The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 07, 1900, Image 5

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"WBflpV 7rF"rt,pwwwp
The Ndbraska Advsrtissr
W. W. SANDERS, Publisher
FlttDAY, SliPTKMltKU 7, 10(H)
Bold Work of Fusion Officials in the BoU
dier3 Home tit Grand Island,
tu ClinrKe ItidiitK' In II'rIi-HhiuIhI Act
I (initio I.liilit on tli- IlnliHtlin of
tliu DritR ;iih( Other Itiiido A Cliulu
of Hcuiidiiln.
GRAND ISLAND, Nob., August 27.
Tho Soldiers' Homo nt Grand Ibiand
adds another long chnptor to the his
tory of gross mlsnianugdinont of the
stato Institutions under tho Poyntcr
It Is u etory of fraud, dobauchory,
criminal negllgeneo, abuse of tho In
mates and kindred offenses, In which
high officials at the Homo arc direct
ly Involved.
The commandant of the Homo Is L
A. Boltzer. In his efforts to replenish
his exchequer he has ponnlttcd no
opportunity to escnpo. Boltzer Is as
sociated with his son In the publica
tion of a weokly fusion paper known
as the Polk County Independent, Ao
a result of this, nearly all the job
printing for the institution Is done by
tho Beltzers, for which they havo
charged their own prices and drnwn
hundreds of dollars from the state
treasury. In many Instances tho stnto
has paid money to the Beltzers on bills
that havo not been receipted, and, bo
far as this evidence Is concorned, there
Is nothing to show that they havo
evor been paid, aside from the fact
that the warrant record shows that
warrants have been Issued on the stnto
treasury by tho auditor. In many in
stances, too, claims havo been allowed
the commandant and the physician In
charge, without any bill being ren
dered. Voucher B421S2 Is a voucher
drawn In favor of Dr. Swlgnrt, tho
physician In charge at the Homo In
payment for a $7 truss which ho
claimed to have purchased, but no
bill from the dealer showing that It
had been purchased has ever been
Hied or presented.
In the last year tho Beltzers havo
drawn upwards of $500 for printing
material furnished the Home, most of
which has been paid out of the fund
appropriated for "express, telephone
and supplies" (see voucher B33342,
B33343, B34913, B31914, B3637G, B36377,
B37532, B40297, B42186, B42598, B1344G,
B44329, B44915, B45G54, B4G425.B47050.)
Tho Library fund has also boen at
tacked by the BeltzeBS and some of
that fund has been diverted to tho
cash drawer of tho Polk County In
dependent. In all, about $20 wus tak
en from this fund (see vouchers
B34916, Bf3445, and B47049).
Tho Beltzers not only conduct a
newspaper plant, but they also own
and conduct a nursery. It 1b charged
that tho Star nursery, the ono owned
by Commandant Beltzer, supplied the
trees that wene planted on the grounds
of tho Home last spring, thus provid
ing tho industrious commandant with
another route to tho treasury. In no
Instance has the state entered Into ft
contract with Beltzer for printing or
for nur&ery stock. Ho has had no
competition, no bids being asked for,
and tho result is that he has charged
the state outrageous prices.
One claim rendered shows that ho
charged the state $18.75 for 5,000 en
velopes (of poor material), or at the
rate of $3.75 per thousand, a price
fully 35 per cent higher than is
rharged by almost any other printing
office in the stato to custom
ers. The samo claim calls for $7.50
for 2,000 letter-heads (of an Inferior
quality of paper), or at the rate of
$3 75 per thousand, a price 30 per cent
alove the average chnrgo.
Voucher B34914 for $37 was drawn in
favor of Commandant Boltzer in pay
ment of a claim for printing itemized
as follows:
1.000 Morning Report Blanks $ 4.25
D.000 Envelopes (cheap quality). 18.75
1,000 Pass Blanks 5.00
200 Commandent Reply Blanks 1.50
2,000 Letter-Heads (Inferior qual
ity) 7.50
In this Instance no bill was over
rendered and none Is attached to tho
voucher on file. In fact there Is no
evidence, beyond Commandant Belt
zer's nalted statement, that tho ma
terial was ever delivered.
