The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 19, 1900, Image 1

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Local News
See Hill & Keeling for lire Insurance
Dr. W. I. Seymour, No. 1210 K at. ,
Lincoln, Nt'b.
Mrs. Wells Whitten has been alck
for several days.
S. Cooper Hells l'uge's Woven Wire
f nee beat fence on earth.
L. D. Smith has movt'd Into the Lea
ley house, which he recently bought.
Buy your scoop shovels of the Ed
wards & Bradford Lumber Co.
The Advertiser and SL Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for 61.00
Wo cau trade a good farm In western
Nebraska for .Nemaha property. Who
wants it?
A good lino of revolvers just received
by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Mrs. Ollle Scovlll was taken sick
with heart trouble Wednesday but is
now better.
Mrs. Walter Uadlouk has been sick
for some time but we are glad to learn
is some better.
S. K. Anderson and family started
for Superior Thursday to visit relatives
for a few days,
Dick Chambers has bought Rev. J.
W. Taylor' pioperty in Netnabu and
moved in Tuesday.
Frank Burgess moved out in the
country Saturday. Qeorge Lludsey
will live in his house.
Husking pins and pegs, mittens and
gloves for sale by the Edwards &
Bradford Lumbar Co.
Sam Anderson played farmer Tues
day and went out shucking corn. He
soon got enough of it.
The father of W.S. Titus, who Urea
in Whit Cloud, Kansas, has been vis
iting in Nemaha for the past week.
FOft SALE A six-octave Kimball
organ, good as new ; will be sold at a
bargain. if ks. Hose Gilbert.
For best assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r.
Mrs. Pollock, an old resident of
Brownville, died Friday of last week.
The funeral services were held Saturn
F, M. Taylor, who has been stopping
in Neuiaba this summer, returned to
bis home In Boyd county, Neb., this
Robt. I. Brown days the worst hurt
he has been tor a long time was Thurs
day morning, when he was taken for a
Burn coal this winter cheaper than
wood. Good quality for sale at reason
able rates by the Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co.
A harvest home festival service will
be held at the Episcopal church next
Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m. Everybody
id Invited.
Mrs. Sadie Scott, of Pawnee county,
arrived in Nemaha Saturday night on
u visit to her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
11. I. Brown.
'Gene Combs was shaking hands with
Nemaha friends Monday. 'Gene makes
his home at Pawnee City but is on the
road most of the time,
John Kerker and family started for
their home in Franklin county, Iowa.
Tuesday, after a visit of two weeks
with Peter Kerker and family.
Advertiser readers who do not like
politics will please bear with us for
two weeks longer. Then we will crow
over the election ef the republican
ticket and after that will be quiet for
Coal for threshing machines for sale
by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. '
1 am now buying apples In Nemaha
and will pay highest market price for
the next ten days.
Best kinds of heating and cooketovos
wood and coal fur sale by tho Ed
wards & Branford Lumber Co. If
they do not have jUBt what you want
they will order It for you,
LiiBt Saturday I lost u spring wagon
seat between Stockar and Gerlaw farme.
Finder will be rewarded by roturning
to me. S. W. Hodges.
Mrs. W. Bhsdes, of St. Joe, visited
Nemaha friends Wednesday. Shejwas
called to Brownvllle by tho sickness
and death of her mother, Mrs. Pollock.
Those huvlng trouble with their
eyes, ears, nose aud throat should conn
suit the noted Dr. Seymour, No. 1210
K street, Lincoln, Neb.
N. 0. Jarvis has made about 400
gallons of sorghum this year, and it is
of extra fine quality. We know this
because we have tested it. He Is sell
ing it at 60 cents a gallon.
Bill Daily says be hasn't a very good
opinion of auy man who will change
around from one party to another.
What must his feelings be when in
tho still hours of tho night he thinks
over his owu past record.
Mrs.W. W. Sanders, who wan recent
ly appointed superintendent of the
Junior League, has been compelled to
resign on account of poor health. Miss
Florence Minick has been appointed
Marion Smith, of St. Deroln, fell
last Saturday and was conisderably in
jured. He was shingling a house and
was standing on scaffolding about
fourteen feet from the ground when it
gave way and threw him to the ground.
The young folks of JNemalm and vi
cinity were invited to a surprise party
on Ambrose and Emery Howe last
Saturday night. The large number
present had a good time, as they al
ways do when they go to Mr. and Mrs.
We drove up to the Titus Nursery a
few days ago to see James A. Titus,
whose condition remains about the
same. He is remarkably cheerful for
a sick man. Before we left he told us
to go out and get a basket of grapes
and of course we obeyed instructions.
