The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 03, 1900, Image 5

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kWRWT''W"'1' "l,"1 W" t?7
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jiw. mini.. MJ.1Jt,j,i. x rflM " &'!'-'Tiirii'5r;j-M-iiw,.li, i dii i i a I, i I, ,
o.e iro:r ska Advertis-::
Fimiay. A i crr:i luiii)
i m
Governor Roosevelt Removes
the Cover From the Hag
gard and Deceitful Face
of Fusion.
A Fiorcc mid Force'.'nl Tiro on the
i'jillms.v oi' llryani?in by Amor- i
ie:is .Soldu'r-iSlaltv-.muii,
Otintr ficn.Tiil l.tiutnti In Snylnp That
tli- IHimmI nt . inciiriiii Sulttlnrx N On
th I!,iik1 til Aliierlriiti Kyiiliii-
tlit.iT oT AkiiIiiuUIu,
Speaking to tlu National Leaguo of
Republican I'lubs in session at St. Paul,
dovernor Roosevelt gnvo utterance to
homo things which in a large degroo
show iho truo character of tho man.
lie said: "A politician who isn't hon
est, no matter how able or smart lie is,
is a curso to tho community. Don't
let any man delude you by trying to
convince you that ho can holp you by
being a littlo dishonost on your sido.
Ho will defcert you when tho crisis
"I have mot horo today a fow men
from my old stamping grounds in tho
DakotuH and Montana, where I used to
be a dolegato to tho cattle conventions.
There are a fow of my follow delegates
here tonight. I was then in tho cow
business myself. Out thero tho cow
puncher and tho branding iron took tho
place of the fence. Wo used to brand
the calves every year, and if a calf was
) usst'd over it became a maverick. It
wa tho rule in thoso days that a inav-
nek when found might bo branded
vuih thu brand of the ranch ou which
it was louml.
"And one day I was riding over the
ranch with u cow puncher and wo camo
a -loss a maverick. It was on the
'J i iMle brand ranch. Tho cow puncher
io ni and tied the maverick and wo
goi eft" to put a brand on it. I remem
l..r that I took oil' tho cinch iron to help
3 ut on tho brand. And I said to tho
ecw puncher: 'Remember, it is tho
Thistle brand.' Ho grinned and fcaid
lie know his business. But I saw ho
was putting on my brand. 'Hold on
there,' I mid, 'you aro putting on my
brand.' 'I always put on my boss'
brand,' he replied. I said to him:
can go to tho ranch and got your
It you will steal for mo, you will
irom me.'
"And that applies in politics aa
as in tins cow business. You have got
to have honesty first, and you have
got to have courage with it. I havo
mighty littlo uso for tho honest,
timid man, tho man who takes
out his honesty in his own
parlor, but who can't trust himsolf with
it out in tho world to do his work
among his follows. IIo may bo very
nico and pleasant, but ho is no uso.
"But no matter how honest and bravo
a man may bo, if he is u natural born
fool you can't do uuythiug with him.
Ho must have the
Siivliitf Ornro of Common Sonne.
Honesty, courago and common sense aro
needed in public lifo just as thoy are
needed in private lifo. And it is bo
cause I behove that associations liko
this club, associations liko this league,
make for tho elementary decencies of
political lifo that I take suoh pleasure
in addressing you tonight.
"I do not address you as a, Repub
lican addressing Republicans, but as an
American uddressiug his follow Ameri
cans, urging them to stand for honesty
and the honor of tho flag. We havo
come hero to begin tho work of a cam
paign more vital to American interests
than any that has taken place since tho
close of the civil war. Wo appeal not
only to Republicans, but to all good
citizens that aro Americans in fact as
well as in namo, to holp us in ro-oloct-ing
President Molunloy. It was indeed
ot inlinito importance to elect him
four years ago. Yot tho need is oven
greater now. Every reason which thon
obtained in his favor obtains now, and
many moro havo been added. Four
years ago tho success of tho Popnlistic
Doinocraoy would have meant fearful
misery, fearful disaster at homo; it
would have meant tho shanio that is
worse even than misery and disaster.
