The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 15, 1900, Image 4

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    flJV?P'TW?jWT " i JHr v ?l, fa t !T i ' fj1 VTQMnEBBnTanffSS M t ji ' ffjMffKWWIBK ?S rp ..PaajBiBKTyaBTi yly VP 3FWjHrV!ISZuVVVv3RVVRCh' ''iffwBwsclBVISwPiEHWMdHRSEf "
Rofore milking nrrnngemonts for
your ycnr'fl supply of rending mntto
call and got our clubbing rates. The
following aro somo of our comblnn
nutlons: Tho Advortlsor ono year nnd the
.Fnrm Journal until Dec. ill, 1004, for
only $1
Tho Advortlsor nnd St Louis Globe
Democrat both ono year for 81.00
Tho Advertiser nnd tho Chicago In
ter Oconn for 81.40
The Advertiser and either the Toledo
Blade or tho Now York Tribune for
The Advertiser nnd tho Household ,
a homo monthly, for 81.35
The Advertiser nnd the Iowa IIomo
otend, Poultry Farmer and Insurance
Journal all one yenr for $1.85
" trietOrncoMaiuiKTH In this statu to rep
resent ne In ihelr own nnd nrrouixlItiK
counties Willing to pay yinrly $600, puy utile
weoKly. DeMrnlilo omrilnyrnent with mins
unl oppottunltloH. Uofarflncrs exnhntiKiil.
EnolnHofntf.iwMroiiRoil Kinninoil envelope.
8. APark,82nOton IltilluliiK.CIiloiiKo.
Special Offer to Mail Subscribers
Is the greatest newspaper success
of recent years. Six months apo
It was HtartctI; today It has 18,000
circulation In Omaha and suburbs
and leads all Omaha papers,
morning: or evening, In local circu
lation. We want 10,000 out-of-town
subscribers In tho next 30 days and
make this
Unprecedented Offer
to Mail Subscribers
Wo believe that agriculturalists,
merchants, professional und work
ing men In small towns appreciate
a dally paper and no ono who de
sires to keep In touch with what
is going on in tho world at large
need deny himself any longer his
dally newspaper on account of cost.
Send ono dollar for ono year's sub
scription, 75 cents for six months,
60 cents for three months, 25 cents
for ono month, cash In advance.
This special offer Is bona fide and
will bo carried out on our part ab
solutely. Do not fall to subscribe
at once.
is an Independent afternoon news
paper. We print all the news that's
lit to print and print It fearlessly.
Wo admit no fako or obnoxious ad
vertising to our columns. Tho paper
Is clean and up-to-date In every
way. Our market reports are re
ceived by telegraph every day and
are conceded the nest and most re
liable In the state. We havo per
fected our mall arrangements and
all subscribers wilt get tho paper
same day as published.
The Great National
Election Excitement
Is about to begin and every lntellt-
frent man after subscribing for his
ocal weekly should have a first
class dally newspaper containing
mo laicHt
state, gen-
cral and
news. Ho
wants to keep posted on tho
uoer war, tho rnuippino insurrec
tion, tho eastern question and tho
other stirring events that are mak
ing the year 1900 ono to be raomor
able In history. Tho Omaha Dally
News prlnta all the news
and this special otter gives It to
you at lees than one-third the price
of any other daily nowspaper In
the field.
Send $1.00 Today
nnd you will receive Tho Omaha
Dally News every day for a wholo
year, postage prepaid. Do not hesi
tate to accopt this remarkable offer
at once. This advertisement may
not appear again. Address
Circulation Dept. .OMAHA, NEBRASKA.
114 South Ulh Slrest.
irmniMiwiiTTmnYnni iwriiTymn imimm
The Nebraska Advertiser
W. W. SAND BUS, Publisher.
,-,,- I., ,- - -.I.,., ..,.. ,- a,..
Friday, Junk lr, 1000
The Incessant Wlilntlc of Ilullcta la
nt KxiuMly Conducive to
(inml Work.
Many people liuvc Intel ideas of pho
tographing a battle. A photograph of
Modder river would reveal nothing but
a bare Mrctch of veldt with u line of
willowb and poplars In the background.
