The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 12, 1900, Image 1

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    ,i'-U,l it jt (
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Looal ZNTews
See IIIU & Keeling for (Ire insurance
Dr. V. I. Seymour, No. lalO Kst.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Will Russell la visiting In Tennusoee
and Kentucky.
Miss Noma H ul th came in from Auh
burn Thursday.
Republican rally tit Nemaha next
Wednesday niglit.
Mrs. 'Win. II. Hoover returned from
Lincoln Wednesday.
Mr. Lang 1b the name of the new 13.
& M agent lit Nemaha.
Lewis Logan and family visited
friends In Verdon Sunday.
S. Cooper soils Page's Woven Wire
fnce best fence on earth.
Hon. Norrls Brown cic the opera
bouse next Wednesday night.
Buy your scoop shovels of the Eds
wards, & Bradford Lumber Co.
The Advertiser and St Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for 81.00
There was a very heavy frost Mou
day morning the flrst of the season.
Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor went to
Howe Friday to visit friends tor a few
Wo can trade a good farm In western
Nebraska for Nemaha property. Who
wants It?
A good line of revolvers just received
by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dreury, of
Brownvlllo, visited Nemaha friends
G. S. Christy is barreling apples In
the front room of the opera house
Husking pins and pegs, mittens and
gloves for sale by the Edwards &
Bradford Lumber Co.'
Marshall Ptyor U having a barn
built on his farm northwest of Noma
ha. It is 28x30 feet.
John fi. Bouadeld drove down from
Auburn Sunday and visited his old
friend James A. Titus.
W. H. Morrow, postmaster at Shu
bert, drove to Nemaha last Friday to
meet Congressman Burkett.
T. B. Skeen was in from Auburn
Friday. He returned from Eureka
Springs, Ark., a few days ago.
Mrs. Alice A. Minick, of Brownville,
will address the Bryan club of Nemaha
one week from next Tuesday night.
FOR SALE A alx-octave Kimball
organ, good aa new; will be sold at a
bargain. Mus. Rose Gilueut.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kempthorne drove
to Brownville last Saturday to visit
friends and hear Congressman Burkett
For beat assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn W. W. Harris prop'r
T. C. Hacker, of Red Cloud, returned
borne Friday utter a visit of two or
three days with his friend Johnson P.
Burn coal this winter cheaper than
wood. Good.quallty for sale at reason
able rates by the Edwards & Bradford
Lumbar Co.
R. T. Devors presented the editor
with a monster sweet potato Saturday.
It W8S large enough to last an ordinary
family severul meals,
Win, Moore, of Stella, was a Nema
ha visitor Saturday. Mr. Moore was
an enthusiustlc supporter of Bryan in
1800 but is just as ardent n McKlulev
man now. He is brother in-law of
Seymour Howe.
Conl for threshing machines for sale
by tht Edwards & Bradford Lumber
John Russell anil family, of Sidney,
Iowa, arrived iti Nemaha Tuesday and
are visiting relatives. Mrs. Russell is
a sister of Tom and John Hlatt.
Jesse Uoberts.who baa been spending
the summer in South Dakota, returned
to Nemaha last Friday. He Is a
brother of Mrs. Lewis Logan.
Misses Pearl Bennett and Adah
Lambert went to Auburn Thursday of
last week to visit friends. They re
turned home Saturday afternoon.
I am now buying apples in Nemaha
and will pay highest market prico for
the next thirty days.
Q. P. Ciiiusty
j Dr. I. L. Calllaori, dentist,
will be at Nemaha next
Monday, prepared to do all
kinds of dental work. Olllce at hotel.
T. A. Clark, wno has been acting bb
B. & M. relief agent for some time,
came home last Saturday to rest up for
awhile aa he has not baen well for some
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sutter drove
here from Sidney, Iowa, the flrst of the
week. They will remain here a lew
weeks while Mr Sutter gathers John
Hlatt's corn.'
