The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 07, 1900, Image 8

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He Said that " Ignorant Foreigners" Com
prised Fully One Half of the Number of
Votes Received by McKinley.
DcKlrratT Asntion of Democratic Natioml Chairman Jas. K Jones,
Ut "in BelLvei Devoutly that Bryan Hai been Elected
and Was Swindled Ont oftha Prcs.flency."
"He Believed that In 1900 the Bimetallic Fores Would Win a Great Victory
Ills Declaration That lbe Principles of 1896 Arc Absolutely
Essential to the Welfare cfthe Country."
(Extracts from the address of United States Senator Jnmes K. Jones, chair
mn of the Democratic national commit too, before the Legislature of Arkansas.)
Bryan's manngor, J. K. .lonos, said:
"Hundreds of thousands of Ignorant
foreigners, who were here Inking bread
out of the months of honest labor, voted
t tbr Inst election at the dictation of Mc-
tory." This still makes 10 to 1 the para
mount Issue.
He reasserted his conviction "that the
principles he spoke for were absolutely
essential to the welfare of the country."
Tlmt is 1(5 to 1.
hnd been elected and was swindled out
of the presidency. He told how the mil
roads, the bunks nnil the bondholder-, nr
rnjed against Bryan with a campaign
fund the like of which was never l fore
seen lu this country, nnd which wns used
lavishly. Business men were Intimidat
ed by the threats of the money power.
The Senator said, with great prld", lie
would never forget the liberal iesp"nscs
from the people of Arkansas to the Dem
ocratic campaign fund."
Predicting Hint the Republican party
would drop the Iden of the gold standard
and endeavor to bring about bimetallism,
the Senator said "the McKinlcyltes saw
the handwriting on the wall.
"What has become of the promised
prosperity?" the Senator asked.
"Mr. McKinley fcciiis to be advanc
ing, but the prosperity is not coming
with him." Senator Jones said "the gold
ltes bad been put on notice." He believ
ed "Hint in 1000 the bimetallic farces
would win a great victory. UMitK rr cm
nlwnys bring prosperity, declining rnces
adversity. The repeal of the Sherman
net had been followed by n decline of 10
per cent In prices. The cause of it was
the striking down of one-ltnlf of the
tnMniitn mnmiv nf the world." Senator
.Tones concluded by asserting his belief
'ilmj the nrlnrlnles he spoke for were
absolutely essential to the welfare of the
In the midst of the enunclntlon of such
views as these the Senntor nccounted for
the election of the Republican ticket by
On the ilny after delivery the Sena
tor's speech wns reported in Arkansas
Gazette, the principal Democratic paper
of the State and the organ, of the Demo
cratic party. From that report, the nc
curncy of which has never been quos
tioned by the Senntor, the above is
Shouting About the Consent of
the Governed.
Bryan's Ultcrancc3 Wholly Inconsistent
wlili the Practice of Democrats. Who
Have Invariably Suppressed
the Colored Vole
'Cjy 111)
'LVr ScyN W fBIMClj
Mm if ff iK
The verification of theory Is practice,
the test of sincerity is conduct. When u
person or n party preaches one thing nnd
practices another, there is no excuse for
being deceived as to his honesty. Four
years ngo when Mr. Brynn captured the
Clilcngo convention by his eloquent "cross
nnd crown" speech on the free coinage
of silver, there was plenty of room for
doubting the soundness or even the sanity
of his proposition, but it wns dllllcult to
question his blncerlty or the sincerity of
the pnrty which nomlnntcd him. How
ever bnd their logic, their theory nccord
cd with their practice. The party as
then organized, so far as it had the pow
er had practiced whnt it was then preach
The Southern States arc the backbone
nnd body of the Democratic party in
practice. They are the States where
the party is most completely devoted to
Mr. Bryan and his doctrine, nnd they nro
also the States where the party is and
has always been In most supreme control.
