The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 13, 1900, Image 1

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NEMAttA, NEBllASltA, inUJOAt, 18 JULY , IflOO.
4 0 I
Local News
See Hill & Keeling for tire Insurance
See W. W. Hauls of South Auburn
for Clothing.
Mrs. Henry lluitwlck came In from
Auburn Tuesday.
The Keeling drug store put up n
now awning Monday.
Mr. mid Mrs. .James lllutt returned
lo Nemaha Wednesday.
Mi-tst Mu G.iither and Nora Aynes
v tailed Auburn Tuesday.
Mrs. Fannie Tali bank
wcnl U Auburn Tuesday.
and Bertie
S Cooper sells Page's Woven
tehee beat fence on earth .
The beat paint, made for sale by the
Kitwuidu & Brad lord Lumber Co.
Miaa Lillian Mlnlck vis.ted her
brother at Bracken Tuesday and Wed
iii'csdAy .
Mis G. W. biirbrolher of Brown
ville visited Nemaha friends from urduy until Tuesday.
The hall alorin Tuesday night did
considerable damage in Falls City and
vioinil, so we are iutormed.
The Edwards & liradfoid Lumber
0. cairy coal tor thteshing machine-.
Call on ilieiu it you need any.
We had a good rain Tuesduy night,
anil aume hail, but not enough to do
uiiN damage in this vicinity.
Cull on the .Edwards Ss Bradford
Lumber Co ud get a sample ol
o.iaier machine oil tide. It is line.
JuhuQ smith of Nebraska City
will pieueh at the Christian church
i.ext Sunda'y morning and evening.
We can sell you'a first class bicycle
for sJ-'." Call and see it.
Twenty bushels of cane seed for salt
at SO cents per bushel 00 pounds to
Hie bushel. N C JauVIS.
The best paint in the world, (The
Slierwiu and Williams) one dollar and
liity ceultt per gallon at Keeling's drug
Slienu Titus has moved back to Ne
maha, lie is living in the house be
longing lo tne estate of Mrs. Emma
For the beat assortment of Dry
Goods and Shoes go lo the Daylight
Store of South Auburn; W. W. Harris
Will Keeling Blurted tor Lincoln
Tuesday atteruoou to attend the demo
cratic male convention to which he is
u delegate.
Mrs. Rees Leslie went to Unadilla
Tuesday atleruoou, being called there
by llio severe sickness of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Lyla Hair.
Fay Gaither writea that he is well
pleased with his position as station
agent at Doniphan, Kauaas. He likes
it better than lie anticipated.
Henry Soul had a big granary built
this week lo hold his wheat. He is
confident ut the reelection of McKinley
and consequently of good prices.
iurs. wary uroous ot Auburn re
turned home Tuesday. She had been
in Nemaha several days assisting iu
curing tor her cousin, J, M. Frazlef, t
We will Bend The Advertiser for one
yuar and Farm Journal until Jau.
1st, 1005, for only $1, if paid in ad
vance. This offer applies to both old
and new subscribers.
The members of the school board
mot at Dr. Reeling's ofllce Monday
night and organized by electing the
following officers:
President of the board Peter Kerker
Secretary S. K. Anderson.
Treasurer Oru Thorp.
See Reeling's new stock of wallpaper.
Call in and see us It you want
aubacrlbn for any paper published in
the United States.
The Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. have a handy rack for showing
their doors, screen doors, etc.
P. S, Nolaud of Oreswell, Oregon, a
brothcr-dii-law of John Clark, visited
Mr. Clark's family severul days, starts
iug home Tui'sday. Mr. Noland has
been a resident of Oregon since 1358.
Shertn Titus has a big black bear
that he captured while iu the moun
tains. He also has a number of other
animals, making quite a menagerie.
They are all kept fastened up securely.
