The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 29, 1900, Image 1

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Liooal ISI ewa
See Hill & Kiwllng Tor lire iu.sunuice
See Keeling a new Btook of wallpaper.
See W. W. Hai iia of South Auburn
loi Clothing.
Twenty buaheta of cane seed for bhIo
nt &0 ccuta per bushel 00 pounds to
the bushel. N C JAUVia.
Heat castor inachluu oil In tho world
lor anlo by the Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co.
Get your binder iwino tiom Gilbert
& MuUaudleaa. They uro ottering apoo
hilly iow priced.
Tim heat pulnt In tho world, (The
Sherwlu and Williams) one dollar and
lltty ceutrt per gallon at'Koeling'a drug
Miss llattlo Burgess, who hua been
in Nebraska City tor three or four
weeks, returned homo Friday of lust
For the best assortment of Dry
iJooda and Shoes go to tho Daylight
btore ot South Auburn; W. W. Harris
Miss Bessie Leslie, who hua been
visiting her sister, Mm. Hair, at Una-
dilla, i elm tied homo Friday evening
ot lust week.
Mis. W. W. Keeling returned home
Thuisday noon from Omaha, where
she hud been visiting her daughter for
a couple of weeks.
Miss Helen Hoover returned to Ne
malm Friday of last week, coming up
tiom Falls City whete Bhe had been
, Messra Davis and Fisher and Misses
Custer and Mortou, of FallB City,
drovfiiplo Nemaha Friday of last
week, returning Saturday.
Mrs. Lillie Swan came in from Au
burn Wednesday and visited her grand
mother, Mrs. itositm Wheelor, and
other relatives until Friday.
We will send The Advertiser for one
year and Lie Farm .lournal until Jan.
1st, 1005, for only Si, if paid In ad
vance. This offer applies to both old
and new subscribers.
Jnrvis S. Church, of Auburn, was
in town Tuesday looking after some
businees matters. He owns the build
ing occupied by the drugstore ar.d told
Dr. Keeling to have it papered and
llxi'd up inside and a new walk laid In
John Hiatt came near cutting off
the thumb and first finger of hia left
htiud Wednesday. He was driving a
(take with an axe when it slipped off
the stake and cut his hand. Tho doc
tor had to take two or three stitches
in his thumb
Young people under 25 years of ago
holding Demoreat or W. C. T. U silver,
medals and wishing to speak for tho
gold medal should report to Mrs. M.
Parkins of Peru, at once. Gold Medal
contest will be held second woek of
July at Peru.
Charley Smith, the man who killed
his wife in Brownvillo in April and
then tried to commit suicide, waa tried
in the district court nt Auburn this
week, convicted of murder in tho firat
degree, add sentenced to imprisonment
for life, The trial waa befoie Judgo
Irvin G. Hndlock of St. JoBeph,
Mo., and Miss Eleanor M. Galbraith of
Nemaha, were married Thursday even
ing, June 28, at the residence of the
.bride's parents, Mr. nnd Mra. O. Gal
braith. Only members of the families
of the bride and groom wore present.
He v. J. M Dai by performed the ceres
mony. Friday morning Mr. and Mrs.
Iladlock started for St. Joe. Tho Ad
vertiser unites with the many friends
of the young couple in congratulations
and good wishes.
iiihiii iiimiwii
S. Cooper sella Page's Woven Wire
i lenco 0e8l icnco uii enim.
A substantial walk has been laid
front of tho Keeling drug atore.
Dr. W. 1. Seymour, eyes, ears, none
and throat, 121P K at., Lincoln, Neb,
Call in and boa tia if you want
Bubscribft for any paper published In
tho United States.
John Maxwell la having u barn
built on tho old Barnes farm, whero
Danlwl Maxwell is now living.
Birl Hoover has had hia house re
painted inside and out and mado other
improvements that add to tho good
looka of tho place.
Dra. Seymour and Cox employ tho
newest and most scientific methods
known to tho medical world in the
treatment of tho eyes, ears, nose" and
throat. 1211) K at., Lincoln, Nob.