It Is In these States, therefore, that we
must look for the prnctice verifying par
ty principles. These States were the
home of the greenback movement, of the
wildent bnnks, and they were and nre
the hotbed of free silver; tberofore in
ndvocating 10 to 1, Government paper
money and the overthrow of the nntlonal
bnnks, Mr. Bryan Is entirely consistent
with the practice of his party as at pres
ent organized.
In his speech accepting the nominntlon
for President, nt Indlnnnpolls, however,
he preaches n new gospel for Democ
racy. It Is not money and banking this
time, but it is "Liberty," the "consent
of tlie governed," nnd "canal political
rights," regardless of race, etc. Here
are a few extracts. How do these pro
fessions accord with Democratic prac
tice, where its control is supreme?
"It wns God Illm
Kinley'n supporters. These foreigners
comprised fully ouc-balf of the number
af votes received by McKinley." '
These are the words of the man who
conducted the Democratic campaign In
181X1. The same man is the present chair
wan of the Democratic national com
mittee. He owes his position to the wish
of Mr. Brynn.
The language quoted above was used
In speech. It Is no remembered scrap
of idle conversation. It wns uttered in
bo heat of discussion. It was a deliber
ate expression.
"Hundreds of thousands of ignorant
foreigners," said Chairman James K.
Jones of the Democratic imtiounl com
mittee, "who came here taking brend out
(of (be mouths of honest labor, voted at,
the last election nt the dictation of Mc
Kinlcy'o supporters. These foreigners
comprised fully one-half the number of
rotes received by McKinley."
Anil then on this basis that the Re
publican pnrty owed success lu 1S0G to
"Ignorant foreigners," Chairman Jones
proceeded to hold out the hope of success
la 1O0O.
"Can there be any doubt," ho nsked,
"as to which shall prevail, the .six. and
one-half millions of intelligent llrynn vot
ers or the three nnd one-hnlf millions
'ignorant foreigners' who voted for McKinley?"
Tt will seem to sensible people almost
Incredible that the chnlrmnu of the
Democratic national committee could
make such statements In n public speech.
Hut the Honorable .las. K. Jcmes did It.
More than two months after the elec
tion of 1S0O he uttered the assertion
The occasion wns no less serious than
an address before the Legislature of Ar
kansas. Senator Jones had just been
elected to his third term in the United
States Senate. On tho 20th of January.
1897, the Senator appeared before an in
formal joint session of his State Legisla
ture at the capltol in Little Rock. Ho
returned bis thanks to the people of Ar
kansas through their representatives, the
legislature, nnd then he proceeded to dis
cuss the defeat of Brynn, speaking as the
chairman of tho Democratic national
committee nnd the hend of the manage
ment of the Democratic campaign, lie
Bald that he "believed devoutly that Bry
an had been elected nnd was swindled
out of tho presidency."
He declared his belief "that In 1000 the
bimetallic forces would win great vie-
The Senator spoke for over an hour.
Running through his speech were two
principal thoughts. One was this idea,
that Republican success had been achiev
ed through the "Ignorant foreigners," a
remit which the Senator resented lu the
nnine of the native Southern population
which was "more American."
The other central Idea with the Sen
ntor was the injustice of the unequal
distribution of wealth. Upon this he
dwelt with almost the emphasis which
he gave to the "ignornnt foreigners."
"Whnt hns been the cause of this
great struggle?" the Senntor nsked. "Tho
people nre as honest and ns Industrious
ns they ever were. What, then, was
the matter? The last census report shows
that the wealth of the country was 05,
000,000,000, or about $r,000 to each fam
ily of live members." The Senntor quot
ed figures to show Hie Inequality In the
distribution of wenlth. "Why was Mas
sachusetts so much better off than Ar
kansas? Were they more Industrious
and more deserving?" He considered
that the Southern people rank fully up
to, if not ahead of, the people In the
balance of the country. Tho Southern
people nre more completely Anglo-Saxon
than those of the other states and there
fore more American.