Not u Boer could he hcen, nnd even our
own men were alinoRt invisible as they
lay there in sand-colored khaki, keeping
illiberal ilvepaecKupart only here und
theru wliete u blight undulation gave a
precarious cover could one see the
khnkl bucks clustered together like u
HWiirm of lociiBtB on tho plain, Bays
Personally, having been fortunate
enough to find u smnll ant-hill for my
head protection, I endeavored to take
a few snapshots with u kodak, not be
cause there wuh anything to take, but
in order to give some idea of the bare
aspect of n modern battlefield, but I
am free to confess that to let go tho
abutter and still keep one's head be
hind an ant-heap proved so difficult an
operation that it was a pure matter of
chance whether I photographed tle
veldt or the Hky.
Tho Inccwmnt whistle of bullcta is
not good for photography, though, cu
riously enough, it encourages sleep.
Many men dozed off that morning un
der the raya of a particularly insistent
Bun, only to be awakened by the
bursting of a big shell or the repeated
reports of a most disagreeable quick
firing gun employed by the enemy with
equal impartiality against our firing
line and our hospital wagons.
All the morning the one cheering
note wa the incessant reports of our
own field pieces and naval guns. Early
in the day the two field battcrieB had
moved round from our extreme right
and came up In tho center just a little
to the cast of the railway and did most
magnificent work.
Has m Promising Ontloolc for tnn
Fat or In the Land a Beyond
the .
The fan-motor is a peculiarly Amer
ican invention. It made its appear
ance upon the scene about 14 years
ago and met with immediate and
hearty approval. During the few
years of its history it has been rapid
ly improved and has now reached n
state of high perfection, says the.
Electrical Review.
Certainly the man who first
thought of making a little breeze
machine was a public benefactor.
Tho amount of discomfort that has
been relieved by the familiar whiz
zing fun is almost incalculable and
there can bo no doubt that it haa
really prolonged and doubtless saved
many lives. It is strange that in
countries where the climate is more
oppressive in the summer months
than It Is even in tho United States
there should not be a more wide
spread use of these fom. The new
eastern possessions of the U,nlted
States and tho vast nrea beyond
should open a large market to Amer
ican manufacturers of suoh goods.
The punkah has been in use in India
from tlmo Immemorial, but Its days
ore certainly numbered if tho silent,
efficient American electric fan ever
becomes fashionable in that country.
Mr. W, A. Illues of Manchester, la.,
writing of hiB almost miraculous escape
from death, says: "Exposure after
measleB induced serious lung trouble
which ended in consumption. I bad
fiequent hemorrhaggsa and coughed
night and day. All mv doclois said 1
must soon die. Then I began ta use
Dr King's New Discovery which wholly
cured mo. Hundreds have used it on
my advice nnd all say it never falls to
nnre throat, chest and lung troubles."
llegular Blze50o and SI. Trial bottles
fiee at Keeling drug store.
WW Keeling guarantees every bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund the money to any one who
Is notsutisfled after using two-thirds of
the contents. This Is the heat remedy
n the world for lagrlppe.coughs.colds,
croup and whoopingcongh and is pleas-
tut and safe to take. It prevents any
tendonoy of a oold to result in pneu
monia MNo family can uffouf to be without
One Minute Cough (hue. It will noon
stop a cough and cure a cold quir-kor
than any othei medicine,' writes O W
Williams. Steiliug Run, Pa. It, chips
oiuup, hioiichitlH and all throat and
l"ti trouble and pievenU consumption
F.easantuud hainile.. W V Keuliur-,
All our farmer readers should take
advantage of tho unprecedented club
bing offer we this year make, which
includes with tills paper Tho Iowa
Homestead, Its Spcclnl Farmers' Insti
tute editions, Tho Poultry Parmer, and
The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Jour
nal, These four publications aro the
heal of their class und should bo in
every farm home. To them wo add
for local, county and general news our
own paper und tnako tho price tor tho
live for ono year $l.:J."i., Never befoie.
was so much superior roadiug matter
offered for so small an amount of
money. Tho four papers named which
we club with our own are well known
throughout tho west and commend
themselves to tho reader's favornblo
attention upon mere mention. The
Homestead is the great agricultural
and live Btock paper of the west. The
Poultry Farmer is tho most practical
poultry paper for the farmer published
In the country; The Farmers' Mutual
nsuranco Journal is tho special advo
cate of farmerB co-operative assocla
tions, nnd tho Special Farmers' Insti
tute editions nre the most practical
publications for the promotion of good
farming over published. Take advant
nge of this great offer.
Do You Have Fifty Dents?
