The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 20, 1900, Image 8

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eMjIci McaojiJUlMisMsLffW
Heat Coimli Byrnp. Tnntcs OixkI. Uk
in iimo. jnm ny aruiriciPi.
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Hour tor milo at tlio Keeling buildi
lug. KimmI for nale.
Ordor of Snlo.
Iti tlio inittlor of tho entuto of Itoiijmutn K.
I.wiloy, ilvccimwl.
Notlcu In horeliy given Itial In ptiriniiuico
ol nn ordor of John :H.Htull, u Judge of tlio
DlHtrlot Court of Ncmiilin county, niiido on
tlio 7tli ilny of Juno A. I). 1000, lor Mm Hit la of
rcHl rntiilo liorulnuflor doAorllJcil, tliuru will
lo nohl at tlio iront iloor of tlio i'otirl IIoiihm
In Auburn hi Mild County on Monday tlio
27th duy of AtiKUntitt 2 o'clock 1. M. lit Hil
He vendue to tlio lilhot bidder for cunli(
t tiu following di'Ncrllifd real eNliilc, towll:
I.olHllvo(fi), hIx (C), he veil (7) noil llit (8)
In bloclt Bovonty-ouii (71), In tlio town of
Noinnlui City, In Nemntin county. Nolim
kn; aim) tlio HoutliciiHt (juurlur hoJ of tor
tlun nlxdj In town four U north of rniiuu
nlxtco'i lClcaHtof tlio (till r M In Neniuhii
county, NuuiuhIch,
Halo will remain open olio hour,
Dated July ID, 19WJ.
W. W Hanjikiih,
AdiulnlHtiatorof thoeHtato of llonjiiiiilii K,
Lesley, decruNtid.
Notioo for Ilouring CluimH.
In tlio County Court of Noiiiuhu County,
In tlio iimttorof Iho Kstivto of Emniti A.
McCain diceiiHi'd,
Notice Ik hereby given Hint thn Court lum
made an order limiting tlio time for credit
orH to IllixliilniH UKaluit Mild dieciiMcd iolx
month from Mm llth day of Augiinl, 11WU,
and that Oeiouor lllh, Dactmhcr llth, I1KHI
and February llth, 1101, ut tun o'clock A. M
of ench day. ut the ( fllce of the County Jmlgi
of Neniitlia County, NolinHkn, In Auburn.
Nob ran ka, has been fixed by the Court nn
the tlmcH mill place when and where nil per
bouh who have claim and demand nguliiHl
da 111 decerned can have the huiio cxamlui'd,
adj nitt'd and alio wed, and all claim tint pro
Hunted by the lust mentioned date will be
forever burred, by an oidorof tho Court.
Dated July IClh, 1900.
HtoitAiti) K. Nkai
County J udgo.
rm I a I lsaa
The American Protective Tariff League
U a national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Industry " as explained by its constitu
tion, as follows :
"The object of this Ltafu shall b to protsot
Amtriean labor by a tariff on Imports, whloh (ball
adequately eeoure American Industrial orodueu
againt the competition of foreign labor,"
Thero are no personal or private
profits in connection with the organiza
tion and it is sustained by memberships,
contributions' and the distribution of its
FIR8T: Corrsspondsnos le eolioUed regarding
" Membership " and "Official Correspondents."
8EC0ND: We need and welcome contributions,
whether small or large, to our oauso.
THIRD! We publish a large line of documents
covering all phases of the Tariff question. Com
elate set will bo mailed to any address for SO cents.
-FOURTH: Send postal oard request for free
sample oopy of the " Amerioan Eoonomtst."
Address Wilbur F. Wakeman, General Bscretary,
3B Wast 23d Strnt, New York.
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
ana cneeriuiness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that It 13 not uncommon
for a child to be born
afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urln-
fltft.i tnn nftwn If tV,
0 (
urine scalds the flesh or if iin tv.-
reaches an age when It should be able to
control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these Important organs. This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the Immediate effect ol
Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold
by druggists, In fifty
cent and one dollar
Ues. You may have a
sample bottle by mall
free, also rjarnnlilr.t tell.
Homo of Bwaurp-Ttoot.
ing all about It, Including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
It Co., pinghamton, N. Y be suro nd
mention this paper.
mil I nl ' nsITM ''
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. W. SANDEKS,! Publisher
Fuiimy, July 20, moo
One Chicago man is clamoring for
the coinage of a silver 75-cent piece.
A Urltinh commander-in-chief, while
on nctlve Hervlce, receives Hit, a week.
A Princeton student lias started to
drive to the Pacific coast. He Ihih had
a prairie schooner constructed for his
12. Parmlee Prentice, whose engage
ment to Miss Rockefeller mis Just been
announced, will one day Inherit from
his father one of the best collections
of rare boojes In America.
First Assistant District Attorney Os
bo'rne, of New York, says that ex
cise cases arc easy to try. An "ex
cise cus Is n question of fact, the po
liceman swearing on one side and the
bnrtender on the other. The jury al
ways believes the bartender."