Al McHherson, of Turklo, Mo., and
W. 0. Miller, of Kansas City, have
been in Nemaha several days in the
interests of the Bankers Life Insurance
Co. of Lincoln
The Nemaha McKinley marching
club attended the republican meeting
atShubert Friday night of last week
and listened to a splendid speech by
Congressman Burkett.
Best kinds of heating and cook e to vea
wood and coal-for sale by the 'Ed-,
wards & Branford Lumber Co. If;
they do not have just what you want
they will order it for you,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fauver, of Wy
more, returned borne last week after a
visit of several days in Nemaha and
vicinity. Mrs. Fnuver's mother, Mrs j
J. M. Burns, went home with them,
Republican Caucus.
The republican caucus for the nomis
nation of a precinct ticket will be held
at .The Advertiser olllce Saturday of
this week at 4 o'clock p. ra.
T. A. Lorance returned to Nemaba
Sunday evening but left Tuesday for
Carleton, Neb , to visit his sister, Mrs.
C. P. Metcalf, nntil Thursday when he
expected' to go to Franklin, Nebr., to
visit ether relatives.
Dr. and Mrs.W. W. Keeling returned
home Wednesday after a visit of two
weeks and a half with their son, Dr.
C. M. Keeling, of Springfield, South
Dakota, and their daughter, Mrs. Ed
L, Culver, of Omaha;
Wm. RoBsell, Mrs. Berger and Miss
Nellie Sanders drove out to Auburn
Tuesday. Mr. Rossell and Miss Nellie
came back that afternoon.,, Mrs. Ber
ger will visit her daughter, Mrs. Ben
Parker, for a few days.
Hon. jSTorris Brown,
of Kearney, at Hoo
ver's opera house next
Wednesday night.
A few days ago Mrs. Rees Leslie
sent us an Irish potato that beat any
we have seen for, a long time. The
one potato was cooked for dinner, there
being eight grown people for the meal,
and there was plenty of potato for all
and some was left. Who can beat It?
M. S. Mclninch la a young man of
studious habits, a good attorney, thop.
ough in all he undertakes, and will
make as good a county attorney as Ne.
malm county over had. There is no
reason why Mr. Mclninch should not
receive every republican vote.
Mark Hanna at Auburn
Saturday, Oct. 20.
Mark Hanna will bo nt Auburn Sat
urday, October 20th, nt 1 o'clock p. m.
He will stop about 80 minutes and will
make nn address from a platform near
the M, P. depot.
Hon. Peter Berlet was recognized aa
one of the working members of the last
legislature nnd n man who looked care
fully after the Interests of his cotiBtlti
uents. Ho is a sound business man
who generally succeeds in whatever he
undertakes. Ilia reelection by n good
majority is conceded.
u iiiuwivtiK u iiJVtuiu tin II 1111:111- .
ber of the legislature two years ago I
Wfio ant lot .irtt ... tt .n.nt 1 ........ I
" Duvioiuuiuij vi mo (JUIJOlllUUUlH
With his experience he can do bettor
work durlnir the next Beaslon. Ills
record an a business man nnd a cltlzpn
Is untarnished. He should be 1 eelected
by on Increased majority.
F. L. Wuodward Is justly proud of
a present he received Thursday morn
ing from Hon. Church Howe. It is n
handsome silver cigar case with the
inscription, "Palermo, Italy, Sept. 1,
1000," on one side. The monogram
"C. H." Is engraved on one side of the
case, and "F. L. W." on tho other side.
R. J. Duff, who has been the B. & M.
agent at Nemaha for almost nine
years, coming herd In November,
1801, has beeu relieved and will take a
vacation for a little while, for the first
time In five or bIx years. Dick has
beeu an accommodating agent and Is
well liked. We regret very romb to
have him leaye us.
A rousing meeting of the Bryan club
at Nemaha was held Tuesday evening.
