The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 15, 1900, Image 1

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Local News
NhiuhIik will celebrate the Fourth.
See Hill & Keeling for lire insurance
See W. W. Harris of South Auburn
for Olothinc.
We hud a (rood tain Tuesday. Il
"vat badly needed.
Joe Flack's condition ifl very serious
ami his leeuverv is doubtful.
IS P. lull K st Lincoln. Neb.
II. I), b'ttha went to L'eru Inst Sut
urduy and visited bin slater until Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs J. F. Bennett viBited
Ihelr Hon Ilntitiey at Auburn Moudny
and Tuesday.
E. I). Rower- of Auburn was Blink
ing hand with Nemaha friends Mon
day morning
Cyrus Minick viaited hia brothers,
Ocar and Charlie, at Hntcken Tuesday
ami eduesday.
L'rof. V. D. SteutvlUe, the princi
pal of our echoola next year, was in
Nemaha Monday.
Mr. and Mib. IlHiiuey Bennett of
Auburn vlttitt-d with Mr. lieifnett's
patents last Sunday.
Henry Clink hiought in some fine
new iHiuiiwrs Satutday and donated
them to tin editoi'a wife.
Miss Dora M irtoo went to Auburn
Tuesday to atlutid I lie meeting of the
teacher's a-soeialiou.
Mm Swaitz of St. Joseph, Mo., and
ami Mis. Ci ill' were the guests of Mrs
Kemp hoi no Sunday.
Mr and Mis. John A. Iliatt drove
to ttien old home in Iowa laat' Satur
day, returning Tuesday.
Theio U a great demand for cherrlea
now and the Titus nursery is unable
to fill all orderB received.
Prof Frank L. MoNown came down
f i oin l'eru lat(t Saturday ami viaited
Nemaha friends until Monday.
Miss Nellie Srndera viaited her cous
ins, Miss Roxie and Hazel L'arker, at
Auburn Tuesday and Wednesday.
Try Anderson's Uood Luck Hour. $1
a sack. A Houvenier with every three.
sacks. At Anderson & Browu'a.
G. N. TitUB started for Chicago
Tuesday to attend a meeting of the
national nurserymen's association.
John A. lliutt moved h's harness
shop into the Kerker & Hoover build
ing next to the meat market Wednes
day. Mioses Meilinger and Florence Min
ick and Mabel Barker are attending
the teachers association at Auburn this
Elmer Farnsworth, who has been
assisting in the lumber yard for a few
davs, started -for Sioux City; Iowa,
A. V. Farsoh sr.. who has been vis
iting his son Von Parson for two or
three days, returned homo the first of
this week.
The social given at the Minick hall
last Satuiday night by class No. 7 was
a success, anq S10 was paid to Rev. J
M. Darby.
E. E.Wood & Co. of Auburn have a
large stock of clothing, huts, etc.
which they are closing out regardless
of price or value. 1'rlcerf way down,
Mrs. Kempthorne has been encaged
to teach the Maple Grove school the
ensuing term. Il is the same district
in which she taught last yuan
The best paint in the world, (The
Shurwin and Williams) one dollar and
fifty cents per gallon at Koellng's
drug store. ,
See Keellng's now stock of wallpaper.
S. Coopor soIIb Page's Woven Wire
fence bes fence on earth
For the best assortment of Dry
Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight
Store of South Auburn; W. W. HarrlB
Mr.. Garretaon who lived in Nema
ha for several months died at the resi
dence in Brown vlllu Monday. The
funeral services wore held Tuesday.
lit H. Carman, ex-county superin
tendent, and Miss Car-iie Leech, deputy
postmistress of Auburn, were married
in Omaha Wednesday of last week.
Keep out tbe files by putting up
screen doors and screen wire to the
windows. We sell them.
EmVAUUS & BUADKOItl) Lumiiek Co.,
NemaliH, Neb.
The Methodist Sunday school will
give the children's day service one
weeek from next Sunday night. It
will take the place of the regular ser
vice. Wm. Young, of liockport, Mo., was
in town Tuesday soliciting orders'
from our merchants for calendars for
next year. He took a number of
S. K. Auderdon has bought the cor
ner lot north of AndeJ$on & Brown's
store room the Banks lot which H. C.
Morton bought in at tho sale of the
If you are troubled with deafness,
arrange with I)r Seymour and Cox fr
treatment. They are very successful
in the treatment of the eyes, ears, nose
and throat.
Attention Woodmen of the World:
You are requested to meet at the hall
next Wednesday night without fail as
there ia some special buaineaa to
The safe at the B & M depot at
Brownvllle was blown, open Friday
night of last week, but the thieves got
ouly 14 eents for their trouble. ' The
aafe door is a total wreck.