Prince Itupert, tho. heir to the
throne of Mavarin, dis4ikcH very much
the attentlonH of the White Hose
league of England, which, because It
recognizes the claims of the Stuarts
to the Hritlsh throne, persists, much
to Ills disgust. In Btyllng him "the
rightful prince of Wales."
Another Austrlun nrchduchess hns
broken down tho barriers of court eti
quette. The widow of Emperor Fran
els Joseph' brother, Archduke Karl
Ludwlg, the Archduchess Maria The
resa, who Is a princess of Bragnnza
and infanta of Portugal, Is'golng to
marry her major domo, the count of
A collector of nutogrnphs saj's: "X
bought a good autograph of Queen
Vlctorin in London for U:n dollars. I
got MntUiow Arnold's autograph for
four dollars, Blackmores for three
dollars, Carlylc's for nine dollars, and
Gladstone's for $2.50. The slgnnture
of Lord Ilyron comes higher, and cost
me $25."
A Numlier of Them Arc Making nn
Excellent Kcuortl AiraliiMt Vio
lent Oniionttlon.
After many years 06 opposition on
the part of government officials stimu
lated to activity by male physicians,
women have been admitted! to the prac
tice of medicine in Russia and are al
ready mnldng good progress. Sonic
nre employed by the government nnd
are, like other governmental employes,
entitled to pensions. They are county
and school physicians, doctors for the
poor, and in the municipal ambulance
Bystem. Dr. N. Scholz, In the St. Peters
burg institute for experimental medi
cine, Ls one of the flyt experts in bnc
tcriology, and the lectures are well at
tended. In Kussia women have for
Borne yencs been employed ns apothe
cnrles' clerics. In Germany, also, the
Wurtcmberg minister of education will
now give women an opportunity to
study chemistry and pass examina
tions. In commenting on this privilege,
Dr. W. Wachter, In a Berlin jrevlew,
"If women, do secure this privilege It
will be anything but n sinecure. Ger
man apotheclrles' clerks have to under
go u very severe course of study, and;
wlien they receive n position, they are
expected to be on duty from seven or
eight in the morning to ten or eleven at
night, besides nttending to the night
bell every other nipht If not every
night. For all this thej- receive from
$15 to $18 a month, with board and
lodging. In a few exceptional cases an
nsslstnnt mayi, receive as much as $50
n month. Under such circumstances It
is hardly a wonder that young men do
not crowd into this field of employ
ment. It is, ludeed, the difficulty of
getting assistants, especially in vil
lages, that has madia many of the
apothecaries willing to consider the
cnndiidacy of women. Women clerks,
he insists, should under no circum
stance accept lower wages than the
men. nnd they should, if possible, or
ganize for protection; uor should they
consent to oct, when business Is slack,
as assistants to the apothecary's wife,
thus enabling her to dispense with a
Full nml Explicit Direction.
Two bicyclists passing through a
Email town on the Long Island shore
decided to take the train from there
home. Being unfamiliar with the
plnce, they stopped to Inquire of a col
ored woman the way to the railway
"We nre strangers," they said, "will
you kindly direct us to the stntlon?"
"Certainly, suli," hhe replied. "Keep
n-poln' right on till yo' coiuph to de
corner whn de ole poM office used ter
be, den tu'n to yo' lef an' yo'll go tight
to de stntlon,"
As they rodp off she beamed with
prde, they with amusement, nnd. al
though they found the Mntlon, they
jmve yet to discmer Iho "comer whn
de ole post office used ter be,'V', Y.
Call on uh for jnii win k,
A Prominent IIbkHhH IMiynlcInn
UlvvH n I'mv Hint " lo
Their Trulnlnir.
Dr. W. Gill Wylle. an English phy
sician of high standing, has been sound
ing a warning to mothers In their treat
ment of young girls, mid his words are
wt'41 worthy of consideration. Up to
the age of nine or ten years, he says,
girls and boys should be treated on
the same general principles; they
should be allowed the same freedom,
with proper restrictions as to their
food, exercise, etc., and as nearly ns
practicable kept in good general health.
They should not be permitted to over
exert themselves mentally or be sub
jected to excessive mental excitement
by contact with older children. But
what Is the true state of alTalrs in this
country concerning our young giris
our future mothers?
In this country the girls, during tJielr
development stage, are not restrained
in their studies. On the contrary, they
are forced forward, as a thoroughbred
racer Is forced under whip and spur.
In England it is different. Our girls
are thrown more Into company with
grown people, their general education
nnd knoweldge of the" world are greater
than young women in other countries.
With my own children, we kept them
from contact with older people and
started them to school when oer eight
yenrs old. Ilecognlzing the fact that
those expecting to live in the world
should grow up In contact with the
best of it, and thnt n private tutor ren
dered education somewhat abnormal,
we decided to send them to school, but
as the schools push children along too
fast we sent our children for a year
and the next year had them go over
the same course. Thus we made our
girls during development tnke just
twice the time to learn as other chil
dren, says a household exchange.