Marion Anderson has a cattlo and
hay bam about completed on his farm
west of Nemaha. It is 42x50 foet.
Of course ho bought tho lumber of tho
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co, at
Mr. Davia, tho junior proprietor of
the Falls City News, gave us a pleas
ant call last Saturday. Mr. Davis
drove up from Falls City Friday even
ing and waa visiting Nemaha and
Brownvllle and tho neighborhood
Thochildion'a day exercises at the
M. E. church last Sunday wore ex
cellent and reflected credit on the chil
dren taklug part and on tho training
given them by Miss Lillian Minick.
The llttlo folka under ton years were,
with hardly an exception, tho ones
taking part in the exercises, and not
one had to be prompted, The singing
by the Httlo folka was fine.
Nemaha was visited by a hall storm
Wednesday, but fortunately little
wind was blowing at the timo tho hail
waa falling and liltlo damage was
done, although tho hail stones were
quite largo. In places between here
and Auburn the hail stones wero larg
er than those falling in tho previous
storm that did so much damago, but
on account of no wind blowing tho
damage is slight.
24 Photos for 25 cents.
For a short time oniy I will make
24 stamps for 2. cents.
E. W. Acjnkw,
Wall Paper!
Keoling'a drug store has just received
a handsome Hue of wall paper latost
stylos and handsome ones too. Prices
very reasonable.
invites the continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. The
patrons may bo assmed of recoiving
fair treatment. A good lino of
and druggist'a sundries always kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A go stock of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
If you want anything In our lino call
and see us. Prices light
The citizens of Nemaha prldo them I
ipi Bw
selves In always doing full as much nadonoo in Nemaha Saturday night, Juno
thev nromlae In all celebrations. For
tills reason it hua been decided to make
a statement regarding the Fourth of
July. The committees havo boon un
able to get a band, u ball team or other
attractions and thcreforo will not
make a big spread on tho glorious
Fourth, but will have a plculc In tho
park to which everybody la Invited to
bring well filled baskets and enjoy
themselves, llov. J. M. Darby will
make an address, thoro will bo some
Blngiug nnd n general good time in a
quiot way. If you want to como
where you can have plenty of good
shade, cool water, nlco grass, and en
Joy yourselves generally, como to
Tho editor and wlfo attended tho
quarterly conforonco of the M. E.
church nt Bethel last Monday fores
noon. After the mooting wo accepted
an invitation from John Bath, proprie
tor of tho Londoudale Stock Farm,
und visited with Mr, and Mrs. Bath
until toward evening. They havo one
of the most beautiful nnd comfortable
houieB In Nebraska. Mr. Bath htiB
been engaged extensively in raising
fine thoroughbred Shorthorn cattle,
and realized 90,005 from a public Hnlo
two or three weeks ago, 02 head being
Bld an average of $155.00 a head.
One animal sold for 3500 and tho
buyer was delighted with his bargain.
In addition to raising fine cattlo Mr.
Bath always feeds several car loads of
cattle and hogs each year. He is one
of the largest land owners and farm
ers in Nemaha county and ono of our
best citizens.
Wednesday afternoon G. N. Tltua
got Lela Galther and Lena Maxwell
and started to drive to the nursery
with them to give them a treat of
raspberries, cherries, etc. He stopped
at Fuller Burns' residence to get m
empty berry crato. Just as ho was
putting the crate in the spring wagon
used for dellveriNg the horse gave a
leap and started on a run. Lela Gaitli
er hud hold of the lines and sho tried
her best to stop the horse but had no
effect. The horse turned tho corner
by Mrs. Collins' house without upset
ting tho wagon or throwing tho girls
out. At the next corner, south of
Diclc Morton's, Lona Maxwell waa
thrown out and when almost to the
bridge, thia aide of Frank Flack's, Lola
Galther was thrown out. Both were
badly bruised, The wugon had run
over one of Lena's limbs, bruising it
but fortunately breaking no bones.
