The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 15, 1900, Image 5

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    T -JSWW ' ' l fJ
The Nebraska Adveitisr
W W. SANDERS, Publisher.
Fuidav, Junk 1ft, idik).
This Paper
One Year.
Farm Journal
nearly 5 Years.
Wo wnnt to got ()0 uow subscribere to
our paper, and aro going to do it if we can,
vo thereforo continue our arrangement
with tho Farm Journal by which wo can
Rend Tho Nebraska Adverser and the Farm
Journal for the remainder of lyOO and all of
l'jul, 1)o2, 1k3, l)ol. both for S1. And
we make the Bnme offer to all old pubsorib.
ers who will pay nil arrearages and oho year
in adrance.
You know what our in, and tho Farm
Journal is a gem practical, progressive a
clean, honent, useful pnpor full of gump
tion, full sunshino, with nn immonRO circu
lutien among the best pcoplo everywhere.
Sight Koitortnl to Veteran of the Clrll
War Ilouiurkafole Htory of
George Dodge.
Lincoln Evening Nnw.s, March 3, 1800.
Yesterday at tho olllce of Drs. Soy
monr & Cox thore was ono of t'io hap
piest mou in soventcsn counties. For
the ilrst titncj in several years ho is en
abled to see the lifrht of day, and dis
tinguish object and faoos, but that is
not the remarkable feature of his ex
p t'lunce, for he has thrice boon made
blind, and for the third time his sight
has been restored.
Mr. Geo. Dodge of Omaha was a sol
dier in thu civil war and by tho explo
sion of a cap was blinded in his right
eye. Suffering untold followed until
YrTKafemlrof good fortune the sight
returned soon to bo obliterated by the
formation of a catract. This was re
moved by an oculist in Milwaukee and
for a few years Mr. Dodgo enjoyed
sight enough to enable him to go
about his duties, but misfortune
seemed to be on his track, and later a
splinter was accidentally thrust in his
right eye, and the light of day shut
out. His loft eye was to all practical
purposes blind and three or four years
ago he sought relief at the hands of an
oculist in Milwaukee. An operation
was performed, but was a failure, and
since that time he has been stone
For the past few years he has lived
with his son in Omaha, who is a prom
inent railroad man in that city. Hc
ing acquainted with Dr. Seymour, and
knowing of tho great success Drs. Sey
mour and Cox have had in removing
cataracts he brought his father from
Omaha and to his surprise found the
treatment of his father a much simpler
matter than he could have expected.
The old gentleman can now see and
his sight restored for the thiid time in
the pust twenty-five years.
A reporter saw Mr. Dodge when the
doctor was dressing his eyes, and as
the bandage was removed, he said:
"Doctor, I can see the stripes and
checks in your tie." His fiSce beamed
with smiles as he continued: "You
may bot It scorns good to see things
again. I'm tho least impatient, too,
doctor, it seems to am, seeing that I
have had no pain slni the operation,
that I can have that bandage off pret
ty soon."
"I'll let you out iu a day or so, Rend
you back to Omaha without a guide,
too." replied the doctor.
"lie's very happy and very patient,
doctor," remarked the reporter.
"And this is the best place in the
World to come to be operated on," put
in Mr. Dodge.
Mr. Dodge is upward of sixty years
of a?e, an" Is probably the only man
in the country who can say: "I'have
been blind three times in my life and
had' my sight restored for the third
The Obeatty Rrer4.
Daniel Lambert, the famous fat man
nnd the most noted example of obesity
recorded in medical nnnats, was born
in 1770, and died nt the age of 40, of ex
cessive fat. His weight was 739 pound
Comes from Dr. D. 11. Cnrgile of
Watililta. I. T. Ho writes: "Electric
Hitters 1 1 iia cured Mrs. Brewer of scofula
which had caused her gient Buffering
for years. Terrible sores woul d break
out on her head and face, aud the best
doctors could give no help; but now her
health is excellent." Electric Bitters is
the best blood piuifler known. It's the
supremo remedy forezema, tetter, salt
rheum, ulcers, boils ami running sores
It stimulates- liver, kidneys and bowels,
expels poisons, help digestion, builds
up the strength. Only 50 cts. Sold by
Keeling, druggist. Guaranteed.
Cards for mounting stamp photos for
sale at The Advertiser olllco twenty
fur live cents.
'Call on us for job woik.
It Is the Worst In the World md the)
Prices Are Eatortloa-
In the matter of telephones England
Is probably worBe served thnn any civ
Hired country in tle world, says the
National Review. Switzerland or
Sweden can give her points. A tele
phone monopoly was created, which
has worked badly. Quarrels of all kinds
with the local authorities have arisen
as to way lenves.