Nor is Commandant Boltzer content
ed with drawing $1,500, furnishing
printed material at excessive prices
and unloading Inferior stock from his
nursery upon tho stato. He, has gone
farther, and has succeeded In placing
tho name of his 19-year-old son, C. E.
Beltzer, on tho payroll as hospital
stownrrt nt $30 per month and board,
lodging and washing.
The official most undor tho ban of
suspicion at the Homo Is the physi
cian In charge, Dr. H. M. Swlgnrt. His
rscord at tho Home, as told by the In
mates and by documentary evidence, Is,
to sny the least, a shnmeful one. Apart
from dissipation and culpable neglect,
it Is chnrged that he la Incompetent,
acid, what Is equally as bad, that ho
has played fast and loose with the
funds allottod to his department. Dr
Swlgart has been In office a llttlo over
a year, and yet ho has already ex
hausted tho $1.5';tt oppropriatod for
f'ntgs and inatrumonts, and bills of
tbh character flro now being paid out
of dther funds. Tho drug fund was
chaU3ted Mav 18th, or In loss than
ton months nfter Dr. Swlgnrt took
Dr. Sadlor, who is a fuslonlst nnd
who was physician In charge nt the
Home for four yearn preceding Dr.
Swlgart, when asked to explnln tho
onuo of tho dissipation of tho drug
fum' by Dr. Swlgart said:
"Thoro Is certainly something
crooked about It. I will gunrantee to
run tho department on $1,500 per yoar
for drugs and Instruments, and havo
$900 of that amount left over to put
in my pocket. I ran tho Homo four
years on $2,000, nnd I had money In
tho fund and a largo supply of drugs
on hand at tho end of that time. When
Dr, Swlgart succeeded mo I turned
ovor to him enough drugs to last tho
Homo for at least two months, and I
turned over tho balnnco of monoy re
maining in tho fund to the state. I
hRd $1,000 to run tho Home two years,
and, as I havo said, at tho end of tho
two years I still, had some of tng
money loft and a largo surplus or
drugs. In ton months Dr. Swlgart has
used almost as much monoy for druga
as I havo used in four years, and that
In face of tho fact that thoro has boon
only a slight Increase In the number
of inmates with practically no lncroaso
in tho number of hospital patients.
"Then, too, when I was at tho Homo,
tho Inmates got all tholr medicine
from me, whereas I know of my own
personal knowledge that more than 30
per cent of the modlclnes now used
at tho homo are purchased down
town by tho lnmatos themsolves out
of tholr own private Junds. The truth
Is, on account of tho amount of med
iclnos purchased in town at private
expense, tho $1,500 which Dr. Swlgart
had at his command should havo boon
more than sufficient to last the two
years for which It was appropriated."
"How do you account for the short
age In the drug fund?"
"I will say frankly that I don't be
lieve that that amount of drugs was
over delivered to the Homo. I believe
tho state has been charged for drugs
It never recelvod. It would be lrapos
clle to use $1,500 in ten months for
drugs and Instruments. Fully half the
amount has been diverted. There is
fraud somewhere, and that Is all there
is to It.
"I know of my own personal know
ledge that Dr. Swlgart was absent
from the Homo more than ono-third
of tho time In tho last year. While
nbsont, bin duties were attended to
by Dr. Kirby. Dr. Swlgart drew his
salary ,1'ist tho same and Dr. Kirby
wm paid well, If you ask him he
will probably tell but my opinion is
that he was paid out of the drug fund
and bills wore rendered for drugs
never delivered, and tho money paid
ovor to Dr. Kirby. I think this is
where a great deal of the drug fund
went, and that this accounts for the
funds being exhausted."
By inquiry it was ascertained that
Dr. Kirby had removed to Beatrice and
It was at tho latter placo that he was
Interviewed. When asked if he had
been paid for attending to Dr. Swl
garfs duties at the Homo while he
was away, Dr. Kirby said:
Yes, I havo been paid part of what
Is duo to me. Dr. Swlgart was absent
during much of tho Inst half of 1899
and the early part of this year and I
attended to his duties during that tlmo.
I usually made out my monthly bill
and handed it to him and ho would
go Into tho drug store of Tucker &
Parnsworth and como out with the
money. Ho did this on eight or ten
different occasions. In all he paid mo
In this way about $600. I asked no
questions, but I had a pretty strong
opinion how the deal was worked.
