The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 21, 1900, Image 1

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Local News
Seo Ilttl & Keeling for fire Insurance
The county fair nt Auburn this week
Is u grent success.
S. Cooper sells Page's Woven Wire
fnce best fence on earth.
Clyde ami Maude Kiiuon started to
school at Nemaha Monday.
Dr. Hiul Mis. B. Hell Andrews drove
over from Stella Thursday.
Republican club meeting in the Titus
store room every Friday night.
Mrs. Alice A, Minick, of llrowovllle,
visited Nemaha friends Sunday,
The sale of (J. F. Lurimoro was post
poned until Thursday or next weok.
Fred Hawxby and Clarenco Conner
attended the picnic at I'erit Satuulay.
Mrs. Kempthorne and lior school at
tended the fair at Auburn Wednesday.
Ned Maxwell, who Iris been sick
with malarial fever, is able to be out
Mrs. Henry Caiee and Avis vent to
Arapahoe, Nebr., Wednesday to visit
Slioitn Titus has moved into the
house recently vacateJ by Will F.
Miss Noma caino in from Au
burn Saturday and visited her parents
Mr. and Mrs. James Hiatt started
for Iowa Sunday to visit friends for a
few daye.
Wo can trade a coou farm in western
Nebraska for Nemaha property. Who
wants it?
The friends of Mrs. Theo. Ginn will
4)o pleased to leant that she is getting
some better.
Sylvester Yates has moved into the
Gilbert house where James Hiatt lias
been living
Faank IXitchov, of Brownville, la
teaching thoShockoy school, four miles
south of Nemaha, t hin term.
Miss Lillian Minick got Cyrus to
tttay in the postofllce Wednesday while
she attended the. fair at Auhtiio.
The school had a vacation Wp(1iics
day to give the children an opportunity
to attend the county fair at Auburn.
For best assortment of Dry Goods
and Shoes go to the Daylight Store of
South Auburn; V. W. Ilmris prop'r.
I want It distinctly undeiHtood I did
not take Rough on Hats.
Mits L. II. Mkukitt.
Mihs Sadie McCaudless, who has'been
visiting Neraalia relatives and friends
tor a month, returned to Omaha Mon
day .
Mrs. Kittell lias tented her farm to
.1. 1'. Hoover and is going to Oklahoma
where she will make her home for
u while.
The flower parade at Auburn Thurs
il.iy was line and those who had the
opportunity of seeing it were delighted
with it.
S. C. Shuck, Ed I'aris and Henry
Plasters and their families started for
Kansas Wednesday to look at the
We undetstand that Mr. and Mrs.
Charley Curtis have agreed to disagree,
so lie loft for patts unknown a short
time ago.
Mrs. Josie Scott, of Beatrice, came to
Nemaha Monday. Site is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Cole, and attending the
Auburn fair.
Mr. and Mrs. lialph turner went to
Sidney, Iowa, Wednesday. They talk
of moving to Nomalia county if Mr.
Sutter cau rent a farm.
We have received a letter from B. C.
Stokes which will he published noxt
weok. Hens is now in the state of
Edw. E. Lowmau, of Brownville,
has ndded a good stock of clothing all
new goods. See IiIb advertisement in
another column.
Born Sept. 1st, to George Ulieitin
hurt and wife, a flue son.
Sept. iGtn, to John White and wife,
a tine daughter.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one dav. No Cme, no Pay. 25c
Mrs. T. J. ilumhuugh started for
Des Moines, Iowa, last Friday to see
her tnotlior who Is very sick and Is not
expected to recover
Mrs. C. T. Minick, of Bracken,
stat ted for Oklahoma Tuesday to visit
her parents, Mi. and Mrs. Babe Elliott,
and other relatives mid friends.
Miss Florence Minick, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs Maud Monteith,
at Arcadia, Nebr., for the past month,
leturned home Tuesday evening. .
Clarence Peabody, who is attending
the Lincoln Business College, snnds
woid to Ills friends that ho is getting
along all right and likes the school,
S. W. Christy & Bro. shipped n car of
apples to Alliance Tuesday, this being
the llrst car of apples shipped from
Nemaha this fall S. W. Christy went
to Alliance to take charge of the car.
STRAYED About Sept. Gth a big
roan cow with horns strayed nway
from my farm, one mile west of eleva
tor at McCandless siding. A liberal
reward will be paid for information of
her, Altikut Sampson, Stella.
W. II 0g, a former citizen of As
pinwall precinct but who has been liv
ing near Ilolbrook, Nob., for two or
three years, has moved back to Mci
Candles Siding His goods arrived
hero Thursday.
Dr John B. Jack, of Wymore. B &
M. surgeon lor the southern Nebraska
division, came in on the afternoon pas
senger and visited Nemaha friends
until the evening freight, when he
went 10 Falls City to wee a patient.
G-ov. Roosevelt will
speak at Auburn on
Monday, October 1st,
at 9:30 a- m., at the B.
& M." depot.