The best pocket knives made for sale
by the Edwards & Bradfoid Lumber
Co. Every owe guaranteed to give en
iro satisfaction or your money refund
ed. Full line of cutlery with the same
Mrs. Hendricksou of Los Angeles,
California, and Mr. anil Mrs. George
Bixby of Peru came to Nemuha Tues
day forenoon and visited their friends,
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Anderson, until
Wednesday afternoon.
Some one went to B. C. Stoke's gar
den one night the lirst ot the week aud
stole all Lis tomatoes that were ol
auy size some of them weie juat be
ginning to ripen. No wonder Bens
was a little hot about it.
On hearing of the turning down of
Towno for vice president aud the nom
ination of Jsteveuson, Cleveland's run
ning mate, Bob Kiester was thorough
ly disgusted and said lie would have
to vote against that ticket.
Mrs.. Joseph Flack aud family, desire
to extend thanks to the friends, and
especially to the old" soldiers, who were
so kind and helpful during the Jong
sickness and at the death and burial
of the husbaud and father.
W. W. Uelf, who recently sold his
30-acre farm southwest of Nemaha,
tias bought a farm of 120 acres south'
west of Auburn We believes ho pays
$7000 for this farm. He will not
move out until next spring.
We are requested by Mrs. May
Baldwin to extend thanks to the
friends aud neighbors and to the G.
A. It. post and W. It. C. of Shubert
for the assistance given during the
sickness and death of her sister, Mrs.
Emma McCain, and for the sympathy
expressed in her bereavement.
Wall Paper!
Reeling's drug store has just received
a handsome line of wall paper latost
styles aud handsome ones too. Prices
very reasonable.
Invites the continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. The
patrons may be assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A go stock of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
If you want anything in our line call
and see us, Prices right
Bens Stokes, Itobt. I. Smith and
Dave Thompson, three of the old
Btand-bysJ of tho democratic party
were wearing Dietrich buttons Satur
day The action of the Kansas City
convention was more than they could
Mrs. J. M. Fiuzler and family de
sire to express through The Adver
tiser their appreciation of tho kindness
of tho friends and neighbors and the
assistance rendered during the sick
ness, death and burial of the husband
and father.
Dr. .II. S. Gaither has a mountain
goat that he bought of W. S. Titus.
Ho was captured by the latter in tho
mountains this summer. Lela Gaither
thinks it is the nicest plaything she
ever had, and can hardly leave It long
enough to eat or sleep.
" -
I. W. Brown of Pawnee county
came to Nemaha last Saturday aud
visited his brothor. II. I. Brown, un
til Monday, He took little Tommy
McCain home with him aud Tommy
will probably make his homo with Mr.
Brown that at least la tho present
intention. He will have a good home.
There arc llity mllllan head of cattle
in tho United States, of which number
from lifteen to twenty million are
dairy cows. If every one of our read
ers would Biggie Cow Book, published
at CO cents by the Wilmer Atkinson
Co , Philadelphia, they could greatly
increase the product from every cow
in their herd.
The best program ever given here Ib
being prepared for the old settlers pic
nic, August 18th. ' There will be ad
dresses by Congressman Burkett, Hon.
G. YV. Berge and others, music by a
ladles quartette, male quartette and
others, recitations, etc., etc., etc. It
will bo the best and biggest reunion
we have ever had.
Strang as it may seem, Bryan con
cedes that the administration at Wash
ington probably knows more about tho
Chinese troubles than he does, and
rhereforo he refrains from telling what
should be done and what terrible
crimes the republican pnrty and Mark
Iliunm commit by not doing what he
says. It is a surprise to all.
Mnrg Frazier died ut his homo in
Nemaha Monday, July 0, 1000. after
suffering for two weeks witli appendi
citis. John Morgan Frazier was born in
Frankton, Madison county, Indiana,
February 10. 1853. On October 20,
187T, he was married to Miss Ju ia
Worrel. In 1882 they moved to Ne-.
ma'ha and have made this their home
since that lime. He age was 47 years,
months and 28 days at the lime of
his death. He leaves a wife, two sons
and three daughters, five sisters and
two brothers to mourn his loss.