If you have, will tell you how to get
the most for your money. Tho Semi
Weekly State Journal, published at
Lincoln, wants several thousand new
subset ibcrs nnd ns a special Inducement
will mail the paper twice a week irom
now until the end of this year for onlv
60 cent?. Two papers each week with
all t e news of the world, thtough the
great presidential campaign and the
campaign in this state for two United
mates senators and tho state ticket
Never in your life have you been offer
ed so much reading matter for 50 cents.
Send In your money right now, because
the sooner you send it in the mote ph
pera you get for your money. Address.
Nebrabka State Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
Is often hidden by unsightly pimples,
ezema, tetter, erysipelas, salt iheum.
etc. Huckleu's Arnica Salve will glorify
the face by curing all skin eruptions,
nlbo outs, bruises, bums, boils, felons,
ulcers and worst forms ot piles. Only
25 cts a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by Keeling, druggist.
A Good Oough Medicine,
It speaks well for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy when druggists ubo it
in their own families in preference to
anyothor. "I have sold Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for tho post
five years with complete satisfaction
to myself and customers, " says Dru.-.
gist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y.
"I have always used it in my own
family both for ordinary coughs and
colds and for tho coughs following
la grippe, and find it very efficacious''
For sale by Keeling.
Call In and see us if you want
subscribe for any paper published in
the United States.
Farm Journal, 5 years (1000 1001
1902, 1003 and 1004), to every eubscrib
er who will pay one year in advance
to The Advertiser; both papers forSl
No better paper than the Farm Jour
nal This offer is made to you.
' 4 ii
V e can give you reduced rates on
almost any paper published in the
United States.
The Way to go to California
in In a tourist sleeper, personally con-
ducted.vla the Uurllugt'on Route. You
don't change ears. You make fast
time You see tho linest scenery on
the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fur
nished UB a palace sleeper but it is just
as clean, just as comfortable, just as
good to ride in and nearly 820 cheap
er. It has wide vestibules: 'Pintsch
gas high back seats; a uuiformed Pull
man porter; clean bedding; spacious
toilet rooms; tables and a heating
range. Being strongly and heavily
built, it rides smoothly; it is warm in
winter nnd cool In summer.
In olmrgo of each excursion party is
au experienced excursion conductor
Who accompanies it right through to
Los Angules.
Cars leave Omaha, StJoaoph.Lincoln
and Hastings every Thursday, arriving
tap Francisco following Sunday, Los
Angeles Monday. Only three days
fiom the Missouri river to the Pacific
Coast, inoludinu a otnpover of 1 H hours
nt Denver and 1 hours at Salt Lake
City two of the most interesting cities
on the continent.
For folder giving full information
pall at any Burlington Houtetloket of
fiee or write to .1. FrancK Gen'I Pas
senger Agent, Omaha, Neb, 22t27
Of Wash Coods and
Summe? Dress Fabrics
at 35 to 50 per cent re
duction from regular
prices untill July lt.
A more pleasant or popularly ap
pointed suite of office rooms than those
occupied by Dr. W. I. Seymour and W.
Calvert Cox cannot be found in the
city of Lincoln. Tho picture here
with given is a likeness of the perinn-
Western IIcadQunrtcra of l)r. W. .
nent western headquarters, 1219 K
street, Lincoln, Neb., in which the
offion rooms are located, just a few
minutes walk from the business por
tion of the city, and street cars from
the depots run within a half block of
It, thus allowing out-of-town natrons
easyacoess to an institution that is1
making Lincoln famous, on account of
the ability displayed by Drs. Seymour
and Cox, and their marvelous buccess
Railroad Fare Paid to accepted
miles of Lincoln.
mci jim ryxurjtr 1 1
Hn the treatment of the eve, ear, nose
aau tnroat. The arrangement' of their
offices ib typical in that every con
venience for their patrons has not
been neglected. Hundreds of patrons
visit this popular place d.vily and ev-
cf-mnaii, tho Noted Ky HpecUlUt.
ory patient receives the personal atten
tion of the doctor. It makes no differ
ence how your eyes are affected or
what the condition of your ear, noMj
or throat,,thesc masters of science can
perfect a cure if the case is at all
curable. They will toll von beforo
taking your case if you consult them
V) rite to them outliulng your disabili
ties. Kemember the address, 1210 K
street, Lincoln, Neb.
patients living within a"
radius of 150
has been ndded to the wall
known Hospa
I'JM ilil' L'M.LIJ.I.1,1
TEMSl S25 CASH. S9ft month iy
With Stool and Scarf.
write For Particulars.
'"" ,. i i, miiiii i,,n ii
t ..