Mr. and Mrs. George Watson and
Jake Watson, of Chilecotho, Mo., nr-
rived in Nemaha last Saturday on a
visit to their daughter and Hister, Mrs.
Wells Whitten. They like the town
so well that they talk of remaining
dure for the winter.
Governor Roosevelt will speak at
Auburn Monday, October 1st, at 0:30
a. m., on a platform near the B, & M.
depot. Senator Dolliver of Iowa will
probably accompany him. There will
also bo present a state speaker who
will speak either betoro or after Gov.
Mrs. R. C. Phelps, of Orleans, Neb.,
returned home Monday after a visit of
u month in Nemaha. She says she is
not going homo to starve as she takes a
lot of potatoes, dried apples, dried
peaches and other fruit home with her.
Phelps county had a drouth this year
and little of anything was raised.
E J. Maxwell returned Wednesday
morning from Oklahoma, where he had
been for about three weeks visiting
friends and seeing the country. He
says Habe Elliott, Robt, Frost. Alex.
Maxwell, Will Devora-i mm other fors
mer Nemaha county people aie pros
poring and are well pleased with the
Seo W. W. Harris of South
for Clothing and Dry Goods.
The following card from Rev. A. V.
Wilson, the newlv appointed pastor of
the Methodist church, explains itself:
Douglas, Nob., Sept, tn, moo.
Dear brother: My mother fell and
broke the ball oil ot her right hip one
day last weok. Sho lives' In Central
City, Nob 1 want to spend next Sun
day with her. Expect to reach Brown
ville one week from tomorrow.
Yours in Ills name,
A. V. Wilson.
Tho following Is tho time for the
regular set vices nt the Methodist
church until further notice;
Sunday school nt 10 a. in.
Class meeting nt 11 a, in.
Junior League at 8 p. m.
Epwortli League at 0:30 p. m.
Preaching at 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. tu. Thurs
day. There will bo no preaching Sunday
ovouing, as the paBtor, Rov. A.V. Wil
son, will not bo here.
Rov. A. V. Wilson, who will bo tho
pastor of the Methodist churches at
Brownville, Nemaha and Bethel for
the ensuing jonr, has been stationed at
Douglas and Burr for the past two
Rev. J. M. Darby goos to Sterling.
Rev. Chas. II. Glltnore goes to Chester.
Nov. J. G. Day goes to Lin wood. The
following are tho appointments made
in tho Nebraska City district:
P. Van Fleet presiding elder; post",
oillce Nebraska City.
Adams Duke Slavens.
Auburn A. C. Ciostbwaite.
Riock and Talmago 0. T. Moore.
Brownville and Nemaha A. V.
Cook J. Calvert.
Douglas E. M. DoMott.
Elk Creek T. F. liar man.
Falls City-J WSDean.
Glen Rock and Highland G W
Humboldt li'M Evans.
Johnson George Shumaii.
Louisville 1) S Davis.
Murdock C L Meyers.
Nebraska City C M Snopherd.
Nehawka F E Touih.
Palmyra G W Martin.
Peru W WMcGuire.
riattsmouth Asa Sleeth.
Rulo George Wash.
Salem Eugene Maxey.
Smattville and Ttinity J W Davis.
Stella S Goldsmith.
Sterling J M Darby.
Syracuse D B Lake.
Table Rock A W Shanel.
Tocumsoh A B Whitmer,
Turlington II W Cope.
Weeping Water T II Woiioy.
Zion II F Smith.
G. F Larimore. living on the Fisher
farm three miles south of Nemaha, will
have a public sale next Thursday, begin
ning at 10 o'clock a. in., when l.o will
ofler for sale thirty head of cuttlo, one
mare with foal, twenty-two head of
hogs, about eight tons of clover and
timothy hay, two sets of double work
hurness, and all his farm implements,
alto the apples in the orchard.
I ntn north 00 cents tuwnrd onu dozen
Cabinet picture till Dccbumber I, limo.ut
One taken on each tinon. Auburn, Nub.
If ou have a baby in the house you
will wish to know the best way to check
any unusual looseness of the bowels, ot
diairhoca so common to small Uiildicn.
O J M Hnlliday of Deeming, hid., who
has an eleven month' old child, sas:
"Through the months of June and Julv
our baby was teething and took a t tin
ning oil ot the bow els and sickness of
the stomach. His bowels would move
horn five to eight times a day. I Imd a
bottle of Ch.irnbei Iain's Colic, Choleta
and Diaiinoea Bemedy in the house
and gave Inm four dtops in a teaspoon
ful o wutir and h got bettor at
once." For sale bj Keeling.
Coal for threshing machines for sale
by the Edwards & Bradford Lumber
G-ov. Theo. Roosevelt
will speak from a i latform near tho B.
& M. depot at South Auburn on Moiii
day, October 1st, at 0:30 a. in. Every
ono who can should go out and hear
tho next vlco president.
The Lesley Property,
consisting of a house and four lots In
Noinaha and eighteen acros of good
land and a lot of sandbar east of town,
will bo so Id at public auction at the
front door of tho court house at Au
burn next Monday, Sept. 21th, at one
o'clock p m .