A't this point the chnirmnn of the Dem
ocratic national committee made one of
the most vcmnrknble of thl series of
startling statements for Arknnsas con
sumption. He illustrated his assertion
that the Southern people are "more
Amerlcnn" than the rest of the country,
in this way:
"It took the people of the combined
North and East four years to conquer
the Southern people,, and the latter had
built for them a pension list that was
Tin Senator's speech bristled with as
sertions intended to incite the spirit of
class prejudice. He said:
"Millionaires and paupers grow on the
same bush. When you make a million
aire you make dozens of pnupers."
The men who advocated the gold stand
ard the Senator described as "no better
than a vile thief."
The argument by which he led up to
this conclusion is interesting. The Sen
ator said that in 1S(5." the national debt
"amounted to $2,S20,S3n,000." He show
ed "how many bales of cotton would have
paid this debt then and how many now."
'Plwni lwk tviwwwirwliwl
in ii iiv iukvvtau
"The men who took the bonds then,
gave greenbacks worth about Ii0e in gold.
Now they are paid in gold, thus doubling
the btirdtn upon the people. While 18,
000,000 bales of cotton would have paid
the debt when it wns contracted, It would
take 3Q.OOOO0O bales now to pay It, with
out iuterost." Senator Jones said "that
he who undertook to make the people pay
more than they had contracted to pay
was no better than n vile thief."
"The rich Northern States," the Sen
ator sold, "yet after this sort of a contest
Bryan received more than a million votes
In excess ot what Cleveland received In
1SD2. He believed devoutly that Bryan
Why Kx-Scntitor W. A. I'clTcr In Sup
porting McKinley.
In n published letter Issued at Topeka,
Kau., ex.-U. S. Senator Peffer of that
State says one of the principal reasons
why he leaves the Demo-Populist party
Is that it is not fit to govern the coun
try. Ills exact words arc:
"The Democratic party Is not fit to
govern this country under modern condi
tions of universal freedom. Look back
upon the second administration of Presi
dent Cleveland. Upward of $230,000,000
in United States bonds were sold with
out special authority of Congress to pro
cure gold for the redemption -reserve.
Most of the bonds were sold to or through
syndicates of speculators nt enormous
"The Republicans were wiser. The
war with Spain made large expenditures
necessary; Congress authorized the bor
rowing of money, and $200,000,000 of 15
per cent bonds were sold to our own poo-
pie In sums of $23 to $300. Tills is the
fourth yenr of the McKinley administra
tion, and not one dollar of gold has been
bought or borrowed. The treasury now
holds nearly, if not quite, $-130,000,01)0
In gold coin nnd bullion, nnd there is
plenty of money in the country for the
trnnsnetion of the people's business."
On the Philippine question Mr. Peffer
snys: "Tho insurrection of Agulnnldo and
his followers must be completely nnd per
manently suppressed before civil govern
ment can be permanently established. In
the meantime the President Is exerting
every effort to preserve order aud protect
all peaceably disposed persons.
"As before stated when one sovereign
power cedes territory to another, the al
legiance of the inhabitants is transferred
to the new sovereign. 'The same net
which transfers their country transfers
the allegiance of those who reniniu ill it.'
Thnt Is the lnnguage of the Supreme
Court of the United Stntes In the case of
the Amerlcnn lnsurnnce Company vs.
Canter, 1 Peters, 511,
"Our national title to the Philippines
self who placed la
every human heart
the love of liberty,
lie has never made n
race of people so low
In the, scale of civili
zation or Intelligence
that it would wel
come u foreign mas
ter." "We cannot repudi
ate the piinrlples of
s e I f-gnvermneut In
the Philippines with
out weakening that
principle here."
"A republic c a nl
have no subjects. A
subject Is possible
only In a Government
resting upon force; he
is iiiiuiiown lu a uov
eminent deriving Its
Just powers from the
consent or the gov
" T Ii e Democratic
party disputes this
doctrine (of 'vassnl
age') and denounces
it as repugnant to
both the letter nnd
spirit of our organ
ized law."
"If governments de
rive their Just powers
from the consent of
the governed, It Is
Impossible to secure
title to people cither
uy rorc e or pur
Then why does Mr.