Daniel D. Davis of South Aspinwall
precinct was in town Tuesday and
took the train for Auburn to see the
county commissioners about some
bridge repairs near the county.
Wall Paper!
Keeling'a drug store has just received
a hundsome line of wall paper latost
styles and handsome ones too. Prices
very reasonable.
Dr. Ed Keeling and sou Ray of
Virgiana, Indiana, arrived in Nemaha
last Saturday on a visit to hia parents,
Dr. and Mrs, W. V. Keeling They
went to Omaha Thursday morning.
Mrs. W. W. Keeling went with them
to Omaha.
invites tho continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. The
patrons may be assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
Btock. Also latest pattemn in
A'gn Btock of
In handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
If you want anything in our lino call
and see, us. Prices r'ght
Lester Peabody, an old railroad man
who ran Into this city for six or eight
years and who Is now farming in
Nemaha cjwuty, is here on a visit
with James Napier. Nobraska City
Mr. Marvin Nelson, who is on -his
way homo to Niobrara from tho Kear
ney military school where ho gmduaU
ed a short lime ago, was visiting at
tho homo of John Kompthorne Sunday
and Monday,
Marshall Pryor, Ed Moore and Tom
Iliatt wore courting nt Auburn Inst
week, gottlng home Monday. All
there were on the case of Grace Mc
Grew as Peru. Tno jury disagreed.
This 1b tho fourth trial of this case.
Grandma Cuip foil down a bank
Monday near where her daughter, Mrs.
Yatea lives, and was seriously injured,
hor hip being badly brulBed and
wrenched. As she Is over 00 years of
age her Injuries are serious and it will
probably be a long time before she rev
co vera.
A fellow who killed a cow belong
ing to Frank Gerlaw a fow months
ago and was a short time ago arrested
in Iowa, was convicted and sentenced
to five years in the penitentiary. This
is the sumo fellow who was here with
a woman or two and put up a tent
near the B & M water tank, and had
the tent burn up.
Undo Samuel Allen died nt his farm
five miles southwest of Nemaha laat
Saturday and was buried Sunday.
Uncle Sam was well known and highly
respected, a man or strict integrity and
strong in his convictions, He has
been an invalid for many months, hav
ing had a stroke of paralysis last sum
mer. The third annual quarterly meeting
for the Brownvllle, Nemaha and Beth
el circuit, M. E. church, will be held
at Bethel Sunday, June 24th. Preach
ing nt ln:80 a. m. by the paatoi, Rev.
J. M. Darby, and at 3 p. in. and 8
o'clock by the presiding elder, Dr. P.
VanFleet, Quarterly conference at 10
o'clock Monday morning.
Dr. I. H. Dillon, coroner, and Dep
uty Sheriff Hughes of Auburn were In
town last Saturday. They had been to
Hillsdale to hold an inquest on the
body of tbe Meredith boy who was
drowned at Nebraska City about two
weeks ago before and whose body was
found in theiver near Hillsdale Fri
day of lastreek.
A quievllttle wedding took place at
the heme of W. E. Stokes of Auburn
Thursday morning at 8 o'clock when
Mr. C. Shuck of Nemaha and Mrs. R.
A. Cuppwere united by Rev. Stine.
The bride was dressed in silk with
ceiffon trimmings. The greom wore
the customary black. A nice little
breakfast was served , and tbe happy
pair departed at once on a wedding
tour to western points and will be
absent a month. On their return they
will make their horns In Auburn,
We extend best wishes to Mr. and
Mrs. Shuck.
W W Mayhew, Merton, Wis., says,
"I consider One Minute Cough Cure a
most wonderful medicine, quick and
safe." It is the only harmless temedy
that gives immediate results. It cures
coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe,
whooping cough, pnoumunia and all
throat and lung diseases. Its early use
prevents eonsnmution. Children always
like it and mothers endorse it. W W
Cleanse tho liver, purify the blood,
invigorate the body by using DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. Thsse famous lit"
tie pills always aet promptly. W W
Farm Journal, 5 years (1000 1001
1002, 1903 and 1004), to every subscrib
er who will pay one year in advance
to The Advertiser; botli papers forSl
No bettor paper than the Farm Jour
nal. This oiler is made to you.
Call on ub for job work.
Mnko your preparations to celebrate
in Nemaha.
Wo hnd n fino rain TuoBday just
what was needed.
Henry Williams was up from Shu
hert Wednesday.
Croquet sots for sale by tho Edwarda
& Bradford Lumber Co.
Mr. and Mrs, A. R. McCandlcss and
children drove out to Aubuon Thurs
day. .
A good line of hummocks Just re
ceived by the Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co.
