The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 01, 1900, Image 6

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IV. W. HANI)i:itS I'tilillilicr.
A V-tirii of Vul-rloo.
John W. UMIon, who died recently
at Wcyssiouth, Muhs., in IiIh ninety
eighth your, was u veteran of the bat
tle of Waterloo, and, ho f:ir an known,
tho only one. in thin country.
i:iitomlul IS I)y Without I'miil.
1'ossr niinerH ver entombed for 12
diiyn in the MntHiiyiiHU colliery in .Fa
pan lately. They did without food
nil the time, and for most of the time
without light, and weru none the
WMi'nu when slug out.
Nclil.ty Not for Arbitration.
Admiral Schley bcllcvcH in war.
"Arbitration," he wild recently, "Is the
fad of the moment, but war, though
it cmlnngci'H buidncKH for the time,
gives n utrong and hardy race moBt
likely to endure."
Appimr I'ltrilul to llm linltittlou.
Oleomargarine, according to data
rent to eongrcHH by Secretary (Inge,
is III) per cent, lard, with less than
one per cent, of genuine butter. Yet
6.'l,00(),000 pounds of tho compound
wens Hold IiiBt year.
Atiottntr I'muta Iimo Avry.
ThomuH Muncey lived 00 yeans and
never haw a railroad train, never
Hinoked, chewed tobacco or drank
liquor, lie died last week at his
liome in Little Crrek, N. J. A widow,
eight children, 25 grandchildren, 17
great-gi-andchlldren, and one great-great-grandchild
Kurriro him.
I'rntildont mill Mllltr Tltli.
Twclrc of our presidents had mili
tary titles won on battlefields. Wash
ington and Grant vrcro commanding
generals of th American army;
.lacltKon, Willini 11. Harrison, Tay
lor and Garfield, major generals;
Pierce, Hayes nnd llenjamin Harrison,
brigadier generals; Mourou and Me
Kinley, majorn; Lincoln, a captain.
rMrn Tw Vlctrlw Crnmi-.
Nineteen yearn ago Lord Koberts
iccelved the thanks of both houses
of parliament for hl.i march from
Cabul to ICnsiduhar. Hb I tho only
man living entitled to wear two Vic
toria crosses, His own he wears on
Ills left brcat, but the cross earned
by his son he in not only allowed but
commanded to wear on tho opposite
Fiivor Klctlon hy Dlrnot Voir.
l'oUowing is n list of the. states
which by action of thoir legislatures
have approved election of senators hy
the people: Nevada, Utuh, Washlsig
ton, Wisconsin, Wyotniug, North Car
olissa, Montana, Arkansas, Idaho, Cal
ifornia, Colorado, IMoridn, Indiana,
Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
LotsiHiann, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis
sissippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire,
North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon and
ItociKoTrll nail Ylffi-llfiti-r.
Gov. Hoosevelt being in favor of the
whipping post for wife-beat ers. a
movement is oss foot iss New York
state for the passage of legislation
authorizing such punishnsesst. Years
ago Mr. Uoosuvelt, when a sssesnber of
the legislature, introduced a bill with
this object in view, but it was de
feated. The feeling in favor of such
n measure Is strossger ssow ussd with
tho governor's aid a whlpplssg post
bill might be passed.
ISUIiop Tavlor' Kvantfat (Iitrror.
Hishop William Taylor, who is now
on the Kupcraunuated list of the
Methodist Episcopal church, has had
n snost eventful career. Previous to
his retiressiont frosn active life foisr
years ago he had preached continu
ously for 511 years. He began sss a
Btrcet preacher iss California assd then
weut to work in foreign snisslosss.
Ho has worked iss Africa, Australia,
India, South Asnerica, Asia, assd in
most of the islands of the south Pa
clllc. "Tlio Hook of tlm Ontury"
The. New York Observer makes Vol
taire's prediction that the oisd of tho
nineteenth century would see the
Hiblo forgotten the text of an article
tVVhow how, on the contrary, "it has
never been remembered more care
fully than it is to-day; it has never
been circulated 'more widely, nor has
it wielded so potent nn influence as in
tho century ssbout to close, lssstead
of being forgotten or osit of date, it
has been and it is preeminently tho
book of tho century."