Prof. Lawrence Bruner, state ento
mologist of the State University at
Lincoln, was in Nemaha Tnesday and
examined the TituB Nursery to see if
he could discover any new bugs or in
sects. He left the next morning for
the northwestern part of the county to
examine orchards and nurseries.
Jake Adams, a wealthy farmer livt
ing in London precinct, east of the
Fairview church, died Thursday of last
week. He was a bachelor, 83 years old
and bad no relatives here. W, W.
Harris, of Auburn, has been appointed
Bpecial administrator to look after the
Hon. C. H. Beethe, of Johnson coun
ty, was in town a few hours Thursday,
making the acquaintance of our people.
Mr. Beetho i candidate for float repre
sentative on the republican ticket, is
very popular where be is known, and
will be elected by n handsome majority
He is a very intelligent gentleman and
will mako a good representative.
The republicans of Nemaha precinct
met In caucus at The Advertiser office
last Saturday and nominated the fol
lowing precinct ticket:
For assessor H . T. Minick.
or constables, to fill vacancies W.
S. Titus and John Minick.
For road overseers Dist. 32, M. T.
May; Dlst. 3.1, It.T. Devorss; Dist. 34
W.T. Russell.
The Titus Nursery has h wide tepu
tatlon for honest dealings with custo
mers. When G. N. Titus makes an
assertion about nursery stock it Is
taken for tho truth. He has established
a reputation for square dealing. He
has tho confidence of tho community to
a degree soldom attained by any one.
Ho will make a representative that
will be a credit to tho county and to
the state.
Mark Hanna will h
in Auburn Saturday of
buna wweji ana win
make an address at
the amphitheater on
the fair ground at 1:15
p.m. Judge Baker, of
Omaha, will make an
address immediately
after Senator Hanna.
Hon. F. O. Fritz, made a good ad
dress before the MoKlnley club Friday
night of last week, Mr. Fritz was one
of the wheelhorses of the silver repub
Ilcan party four years ago, was a dele
gate to tho stats convention this year,
and was there elected a delegate to the
national convention at Kansas City.
Whon the democrats Insisted on hog
ging, it all and DUttlnff StuVAtiann
the ticket he becamo disgusted aud quit
tho party. Ho is now working for the
election of the republican ticket. Tho
gleoclub furnished good music for the
occasion. Tho club room was crowded
and many wore not able to get inside
the room.
To whom It may concern:
Our attention has beeu called to an
article In the Nemaha County Herald,
reporting that a conference bad been
hed in a certain attorney' office of
Auburn, Nebraska, In which the repub
lican legislative candidates entered into
an agreement that If tbey were elected
they would support D. E. Thompsou
and E, Rosewater for United States
senators .
We therefore desire to publicly state
to the voters of Johnson and Nemaha
counties that we have no knowledge of
such a caucus, and further state if we
are elected we will go to the legislature
unpledged to any candidate for Untted
States senator, and will be free to do as
we think best for the Interest of the
people and the republican party.
Respectfully submitted.
C. H. Beethe,
G. N. Titus.
Thli fgnatura la on erary box of the (malna
Laxative Bromo-Ouinlne T.biau
th ninety that care caM la mm day
It Helped to Win Battles-Twenty-nine
officers aud men wrote
from the front to say that tor cratches,
bruises, cuts, wounds, sore feet and
stiff Joints, Buckle'n's Arnica Salve is
the best in the world. Same for burns,
skin eruptions and piles. 25 cts a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold W W Keeling
I am worth 50 conta toward ono dozen
Cabinet pictures till Decbember 1, 11)00, at
One taken on eacb dozen. Auburn, Neb.
If you havela baby in the house you
will wish to know the best way to check
any unusual looseness of the bowels, or
diarrhoea so common to small children.
OPM Holliday of Deeming, nd., who
has an eleven months' old child. sayB:
"Through the months of June and Julv
our baby was teething and took a run
ning oil or the bowels and sickness of
the Btomach. His bowels would movo
from five to olght times a day. I had a
ottleof Clmmuarluiu' , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house
and gave him four drops in a teaspoon-
orul o water and ho got better at
once." For sale by Keeling.
Mark Hanna a t Auburn
j Saturday, Oct. 20.
Mark Hanna will bo at Auburn Sat
urday.October i!0th, at 1 :1G o'clock p. in,
He will stop about ill) minutes and will
tunko an address at tho Amphitheater
fu tho fairgrounds.
Sam Shuck, Ed Paris and Iletiry
Plasters, who have been visiting In
Webstei county, Nebraska, aud Smith
and Jewoll county, Kansas, for the last
month, returned homo Tuesday. Sam
was bo woll pleased with tho country
that ho bought a farm of 100 acres bIx
miles southwest of Red Cloud. He re-
ports uli former Nemaha county peonlo
doing woll and apparently pleased with .
thochaugo. Sam brought buck with
him some samplos of corn from Smith,
Jewoll and Webstor counties. One
of tho Bamples is from Sam's brother-in-law's
farm, and another from Sam
Barnes' farm.