Bryan's party resort
to force nnd fraud to
disfranchise the col
ored "race" In this
"Men mnv dare to
do In crowds what
tlrey would not dare
to do as Individuals,
but the moral charac
ter of nn net Is not
determined by t h e
number of those who
Jo'.n In It. Force can
defend n right, but
force has never yet
urcnicti a rigiu."
"Itlgbt's never eon
11 1 e t ; duties never
clash. Cann It be ouri
duty to usurp polltl
cat rights which be
long to others?"
"There are degrees
of proficiency In the
art of self-govcrii'
ment, but It Is n re
flection upon the Ci'O'
ator to say that He
denied to nay people
mi- capacity oi beir
government. "
"Once ndinlt thnt
some people are capa
ble of self-government
aud others arc
not, and that the
callable people have a
right to seize upon
and govern the In-
cnpnuie, a n il y o u
make force brute
force the only foun
dation of government
ami lupt the reign
of the despot."
'Would we tread I a
the paths of tyr-
Nor reckon tho tyr-
ant's enstv
Who tnkoth another's
Ills Freedom Is also
Would we win as the
sironj has e v e r
M.ike ready to pay
tc nu rrnrv.l l In... u l,n tl.l.w, ... Iinlll .. 'HI UCllt,
a .. . .. i..t . '- i or the noil who
nil uui iHHiu-n, nun mi- iiiifiiuiL-i: ui " , r e I g n e il over
Filipinos to the United States is due tlio i.iu.jion
ennm nu 1m nf 1u nonntn nf A1nul:il Of 1R V'0. tllul who Is
llnwnll or New Mexico, Arizona or 0'.;la- "it we nn to cov
homa. i .',rn, l i' ni without
"A commission of able and conscien
tious men, headed by Judge Tuft of Ohio,,
an eminent jurist, is now at work in thoj
Philippines, opening the way for free
government and collecting information
for the use of Congress when that body,!' m nf Independence!
tnl.-ns mi the work of iloternilnlnir the "'"'. ."- l-onsiliutlon
'civil rights nnd political status of the
native inhabitants,' as provided in the
"We got Into the Philippines ns nn in
cident of wnr. We are holding them be
cause, after duo deliberation, the Ameri
can people concluded thnt that wns the
best thing to do for the Filipiuos and for
Nor can we "repudi
ate" the principle of
self-government lu the
South, without weak
ening that principle
throughout ttic republic.
Vet Mr. Urynn's par
ty has made millions
of citizens Into "sub
jects," practicing gov
ernment ny i o r e c
without the "consent
of the governed."
While "the Demo
cratic party disputes
this doctrine" In
words It Is enforcing
It In practice In a
quarter of the States
of the Union.
Very true, but In
what States where
Mr. Bryan's party has
power to nrevent It
do "governments de
rive their Just powers
from the consent of
the governed?" When
nnd where did It try
to practice this pre
cept? Then Mr. Bryan's
party Is nu organized
fraud, for Its supre
macy In many States
has been obtained by
doing "In crowds
what they would not
dare to do as Individ
uals." Its "right" to
rule U "created" by
Mr. Bryan is Itnluccre nnd Is merely us-
Mng these "liberty phrases" to cntch
votes where political rights are more ad
vanced than lu the Democratic States,
or else he does not represent the Demo
cratic party at all. The party's practice
for a generation speaks Infinitely louder
than Mr. Bryan's words. Whnt the
pnrty hns always done and Is now doing,
it mny be relied upon to do If elected to
power. Until the States where Mr. Bry
tin's party reigns supremo show some In
tention of pructlclug these "golden pre
cepts," their declaration lu nntionnl
pltttfonns and candidates' speeches, tmiy
properly be taken as only so much mate
rial for political deception.
It is not a question of whether the en
franchisement of the negro wns n wise
or unwise policy, but it is n question of
common polltlcnl honesty. If the parti'
believes, its its prnctice shows, that the
negroes nre an Inferior race and cannot
with safety to our Institutions be admit
ted to political rights, to proclaim the
doctrine thnt the "Creator never denied
to any race of people the capacity of
self-government," Is obvious hypocrisy.