This drug firm had tho contract at thnt
time for furnishing drugs to the Homo.
I still have $185 coming from tho
Home for services rendered."
An Investigation of the official r.o
ords disclosed tho faet that, for somo
unaccountable reason, with tho excep
tion of one-quarter, this same drug
firm (Parnsworth & Tucker) has had
tho contract for supplying drugs ever
since Dr. Swlgart took charge. Dr.
Swlgart has absoluto charge of tho
drug supplies ho orders what he
pleases and'he does his own receiving
and chocking. No account has been
kept of drugs received at tho Homo ex
cept by him. Recently, as a result of
startling rumors, Commandant Beltz
er Installed his Bon as Hospital Stew
ard, but, as ho Is a young man with
no practical knowlodgo of medicines
or drugs, the change provides no safe
guard and amounts to nothing more
thnn an Increase In tho Income of tho
Beltzer family of $30 per month.
Dr. Sadler and Dr. Kirby both ngmv
that Dr. Swlgart is not a fit man for
tho position he occupies. Both felt
restrained by professional courtesy,
yet each was of tho opinion that the
circumstances were such as to just'fy
an Infraction of the ostabllbhcl ruio
among professional men.
Dr. Kirby sold:
"Dr. Swlgnrt Is not a fit mm for the
position. His profeEsIonnl knowlode
Is limited and he Is addlctod to tho
use of liquor. He Is not skilled In
surgory nor has he much general
knowledgo of diseases and medleinos.
"I remember ono Instanco whore I
was called to attend an old soldier In
mate nnmod Dye, whom ho was attend
ing. On reaching tho homo I fotind Dyo
great pain, and, upon examining him,
I dlBcoverod that In giving him an
enoma a plie tumor had been punc
tured and (what would soon have
proven fatal) hemorrhage had result
ed. I upbraided him for the blunder
and ho tried to evade responsibility by
naylnc that uot he. but his brother,
did It. Dr. Swlgart's brother wns not nnn. neueio io, -. . - ,
a doctor and tne. enormity of tho Thoso In position to know say that
blunder wns In no way lejsonel by this Is false economy, na It will result
his attempt to shl't tho blame. in tho destruction of whnt was until
"An lnmnto named Hcr.'-y Curtis rj n short tlmo ago a very flno and profit
taken down with small pox and Pr. nblo herd of c.attlo. Tho old soldiers
Swlgnrt, when my attention was callc l, sny, however, that tho young stock Is
vn3 doctoring him ror chicken pox. Hi ( union ror mo oiucinis ouiy, ami inai
had Curtln In tho bame ward w t!i l Inmates havo to put up with sow
twpnty other patients. 1 saw nt n holly, broad nnd butter. This, they
Blanco thnt It was small pox and I
told Dr. Swlgart he should rom-ivo
Curtis at once to tho pest houc. Ho
said no; that It was simply chicken I
pox. I to'd him If no did not remove
him at onoo that I would appeal to
the local authorities, get help and do
It myself, as there wn3 g'ont danger
of tho disease spreading to all t tho
323 Inmates. Ho then yielded ar 1 Is
olated Curtis. The por fellov died
shortly afterwards. I think It was
nbout the latter part of May of this
"Fortunntely only ono enso resulted
from the exposure and I was callod
and attended to that ono and pulled
the follow through.
"It Is my professional opinion that
Dr. Swlgart Is unfit for that or any
other position requiring any grent
amount of knowledgo of dh;enseB,
medicines nnd anatomy."
It Is a notorious fact, and it is the
talk about town, mat a largo amount
of liquor la bought, oBtonslbly for tho
Homo, but In reality for other pur
poses nnd reasonB. It Is charged that,
not only docs Dr. Swlgnrt require it
for personal uso, but that he haa sold
whiskey bought by the state to lnmntea
and made no report of tho monoy.