Today it would mean all this, and in
nddition tho immeasurable disgrace of
abandoning tho proud position wo havo
taken, of flinching from tho great work
we havo begun.
"Wo ask support for President Mo
Kiiihiy because of what he has actually
done, of what ho now stands for and
li niHesi, and because of the marvelous
8 i
. .'.- tJiat lias uei-n ncioinpiisneu miner
ins administration. Wo ask tho sup
port of all ttpriRlit citizens hoeauso
ugaiiist him aro arrayed
Tlio J-nrfru of ('limit l( i;vlt
beeati.'o of the brooding menace to our
motnl and industrial wilfau which in
implied in the present attitttdo and pur
pose of tho PopulistioDemoeracy
"We know definitely what Ave bo
lieve and wo say it outright.
"Our opponents, who represent all
the loices of discontent, malico and
envy, formed and formless, vaguo and
concrete, can hardly bo said to know
what they really do believe, because
the principles they profess, if put. forth
nakedly, aro so revolting, oveu to their
own followers, that thoy like at least to
try to wrap tho niautlo of hypocrisy
around thorn. They rant about trusts,
but they havo nothing practical to ad
vance in the way of remedy.
"Nor is tl.i-t to be wondered at, when
one of the makers of their platform, tho
representative from Now Yirk, and tho
leader of that organisation in Now
York, nre both themsolvos among tht
most pvqiriiiont stockholders in tho
worst trust to bo found today in tho
United States tho ico trust, which has
justly exposed itself to the critiolsm
which our opponents often unjnntly ap
ply to every form of industrial effort.
"Wo now conioto the Philipo'nosand
to tho general question of expansion..
Many of tho positious taken by the
Populistic-Deniocraoy at tho moment
are so palpably dishonest and main
tained in such palpablo bad faith that
to state them is suillciout. It is hardly
necessary to discuss what thoy say
ubout "tho constitution following tho
flag." Tho Democratic party never
championed the doctrino thus sot forth
save in tho dark days, when it had bo
como tho
lliitiitmiililnn of Slavery
nnd rebellion, and danced to any tuno
which the apo.stles of slavoij choso to
pipe. When, under Jefferson, tho great
WTest beyond tho Mississippi was ac
quired, when, largely through tho in
strumentality of Jackson, Klorida was
added to the Union, the now provinces,
with their Indian populations, were
governed precisely and exactly ou tho
theory uuder which tho Philippines aro
now governed. President Jefferson se
cured tho Louisiana purchase just as
President Mclvinloy secured tho Philip
pines and Andrew Jackson warred
against tho Seminolos when wo had
acquired Florida from Spain, prooisely
as General MaoArthur is now warring
against tho bandits among the Tagals
in Luzon. Unless wo aro willing to de
prive Jeft'orsoti ami Jackson of tho
meed of honor which has been held to
bo peculiarly theirs, wo cannot dony
the bamo high praise to Prosidont Mo
Kiuloy. At Kansas City, tho mcu en
gaged in preaching tho gospel of dis
honor aud repudiation solemnly assert
ed that 'imperialism abroad will lead
quickly and inevitably to despotism at
homo.' You men of Minnesota and tho
Dakotas who aro hero this evening can
appreciate tho fatuousness of that state
ment by tho simple process of thinking
whether your liberties havo beon
abridged by tho return of tho Minne
sota and Dakota troops who won such
honor for themsolvos in the Philippines.
Thero aro geometrical propositions so
essentially absurd that mathematicians
hold their mere statomont to bo equiv
alent to thoir refutation. So it is with
this proposition. If it were worth
while I would point out its dishonesty
nnd insincerity. But flagrant though
these are, its absurdity is so much more
flagrant that nothing need be said.
"So it is with thoir cant about mili
tarism and 'intimidation aud oppres
sion at homo' as following what thoy
aro pleased to call 'conquest abroad.'