Some of the Democrats In the South,
who nre more frnnk and honest than Mr.
Brynn, nre already repudiating nny pre
tense of seriously living up to ills ethe
real political declarations. The Mncon,
(Ja Telegraph, for Instance, frnnkly do
clnres Its unwillingness to tnke Mr. Bry
an seriously in this "consent of the gov
erned" talk nnd snys:
"It Is nil sweet nnd nice enough to Indulge
on Fourth of July occss ons In tho generali
ties about tho 'consent of the governed,'
about 'Inalienable rlzhts.' about the enuallty
of all men at birth, and so forth, Just as our
forefathers did who owned slaves nml who
robbed the Indians of their land, but It Is
nnotUer mutter when you try to apply tt to
the Negro, the Indian, the Kanaka and the
Filipino. Wo of tho Booth are contending
for our own, and we are going to have It.
Tho Negro has nothing thnt wo want that
was not taken from ns by force nnd given
to him. Ho hns no laud, he has no birth
rlcht. 110 borltnco nothing but n right to
help govern which wns given wrongfully to
him. When we tnke the ballot from htm we
leave him In a far better condition than he
found himself when he came among us as
a result of Ynnkee thrift and speculation."
The Macon Telegraph, with real South
ern frankness, tells the simple truth,
about the Demoerntlc position on this
subject. Its statement is supported by
both the theory ami practice of the party
wherever it is in power. Moreover the
Demoerntlc pnrty hits never been dishon
est enough to pretend to believe in the po
litical enfranchisement of the inferior
races, nnd Mr. Brynn's sudden admira
tion of Lincoln and advocacy ot Oarri
soninn principles is n personal flight in
political oratory, which bus no relation
to the past practice or future intention of
the present Democratic party. If Mr.
Bryan should be elected the otllccs would
be filled nnd the Government conducted
by people who, like the Macon Telegraph,
jeer at these "equality phrases" as empty
generalities. They evidently regard these
utterances ns so much verbal bait for
new votes in the "enemy's country." But
here Mr. Brynn's cunning is not ns wise
as the Telegraph's frankness. Honesty
is always respected and such cheap cun
ning as Mr. Bryan's Indianapolis speech
reveals will fail to deceive. The Ameri
can citizens not ignorant Filipinos,
they tiro too well Informed on the policy
nnd practice of the Democracy on this
subject to be cnught by Mr. Bryan's
rhetorical if not hypocritical phrases. The
name of "Lincoln" and "political liberty"
are too sacred to be flippantly used in
such a cause. Tho American people have
some sense of the fitness of things.
Investigation by Father Malonc,
the American Priest.
Lord Salisbury's Dlp'omatlc Plans
President cKinlcy s Independent
policy Our Course Regarding
China Tells the Story.
Of course not. Yet
Mr. Brynn's pnrtv Is
"usurping p o 1 1 1 leal
rights" of hundreds of
thousands of Ameri
can citizens.
True, the "Creator"
never "denied to any
people the capacity of
self-government," but
despots mid D e lu o
crats always have.
While Mr. Brynn
was saying this his
party was using fraud,
rorcc ami legislation
fb deprive a whole
race of their political
rights, aud establish
ing "the reign of the
despot" In this coun
Yes; and the South,
which has been nf
dieted by Democratic
rule, Is paying "tho
tyrant's cost" lu pov
erty, disorder and so
cial Insecurity. In
taking the liberty of
others It has sacri
ficed Its own progress.
Verily, "the (led who
reigned over
Is the nod who Is
reigning yet."
Senntor Stewart Telia What Alia the
NrbrnMcn Colonel.