1 know a factory six miles from the
Marble Arch which has, owing to this
cause, for yenrs been vainly applying
for the telephone. The other day I
wished to send a message to n friend in
a very busy little town 15 miles from
London. The place did not appear iu
the telephone directory. Yet in
Sweden or Switzerland the smalUat vll
age is on the telephone.
As for the prices charged by the
company, they are extortionate. Par
liament has considered the situation,
but as party government U mainly
concernr A with making laws which are
not wanted and neglecting all that
conduces to rrnl progress, no adequate
mcasure: have been tnken to right the
Their WotU In the Philippines
Ilraet by Many- IlNrilahlpa and
A Kansas man who is with the
United States telegraph corps iu the
Philippines in a lottcr home tells of
the diflicultles which the corps en
counters. Recently two big army
wagons, each drawn by six mules,
were loaded with rubber insulated
wire, a battery and a reel to reel it
out, keeping up with the troops.
The road became so bad they had to
strap the reel on a mule's back and
the rest of the wire on other mules,
leaving the wagon in the mud up to
the hubs.
One mule carried the folding field
telegraph table, with Instruments all
attached. Every few miles they
would stop nnd telegraph back to
Mnnila the progress of tho column.
To do so they would take the table
off the mule, unfold it. cut the wire
from the reel on the other mule,
connect it with the Instruments nnd
do the necessary telegraphing. This
was generally done when the troops
utopped for n few r-fnutr to rest.
A (Mo.) man bought tea
doaaa cloaks at a St, Louis sale, and he
baa given them out to little girl In
Joplln whose parents were unable to
buy thom warm garments to wear to
school. There's a llttlo practical phil
anthropy thut is worthy of emulation.
Tub latest faith cure reported in
Maine is that of a lady who applied a
clothes cleaning preparation to her
face, thinking it was a liniment, and
who said it relieved her neuralgia
flprtnar Repartee.
"You," said the man, "are not so hot.'
The cucumber, thus rudely addressed,
managed to remain cool and replied:
"And you are not so many as you might
Then, to sustain itspremlse,ltdnflled
the man up. Typographical Jol
Advice from the Heart.
Barrow That's n dainty wheel you
have there, old man. HI take a spin on
It some day. By the way, what kind of
a wheel do you think I ought to rid1
Mnrrow One of your own. Brook"
lyn Life.
Till? persons of African descent ia
tho United States are claasifled accord
ing to degrees of colored blood into
6.337.080 blacks, 050,989 mulatto, 10ft,
135 quadroons and 60.P36 octorooaav
Burlington Route Through sleeping
cars to San Francisco.
N changes no delays no chance
of missing connections if you go to
California via Burlington Route. The
Burlington runs through sleeping cars
Omaha, Lincoln and Hastings, to Salt
Lake City and San Francisco, dally.
Dining cars all the way. Library
cars-west of Ocden. Finest scenery in
the world ,
See nearest Burlington ticket agent
or write J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha,
Blank deeds, chattel
leases, otc, for sale at this ofllce.
Otto Korh, Grand Chancellor, K P,
Boonvllle, Ind, says: "DeWItt's Witch
Hazel Salve soothes the most delicate
skin aud heals the most stubborn ulcer
with certain and good results," Cures
piles and skin diseases. Don't buy an
imitution. W W Keeling.
The Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globo Democrat both one year for
only S1.00.
Bellerca That vrltti Snttmnrlnt Itonta
Enemy Coatil Have Kept Him
Out of Mnnlln liny.
Representative Toss, noting chnli
man of the house committee on naval
affairs, has received from Admiral
Dewey a copy of a memorandum pre
pared by that officer's aide, Lieut. H.
H. Caldwell, upon the recent tests of
the Holland submarine torpedo boat.
Admiral Dewey, it Is understood. In
dorsed -tho report of his nlde, who ex
presses tho belief that n determined
enemy, with submarine boots of the
Holland type, could have mndo impos
sible tho occupation of Manila bay by
the admiral's squadron.
Tho expression of opinion mndo by
the admiral was in response to a re
quest from the senate and house
naval committees, which, before de
termining upon the action to take
upon pending bills, desired to learn
the admiral's views.
"I think DeWItt's Little Early Blsers
are the best pills in the world." says W
E Lakt, Happy Creek, Va., They re
move all obstructions of the liver aud
bowels, act quickly auu never gripe. Y
W Keeling
Unnecessary Loss of Timo.
Mr. YY. S. Whedou cashier of the
First National Bank of Wlnterset,
Iowa, iu a recent letter gives Home ex
perlence with acurpenter in his employ
that will beot value toother mechanics.
lie says: "1 had a carpenter working
for me who was ubllged to stop work
for several days on account of being
troubled with diarrhoea. ( mentioned
to him that I had been similarly
troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea iterr.edy had
cared me. He bought a bottle of it
from tkt druggist lieie and Informed
me that one dose cured nlm, and ho is
again at his work.' For sale by Keel
ing J I Carson, Prothonotary, Washing
ton, Pa., says: "I have found Kode-1
Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in
cases ot sttmach trouble and have de
rived benefit from its use.' It
digests what you eat aud cannot fail to
cure, W W Keeling.