Tho funeral services, conducted by
Rev. J. M. Darby, were held at the
Methodist church at 10 o'clock a. m.
Tuesday, Htid the body laid away in
the Nemuha cemetery
Editor of The Advertiser:
Is there anything at all that we can
say or do to convince ALL your lady
leaderd that wo are actually giving
away to every married lady In the
United States who writeH for it an ele
gant sterling siivernplated sugar shell
like jewelers sell at 75c each? There
Is no "catch" about this offer. There
Is nothing to pay. nor any requirement
to buy anything in order to secure tills
beautiful souvenir gift. It is our way
of advertising the merits of Quaker
Valley silverware. A copy of the
Home-Furnisher, our own publication
will also be sent free. Surely this
beautifully sugar shell gift la worth
asking for. Then it seems to us that
we should hear from every married
lady who reads your paper. Quaker
Valloy Mfg. Co., Morgan and Harrison
Sts Chicago
Blank deeds, chattel
leases, etc., for sale at this ofllce.
The old Bcttlota association want it f
distinctly understood that thoro la to
bo no political apoaklng nt thereunlon
this year. If n apoakor cannot say
anything without talking politics he is
not wanted. It la not a political or.
gantzatlon and these reunions are not
hold for the purpose of giving politic
iana an opportunity to air grievances
or advance the Interests of their party,
WW Keeling guarantees every bottle
of Chamborlaln'fl Cough Remedy and
will refund the monoy to any one who
is not satisfied after using two-thirds of
tho contents. This is the best remedy
in tho world for lagrippe,coughs,coldB,
croup and whooplngcough and la pleas
tut and safe to take. It prevents any
tendency of a cold to result in pneu
monia. 26 Oonts to 1001
That big state paper, Tho Somt
Weekly Stnto Journal, will be mailed
from now until January 1, 1001, for '25
cents. This Is the biggest offer of reads
ing matter ever made In the west and
Is done for tho aolo purpose of Intro,
duclng the paper to thousanus of new
liomes. Heie'a your chance lo get an
up to date, reliable state paper for a
mere song. Send in your quarter and
you'll get the paper all through tho iiv
malnderof this year. Address The
State Journal at Lincoln. Neb.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Gaither invited a few
friouds to their resldonco Wednesday
eveuing to spend the evening with
Mrs. Henry Hartwick. The time
passed pleasantly nud those present
were entertained with some line in
strumentnl nuieic by Miss May Gaith
er, who Is a splendid muslcan. Mrs.
Gaither, Miss May and Miss Lela also
Hang several aongs. Those present
were Mrs. Hartwick, Mr. nnd Mrs
F. L. V.oodward, Mr. and Mrs. It. I.
brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Sanders
and Miss Nellie Sanders.
Burlington Route Through sleeping
carsto Sau Francisco.
No changesno delays no chance
of missing connections if you go to
California via Burlington Route. The
Burlington runs through sleeping care
Omaha, Lincoln and Hastings, to Salt
Lake City and San Francisco, daily.
Dining cars all the way. Library
ears west of Outlet). Finest scenery li
the world.
Pee nearest Burlington ticket agent
or write J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha,
A Good Oougli Medioiue,
It speaks well for Chnmborlnin'H
Cough Remedy wlinn druggists uso it
in their own families in preference to
any other. "I have sold Chamber
lain's Coggh Remedy for tho past
five years with complete satisfaction
to myself and customers," says Drills
gist J. Goldsmith, Van Etton, N. Y.
"I have always used it in my own
family botli for ordinary coughs and
colds and for tho coughs following
la grippe, and find it very eflieacious"
For8ale by Keoling.
Biggie Berry Book, being No. 2 of
The Biggie Books, is all about berries.