About 400 perhons were present. The
audience was addreese'd by Hon. John
T. Swan and Davld'R. Murray. Great
enthusiasm prevailed. "-Auburn Her
ald, October nth .
And now the fuslonlsts of Nemaha
are wondering if this Item is a fair
sample of the ether reports in the Her
ald of the large crowds nnd enthusiasm
prevailing at the other Bryan meet
ings. Republican Rally .Q
Hon. Norrls Brown, of Kearney, will
address the voterB of Nemaha and vi
cinity at Hoover's opera house Wednes
day night, October 17th, at 8 o'clock p
m. Mr. Brown is an able and logical
speaker and will interest the audience.
It is probable other speakers will be
present. The republican glee club will
furnish plenty of good music. Every,
body is invited.'
Thli signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine tmou
the remedy that cure a oM la oae day
It Helped to Win Battles
T, weitfy-niue ofllcers and men wrote
from the front to say that tor scratches,
bruises.. cuts, wounds, sore feet and
stiff joints, Bucklbn's Arnica Salve is
the best In the world. Same for burns,
skin eruptions and piles. 25 cts a box.
Cure guaranteed. ' Sold W W Keeling
I am wprtli OO cccte toward one dozen
Cabinet picture till Decbembcr 1, 1U00, at
Ono taken on each dozen. Aubnrn, Nob.
If you have u baby in the house you
will wish to know ttie beat way to check
any unusual looseness of the bowels, or
diarrhoea so common to small children.
O P M Holllday of Deeming, nd., who
has nu eleven months' old child, save:
"Through the mouths of June and July
our baby was teething nnd took a run
ning off of the bowels and nickness of
the stomach. His bowelB would move
from live to eight times it day. I had a
ottleof ClumberlaiiiN Ji .Cholera
and Dlanhoea Remedy in the house
and gave him four drops in a teaspoon
bful o water and he got bettor at
once." For sale by Keeling.
Few men have tin many friends In
Nemaha county as G. N. Titus. He
was born here, has lived here all his
life, and has tho warm friendship of
almost every man, wonan nnd child In
tills vicinity. Ilia integrity and ability1
Is unqueatloned. If It wero not for
politics he would receive almost tho
unanimous vote of Nemaha and ad
joining precincts. He will make one
of the very best members of tho ltgla
laturo over elected from Nemaha coun
ty. Bo uuro and make a cross aftor
his name.
Ally McCandloss on Tuesday showed
us a copy of a paper with an interesting
history. It Is called 'The NorthsCar
olina Journal" and was picked up by
Stephen Gilbert In Kalelgh, the capital
of North Carolina, during tho war of
the rebellion. Tho city had been cap
tured nnd sacked by Sherman's army
in its march to the sea, and this papoi
was picked up by Mr. Gilbert on the
grounds of tho capltol at that tune
It is dated nt Hull Mix July 8th, 1700,
Abraham Hodge publisher. There are
four puues of three columns each. The
paper is 17x25 Inches in size nnd the
subscription price is "2 & Dot. pet
Ann." In the "latest foreign news"
are dispatches from Paris dated April
18th. Among tho advertisements Is
one offering a reward for a runaway
stave. The paper la addressed to ''.J
Perkins." the Ink being almost us black
nnd as plain as if written ouly a short
time ago.
Mrs. Smelser was 01 years of ago a
few days ago and her friends und
neighbors gathered at her home and
gave ber a surprise dinner. Those
present wero Messrs ALP Thompson,
Geo Dye, John 0 Stokes, Milt Haines,
Robert Muse, Lee Smelser. Wm Meud.