Thirteen Cash Prises. $116 for Nebraska
General Passenger Agent Francis of
the Burlington Rout offers 6115 hi
prizes for letters about Nebraska, its
resources, possibilities and opportuni
ties. The letters will be used te encourage
immigration to this state.
This contest is open to all . The
letters should contain between 200 and
1,000 words, and must reach Mr.
Francis at Omaha, by July 1, 11W0.
A circular giving all the conditions
of the contest will be mailed on appli
cation. 4t
trlct Ofllce Manatcrrs In tbla stale to rep
resent rue In tnelr own aud surrounding
counties. Willing to pay yearly 600,paysble
weealy. Desirable emdlnyment with anas
ual oppottunltles. References exchanged.
Enclose anlf.addrMsed stamped envelope,
e. A. Park, 82D Caxton Building. Chicago.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you at.
It artlfclalljdlfwUthe food aad aioj
Vatura la strengthening and racoa
ttrusUaff th exhsuttW digestive or
ana. iththalatestdlscovafeddiffMt-
aat and tonic. Vo other preparation
an approach li In efflclenej. It la
atantlr telle? nnd permanent enree
Pspepsln, Indigestion- Heartburn,
f fatalenoe, Sour Stomacn, Nausea.
il other results oi imperrect aigeeuoa
rf4 by K. C DeWlU Cm., Cfelcane.
For Bale by Keeling, the druggist.
H Clark, Cbauncey, U., nays De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured bin of
piles that had enlisted blm fer twenty
years. It is also a speedy sure for akin
diseases. Beware ot dangerevs ceuters
felts. Keeling,
We can give you reduced rates en
almost any paper published in the
United States.
Our 1m returned if we fall. Anv One aendlnB
ketch and description of anv invention will
firornptty raceiva our opinion free concerning
he patentability of aanie. "Bow to Obtain a
Patent" aent upon request. Patent secured
through i adrcrtlacd for aale at our expense.
ratcnta taken out through us receive special
wac, without charge, in THBPATawTRacoRD,
an Illustrated and widely circulated Journal,
consulted by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send for sample copy PRKI. Address,
f vaat BullaMag. WASHINGTON, f. C.
Painted by Julian Dnprcs.
sky. Thoy gaze in mute astonishment, wondor, awe and admira
tion revealed in their faces and attitudes. It is tho work of a
master hand.
This is reproduced in colors, 22x00 inches, in a marvelous oil
painting effect. You could not buy one for $2.00. We bought
them in ton thousand lots, so can offer it mailed in a tube, postpaid,
with a three months' trial subscription to THE WEEKLY BEE
for 25 cents.
Address Tho Bee Publishing Co, 2072 Farnam St, Omaha
The XTewTork Tribune
and tho
Cheapest Known.
A new and remnrkablv Attractive publtca-
lion, profanely illustrated with portraits and
half'tonea: contains all the strlklnR news
fentureitof the Dally Tribune. Special War
Dispatches, tDomentlo and Korofgn Cbrroa.
pondenoe. Short tUorlcs, Humorous Illustra-
tlous. Industrial Infonnatlon.FaihlonNoloa
Agricultural Matters carefully treated, and
Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and
Market Hcpnrta. It la mailed at samo hour
an the dally edition, reaches a largo propor-
Hon ot subscribers on date or Inane, and enoh
edition Is a thoroughly -tally
newspaper for busy people.
Kegular subscription price,
$1,50 per Year
Wefurnlsh It with Tho Advorttsor for
$1,85 per Year
Send a orders to The Advertiser, Nemaha, Nebraska
The St. Louis
The Great Newspaper
, of the World
Eight Pages
or More
each Tuesday at the Price
and Friday of a Weekly
No other paper gives THE NEWS so promptly, so fully, so accurately. No
ether paper prints bo great a variety of interesting and instructive reading
matter for every member of the family. No other paper Is so good, eo clean, so
CTTOC',OTT5'l!, MAW And get this aterllng Republican Newspaper.
k)UJ3MVttlAJ!j 1NU W this peerless Home Journal, during all of the
Important National Campaign of 1000, and until after the election of the next
President, It is Indispensable to every citizen and ought to be in every house-,
hold. Sample copies free. Address
Hie Globe Printing Co., St. Jjmi Jit
stands at the very front among the
Including bundtfy.
One Year 86.00
Months 3 00
t Months 1 50
Without Sunday.