The children were taken homo and
treated by Dr, Gaither, and tho next
day were feeling better except for be
ing sore and extremely norvjous. The
shock was n bud one. The horse waa
never known to run away before. Of
courao Nat felt very bad about the ac-,
cldent. It was fortunato there wero
no more serious results.
Tho Advertiser and tho St. Loiils
Globe Democrat both one year for
only Si. 00.
Editor of Tho Advertiser:
Is there anything at all that we can
say or do to convince ALL your lady
leaderd that wo are actually giving
away to every married lady in the
United States who writes for it an olei
gant sterling ailversplated BUgar shell
llkojewelera sell at 75c each? There
la no "catch" about HiIb oiler. There
is nothing to pay, nor any requirement
to buy anything in order to secure tills
beautiful souvenir gift. It is our way
of advertising the merits of Quaker
Valley silverware. A copy of tho
Home-Furnisher, our own publication
will also be sent free, Surely this
beautifully sugar shell gift la worth
osklng for. Then it seems to us tnat
we should hear from every married
lady who reads your paper. Quaker
Vallay Mfg. Co., Morgan and Harrison
Sta., Chicago.
Blank deeds) chattel mortgages, farm
J leases, etc., for sale at this oillce.
Mrs Emma McCain died at her real-
H3, 1U00. after suffering for several
weeks with consumption. Mra. Mc
Cain waa born In Nemaha Novombor
10, 187(1. March 0, 1802, sho was mar
ried to Samuel Huuk, who whs drown
od In the Missouri river about four
years ago, June 0, 1808, alio waa mar
ried again to William McCain. Sho
joined tho M. E. church when uho was
14 years old. Tho night sho died
Frank Taylor was sent for, and nftor
the hymn "A Charge to Keep I Havo,"
was sung Mr Taylor offered a prayer,
In which Mra. McCain joined by iro
quently saying Amen. Sho know alio
was dying and waa resigned. Sho
loaves two children, a boy 0 years of
age and a girl 3 years of ago, nnd n
sister, Mra. May Baldwin, and a broth
er, Win. Kerley. Her mothor died
January lat laat.
Tho funeral Borvlcoa woro hold at
tho M, E, church Monday at 11:110 a
m. Rev. J. M. Darby preached tho
funeral sermon, Tho remnlua wero
taken to Hilladalo for burial.
A very serious accident happened at
tho home of Llowellyn Williams Wcdt
nesday morning whereby tho horso be
longing to Frank Skoon is no more.
Sho waa in tho barn lot and in trying
to jump out fell on a post, ripping tier
open just in front of tho hind legu lot
ting out her inward organs. Dr. Sut
ton waa called and with tho aid of a
number of men and boys succeeded in
getting hor inwards back, but,' it was
seen that there was no hope for hor and
they considered it a humano act to kill
hor and put her out of her misery,
which they did. This ia quite a loss to
Frank and one that ho can ill afford
and ho has the sympathy of all. Shu
bert Citizen.
Pres. Barker, the republican war
horse of Aspinwall, was in town Mon
day, and Bpcakiug of tho storm and its
causes enld: "Owing to thu rocont dry
weather he had written to Mark Iliuina
telling him If ho didn't send nomo rain
out here pretty booh this stato would
go pop, and Mink in his effotta to win
tho state back into tho republican
ranks became a Utile over zealous and
overdone the storm business, hence the
cause of tho hail." Shubert Citizen.
If hor hostess doos hor own work
the girl guest who is thoughtful may
properly give a helping hand In wash
ing tho dishes, or dusting tho parlor,
but this help must be tactfully offered
and not intrusively urged; aomo worn
en are averse to assistance from their
guesta. July Ladles Homo Journal.
A Monster Devil Eish
Destroying its victim, ia a type of
constipation. The power of this mal
ady is felt on organa, nerves, muscles
and brain. But Dr. Ring's New Lire
Pills are a safe and ceriain cure. Beat
in tho world for stomach, liver, kid
neys and bowols. Ouy '23 contu, at
Keeling'a drug ttore.
Burlington Route Through sleeping
caia to San Francisco.