Senntor Stewart of Nevada, tho stal
wart silver loader, will vote and work for
McKinley this yenr. He Is tired of Bry
nn nnd Brynnism and here is why he has
left the Popocrat fold:
"Mr. Bryan's unparalleled campaign
for the principles of the Chicago plat
form and his insistence on the adoption
of thnt platform ot Kansas City," said
Senator Stewart, "induced the people to
suppose the enmpnign of 1000 would be
conducted on the issues of 1S00. In this
wny they were mistaken. An hallucina
tion induced Brynn to make war on an
nnny of ghosts and hobgoblins, which a
disenscd brain created. His instinct,
which has formerly led him to consider
rcnlities, depnrted. He sought his closet
in pursuit of phantoms, and strung to
gether ten thousand words, which he
gave to the public at Indiannpolis. He
omitted all mention of the issues of lS'JU
and summarized the paramount issue of
the present campaign in a pledge to the
Tncal Guerrillas."
Whatever tho direct result of Senator
Stewart's secession from the fusion alii
anco In Nevnda, the rapid spread of tho
Western revolt ngainst Col. Bryan's In
dianapolis program introduces an element
of doubt into the convnss In Nevnda,
Colorado, Montana, Idaho nnd Utah
which wns wholly lacking four years
ngo. Put on the defensive in one and
all these former strongholds by nn at
tempted change of issues, nnd gaining
no mnterlal strength elsewhere by the
sudden nbout face of his acceptance
speech, it is easy to see the stamp of
genuine inspiration on Mr. Stewart
prophecy that the Nebraska leader's pres
ent "anti-imperialistic" canvass is doom
ed to defeat.
Nevada silvorltes, what are left of
them, nre bothered about the determina
tion of Senator Stewart to support the
policy of tho administration. Surveyor
General Kelly says: "I think Jones will
go next," nnd Sam Davis, the acrobatic
humorist who conducts the Carson Ap
peal, is State controller and engages in
various occupations, meanwhile expresses
his ideas in the one sentence: "The Ap
peal will blister Stewart."
Rev. Thomas II. Malono of Denver
writes from London his information and
opinion on. the relations between the
United States nnd Great Britain. The
letter Is the more significant because four
yenrs ngo Father Mnlone's sympathlea
were strongly with the free ilver cnusc
and his inllitetice wns enst on the side of
Bryan. For some time this widely known
priest hns been abroad and his facilities
for judging of what are the actttul rela
tions between the two governments have
been exceptionally good. The letter is
addressed to Mr. II. C. Kerens, the Mis
souri member of the Republican national
committee. Father Mulone writes:
"Mr. McKlnley's attitude during tho
present crisis In China must be sorely
disappointing to such men ns Hon.
Bourke Cockrnn and others who have a
special object in making It appear that
the President has really if not nominul
ly entered into nn alliance with Knglnnd.
"Mr. Cockrnn and those who think
with him nre well aware that if the pop
ular mind can be led to believe Mr. Mc
Klnley's administration is committed to
the fortunes of Fjngland the Irish nml'
Germans of the country would resent
his attitude to the extent of throwing
their votes against him at the polls.
"But in considering this question one
should be actuated by higher motives
than partisan advantage, for the welfare
of our country, regardless of party, must
depend upon the patriotic impulses of tho
"I, too. would resent nny alliance be
tween the United States aud England",
but I would equally resent the charge
that such an alliance exists until it shall
have been proven beyond the peradven
ture of a doubt. Now, what tire tho
facts in the case ns demonstrated by re
cent developments? The Chinese trou
bles, which at the present writing nre in
a most acute stage, furnish the key to the
position of the United States Government
in so far at least us any alleged nlliunee
with England is concerned.
"Mr. Hay's note to the powers sets
forth clearly the President's policy, nnd,
looking at it from this side of the ocean,
I confess thnt It seems to disarm the
critics who for the past year have been
profligate in charging undue sympathy
fm- Vhiglnnd on the part of our Govern
rrom the English point of view this
policy, it is frankly admitted here in
London, has been keenly disappointing.
It wns assuredly the derire and intention
of the British Government to so use the
United States and Japan as to conserve
its own interests nt home and abroad.
This would readily have been done by.
throwing thee two countries between
China and Uussitt so as to thwart and
weaken the latter, and thus gain a timely
advantage over the allied powers.
"Indeed I speak advisedly when I sny
thnt it was confidently hoped thnt Mr.