Ono Inmate has already made an uffi
duvlt to the effect that ho purchased
whiskey at tho Homo from Dr. Swl
gart, and another thnt Dr. Swlgart
rofuscd to furnish liquor on a pre
scription, but told him that any time
ho wanted to ouy whiskey to come
and see him. Under tho ruio no ono
Is allowed to bring liquor Into tho
Homo from tho outsldo except on tho
written permission of tho official phy
sician. This gives tho physician in
charge a monopoly and it also affords
him an opportunity to onforco patron
age at tho dispensary, an opportunity
evidently that has not been over
From the Commnndant down, tho
officials at tho Homo know a soft snnp
when they Beo it. Thoy are not over
looking anything. Thoso who havo
relatives seem to take interest in hav
ing them llvo at the expense of tho
Commandant Beltzer is thoro with
hlB wife and two sons. Ono of his
sons Is on the pay roll as hospital
John H. Powers is there as adjutant
with his who, son and daughter.
Until recently the daughter had n
horse which sho kopt thoro at the
state's expense. His son Ib on the
pay-roll as farm hand at $17 per
Dr. Swlgart Is there with hla wife,
son and daughter, nnd, until recently,
his brother and 'his wire. Both Swl
gnrt and Beltzor have prlvajiu turn
outs at the stato's expense. Dr. Swl
gart's brother has had his namo on
pay roll In ono capacity and another
until recently, when ho was discharged
on account of brutality and dis
It would take an export Juggler to
keep track of the way the funds aro
being Juggled. Vouchers have been
drawn for drugs against tho "main
tenance fund" (seo Vouchers B47031,
and B45643), and ..pairs have been
paid for out of tlu '-fuel fund" boo
Vouchor B4394G. The "tolophono nnd
express" fund has been drawn on
hoavlly by the Delt3crs for printing
material. Tho Juno salary vouchor
of this year shows tho payment of $25
to H. M. Swlgart as hospital steward,
though ho is tho regular salaried phy
aiclan (See Voucher B46725). There
is an abundance ot other evidonco of
this same chnracter
MAVJS. Much complaint 1-j made concornlng
the mistreatment of the old soldier ln
matcB. One instanco Ib recited where
an Inmate named J. T. Stewart Blck
ened and dlod from a cancer In the
mouth. He was let go a whole year
without having his hair cut or his
beard trimmed, and during his Blck
noss he was otherwise shamefully neg
lected by the ph Ian and attend
ants. Finally, tho old soldiers under
took to help him, and upon cutting
off his benrd It was discovered that all
the flesh In tho region of his nock and
chin was almost ono solid mass of
maggots. One of tho Inmates counted
200 maggots which he removed from
the sick man's jaws and throat. ThlB
Bamo individual said that at one tlmo
he was with Stowart continuously for
11 days and nights and that all that
time Stewart neither received modlclno
nor medical attention. Dr. Swlgart and has slnco waged an unsuccessful,
was rcpoutedly requested to attend I oampalgn along this lino. He mis-;
him, but Stewart, In a desperate offort Judged tho intelligence of the "great
to conquer the dread malady, had common people," and It would seem
committed the unpardonablo crime of 'hnt 'ho has not as yot been able to
buying a bottle of somo patent cancer , gcj in touch with thom, for In tho
euro that had been recommended to KnnsuB City platform mndo (made
him by a friend, and Swlgart therefore i public) last July, tho Hllvor plank Ib
refused to minister to his wants. The roltoratod and tho country ia again
story of this man's Buffering and nog- J threatened with tho dire consequences
lect, as rolated by tho inmates, Is a that would attond tho enaction of a
terrible one. Alany other Inmates free silver bill by a democratic con
havo been refused medical attention, , gross nnd president. Referring to tne
and the abuse hae been carried to that election of Bryan In 1890 wo repro
oxtent thnt more than 30 per cent of duce tho following from Hon. Carl
tho medicines used at tho Homo aro
now being bought by tho humntcs out
of their private funds.
For somo reason, presumably to
make a better allowing In the oxpenso
account or to keep thnt. account from
reaching enormous proportions, tho
management is killing off young Btcors
. . ...... fr moot for tho Home.
sny. is tholr diet slclt or well.
The contract for constructing a new
hospital building at tho Homo wns lot
maito c uoimmny m uiucuin ioi
$12,500. They aro tho pot contractor!
of tho State Houso ring, nnd In tlu
last two ycarB they havo been Identi
fied with tho construction of several
public bulldlng3. At this point, afte"
absorbing much of tho amount named
in tho contrnct, they throw up tho con
tract and tholr bondsmen nro now
completing tho building. At best It
will bo a poor structure, as a largo
quantity of second grade matorlnl has
been used nnd nearly all tho wood
work Is of Inferior material.