No changes no delays no chance
of misslug connections If you go to
California via Buillngton Route. Tho
Burlington inns through sleeping cais
Omaha, Lincoln and Hustings, to Salt
Lake City and San T.'rancisco, daily.
Dining cara all tho way. Library
cars west of Ogden. Finest scenery in
the world .
See lien rest Burlington ticket agent
or write J. Francis, G. P. A Omaha,
A Good Oougli Medioine,
It speaks well for Ohambcrlnin's
Cough Remedy when druggists uso it
in thoir own families in preforonco to
any other. "I havo sold Chamber-.
Iain's Cough Uoniedy for tho past
live years with comploto Hatisfaction
to myself and customers," says Dru.
gist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y.
"I have always used it in my own
family both for ordinary coughs and
colds and for tho cougliB following
lugrippo, and find it very eilicacioua"
For sale by Keeling.
Annual Sohool Mooting,
Tho annual nchool meeting waa hold
Monday night. Tho director and treas
urer made their annual reports, whloh
were accepted. Then camo tho elect
tlon of two trustees to succeed P. L.
Woodward and Dr. Keeling. Dr.
Keeling, F, L. Woodward S. K.
Anderson and Ora Thorp woro placed
in nomination. A motion to vote for
two candldnlen at the anme timo waa
carried. Tho first ballot Htood as fol
lows: Woodward 14, Keollng 13, Andor
boii 1ft, Thorp 10, A. It. McCnndless 2.
Thlrty-ono votes wero cast. Thorp
waa declnrud elected. On tho next
ballot Woodward received 11 votes, Dr
Keollng I, Andoraon 10. S. K. Audor
son waa declared elected.
A luvy of 25 mills waa made, in
mills for teacher's fund nnd 10 mills
for Incidental fund. The meeting then
adjoin ued,
Joslali Alton's Wife Goeo o-Visitin'
"Joslah Allon'a Wife" has sharpened
up her pon again, and with hor patient,
amiable, unobtrusive husband "goes
u-vialtin' " for Tho Ladles' Homo
Journal. Every one, knowing that
Joelah'a wlfo la "obsurvant" and
"crltlknl," can anticipate that In laying
baro the shortcomings and mistakes of
thoio she visits alio will havo abund
ant opportunity fortho exeiclBo of her
quaint humor and homely philosophy.
In tho courao of her "vlsltln'" aha
Hilda many things to aot right, and
there la a delluito purpose underlying
all her akotchea, "Joslah and I Go n
Vlsltln' " Ib perhaps the bestBerlca that
Mra. Holly haa ever written superior
even to her description of tho Centen
nial which established her reputation
as a humorist-philosopher of tho first
order. Tlie (list sketch of this now
aeries will be published in tho August
Country Mail Sorvioo.
AunuiiN, Neb., June 22 The post
ollco department haa taken the initial
steps towards organizing u country
mail Borvlco In thia county, tho ilrat
carrier beginning hia work tills morns
ing, starting from South Auburn, de
liverlng it to Edon and Bracken. The
depattment gives it out that it will be
established generally in this part of
the county. Other carriers aro aoon
to bo started. It is a aervlce that has
long been needed here, and Is due to
the work of Congressman Burkett.
UnnoooBsary Loss of Time.
Mr. W. S. Whedou cashier of the
First National Bank of Wintersot,
Iowa, in a recent letter gives some ox
periencowith a carpenter In hia employ
that will be ot value to other mechanics.
Ho says: ! had a carpenter woiklng
for me who wiib obliged to atop woik
for aoveral days on account of bolng
troubled with diarrhoea. mentioned
to him that I had been similarly
troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy had
cured me. He bought a bottle of it
from tho druggist here nnd informed
me that one dose cured Dim, and he ia
again at hia work.1' Tor sale by Keel
ing J. H. SEID,
Ilrrcder of
Thoroughbred Poland Ghina
Fnrm ono nnd ono-lmlf miles eontliMOBt of Ne
mutm, Ncli,
Kerker & Hoover
Dealers In
Highest prlco paid for hldee, lord, tnllow, etc.
.LljMrtt-. ,