We cannot arguo with them ou this
proposition, because no serious man
thinks for one momont that thoy be
lievo what thoy assert. During tho great
civil war thero Avero many preachers of
the gospel of disloyalty among the so
called copporheads of the north, and
thoso men, liko their representatives
among onr opponents today, prophesied
tho subdivision of tho country when tho
great armies of Grant and Sherman
should como back from tho war; but tho
great armies of Grant and Sherman re
turned to civil life and Avero SAVallowod
up among thoir folloAV citizous Avithout
a ripple. A considerable army avus
kept for a year or tAvo on tho Indian
frontier aud in somo of tho southern
states, but it novor entered tho head of
a human heiinr to attompt what
Tho Copporlitowl l'ropliot
of disttster had frantically foretold. In
vo anu 'u you yoursoives saAV regi
ments nnd brigades and divisions re
turn from Cuba, Porto Rico and the
Philippines, to bo disbanded and tiwal
loAA'ed up in tho mass of tho pcoplo, if
volunteors, and if regulars to assume
thoir ordinary Avork in fort and canton
mont, and aitor greoting thoin on tho
day thoy returned tho bulk of tho peo
ple Avould never havo beon ablo to toll,
except by tho newspapers, Avhether tliey
had como back or not.
"Of all idle chatter tho talk of tho
danger of militarism is tho idlest. Tho
army wo havo now is, relatively to the
population of the country, less in size
tb'in it has been imaiu and uiruiu durinu-
"1"' ' ".""itML I I I laWiaafcft
ttiu last century UUit a quarter, lit times
when avo had only our own Indians to
gurird against. In Washington's admin
istration Gen Wayne spent some three
years in Ohio warring agnlnst tho
Tagals of that day, witli an army under
him larger in propoirien to tho then
population of tho than all our
present national forces, regulars and
volunteers combined, and thero is just
as littlo danger from tho evils of mili
tarism uoav as there Avas then. It is as
titter folly to talk of our liberties as
menaced by tho existence of a i'crco
capublo of keeping order in our outly
ing possessions as it Avould havo been
talk of their being menaced in tho
Boventies by the soldiers who followed
Custer and his follows against Co
manche, Apacho and Sioux.
"I Avould ask those avIio by thoir
Avords havo encouraged tho Avarfaro of
tho Filipinos against us to recall the
lottor of Gonoral LaAVtou, written just
before his death, in Avhich ho pointed
out that tho blood of his soldiers red
dened tho hands of tho men at homo
who encouraged
Our Fooh Abruuil,
"Some years ago Avhen certain east
erners Avore olantoring in tho namo of
humanity against tho arinv oillcors Avho
warred to protect tho AVestern settlors
from tho Indians, General Sheridan
Avroto: 'I do not knoAV Iioav far thoso
humanitarians should bo excused on
account of their igtioranco, but suroly
it is tho only oxcuso that can give u
shadoAV of justification for aiding aud
abetting such horrid crimes.'
"The scheming politicians at Kansas
City havo not oven tho excuso of ignor
ance Avhen thoy inoito tho iueurgonts
to frosh warfaro against our soldiers
with tho base hope that theroby they
may further thoir own political advance
ment." All our farmer readers should take
advantage of the unprecedented club
bing offer Ave this year make, which
includes with thin paper Tho Iovvu
Homestead, its Special Farmers' Insti
tute editions, The Poultry Farmer, and
The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Jour
nal, These four publications are the
best of their class and should bo in
every farm home. To them wo add
for local, county and general news our
own paper and make the price for the
live for one year $1.35. Never before
Avas so much superior reading matter
offered for bo small an amount of
money. Tho four papers named which
Ave club Avith our own aro well known
throughout the west and commend
themselves to the reader's favoruble
attention upon mero monlion. The
Homestead is the great agricultural
and live stock paper of the Avest. The
Poultry Farmer is the most practical
poultry paper for the farmer published
in the country; The Farmers' Mutual
n surance Journal is tbe'special advo
cate of fanners' co-operative associa
tions, and the Special Farmers' Insti
tute editions are the most prantica
publications for the promotion of good
farming ever published. Take advant
age of this great offer.
