The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 28, 1900, Image 2

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f 7-
W. W. 8ANI)Klt, rnlillilinr.
Vlmt Hlio I'rnltnhlr MVnii-.
And now Mm. Corbett wiys t lint nbe
will nlioot .IiimcH on Higlit. What film
probably niruiiH Is tliat hIio will Hhoot
few Hlght drafts at lihn.
IHit.ilm' Itxrii "riillHiitliriiiv,"
Lord SallHbury recently character
ized Illrmu Mttxlin, the giininiikcr, aa
"tlio Jiinn who had prcvcnti'd more
men from dyinf of old ngo than any
other portion Hint ever lived."
AVorlilN I'liirnt HWiynln.
irtiinbert'H widowed queen, Mnrghc
rlta, of Italy, Iiiih the most beautiful
bicycle In the world. The wIiccIh aro
of fjolil and the frame in richly tnluld
with jewelB and mother of pearl.
Dun 1(1 Kxrn.nlvn Tmi Drinking.
Tnsanlty lias for years been on the
inercaso in Ireland, and a medical
commiHsion declares that the Increase
of insanity and melancholia Is large
ly duo to excessive tea drlnldnu;.
1'lorlriu Iiitrmltint it" Innovation.
At the election in Florida this year
the democrats will indicate their pref
erences for appointments to bo made
by tho governor, the nominee hav
ing agreed to respect their choice.
$ 1 nl vmt on ntitl Jittinatmvn.
The amount collected for tho Johns
town BiiiVcrers was $2,010,340.30. Gal
veston's death list is four times as
largo as that of Johnstown and the de
struction of property Is immensely
Tho IvnlKfir'K ICIen'rln Cr.
Tho German emperor lias commis
nioucd a German manufacturer to
make for lilm three cleetrle ears of
dilTereut shape and design, in one of
which ho intends to travel to tho Bum
mer maneuvers In Saxony.
Tho ViIonltr f Light.
Tho velocity of light is 192,000 miles
in a second of time. From the sun
light comes to the earth in eight min
utes. From Homo of tho tlxed stars
of tho twelfth magnitude it takes
5,000 years for tho light to reach us.
Dtwr Would Sucrnml (lueo.
Tho Philadelphia Ledger says It Is
generally understood in Washington
that Mr. Dawes, now controller of the
currency, will bo secretary of the
treasury if Mr. McKinloy Is re-elected,
n Mr. Qago wishes to go into private
Ilnnkft llttr !li,ntiy In ICnirliuiil.
' Queen Christina, of Spain, is in the
habit of sending it confidential messen
ger till tho way from Madrid to Lon
don for the purpose of depositing her
wealth, which sho keeps in tho Hank
of England. Although she is entitled
to draw from tho Spanish treasury
$200,000 a year, she has not, owing to
tho Htrnltcncd circumstances of Spain,
drawn a cent of the money.
Mtft MclClnlrv I Independent.
President MeKInley's niece, Miss
Grnco McKinley, has arrived at Mid
dle town, Conn., to begin the task of
earning her own living. Miss McKin
ley hns determined not to remain any
longer a beneficiary of the funds of
Iter father, Aimer McKinley, o New
York, or her uncle, the president, who
lias insisted In aiding her to securo an
odueutlou at Mount llolyoke college.
(Inr Attltuiln Tomird Mm CMilnmn Will
Alako tho Vy Opuu for Advrwitngooua
Trinity Arri4iii;tiiiiiwit.
Washington, Sept. 23.--The Chinese
minister has not heard from LI Hung
Chang or l'rlneo Ching since tho pur
poses of this government were made
known to them. Minister Wu contin
ues to express earnest hope that the
United States will tako the lead in
bringing about a settlement. Aside
from Its benefits to all the powers
and to China, the minister says it
would establish lasting bonds be
tween this country and China and
would pave the way for treaty rela
tions of the most advantageous char
acter for American commercial in
terests. It is now understood that Gen.
ChalTce's military force will be re
duced to about 1,500 men. This con
tingent, being specially known as a
legation guard, will not be subject
to the orders of anyonosavothe United
States minister resident, either
Gen. CliafTee or Gen. Wilson, prob
ably the latter, and not being a part
of tho military forces will not be un
der the coirmand of the German field
marshal, Count von Waldersee.
Kmtir.AA An Htlll I)..lnt
Shanghai, Sept. 23. It Is believed in
ofllelal circles hero that l'rlneo Tuan
has been or will bo promoted to mem
bership in the grand council, and that
the taotai of Shanghai will bo ap
pointed provincial judge with tho no
torious boxer, Kang Yi, as his deputy
here. The foreign olllcinls aro under
stood to bo protesting to tho Yangtse
viceroys against these appointments.