Mrs. Brooks, who hau been visiting
her daughter Mrs.. Eavlo Gilbert for
several weeks went to Douglas Friday.
The editor is busy taking the census
this week and therefore has devoted
.very little time to tho paper. If it is
better than usual givo ciedit to the as
sistants. Gilbert & McCandlesH have put in a
print rack which saves them much
time in showing prints, dtess goods,
etc , and keeps theso goods in better
shape. It is very convenient.
V.P. Peabody is building a good
sized addition to his residence on the
farm southwest of Nemaha. Ho sayfl
he can afford to under the prosperous
reign of McKinley and the republican
Lucy E. Dodgo of Salem will lec
ture on temperance at the Methodist
church Thursday and Friday nights of
next week. Friday afternoon alio
will hold a meeting with the children.
Admission free. collection will he
taken each evening to defray exponses.
Everybody 1b invited,
Having sold the general merchan
dise stock belonging to the S. Gilbert
estate, I wish to settle up all the busi
ness of the estate as quickly as possi
ble, and would ask all owing accounts
to call and settle by cash or note. All
notes and accounts will be in tho office
of Gilbert & McCandless and can be
settled there at any time.
Rosk Giliieiit, Admx.
The Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
only 31.00.
settings for sale at CO cents per setting.
John Hi ait.
24 Photos for 25 cents.
For a short time oniy I will make
24 stamps for 25 cents.
E. W. Agnew,
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Flour for sale
nt the Keeling building.
Cobs for Bale. Call at tho feed store.
Before making arrangements for
your year's supply of reading matte
call and get our clubbing rates. The
following aro somo of our combinn
nations: '
Tho Advertiser one year and the
Farm Journal until Dec. 31, 1004, for
only $1
The Advertiser and St Louis Glob0
Democrat botli one year, for 31.(10
The Advertiser and the Chicago In
ter Ocean for 31.40
The Advertiser and either the Toledo
Blude or the New York Tribune for
Tho Advertiser and tho HouBehold,
a home monthly, for 31.35
The Advertiser and the Iowa Home
stead, Poultry Farmer and Insurance
Journal all oiib year for SI. 35
Notary i - : Public
Futuro Conventions.
Republican national convention,
Philadelphia, June 10th.
Democratic national convention,
Kansas City, July 4th.
Nebraska democratic convention,
Lincoln, July nth.
Nebraska populist convention. Lin
coln, July 1 1 Hi.
Sllvor republican national conven
tion, Kansas City, July 4th.
Sliver republican state convention,
Lincoln, July llth.
Fusion congressional conventions,
Fifth district, Iloldrcgo, August 22d
Populist, democratic and silver re
publican conventloiiB, Adams county,
Hastings, Saturday, June 3nth .
Call in and see us if you want
subscribe for any paper published In
the United States.
AuiiuitN, Neb., June 18. A Bin all
tornado crossed tfals county yesterday
evening about ft p. m so far as known,
only touching the ground twice. It
pitBsed from the southwest to the
northeast, near the town ef Jehnaon,
this county, removing n building from
the foundation, and seriously damag
ing it. It again struok the ground six
miles north of this olty in a Ueld, do
ing no damage. Heavy rains fell over
tieurly all this county yesterday.
The committee on stand rights for
the 4th of July celebration at Stella
will bo on tho grounds if mile south
of Stella, Nob., on Tuesday, Juno 10,
for tbe purpose of letting stand and
other rights for the 4 Hi of July.
A E Camulin, Chairman..
Cards for mountlngstamp photos for
sale at The Advertiser olllco twenty
for five cente.
Farm Journal is tho.bldest form
monthly published. But it ia not old
and moss grown: It is. bristling and
brimming over with good things. You
should know It. Here's a chance.
Pay up your subscription to the Ads
vertlser one year ahead, and we will
send It nearly five years, the remainder
of 1000, and all of 1001, 1002, 1003 and
004; both papers at the price of one.
Blank deeds, chattel mortgages, farm
leases, etc., for sale at this office.
Mow down the weeks. We have the
scythes to do it with.
We will send The Advertiser for one
year and the Farm Journal until Jan.
1st, 1005, for only $1, if paid In ad
vauce. This offer applies to both old
and new subscribers.
Destroying its victim, is a type of
constipation. Tbe power of this main
ady 1b felt on organs, nerves, muscles
and brain. But Dr. Ring's New Life
Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best
in the world for stomach, liver, kidneys
and bowels. Only 25 ceuta, at Keelfiig.'3
drug store.
Insure your farm and town property
with Farmers and Merchants Iubui-i
anco Co. of Lincoln. F II. D. Hunt
Agent, Netnuha. Neb.
Tako the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the olty. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, pronrietor.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Hroeilor of
Thoroughbred Poland China
- ?flBr ji