weak, Bickly, run-down people. Cure ffuaiantnwl. Onlv 60c. Sold by W W Keeling, drug t 4. m ' ,- jtatftfTfcgsmk4J