London, Sept. 25. According to tho
I'ekin correspondent, of the Daily
News, wiring September 10, tho Chi
nese declare most positively that the
empress dowager and the emperor
will in no case return to the imperial
palace in i'ekin, as they hold that it
has been desecrated by the intrusion
of barbarians.
Will (InrimttiT Withdraw DoiiihikI?
London, Sept. 25. A soini-olllcial
announcement has been issued in St.
Petersburg that tho European 'cabi
nets arc engaged in an endeavor to
induce Germany to abandon her de
mand for the surrender of tho in
stigators of tho anti-foreign out
rages as a preliminary to peace ne
gotiations. Advices from Canton say that a
boat load of native Christian women
at Kum Clink, on West river, was
tired upon and that tho women were
then taken ashore and butchered In
cold blood. Native Christians aro
Hooking to Canton from tho sur
rounding country. Canton itself is
quiet. The native city is full of bad
characters, but they lack leaders.
Ho Dnnlr tlin ICniort That I'nitltlotiit In
III t'Hbliint, Humid lln lln Klticted,
Hud IIupii I'roinUod.
Chicago, Sept. 25.- William J. llrynn
ctuno to Chicago yesterday morning
from his home in Lincoln, held a con
ference with various members of the
democratic national committee and
returned to Lincoln in the evening.
At the conclusion of his conference
with tho members of the committee
Mr. Dryim gave out the following
statement In refutation of a report
that positions in his cabinet, should
he be elected, had already been prom
ised: "I have not given to anyone,
either verbally or in writing, n prom
ise of a cabinet position and I shall
not, during the campaign, make any
such promise. I have not authorized
and shall not authorize anyone, ver
bally or in writing, to promise any
cabinet position to anyone. If I am
elected 1 Hlinll be absolutely free to
discharge all the duties of the office
according to my platform as far as
the platform goes, nnd nccording to
my own judgment in all i tatters not
covered by tho platform.
"So far as I know now I shall fol
low my original Itinerary, notwith
standing all tins talk niiout my
changing my dates at the behest of
tho committee."
Ml Iloel, Superintendent Indian School,
l'lriiflM for Moro Inilimtrliit TrnliilnR
for tlm Itml Mon'x Children.
Washington, Sept. 25. In her an
nual report to the Indian bureau,
Miss Estello Heel, general superin
tendent of Indian schools, advocates
moro Industrial training for the In
dian. Miss Heel believes in giving the
Indian child a good thorough train
ing In the fundamental English
branches, but says that the theory of
cramming the pupil with mere book
knowledge for generations to come
will be a failure. A course in farming
and such useful knowledge as will en
able him to shoe his own horse, mend
his own wagon, build his house and
do the general repair work about a
farm is recommended for the boys,
as well as the teaching of home-making
duties for the girls. The property
ownership plan has a prominent place
in Miss Heel's system of education.
A strong plea is made for compulsory
education and the cultivation of bet
ter crops and more acres of land is
Tornmlo .Striken it MliuicNotii Town
KlRlit l'eoulo In it Saloon Am
Protection for Animal.
The present day attitude of man to
wards the bruto creation Is something
for the pessimist to ponder over. The
modern philanthropist, not only loves
his neighbor as himself, but loves his
neighbor's dog, too, and ho would
be almost as quick to Interfere In that
animal's behalf as he would in that
of a beaten child. The wings of a bird
aro more to bo longed for than ever
before, because their possessor Is now
protected from tho man who would
oat or cage hint and the woman who
would wear hint.
liord Itotiorta Ileport tho Capture of 3,000
Morn Cuttle olid K,()0(l Sheep
Jtoerit "Out of Hand."
v r
Lvr --.
frozen Meat from AiMtrnlla.
To demonstrate that frozen Austra
lian mutton can bo shipped in good
condition to this country it spring
Inmb killed and dressed in New Zen
land has been sent to an importing
firm in New York city. It reached
there on the steamer Majestic, after
transportation of 17,000 miles. It was
good and solid despite its long Jour
ney of 70 days. In view of the lino
.quality and t the cheapness and
nbuudiinco of 'lambs in Australia the
experiment was regarded with much
interest by local butchers.
Tho (irowtli of NnhnrlH.
The population of East St. Louis
is shown by tho census to bo 20,053,
which places tho unobtrusive suburb
of St. Louis among tho leading cities
of Illinois In population. The Increase
iB tho grentest of any Illinois city, it
lielng 95:50 per cent, over 1S00, when
tho city had 15,109. The growth of
East St. Louis is the result of the
"growth of St. LouIb, and is an illus
tration of tho phase of tho recent ten
dency of population. Tho concentra
tion in tho cities has been the utoBt
notable feature of the census.
Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 25. A Bpe
clal to tho Times front Faribault,
Minn., says: Meager details have just
reached here of a terrible catastrophe
which visited the village of Morris-
town, ten miles west of Faribault,
Hhortly before six yesterday even
ing. The village was struck by a tor
nado and a barn was raised in the air
nnd dropped directly on top of Paul
Gatzko's saloon, where 10 people took
refuge from the storm. Tho saloon
collapsed and all its occupants were
buried in the debris. At present it is
said that eight bodies and three in
jured persons have been taken from
the ruins.
Warning Notice Sent Out.
Austin, Tex., Sept. 25. Gov. Sayers
wired last night to all points south of
hero warning notices that tho most
terrific ilood In the history of the
Colorado river, which iloats by this
city, Is now surging down through
the mountain gorges to tho northwest
of here. Great alarm Is felt as to the
result of tho rise.
It was reported at a late hour last
night that the town of Marble Falls
had been washed away by the Colo
rado river and that thCro is a 50-foot
rise at Kingsland. San Saba was also
reported partly washed away and
that all bridges on the river had been
A Timelier Kill mi Indian I'tipU.
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 25. A Du
luth, Minn., special says: Arthur
Cununons, n teacher at the Vermilion
reservation Indian school, came down
from Tower yesterday and gave hint
self up to the United States authori
ties for killing a young Indian boy
named Charles Eaglo at tho school
Thursday last.
ll.uma Willing to "Tl on" Kdmltnn.
New York, Sept. 23. Concerning
the challenge issued by Chairman Ed-
'ntlston, of the national populist com
mittee, to discuss points at issue, Sen
ator llanna said that if Chairman Ed
mlston wished to tako issue with him
on any of these matters he would bo
(lit It Ueienue for Antrim.
Washington, Sept. 25. The August
statement of tho collect ions of civil
revenue sIiowb that during that
mouth tho receipts front all sources
were $25,595,710, which Is an increase
over tho mouth of August last year
of $1,171,751.
London, Sept. 25. Lord Uoberts re
ports from Pretoria that the guards
under Pole-Carcw occupied Kontati
poort Monday morning. The bridge
was found intact. Much rolling stock,
locomotives and truekloads of "long
torn" ammunition were captured.
Lord Hoberts adds: "Paget has
captured Erasmus' camp, 3,000 cattle,
S.000 sheep and 23 prisoners. Me-
thueu has made another big haul of
stock." Lord Hoberts reports that
the few Hoer troops remaining in
the eastern Transvaal are completely
"out of hand" nnd says they are
merely burghers, the forejgn mer
cenaries having gone to Lourenzo
Marques, owing to tho Portuguese
government promising to maintain
them while there and give them pas
sage to their respective countries.
Every mother possesses information of vital value to her
young daughter. That daughter is a precious legacy, and
tho responsibility for her future is largely in the hands of the
mother. The mysterious change' that develops the thought
less girl into the thoughtful woman should find the mother
on tho watch day and night. As she cares for tho physical
well-being of her daughter, so will tho woman be, and her
children also.
"When tho young girl's thoughts become sluggish, when
sho experiences headaches, dizziness, faintness, and exhibits
an abnormal disposition to sleep, pains in tho back and lower
limbs, eyes dim, desiro for solitude, and a dislike for the
society of other girls, when she is a mystery to herself and
friends, then the mother should go to her aid promptly. At
such a time tho greatest aid to nature is Lydia. E. Fink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It prepares tho young
system for the coming change, and is tho surest reliance in
tins nour or trial.
Tho following letters from Miss Good are practical proof
of Mrs. Pinkham's efficient advice to young women.
Miss Good asks Mrs. Pinkham lor Help.
Juno 12th, 1809.
"Dr.AB Mns. Pinkham: I have been very much bothered for sorao
time with my monthly periods being irregular. I will tell you all about
it, and put myself in your care, for I have heard so much of you. Each
month menstruation would become less and less, until it entirely stopped
for six months, and now it lias stopped nguin. I have become very ner
vous and of a very bad color. I urn a young girl and have always had to
work very hard. I would bo very much pleased if
you would toll me what to do." Mi6S PnAitr. Good,
Cor. 29th Avenue and Yeslar Way, Seattle, Wash.
The Happy Result.
February 10th, 1900.
"Dear Mns. Pinkham: I cannot praise Lydia
E. Pinlchara's Vegetable Compound enough. It is
just aimply wonderful the change your medicino
has made in me. I feel like another person. My
work is now a plensuro to me, while before using
your medicino it was a burden. To-day I am a
healthy and happy girl. I think if more women
would use your Vegetable Compound there would bo
less suffering in the world. I cannot express tho
relief I have experienced by xising Lydia E. Pink
Uam'fi Vegetable Compound. ' Miss Peakl Good,
Cor. 29th Avenue and Yeslar Way, Seattle, Wash.