I.lvi'H to ITpHnt All ThnnrloH.
Married snesi are said to live longer
than bachelors, while it 1h generally
admitted that mess who use tobacco
nhd liquor have a greatly diminished
chance of life. Now comes Noah
Haby, 128 years old, of New .lei'sey,
to upset and laugh at all tho theories.
Ho lias smoked nnd chewed tobacco
for considerably snore tlsass 100 years.
Ho has been a regular, though moder
ate, .drinker of whisky for nearly ns
long a time, ho has never been mar
ried, and ho has been a farm laborer
nil his life.
Tlitrn ISuiliiFM Hnlon Held Vritnrdujr
'I lin Ti'iiipnntiici Uunitlon unci the
Ititu on Ainuiaiiimit.
Chicago, .May 20. -With three busb
new sessions yesterday the quadren
nial conference of the .Methodist Epis
copal church, which for a month past
has been Kitting here, considering
great questions si flcaling tho welfare
of that denomination, practically came
to a close. The actual adjournment
does not take place until to-day, but
to-day's session was expected to be
but Utile snore than a formality and
mnssy of the delegates left for their
homes last slight. Much Important
business was transacted yesterday, In
eluding the settlement of two of the
most interesting (luestlons brought
before the conference- tho reports of
the committee on temperance and the
committee 01s the state of the ehssrch
In regard to the ban on cni'd-pluyisig,
theater-going, dancing and other
asntisements. A strong political color
was given the discussion on the tem
perance spies) ion by the. bitter ar
rnigsiiuent of President MeKisiley be
cause of his attitude :, the unti-enn-teen
law, but after some decidedly
warns debate, the conference refused
to criticise the attitude of the chief
mngints'sitc by strikisig out by an ovcr
whelmlng vote all referessee to any
action on his part or that of Attorney
(icsicrnl Griggs. The minority report
on amusements, accepted Saturday,
was, to the surprise of nsasiy, laid oss
the table, which action leaves tho
paragraph iss the book of discipline ex
actly as it was before, the question was
The afternoon and slight sessions
were devoted to hearing reports from
committees oss business heretofore
crowded out.
Olxarvrr rnrtutiatn In .iittithorn HaatUn
of Country Til l'liotogruplilu Dtw
OutBluail by Ilia Slutl..
Washington, May 20. Advices re
ceived at the naval observatory from
its agents iss various points lis the
south hIsow that favorable weather
prevailed for observing the sun's
eclipse yesterday, that the cosstact oc
curred very close to schedule tissse and
that the prognusime arrasiged was
carried out without a hitch. Three
parties were sesit out frosss the ob
servatory, viz.: one to l'tnehurst, N.
C, in charge of Prof. Aaross N. Skin
ner; osie to Ilarnesvllle, Gn., in charge
of Prof. Milton UpdcgralT, ussd one
to Gritliu, Ga., In charge of Prof. Stini
son .1. Brown.
lis Washissgton the weather was
slightly cloudy, which somewhat
marred the opportunities for getting
a satisfactory observation of the
eclipse. The eclipse arrived just a
few seconds ahead of schedule time,
but tho irreguli .'ity was so slight
that ass ordiisnry observer could not
have discerned it. The trained star
gazers clains that the coistae.t came
from five to eight seconds before it
was due, but the dilliculty of telling
just when the actual cosstact began
was so great because of a cloud which
passed that evess they cannot quite
agree among themselves. They do
agree, however, that it was one of
the snost resunrkablo predict iosss in
the history of astronomy, it being
doubtful if ever before the time of tho
arrival of ass eclipse was so accurately
announced Iss advance.