Another thing that mothers of girls
should ponder is the dress of young
girls nnd women. The modern cos
tumes of women, especially among the
well to do classes, is nnd has been bnd
for many generations. It obstructs
freedom of action nnd lessens the good
effects of wholesome exercise. Lacing
is especially bad. I am Mire its bad in
fluence on the" lower ribb ami certain
organs is more or less transmitted
from mother to dnuchter.
Tlic Trontmetit Thnt Knllod.
"You have been suffering from sleep
lessness," snid tiie physician.
"You hit it the first time, doc," said
the worried-looking patient.
"I don't want to give you any seda
tives if can avoid it. Here is a plan
that works well sometimes. .luHt try
topiclure to yourself another person
nslcep. Your own sleep will come
through suggestion."
"Huh! It Is the other fellow asleep
that Is worrying me. 1 got a roommate
that snores like a buzzMiw going
through n knot." Indianapolis Press.
"Book larnln'," observed the old
num. "mebbe all right 'nuff, but some
how it don't seem ter be verrpract'cal.
.Vow. I've got a nephew. Sister Susan's
youngest boy. Good boy. an' nJl thet,
but never could do nothin' but study
books. Mum hev n heap o' book lam
in'.' An' the last I heerd of him he's
been druwed on a jury down in York.
Murder jury. too. Ills lnrnin' didn'
prove ter be pract'eal, somehow." De
troit Journal.
The- I H-n d (Ml Wntt.
Fine beads sewn on at regulnr inter
vals all over silk waists, as if thev were
pin spots, are one of the Parisian fan
cies, and with these Ib worn n collar
band, pointing down below the ac
customed neck line in front, closely
beaded all over. -Detroit Free Presa.
Farm Journal, f yoars (llidd 11101
1002, li)o:) and nio.1), to overv stibacrib
ur who will pay ono year in advance
to TIih Advertiser; both piipcra foriM
No better paper than tho Farm Jour
nal. 'l'la olfer is inadu to vou.
Hoforo making Hrrnnnemonts for
your yeat's supply of muling matte
call and net our clubbinu raleH. The
following are sumo of our combina
mitionH: v
Tim Advertiser oiih year and the
Farm .lournal until Dec. 551, lttOl. for
only $1
The Adveitisor and St Louis Uiob
Democrat both ono year for Si no
Tho Advertiser ami tho Chicago In
ter Ocean for $1.40
The AdvetMsei and either the Toledo
HuiiIh or the New Ynik Tubulin for
The AilvenN(r and the Household,
a home monthly, fortfl.:i
Tho Advt'i User nid le T , u Mivi p
atead, Poultry Farmer 11 nil Insurance
Jouriml all ono year
Old Settlers Picnic,
Saturday, , August 18,
Have you seen the New -Display
of Decorated Dishes that Anderson
& Brown are GIVING- AWAY?
Come and see them and see how
easily it is to get a nice set of
It is something
South of Court House Square, AUBURN, NEB.
w Harness
Complete htouknr Inn uess nml Iihi-iicsh
done promptly. Fiist door huiiIIi of ,ne,it
1 . H H
acKsmitn &
All work guaranteed.
Call and see me nt D. A. Morton's old stand, Nemnlia.
Auburn Chautauqua
Write for Program.
rfie we ovF&nBOBB?zirtnz
mV Ly'HMWni?
Tejojcp la rogatnoa UoaltU. JxplSPn a&SlSo&V
ur- ivay s
LMraiO?"UVor.y Cough, CQlrt.HonrsonR,..TnT!?5n.. rn.i. Wu-. 8
-Hcj,., .,h4w. v.iiktiirii.
nun. rrntiimh ...' ir"I "'"
, i'ioen not s ckon or illHuirroo with ATnlVXZZr'J
.n" "'"'""ii 'in mi uiiuunntiH
,..n.'.r.r. S ?.... .!", uy up, , j. knv Mnrllnl o TSZ-L'IL'Z'' b"".,I" '".-h
nn rnrtnin, i.u i.:. n; iL"; "wwiiuu,
that will please.
& Brown.
end Shoe Shan
.supplier IHii'iipi and slme leo'iiil..,,
market. Vom- pt,, "n Z 3S.L
wagon Makin
August 4th to 12th.
J. H. Dundas, Mgr.
has been added to the well
known IIospo
With Stool nnd Scarf
Write For Particulars.
Luna Bam
of tho-liwB, nml Vim 77 SV W? oirBPB ml I
nuiu iivnrnui'iNti nt. iri nml on. . ...n...i
-WMLl. ,.
, kJ(W..SV. ',
JmJkAhiJLZ-M, -t.W uL&.'t .tSU.'i.l?
.jjl j.
in rirtMfV yfc. - .