25 Cents to 1901
That big state paper, Tho Sami
Weekly Wato Journal, will be mailed
from now until January 1, 1001, for 25
cents. This is the biggest offer of read1'
ing matter ever made in tho west and
is done for the solo purpose of Intro
ducing the paper to thousanus of new
homes. Ileie's your chance to get an
up to date, reliable state paper for a
mere song. Send in your quarter and
jou'U get the paper all through tho ree
mainder of this year. Address Tho
State Journal at Lincoln. Neb.
If you havo a baby in the house you
Avill wiali to know the best way to check
any unusual looseness of the bowely. or
diarrhoea so common to small children.
O P M Holliday of Deeming, tnd., who
has an eleven month"' old child, stiye:
"Thrmifrli t lin mmit li nf .1 mwi n n1 .Ttilv
our baby was teething and took a run- I
niug oil of tho bowels and hioknebs of i
the stomach. His bowolB would move
from live to eight times a day. I had a
bottle of Chambei lam's Colic, Cholera
and Diarilioea Remedy in the house
and gave him four drops in n teaspoon
foul water and ho got better at
once." For sale by Keeling.
That Throbbing Headacho
Would quickly leave you, ir ou used
I)r King'.s Now Lile IMIIb. Thousands of
sutters havo pmved their matchless
merit for sick and nervous hoadaches.
They make pure blood and build up
your health. Only 25c. Money back If
not cured. Sold by W W Keeling drug
gist. Illauk deeds, chattel mortgages, farm
leases, etc., for sale at this olllco.
Painted by Julinu Duplet.
raBasgwir,rTr7 - rim;
sky. Thoy ga.o in muto astonishinont, wonder, awo and admira
tion rovealod in thoir facos and attitudos. It is tho work of a
muster hand. i
This is reproduced in colors, L'SxiJO inches, in a marvelous oil
painting effect. You could not buy ono for $2.00. Wo bought
thomiin ten thousand lots, so can offer it mailed in a tube, postpaid,
with a throo months' trial subscription to THE WEEKLY BEE
for 25 cents.
Address Tho Heo Publishing
Th Newport Tribune
ami the
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vmpi-ai, jviilmmi.
A new nnd remnrlcuuly uttrnotlvo putillcn-
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Imir-lonpn; contains nil tlio Nlrlkhm news
(Minires of tlio Diillv Tribune. Hpcolnl War
I)lHpntohuH,:i)omeHtlo nntl Korean CDnes.
nowNpnnor for Inmy pcoplo
ItCBuliir subscription price,
$1,50 per Year
Wo furnish It avIUi Tho Advortlnor for
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Agricultural Matters enrelullv tn-nteil, nnd lm "U UllOXCOllOd AgflOUlturill Do
Coninrelieiislvonnd Ilollnlile Flimnclnl nnd mirtinmii nm'nntillr nnd inixOtfMiiVn
Market KepnrtH. It Is mulled nl himiip hour l,'0t BUOIIUllt IUU1 IIICUMJUUI
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Send a orders to The AdvprUnov, Somalia, Nebraska.
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This Mastorploco roproaonts
a family of poasants in tho har
vest Hold. It i3 noondaynot a
broath of air is stirring and away
off in tho distanco whoro tho
villagers aro holding thoir coun
try fair a balloon hangs in the
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fjA WvV-. ." J!.' r-n ..-.. 1 .
. . . . i on" llluatmtljii shown machine
clofcd (head dropping from ltrit) to housed an a center table, md
orde.h, tho other open with full lenifth tahlo and head In place Tut
SeWllltr. 4 faocrdraweri. Itleit lhll'J iL.lflnnrr.m. nflrvcl nnm.ln,l ,tm
eahlnot finish, finest nickel drawer pulls.' n-kts on four
casters, nu juainuw iirauw. Keuuinunmyiii iron stand. I1net lorco lllch Arov
head, posltlvo four motion feed, self thrcadluir vlhratlnf,' shuttle, automatic
botihln winder, adjustable) bearing, patent tension II Iwiutor. Improved looej
wheel, adjustable uressuru foot, Improved shitttl carrier, patent needle bar,
patent (tress KUard, hred ! banlomelr derurated (ad ornameulril aad braullfully
nleteltrlmned. GUARANTEED tbellihlrtlruunlrir, mutt durable and ntirri'
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