Unotllelnl reports which have
reached Washington indicate that Use
eclipse was visible to a gs-eater or
less degree iss its ontlre path of to
tality. Particularly fortusiate were
the observers in the southern section
of the. country where the weather
seemed to lie unusually favorable for
securing the photographic data which
the scientists were so anxious to ob
Now KnglunU ltr,ulUnim Conllilont llm
Secretary of llm Navy Will Sorura Sac-
ouil l'luea on Ilia TlckL
Washissgton, May 29. As a result
of a canvass of the republican sia
tioual sub-committee it appears rea
jonably certain that tho vice presi
dency Is not yet settled upon. It
Is believed the elisninatlon of lloose
volt and Woodruff has been nsado
fissal tho governor because ho will
not take it, assd the lieutenant gov
srnor because lie will not bo permitted
to take it. .loo Mauley and other
New England men say it bus bceis set
tled that Secretnry Long is to bo tho
nominee for second place, and as wich
Is to have a working nucleus of 7t)
.lelegates frosss New Ksigland, with 73
frosn New York, 01 frosn Pennsylvania
Hssd 20 frosst Now Jersey, or a total
3f 234 to start with.
lludHon ltntlrnN from tlinlopnlcu Cnpltnl.
Topeku, Kim., May 20. Gen. J. K.
Hudson, who has been editor of the
Capital for the mast year, and his soss-lis-law,
Dell Kelser, who has been busi
ness manager of the paper 1(5 years,
retired yesterday, the stock held by
Ms-. Keiser, beliig purchased by
Messffl. Popenoe, llabi.o and Chase,
tho other stockholders. It sk under
stood that there has been some fric
tion of late between Hudson and tho
majority stockholders.
Loril Kolinrtn Hitltl to lln Within I'
Mnrult to tin, City 'llm Hour Am
1'hiiIii Strlrkuu.
London, May 20. Lord Huberts Is
now within a day's inarch of Jolsass
sscsburg and Gen. French anil Gen. lass
Hamilton fought the Hoers frosn noon
until evening Monday, with what re
sult Is ssot known here.
II. .1. Whlghnsss, isi a dispatch to the
Daily Mail, dated May 2S, says: "The
demoralization of the Trasr.vnal is re
sssarkable. Panic and confusion pre
vails everywhere. Kvcryosiu Is weary
of the war and full of fear as to the
coming of the llritish. Operations
were being carried on for encircling
Pretoria with telegraphic communi
cations. Fourteen points in the line
of defenses were connected witls hcud-
quurtei-s and witls the Staats artillery,
but this apparently was the only de
fensive sneasure adopted. 1'hero were
sio other visible preps stations.
l.xHt. DUpulrli from I oril lSolrt-
Loudon, May 2!).- The war otllce,
just before midnight, published the
following dispatch from Lord ltob
erts: "Klip Kiver, Trasssvaal, May 23. We
snarched 20 sssiles to-day ussd are now
18 miles from .lohasuieHburg. The
cnessiy had prepared several positions
where they intended to oppose us, but
they abandoned one after the other as
we sictired tlscsss. We pressed them
so hard that they had only just time
to get their live gusss into train ami
to leave as soon as sosssu of the in
fantry dashed issto it. French's asid
Inn Hamilton's forces are apparently
engaged with the. enemy about ten
miles to our left, as tiring lias been
heard since noon. II. J. Whighnm
has just returned to I.ourcno Mar
ques from Pretoria, where he went
disguised. He wires that Kruger has
all the arrangements made for tlight,
presusnnbly to llollusid. .A special
train, provisioned, is always ready,
with steam up. The train waits some
distance frosss Pretoria. The farmers
siear our line of advance, are surren
derisig with their arms and horses."
Itruuiir'p. Wiirnlnc
London, May 20. The Morning Post
has the following dispatch from Lou
renzo Marques, dated Monday: "Pres
ident Kruger has issued a public proc
lamation warning all people to leave
.Johannesburg or to rcsssain these at
the peril of their lives, as it might
become necessary to destroy the towss
and the sssisics.
Slntn Sritlii Iimptn'tor Sitjn Kiuiftutl Will
Tliln Y.Mir IIurvit H.'.ODO.OUO lSmhrln
of WlH'tit buiunnr County's ItacoriL
Topeku, Kan., May 29. State Grain
Inspector, who has just re
turned frosn the Kansas wheat belt,
says the state will harvest Sii.OOO.OOO
bushels of wheat, and that harvesting
will begin in southern Kansas by June
12. Nothing can occur isow to injure
the crop, except destructive storms,
as the earth has been regularly
soaked with timely rains. Inspector
McKenzie and grain men say the
greatest danger threatened is a dearth
of laboring men to harvest the greut
crop of wheat. Sumner county alone,
which has an acreage of of 294,000,
will have to import at least 1,000 men
to assist in saving the crop. The same
condition exists iss 20 other counties.