Marlon Anderson, Charles Dye, Emeiy
Dye, Marshall Webb, Rufus Rewen
James 8tepheneon, Floyd Stephenson,
Dean Argabrlght, Frank Smelter, John
Steutevllle, Chas W Roberts, Herbert
Muse, Warren Watson Stephenson.John
Sparks, Dort Stokes, Earle Copeland,
Hebron Smelser, Jarvel Muse, Guy
Irvin Thompson, Mesdames Cassle
Smelser, Mary Electa Dye, Alonzo
Thompson, Chas W Roberts, Martha
Smith, Chas Dye, Marlon Anderson,
James Stephenson, W Mead, Maria
Webber, Rufus Rowen, Cora White,
Lee Smelser, Clara Muse, F E Stokes,
and Misses Olive Smelser, Florence
Copeland, Elsie Copeland, Jessie Mead
Perle Relf, Bertha Mead, Anua Rus
sell, Jessie Relf, Rose Smelser, Jessie
Venetia Dye, Maria Steutevllle, Anna
Blanch Dye, Gertrude Smelser, Verta
Mead, Grace bite, Meta Argabrlght
The editor was remembered with a
generous assortment of Que cake.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay 26c
Notice is hereby given that tho parts
nership heretofore existing between
Peter Kerker and J. P. Hoover, under
the firm name of Kjerker & Hoover,
proprietors of the City Meat Market, is
thU day dissolved by mutual consent,
J. P. Hoover retiring. Peter Kerker,
who will continue the business nt the
old stand, assumes nil Indebtedness
will collect all accounts due tho firm,
Nemaha, Neb., Aug. 31st, 1000.
Petku Kishkeii,
J. P Hoovkk.
Old papers for sale at this offlce.
Prevontod a Tragedy.
Timely information given Mrs Geoige
Long of New Strnitsville, Ohio, Baed
two lives. A frlghttul cougti had long
kept her awake every night. Site hud
tried many remedies and doctors but
steadily grew worse until urged to try
Dr King's New Discovery. One bottle
wholly cured her; nnd she writes, this
marvelous medicine also cured Mr.
Long of a severe attack of pnoumoiilh.
Such nures are a positive proof of its
power to cure all throat, che&t and lung
troubles. Ouly 50c und $1. CJiiaiaii
teed. Trial bottles free at Keellng's
Prices Guaranteed.
A new and complete
3tock of
Just received. Prices
Lower Than Ever Be
fore Offered' in Nemaha
County. With 30 years
experience in theCloth-
ing business we know
what good Clothing is.
Also new
and CHINA-
i '
Brownville, Nebraska.
'WW Keeling guarantees every bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund tho money to nny ono who
is not satisfied after using two-thirds of
the contents. This is the best remedy
in the world for la grippe.coughs.colds,
croup and whoopingcough and lb pleaa
tnt and safe to take. It prevents any
tendency of a cold to result In pneu
monia. This Paper I Farm, Journal
One Year. ' nearly 5 Years.
Wo want to got500 now subscribera to
our papor, nnd aro going to do it if wo 'can,
wo thoroforo continue our arrangement
with tho Farm Journal by whloh wo can
Bend Tho Nebraska Advortinor and tho Form
Journal for tho remainder of lyOO and all of
ljjol, Iqo'J, 1'joO, loo4, both for $1. And
wo inako tho samo offor to nil old pubHortb-oi-h
who will pay all arrearages and ono year
in advance.
You know wbnt our In, and tho Farm
Journal is n gem practical, progressive a
olean, honest, useful paper fnll of gump
tion, full sunshino, with an iinmonso circu
lation among tho best peoplo every whoro.
Stor of a Slave.
To be bound hand nnd foot for years
by tile chaitiH of disease is the worst
form of slnvery. Georgo D Williams of
Manchester, Mich., sayR: "My wife has
been no helpleBS for live years that h y
could not turn over in bed alone. After
using two bottles of Electric Bitters she
is wonderfully improved and able to do
her own wor k. This supreme reined
for female diseases quickly cures ner
vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backnche, fainting and dizzy
spells. It is a godsend to weak, sicklv,
run-down people. Cure guaianteed.
Onlv 50c. Sold by W W Keeling, drug
ww Wi trtet ti ' -m W w 'rtJWif'.rOTfl'Wi'!
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