The membora of tho Nemaha County
Old Settlers association met at The
Advertiser office lust Saturday after
noon and held the annual election of
Ex-Gov. Robt.W. Furnas, of Brown
vllle, was elected president.
Seymour Howe, O. K. Fisher and W.
T. Russell were eleoted members of the
oxecutlvo committee.
The executive committee elocted
Seymour Howe vice president, W. W.
Sanders secretary and W. T. Ruusell
The association, in addition to paying
regular expenses, built an udditlon to
tho band stand costing about $18, and
paid about 928 on indebtedness con
tractod last year, leaving tho associa
tion nearly $23 in debt yet.
Tho republican rally at Nemaha
Wednesday night was a success; The
opera house wvs filled with people who
listened attentively, appreciated the
points made, applauded liberally, and
went home with a good feeling. There
was no abuse of any one, nothing but
arguments backed by the records.
The meeting opened with a song,
"Billy B," by the glee club. Hon.
Petor Berlet then mode a short talk,
and was followed by Hon , J. W. Arms
strong. Both gentlemen made good
talks. The glee club then sang "The
Woodchuck und the Coon,1' M. S. Mc
Ininch then spoke for thirty minutes,
making a fine argumentative speech.
Mr. Moinlncb Is doing some good cam
paign work. Misses Florence Minick
and Veva Clark sang a duet. "When
the Poppies Fade." Hon. Noma Brown
of Kearney then spoke for an hour and
fifteen minutes, making a splendid ad
dress. He was frequently interruDted
by hearty applause. The meeting was
closed with a song by the clee club,
"The Second Battle." The boys bad a
big bonfire and as a consequence dry
goods boxes were scarce the next
G. N. Titus did not make a speech as
he requested that he be not called on.
Nat does not noed to make any speech
In Nemaha.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold In one day. No Cure, no Pay. 2flc
Notice Is hereby given that tho parts
nershlp heretofore existing between
Petor Kerker and J. P. Hoover, under
the firm name of Kerker & Hoover,
proprietors of the City MeatMarkot, is
thin day dissolved by mutual consent,
J. P. Hoover retiring. Peter Kerker,
who will continue the business at the
old stand, assumes all Indebtedness
will collect all accounts duo tho firm.
Nemuha, Nob., Aug. !ilst, 1000.
Pktkk Keukeu,
J. P. Hooveii.
Old papers for sale at this office.
We will send The Advertiser for one
year and the Farm Journal until Jan.
1st, 1005, for only $1, If paid in ad
. , ,, .
vauce. This offer applies to both old
n new subscribers.
Prices Guaranteed.
A new and complete
stock of
Just received. Prices
Lower Tlian Ever Be
fore Offered' in Nemaha
County. With 30 years
experience in theCloth-
ing business we know
what good Clothing is.
Also new '
Brownville, Nebraska.
WW Keeling guarantees every bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund the money to any one who
Is not satisfied after using two-thirds of
the contents. This Is the best remedy
in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds.
croup and whooplngcough andjspleas-
tnt aud safe to take. It prevents any
tendency of a cold to result In pneu
monia. This Paper
Farm Journal
nearly 5 Years.
One Year.
Wo want to gotyoo new subscribers U
our paper, and aro going to do it If.we can,
wo thoroforo oontinuo our arrangement
with tho Farm Journal by which we can
Bond Tho Nebraska Advertiser and the Farm
Journal for tho remainder of I9OO and all of
I90I, ljo2, lyo3, lyoJ, both for $1. ( And
we mako tho sauio offer to all old subscribe
oro who will pay all arrearage and one year
in advance.
Yon know what our is, and tho Farm
Journal lo a gem practical, progressive &
clean, honoflt, useful papor full of gump
tion, full sunshine, with an immonRO circu
lation among tho best pooplo everywhere.
Stor of a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by tho chaius of disease is the worst
form of slavery. George D Williams of
Manchester, Mich., uaya: "My wife has
beeu so helpless for live years that shy
could not turn over In bed alone. After
using two bottles of Electric Bitters she
Is wonderfully improved and able to do
her own w This supreme renied
for female diseases qnickly cures ner
vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy.
headache, backache, fainting aud dizzy
spells. It Is a godsend to weak, sickly.
I run-down people. Cure traarauteed.
iiMiHiuiiii politic. VIUIB KBHimuueu.
only 60c. Sold by W W Keeling, dru g