A wholo encyclopedia of berry lore,
boiled down after the mannor of Farm
Journal. Tel 1b about varieties, about
planting, growing, mulching, cultivat
ing, picking and marketing It givc9
practical pointers from the pens of
scores of leading berry growers from
all parts of the country who have con
trihuted to its columns. It has color
ed representations of berries, true to
size and color; thlrty-throo portraits
of practical berrytnen, and thirty-five
other illustrations, handsomely bound
in cloth. Tho price is 50 cents, by
mail; address the publishers, Wilmer
Atkinson Co., Philadelphia.
The Advertiser and the St. LouIb
Globe Democrut both one year for
only 81.00.
The old settlers annual reunion will
be held at Nemaha on Saturday, Au
gust 18th.
Old papers for sale at this ofllce.
Farm Journal
nearly 5 Yari,
Wo want to get fiOO now subscribers to
our pnpor, runt nro going to do It if wo can,
wo thoroforo coutluuo our nrrnngotnont
with tho Farm Journal by which wo enn
notul Tho Nebraska Advortiftor and tho Farm
Journal for tho romalmlorof InOO and nil of
lj)ol, lo2, lno, lot, both for $1. And
wo innko tho Hntuo offer to nil old Subscribe
orH who will pny nil arrearages nnd ouo yonr
iu ndvnnco.
You know wlmt our in, nud tho Farm
Journnl in n gom practical, progrenHivo a
olcnn, honest, uttoful pnpor full of gunip.
Hon, full aunshlno, with nti iiiimonso circu
lation among tho best pooplo ovorywhoro.
Unnecessary Loss of Tirao.
Mr, W. S. Whedon cashier of the
First National Bank of Wlnterun,
Iowa, in n recent letter gives some exr
perietice with n carpenter in his employ
that will bo ot value to other mechanics.
Ho says: "I had a carpenter working
for mo who was obliged to Htop work
for several days on account of being
troubled with diarrhoea. I mentioned
to him that I had been similarly
troubled nud that Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy had
cured me. He botmht a bottle of It
from the druggist heio and Informed
me that one dose cured him, and he is
again at his work.'' For milo by Keel
K What is a Mlraolo?
"The marvellous r-uto of Mrs Rena J
Stout of consumption has created in
tenso excitement in Cammack, I mi.''
wiiles Marion Stuart, a leading drug
gist of Munice. Ind. She only weighed
90 pounds when her doctor iu Yorklowu
suid she must soon die. Then she began
to use Dr King's New Dlscovety and
gained it7 pounds in weight und was
completely cured." It has cured thous
ands of hopeless oases, and is positive"
ly guaranteed lo cure all thtoat, chest
aud lung diseases. 60c and $1. Trial
bottles fieu at KeeHng's drug store.
The Family Uoorlbed.
A Savanunh sportsman who recent
ly went on a fishing trip up the Sn
vnnnnh river, tells a Rtory of an old
darky whom he Baw on tho bnnk of tho
Btrenm. To cngngc the old man in con
versation Just for fun tho sportsman
called out:
"Whoso place la Oils, old. man?"
"lilt Mr. Swlnnon place," was the re
ply. "Good big.plnce, isn't it?"
"Yassur, purty big place."
"Una Mr. Swlnnon nny children?" t
"YnBsir," wob the answer; "he got
four heud ob daughter, but ho nln't got
no son." Savnnnoh News.
Cards for mounting stamp photos for
sale at The Advertiser olllco twenty
for five cents.
llrccdcr of
Thoroughbred PolandChina
Farm ono nnd onc-lmlf miles suntliweHt of Nc
malin, Nub.
Qr. W. W. Keeling,
Nkmaiia, Neduaska,
Ofllce in Keeling building, second door
north of Aynes' hardware atore.
Kerker & HoOver
Dealers ia
Highest price paid for hldee, lard, tallow, etc.
This Paper4
One Year,
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