One Yew 4 00
6 Months 2 00
3 Months 1 00
a.-. .. . . u . -u.i.ik .. m
m. tm aaa azaalaa It at Tour n.ircit fr.tirht dtool
MlkkM IN.N. aad TM aaJUTUT
nuDHd, my HllMllwn wi
ftVMf nuaaar, Mclalflftar frfca
Jin ft gM nl oar wy t'.w.ww
aadfralihtctianrM. Machine welfbsMO pound, u
lht ebanraa.
achMOrollM. SIVI
IIIaHMTNt tlUlla
Soar ova bob, and w will tvtam your lU.Manr dy
iMtflad. W. wil dMtnat kM u nlM .f 8.wUw Bm&I
fl.W,all.aa,aia.M4a.all fully d.wribod la oar
ImUh Catalan, but !. for tbU Mor BUS UIUH
aw itaataal vaJaa avar rod kr any aoaaa.
Mmwmna,imwtmt wkim suialMi ondor au1oaBaml
p., ...tviurtuu
ralaa avar aaTerad k
aa4 U wa was an ralUM.
snMtsnaawaBs wwtmwummwnmm sas-aunnn
aaa urtrr aooiai laraOTBaUlT,
nm mob rourrey itmt ansa
aaipa aicaus bum, with tmi
man or auia.
koat aankara
ifraaa tka kaat
aiek.l uImm.c.
tructlon Book
Kina oi fancy wore.
Ma.ea, aad tsea tf eonvtnead that yon are earlnit
I Sal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV
DOJTT SaUUAT. Ikears, Boebuek ft Co. ara thoroughly rellable.-Edftor.)
iUaVsts, 9EARS, ROEBUCK It CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.
This Masterplecn represent!
a family of peasants in the har
vest field. It is noonday no, a
breath of air is stirring and away
off in the distance where the
villagers are holding their coun
try fair a balloon hangs in th
Published on
For ovor fifty-eight year
a national Family Piptr
lor larmcrfl anu village
aBBB) ' ! A A ttlAfl la .. aMM mm. Mm.-.
1 1 lull lie rcsontcd the very best
nlnnimir nf mir nnnntrv nnrmlnttnn
T. . it j.. JLi. i... mi
It glVCB all important HOWS of thf
nntinn ntiil world tho moat rrtl labia
nation OIIU worm, uiu diuhk roiiaDin
market rOportB, laBClIiatillir Short Hto
. i.nn'Vnnllrtrl Ao-rirmltnro.1 T,
r,0V nn unoxcoiioa Agricultural U9
partmcnt, Bciontiflc and mechanic
.' - .. ' . , ... , r .?
information, Jbaflllion Articles for tilt
wninpn, iiiimnrniw illiiHtratinna fn
"Omen. immorouB niUBiraiiona lor
old and young. It 18 "lho People's
Paper" forTtho entire United States.
Kogular subscription price,
$1.00 per Year
We furnish it with rho Advertiser for
$1.35 per Year
The Great Republican
Paper of Amejica.
Almost Equal
to a Daily
without a rival In all the west, and
few Really Great Newspapers of the
36 to 00 Pages
Ons Year 92 00
Months 1 00
to ni And
.. .. k .--.:- - "I- "
and It imi
job mrm aun Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
Mat as.. BamamamamVavaasaBaBBaasmmammmami
In. araln
I. wlthnaaaala.
aa ara ara aot.
Ma4a kr t
la Aaurlaa.
aaaaartal ammmmw
aowaeoooaras IIIT aam BlaaBIB -a
aaJ - il
cloaad (bead dropping: from atabt) to ba aa a Mter UU, .Uad
ardMk.tba otbaropanwltb full Untftb table and head In placaf.ii
aewlna. 4 r.tra.l.Ut I.M i.Ub.rni. nai-rail.n&'
boaiad and deoorated cabinet flnltb, nickel drawer pullereeta on four
eaiters, adjuiutle treadle, BenulneBraxUi Iron etand. elaert larra Hlea Ira
a.&i. Do.ltlra four notion f ted. aelf thraallnir rlhratlnir ahuttls .ntnniili
bobbin winder, adjtuubl. beartnira, patent tenelon llberator.lmproTod loos
aaju.uDis ur.iiuro tuot, improrea anuttis oam.r, patent neeaie nr,
dreai aoard, k.U I. .e.rUd ut arBa.aU4 aad aeaaUnillr
CUARANTCED UellfkUHraaak. aiaet darakle aaa a.rwt
teau4.. Burr ka.wa la finl and mir Tra. In.
tails uit how anyone can run It and do either plain or any
wiiin- hh wawmaweie lent witnararymacni
it machine.
teMuaetaa)laeUleBaeblae.oompar Itwltb
thoee your itorokee
cu.og-to MQ.00, pay your freight aaaat the 915.BO.
eiie, at t(
1 ' tuititikk" &