McKinley, in consideration of England's
attitude during the Spanish-American
war. would readily acquiesce in Lord Sal
isbury's well-laid plans for action in
China and allow our Government to bu
pushed to tho front and thus shield the
British Government in an hour of trying
need. Had the President consented to
commit the United States tb a policy ot
joint action with the powers England
would have been highly elated, for in
that case we would soon find ourselves in
open opposition to IUtssia, nnd. while
nominally protecting American lives and
interests, we would in renllty be lighting
the battles of the British Empire.
"But Mr. McKiuley's more prudent
course, ns outlined in Mr. Hay's note,
has not been received with cordial good
will in England, whose position may be
inferred from a paragraph In to-day's
Globe which expresses amazement that
the United States will suffer the whole
campaign to be rendered abortive iu or
der to gratify what it is pleased to call
'the cold and calculating designs of Rus
sia. "One feels from the atmosphere thnt
tho United States Government is in no
mood for nn alliance of any kind with
England. That 'Barkis is williu' ' on this
side of the ocean there is no shadow of
"Hence, looking at the President's pol
icy from the point of view n Horded in
England, I nm convinced that be mennt
what he said at the dinner of the Ohio
Society in New York when he allirmed
that his policy was both to avoid entan
gling alliances with ns well ns hostility
to any other nation. And 1' am mm cover
convinced thnt the British Empire is re
ceiving neither encouragement nor sym
pathy nt this time from the Government
at Washington.
"London. England."
How true this Is of
the practice of Mr.
Bryan s party for
thirty years. It per
sists by fair means
and foul In illegally
governing nearly Mx
millions or people
"without their eon
sent," and it "dare
not educate them lest
they leant to the
Declaration of Inde
pendence n n d tho
Constitution of the
United Stntes, n u d
mock us for our In-
A very brief glance at Mr. Bryan's clo-
fluent utterances and tho thirty years'
1 dice of his party conclusively demon-
H .ttes one of two things; either that
i heir consent nnd give
them no voice In de-
icnmiiiiig the taxes
liey must pav, we
are not educate
"tern, lest they learn
rent! uie Ueelurn
the United Smtnx
nml mock us for ouri
i' 'otibikteney."
Itciniblicnii Policy linn Kmiblcil the
Workers to Kat More.
In 1S0G there was a record-breaking
crop of corn, amounting to ,J,'JS.lS7j,lt!5
bushels. The highest price, however,
corn reached that year in Chicago wns
.Wis cents per bushel, during the month
of April. During no other month did the
price touch SO cents. In September, at
the height of the Bryan boom, it got as
low as 10V6 cents, and through the rest
of lS'Jt. it did not touch higher than !i."Vi
cents, the record for the second half of
the year being made shortly after the an
nouncement of McKiuley's election,
In 1601) .there was the largest crop of
corn since 1S00, It amounting to 12.07S,-l-KJ.03.1
bushels, which was 'JO.'i.Tai.'Ja'J
bushels, or about !) per cent under the
crop of 1S0U. Tho Chicago price of corn,
however, during the whole of 1800 did
not touch below 30 cents n bushel, which
was only cent a bushel below the high
record price of ISOli. For six months of
the year it did not get below 32'. cents
a bushel. After Sept. 1 the range was
between 31 Vi ami 35 cents a bushel,
which wns over 10 cents a bushel better,
or from '2:, to 30 per cent b tter, thnn
the range for tho same period in ISilti.
Thnt the farmers in 1800 could get from
one-quarter to ono-third better prices for
their earn than iu 1S00, with only nbout
one-tenth less corn to selJ, shows how
greatly they benefited by tne broadened
markets the Republican po'icy of filling
the city workman's dinner pail had giv
en them. The spokesmen of the Demo
cratic party contend that the present
prosperity has come from the large crops
ot the last four years, and is not due in
any measure to Republican policies. In
1800, however, with n recoid-breaking
bumper crop of corn there wete bard
times, not prosperity, in the corn belt.
In 1S0O, with a 10 per cent less corn
crop than In 1800, there was prosperity
heaped down and running over.