If sssiil
I m&Jmws
Owing to the fact that some skeptical
people have from time to time questioned
the genuineness of the testimonial letters
we are constantly mibliihinir. we have
deposited with the National City Haul, of Lynn, Mass., $5,000,
which will be paid to any pcrs a win. ran show that the ubove
testimonial is Dot centime, or was published before obtaining the
writer's special permission. Lydia E. I'ihkiiaw Medicinu Co.
Wiir I)-p trtmi.nt Infnrniml Thrtt thn Kpt-
(If 111 It! Kxlntt Thnre to it Cowililortttiln
Hxtent Troops In No Ditugur.
Washington, Sept.. 25. The surgeon
general's oillce of the war department
has no information regarding tho
epidemic of yellow fever in llavamt,
although it is known to exist there
to a terrible extent. Private advices
from Havana indicate that tho out
break is serious. The fever exists in
the best parts of the city and among
Americans who have gone there. It is
said at the war department that no
fears are entertained, of a serious out
break among the troops of the United
States as they are outside of the city
and not in infected districts. The
outbreak is not unexpected, as fever
usually develops about this time of tho
year and is even worse during tho
months of October and November
than in the spring.
.Small Currency SrtroM,
New York, Sept. 21. Frank A. Van
detiii), assistant secretary of the
treasury, conferred with bankers in
this city yesterday with reference to
supplying the extraordinary demand
for small currency. While what is
known as "hand-to-hand" money is
rather scarce at this season, the sup
ply of $1, $2 and ?5 bills Is now wholly
I.ulxir Srnrcit In (JulvrHton.
Galveston, Tex., Sept. 25. The
wharf front again shows signs of ac
tivity and plenty of freight is arriv
ing. Half a doen steamships will
be loaded this week, though one great
trouble is the scarcity of labor. Trains
aro arrhing on time and twice as
many people are coming as are leaving.
The KILL that
4twl V yCffJnrvftTSSKknf
The Perkins' Power Mill
pays for itself each year in the
cutting and grinding of feed.
It is tlie only mill that does its
work satisfactorily. It is con-i
structcd of Steel and Iron ofV
the best quality and is almost indestructible. '
We make mills of various sizes and to meet all
conditions, but we make only the iiKST. Our
Direct Motion and Triple Gear Mills arc not
to be Compared with other Makes cither in
Steel or Wood for durability or strength.
was flrat used by Dr. Charles J, Moffott, a Braduato
of Jefferson Medical ColleRO, Philadelphia, l'a., In ula
oxtensivn un! Hiirrraqflil troatmnnt nf nlillclrnniii Gear
da la overcoming the troubles Incident to tcethlni; nnd tho hot summers.
Tkethina (Teething Powders) counteracts the ofloct of hot weather und Iteops tho dtcestlvo
organs in a healthy condition, and has saved the lives of thousands of children in tho doc
tor's native state, trher phyilclans prescribe and all mothers glvo It, nnd It Is criminal
In mothers of our Rectton to allow their babes and llttlo children tosuf- . .-.., m
fer and perhaps die whtn relief can be bo easily obtained by flvlug Ttbl MIIMAa
C01U only 25 cenb at Druggists, ar mall 25c to Q J. MOFFETT, M. D.,St. Louis, Mo.
If yott ave Pour Stomach. Indication, Sick Ilciulnotie. Wind In thn
TtowHs. Diarrhoea. Dygptitery or Cramp. MOUI.KY'S "WQMrKlirUh
KlO'llV will relieve you at once. Talte It regularly, and tho cuuso of
the trouble will le rapidly removed.
Mr. W. A. Rexront. V. M., Klmont. Tex . nays ho tvns troubled with
mAMP C0UC Mnce childhood, oml "WOMMMSITIi KKillT" Is the only
remedy thnt would turn him.
JTor Bute Vjy Acont 1st lllvory 'JToiw.
rt, OOO, OOO nrrri new Unria to npttn to mltlemrtit.
bubocrlbn for Till! KIOWA CHIEF, iteroled to Infor
mation about thets Until. On vear. II 00. hlnelo
copy, l(k Suhnerlbura ret-elr frre llluitratvd book on
Oklahoma, Morgan' Manual (Hid iintrbltlcr'(lulilt
Willi tin ktcUi.llul nmii, 11.00. Slap, gn ivntK, All
abgvs, 11.75. AUurc.i DICK T. MOUU A.N, I'KlUtV.O.T.
Dcst Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Uso
in umo. Mid ny arueffisia.
! tanifw
? '.. -
"M fMIWWHIl.aiWM"! WHi 1