Where the 20,000 extra men will come
frosn necessary to save all the Kansas
wheat the farmers do ssot know, but
they dcclas-e such nusssber will be
needed. It is stated that about 2,000
harvesters will cosne frosn Oklahoma,
following the harvesting season north
as it progresses.
Union r.nlnir It Uiuiiilnioitly In Fuvnr ol
tlin Kulr lllll No MuntliiK of Krpre-
Huntiitlvo Ttxpuyrrn ilnld.
Washington. May 2S. Ex-Gov.
Francis, of (Missouri, who is at the
head of the St. Louis fair delegation
in Washington, received the follow
ing telegrassi betsrsssg isposi tho tele
grams received by Speaker Heisdcrson
on Thursday protestisig ugaissst the
passage of tho fair bill: "No repre
sentative meeting of taxpayers was
hold to oppose world's fisir. On tho
contrary, tho taxpayers have sub
scribed upwards of $4,000,000. Thirty
thousand union workingmen have sub
scribed sspwards of $200,000. .Organ
ized labor is unanimously in favor of
tlio fair. Henry lllakcnsore, president
building trades council.'
Wontnn nn Knpulillciiii DolacitSrx
Philadelphia, May 29. Ass interest"
ing feature of the coming convention
has been announced. Women are to
got seats as delegates for tho first
tssne isi tho history of tho party. The
women who will be admitted are Mrs.
W. H. .Tones, of Salt Lake City, and
Mrs. .1. 11, West, of Lewiston, Ida
They have been elected as alternates-nt-large
and their credentials are in
proper form.
.Mii'lcun Dlvll (".oviTiimuiit Mill l'listi-d.
Washington, .May 29. Yesterday
was 11 dull day in the house consider
ing the near approach of the Until ad
journment. Tho Alaskan civil gov
ernment bill was passed and sonic
odds and ends of legislation weru
clcusscd up.
Hold Holdup of n I'ulliiinii Hlrrplug Cl
Attached to it MURoiirl I'aolllo Train
Nnr Vrrdon, Neb
Omaha, Neb., Muy 29.- One Pullsuan
cur oss the Mlssossrl Pacific express
from St. Louis and Kansas City, due
here at G: 15 o'clock Monday morning,
was robbed between Version nnd Stel
la by one masi about three o'clock
Ihls morning. The robber forced tho
conductor to go through the car
ahead of him and to draw back the
Lections of each berth. A traveling
snass frosss Kunsas City, A. .7. Fred
crick, resisted and the robber shot
sit hlsss, tho bullet gra.isig Freder
ick's head asid imbedding itself in tho
window frame. Then Frederick gave
up Ills money assd a gold watch.
.lassies W. Orr, general attorney of
the Missouri Pacific railway at Atchi
rosi, gave the robber .$10 asid gently
explained that his pass book was of
no ssse to anyone except himself. Tho
robber therefore allowed him to re
tain it. In addition to the passes it
?ontained !?(() isi currency, a fact which
Mr. Orr forgot to tell the highvvny
ssstsss. A. S. Sprugue, traveling audi
tor of tho Misouri Pacific, was not so
fortunate, as tin robber took his
pocketbook, containing passes and
about $10 in cash.
Oca. Wood Karrlvu4 11 Satisfactory Itnport
from Ilia Auditors on tho Trrntuty
utid Cu.Ioiik Dapurtitiant.
Havana, May 29. Gen. Wood re
ceived yesterduy a report from the
auditors who have, been investigating
the treasury and the customs depart
ments. The auditors say that thev
have not finished their work, but be
lieve that everything so far as they
have gone is satisfactory. At all
events the method of keeping the
books is perfect and docs siot present
any diiuculty to the cxainiiscr. Tho
auditors are not Havana employes,
but have been brought especially frosn
the Ussited States because of their rec
ords as experts. Although the inves
tigation has not been completed much
gratification is felt by the otlicials at
the provisional report.