L. W. Pomorono, another fnvorlto
contractor of tno Stato Houso ring,
who has had qulto a monopoly of the
plumbing In new public buildings tho
InBt two yonrs, has cut off nnother
large sllco of plo at this place. His
-... T. ..11 Vn. n..t t n m VII lIM
vouchers call for ruoro than $2,000,
but It Is stated that tho work of set
ting tho botlcro nnd mnklng tho nec
essary changca nnd rcpnlrfl, for which
he rocelved over $2,100, could havo
boon dono profitably for 33 per cont
loss. (Sec Voucher B4394G.)
Tho Buporlntendont of construction
of the new hospital Ib J. W. Embor
son, a fiifllonlst enrponter from Lin
coln. His knowledgo of archltocturo
Is limited and ho has had llttlo exper
ience with brick and stono work, yet
ho Is paid $5 per day and that, too, out
of the money appropriated for tho
construction of the building proper.
Inmates of the Homo say that ho
spends much of his time playing cro
quet and cards. Slnco October lfit,
1899 to May 8th, 1900, ho hna drawn
out of this fund $G20. (Seo Vouchern
B37825, B39178, B40090, B409G7, B42150,
B42G54, B43077, B43491 and B43780.)
Tiie strange part of tho wholo mat
ter la, that not ono bill has been nud
ltod nor a vouchor made out at Grand
Island, whore the matorlnl Is bolng
delivered nnd tho work is bolng dono.
All tho auditing, all the checking and
ilgurfng, has boon done at Lincoln. In
this respect this In the single excep
tion throughout tho state, and why It
It; nobody at Grand Island Booms to
know, though some people nro doing
n groat deal of abstract thinking. This
is scarcqly less Btrango, however, than
tho building of n barn coBtlng $1,200
without advertising for bids, some
thing that was dono bore the last yoar.
John F. Scott, a fuslonlst, enjoya
tho distinction of bolng about ,tho only
man In Nobrnska who has been Bet
up in business at tho stato's expenses.
Scott has a prlvato store building,
owned by hlmBolf and situated on tho
public groundB within 30 feet of tho
main building, where ho deals In to
bacco, cigars, cigarettes, fancy grocer
ies, pop, BOda water, etc. The building
was piped and furnished with radi
ators at tho state's cxponBO, anil it Is
lighted and hented now at the state's
expense. He also gets Ico during tho
summer for uso in hla store from tho
Bupplics bought for tho state, and pays
nothing for It. Scott has boon doing
business nt this stand for about four
years and the stato 1b paying tho fid
dler. Ono thing Ib Btrango about tho bills
of exponse of tho mombors of tho Vis
iting nnd Examining Board. Though
tho dlHtanco traveled, the work dono,
nnd the legitimate exponso Ib tho same
each tlmo, not n slnglo member In the
last two veara has nresontod two bills
alike In amount. Each time tho
amount dlffors, though why, Is a mys
tery. The last legislature appropriated
$94,870 for tho Home, but It Is appar
ent now that tnero will bo a largo de
ficiency at the end of Governor Poyn
ter's terra. Upon the wholo, tho man
agement hnn not only boen oxtruva
gant, but li has boon that oxtravagant
as to In (Ilea to unmistakably down
right dishonesty and fraud.
Not long ago an old soldier came to
Grand Island dlroct from Canada.
Under the law, beforo an applicant can
be admitted to the Home, he must be
n resident of the state at least two
years. The County Board of Hnll
county refused to entertain Ii!h appli
cation, but he wont back to tho Home,
told tho officials that ho was a fuslon
lst and, not only received a suit of
clothes nt tho expense of tho stnto,
but was put to work on n Bnlary, Rn
net clearly illegal.
In 189G when Brynn got control of
( the democratic party ho made freo
. colnngo of silver tho pnrnmount Issue
Schunc. What It meant thon it meanH
now, for Brynn and freo a.lver ire
again the Issue.