It is not necessary lor Tho Advortls
Ber to say anything In pralso of 0. N.
TltiiH as a candidate for the legislature.
Everybody who is acquainted with
him lepubllcan, democrat, populist or
prohibitionist, man, woman or child
has a good word to say for Nat Titus.
Ills ability, integrity and fitness for
tho position are conceded by nil. He
thinks for himself and will not bo con
trolled or dictated to by any man or set
of men. Ho Is not tin oillce seeker, and
it was only after long persiuision and
solicitation from his friends that he
consented to allow hia name to go be-,
foro the convention. Two years ago
ho was placed hi nomination bofore
the convention for repieseutatlve and
almost bofore ho realized It enough
delegates had voted for him to nomin
ate him, when he positively refused (o
bo a candidate. He will make a repre
sentative of whom tho entlro county
will feel proud.
Old Settlers Meeting.
The nnnual meeting of tho Old SeU
tiers association for the election of offi
cers and the transaction of such other
business ws may come beforo tho niee'
ln will be hold nt The Advertiser
oillce at 3 p. pi. on Saturday, Supt.
2!)th. "Every old settler who came to'
Nebraska previous to its admission as
a stuto is invited to be present.
Notice is horeby given that the part-,
neishlp heretofore existing between
Peter Kerker and J. P. Hoover, under
the firm name of Kerker & Hoover,
proprietors of the Cilj Meat Market, !s
thi day dissolved by mutual consent,
J. P. Hoover retiring. Peter Kerker,
who will continue the business at the
old stand, assumes all Indebtedness
will collect all accounts due the firm.
No'iijihu, Nob , Aug. 31st, 1000.
This nljrnnturo li on every box of tho gonulno
Laxative Broiiio-Quinine Tabiou
tho romody that curcii n cold In ono day
For your tin spouting go to tho Ed
wards ,t Bradford Lumber Co. Noma
Prevented a Tragedy,
Timolviutoi mntlon given MrsOenige
Long of New Stiaitsville, Ohio. saed
two lives. A frightful cougli hud long
Kept her awake every uiuht. She had
tried ruiuv lemedies and doctors but
steadily giew worse until urged to trv
Dr King's New Discovniv. One bottle
wholly cuied her; and she wntes, this
marvelous medicine also cuied Mr.
Long of a severe attack of pneumonia.
Such euies are a positive pioof of Its
power to cure all ihuml, client and lung
tumbles. Only 30c and SI. (luniuii
teed. Tiial bottles tree at Keeling's
drug stoie,
It Helped to Win Battles-Twenty-nine
(Ulcers and men wrote
from the fiout tosavlhat tort-cratches,
hi uises. cuts, wounds, soie feet and
still joints, Ituckh m'h A mica S.ilve is
the best in the uoild. Same for burns,
bkln ei options and piles. -r cts a box.
due guaianteed. Sold W W Keeling
Tho Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both ono year for
only Sl.'oo.
Prices Guaranteed.
A new and complete
stock of
Just received. Prices
Lower Than Ever Be
fore Offered' in Nemaha
County. With 30 years
experience m theOloth
ing business we know
what good Clothing is.
Also new
Brownville. Nebraska.
WW Keeling guarantees every bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund tho money to any ono who
is not satisfied after using two-thirds of
the contents. This Ib the best remedy
in the world for la grippo.coughs, coldB,
croup and whooplngcough and ib pleas
tut and safe to take. It prevents any
tendency of a cold to result in pneu
monia. This Paper
One Year,
Farm Journal
nearly 5 Years.
Wo want to got'fiOO now Hulmcribors to
our pnpor, ami nro going to do it if wo can,
wo thoroforo continue our urrangotnoat
with tho Fnrm Journal by which wo enn
koihI Tho NobrnHkn Advortisor nud tho Farm
Journal for tho rotiminilor of 1)()() ntul till of
lnol, ljio'J, l)o:i, lnol, both for $1. And
wo ninko tho sntno offer to nil old subHorib
ors who will pny idl arrearages and ono yenr
in ndvniico.
You know what our is, and tho Farm
Journal is a gem practical, progroHHtvo a
clean, hoiiCHt, UHcful pnpor full of gump
tion, full KuiiHhiuo, with an inuuciiHO circu
lation among tho htmt pooplo everywhere.
Stor of a 81avo.
To be hound hand and foot for yeais
bv the chains of disease is the worst
loim of slavery. George D Williams of
Manchester, Mich., says: "My wife has
been so helpless foi live years that shy
could not turn over in bed alone. After
using two bottlesor Electric Hittoissho
is wonderfully improved and utile to do
her own w ork." This supreme temed
for female diseases quickly cuies ner
vousness, sleeplessness, melaneliolv.
headache, backache, fulutiuc and di..v
spells. It is a godsend to weak, sickly,
run-down people, due u'lixiauteed.
OnlvfiOo. Sold by vV V KeoliiK, drug
Old papers for sale at this oilier.
V H,
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