It is now believed that scandal docs
not touch assy other branch of tho
service thnss the postal.
The postal department investiga
tion is proceeding. Reeves, as soon
as his services are no losiger respsired,
will be removed to jail or placed issi
der bail. This may take place alissost
Itcpnrt to tlia NiUlonul Convention ut De
troit Show Wonderful l'roem Hut
llt'en Mnili In lIvKtltem I.uikN.
Detroit. Mich., May 20. Foreign
missionaries arc having the floor dur
ing the closing two days' session of
the Haptist Missionas'y asinivcrsary.
The twenty-eighth nnnual reports
submitted by the American Ikiptist
Missionary union showed that the
isssiosi has to-day isi foreign countries
472 American missionaries, 3.4SO na
tive preachers and other workers; f)9G
self-supporting native churches, 1,507
out-stations, 12,021 baptisms last yeas,
20(i,7-10 church members, 1,130 mission
schools, :t0,;tl7 pupils, 1..100 Sunday
schools, 100,000 soholnrs; growth in
results in the past decade: 390 native
preachers, 240 native churches, 115
self-supporting native churches, 51,
101 net gain in church meisibers. fn
the past decade there have been 130,
000 baptisms on heathun fields asid in
Europe. The receipts of gifts for the
past year were $543,000; the total ap
propriations, i599,7()0.
Two OIllcrrB Injured in tlm Strike nt St.
l.oitU stnln Liilnir CominUnlonpr
WunU Arbitration.
St. Louis, May 29. A car on tho
Hellfontssine line of the Transit com
pany was partly wrecked by an ex
plosion of dynamite placed on tho
tracks by unknown parties at New
house avenue and Twentieth street
late yesterday afternoon. Oflieer
uivceie sustained a fracture of the
right leg above the knee aisd Oflieer
Stellaine was badly bruised and shak
en up.
State Labor Commissioner Kixev lias
sent letters to President Whituker, of
the St. Louis Transit company, and
Chnirman Hd wards of th strikers'
grievance committee, requesting each
to appoint two arbitrators to act with
himself, as chairman of the board to
bottle the present strike.
Unit ml SlilSe Stiprrnit, Court Deuldro
llounty culm of Admintl Iloirny and
III .Mwu Adtmly.
Washington, May 29: The United
States supremo court in an opinion
read by Justice Harlan decided tho
bounty claim of Admiral Dewey. It
held that the statutes must bn strict
ly construed and that, exeludissg tho
shore batteries and submarine mines,
his force was not opposed by a su
perior force. The bounty is there
fore only $100 11 man.
Uovr a Coiiplo of llrcczy NetvHtiapcr
3Ieu Itnn (he Illinois Upper
"Well, that humpi mc," said Use colonel,
its he began fanning himself with a Panama
hat, relates tho Chicugo Inter Ocean. "I
know that the check of these nuvvspapcr
renortcrs is always iss full flower, hut I
didn't know that they assumed to legislate
for the state."
"All 1 know i V asserted tlio judge, again,
"that two newspaper reporters once ad
journed a scusiou of the Illinois ncnnte."
"llow'd they do it? Choke the speaker
with copy paper?"
"No; they were very civilized about it.
It was 0110 day when everybody expected a
dull seKiion, and only two of us senators
put in nn appearance, counting Dave Littler,
who was in the chair.
" 'I want to get an interview with Littler
when this thing'H over,' said one newspaper
" 'So do I,' said the other. 'I move that
we adjourn,' he shouted at Littler.
" '1 second tho snotion,' said the, first rc
portcr. "'It b snovedand seconded that we now
ndjoursi,' paid Littler, (solemnly. 'Those ia.
favor will signify it in the unnl manner.
" 'Aye!' snouted both of tho reporters.
"'Carried!' said Littler."
The Vicious, lit llo.ston.