"The mere apprehension of a possi
bility of Mr. Bryan's election and the
consequent placing 6f our country
upon tho sllvor basis bos already
caused untold millions of our securi
ties to bo thrown upon the market,
bcorea of business orderB nro already
recalled, a lajgq number of manufac-
turlng ' establishments havo already
etoppod or restricted tholr operations,
enterprise lu already discouraged nnd
nearly paralyzod. Many works of
public utility by industrial or rail'
tord companies havo nlrcndy been
ordorcd off, thousands of workltntnen
are already thrown out of omploym 'nt.
gold Is already bolng hoarded, cap'"il
la already being sont out of the coun
try to ho invested In Europe- for sjfe
ty. And why all this? Not, as tho
silver men foolishly protend, because
the existing gold stnndnrd has made
nonny scarce, for capital Is lylnr; Mlo
In heaps, scores upon Bcores of mil
lions, fnlrly ycnrnlng for snfo employ
ment. No; nsk thoso concorned why
nil this happens, and with ono vol j
they will toll you It Is bocauoo they
apprehend serious dangor In every
dollnr ventured out through tho clmnso
of our standard of vr.luo In pronp"ct,
through tho debasement of our cur
rency threatened by tho freo nllvor
colnngo movomen'.. And If these aro
tho effects of n more apprehension of
a possibility, what would bo tho offect
of tho event Itself? There- Is Bcarcoly
an tmnglnnblo limit to tho destruction
cortnln to bo wrought by tho buslnows
disturbances that Air. Bryant mcro
election would cnuso."
Ah'H Full Nitmn.
Tho full namo of Abdul Hnml'4, the
sultan of Turkey, Is: Abdul Hamld,
tho Beloved Sultan of Sultans; Em
peror of Emperors; tho Shndow of God
Upon Earth; Brother of tho Sun: Dis
penser of Crowns to thoso who sit up
on throncu; Sovereign of Constnntl
noplo, nnd tho great city of Ilrousa,
nB well nn of Damascus, which Is tho
Scont of ParadlBo; King of Kings,
whoso nrmy Io tho Asylum of Victory;
nt tho Foot of WIiobo Throno fs Jus
tice nnd tho Refuge of tho World.
AIllllnitH In thr TVu IiiUtincrf.
Moro thnn 100,000,000 pooplo In
China aro ongngod In tho ton Industry.
Somo of thom nro vory wealthy,
though thoy know llttlo boyond tho
cultivation, marketing nnd fnlo of
tens. It Ih also a fact that many of
thoso tea ralsorn nnd tea merchants
aro momborB of tho secret soclotloB in
the omnlro that nro responsible for
much of iho present trouble among
tho nntiouB of tho unlvereo.
Vnorihlo Hollolitor Whyto.
William Pinknoy Whyto, ex-governor
of Maryland, haa Just completed
his sovonty-slxth year. In addition to
bolng chiof executive, of tho atnto, Mr.
Whyto haa boon mayor of Baltimore,
United States senator from Maryland
and Is now city solicitor of Baltimore,
m which capacity hlB services havo
boon of groat value
A HuuUred Tenon nt HHtlelbcrr.
Kuno FlBchor has Borvod Just an
oven 100 of terms as instructor first
and then professor at Holrkilberg;
Though he celebrated his 70th birth
day last mouth he still glva six lec
tures a weok on "Goethe" and on tho
history of philosophy.
A Good Oougb Mediciuo.
It speaks well for Olianaborlnin'ri
Cough Ilomcdy whon druggists uso it
in their own funiilicB in proleronco tu
any other. "I have Hold .Chamber
lain's Cough llctnody for tho pnst
fivo years with complete Hntiafnction
to myself nnd customers," says Drun
gist J. Goldsmith, Van Etton, N. Y.
"1 havo nlwnys used it in my own
family both for ordinary coughs and
colds and for tho coughs following
la grippo, and find it very ofllcacioua'
Forsalo by Keeling.
25 Oonts to 1901
Thnt big stnto paper, Tho Samr
Weekly Stato Journal, will he mailed
from now until January 1, 1001, for
cents. This Ih the biggest offer of reads
mg matter evei made in the west and
Ih done for the olo purpose of Intro-
during the pnper to thouHanus of new
homes. Iloie's your chance to get an
up to date, reliable state paper for a
mere song. Send in your qnnrter and
jow'll get the pnper nil through the te
mnindor of this year. Address Tin
State Journnl nt Lincoln. Neb.
Farm Journnl, ft years"(1000 1001.
1002, 11)0.') and 1004), to every biibscrib
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