"Yes," replied the Boston parent, "a boy
.ooii acquires vicious habits if he is suf
fered to mingle vvsth sticct hoys. Once I
thought otherwise, and permitted our Kmer
son to choose his playmates as chance should1
throw them in Ins way. It wasn't n week,
sir, until that hoy, in spite of his hereditary,
tendencies and the careful home training
he had received, was asking mc hypothet
ical questions that simply reeked with casuis
try ! Puck.
ISInrSrr Tvrlne fit Ijotv Price.
If you want a special inside price on bind
er twine, either bisal. Stan da id or Manila,
cut this notice out ana mad it to Scars, Itoc
buck& Co. (Hinder Twine Department), Chi
cago, sUtsng about how much twine you will
require and how soon you will want it, and
they will Sive )ou money by quoting you a
price that will oither secure your order or
compel the party who supplies you to sell to
you .it a lower price than lie otherwise
The Proper Term.
The Maid Marriage is promotion.
The Hachelor You mean eonnnotion,
don't you? Chicago Evening News.
Do Yonr Feitt Ache it ml IJnrnr
Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot-Ease,
4 povrder for the feet. It snakes tight or New
Shoes Feel Easy. Cures Corns, Itching,
Swollen, Hot, Callous, Sinaitmg. Sore and
Sweating Feet. All Druggists and Shoo
Stores sell it, 25c. Sample sent FKKE. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y.
A ttlrl'A EHtlmiitc of Men.
A girl may have ten brothers, hut her
opinion of men h derived from reading of
those in novels. Atchison Globe.
Hemembor that Glenn's Sulphur Soap
presents all the advantages of sulphur
baths. Try it.
Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, Hlack or
Brown, 50c.
Comedian "They laughed very heartily
at my jokes to-night." Critic "Ah, yes.
Any old humor passes for good humor if
the audieuce happens to he in good humor
for laughing." Buffalo News.
To Cure h Colli In One Day
Tako Laxativo IJromo Quinino Tablets.
druggists refund monoy if it tails to cure 2oc.
Love may laugh at locksmiths, but then,
later on, not mtrcquently, so decs the wolf
at thedoos. Puck.
You can't expect a bag of wind to stand up
straight. llans's Horn.
.IS.M .'' UJ 1
t? tosv
Jo not the question, but, how much you di
gest, because food docs good only when it
is digested and assimilated, takeu up by the
blood and made into muscle, nerve, hone
and tissue. Hood's Sarsaparilla restores to
the stomach its powers of digestion. Then
appetite is natural and healthy. Then dys
pepsia is gone, and strength, elasticity and
endurance return.
Stomaoh Troutalo "My mother had
a very bad stomach trouble. She weighed
only 111 pounds. After taking four bottles
of Hood s Sarsaparilla she weighed 130
pounds. She took it again after the grip. and
one bottle got her up." Miss Otic McCoy,
528 Lafayette Ave., Lebanon, Ind.
-r.f. rfV.r
f. I r.v
Is America's Greatest Blood Medicine.
v& Tor your family's comfort
nnd your own.
will contribute raoro to It than
toua of I ro and ii groin of
vv; ociuiotusor 25 cents.
U- W.llk f. II. t m, ..M.I.m r.fT.Mt.1
tree ior linen.
f ..W W. II.. V, fl(IUI.W. WU..H
.Kulrcrn, X'a.
Z ru. IB O v U7-."!PB 0 Ci BMl PTftY
KiiOrT ft iwfiyi
Typowr t ni:, Book.uaeplrtK and X,
PenmnnBlilp thoroughly tauRht. X
TuelTo StaclierJ, KU0 Undents, cheap lff. X
nn.l llm lln.i.t C. 1,1, CollCM itllihUCK I
InAineric., Ur.iclimtcsrcwll.ys euro t tuition. g
Write nt once for ImmUonio fil-I)ai:o Illu iralort j
Hi t'atalcniif Free. Ad.ll. J.. SI I rr. M
c) President (1cm City llutlneia Colli-ne. ijiuncy, ill. G
'h Srrnn.
In flma Un)i hv 1 niir7lRt3.
Wl) fin's HH.ntnj.U i ! H ''"' ' " "! -
',,.2 k4