The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 18, 1900, Image 1

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"XttMUBU '17
W"WJ! 1JT ' """""l " "
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, JS
.Local ISTews
See Hill it Keeling for lit i insutauco
' Fied Suabury is lepiipewng the bar
bershop. Dn. a id Jov, eye, em,
nose ami
Tlio gronml is now thoroughly sat
tiratetl with water.
Do not fail to make arrangements to
attend the Auburn chautauqua.
Itdidu't-rain Sunday but it did rain
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Try Anderson's Good Luck flour. $1
a duck. A Bouvonier with every three
sacks. At Anderson & Brown's.
Clark Bruce, a blind musician of Ne
biuska City, was iu Nemaha last 8aU
utday, tuning pianos.
Will F. Keeling: fltar.ted far Albany,
Md Tuesday night to see his wife and
babies and visit friends.
Luthei II. Barnes expects to start
for Oklahoma us soon as the roads get
n'little better.
Wm.Diivis has been assisting in The
Adveitiser olllea this week, which ac
counts for our getting the paper off on
The best paint in the world, (The
Sherwin and Williams) one dollar and
iifty cents per gallon at Heeling's
drug store.
For the best assortment of Dry
Goods and Shoes go to the Daylight
Store of South Auburn; W. W. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. hoi not and Prof, and
Miss Barrett, of Biownvillo, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs.T.J. Rumbaugh
last' Sunday.
The lumber company are having the
front and sides of the office and Bhods
decorated with signs; J. S. Hadlock
is doing the work.
We are greatly pleased o Joarn that
fur old friend, James A, Titus, is feeli
ing better. We hope he will soon be
nble to get down in town and call
'around and see us again.
settings for sale at 50 cents per setting.
John Hiatt.
Wall Paper!
Keeling'a drug store has just received
a handsome line of wall paper latest
styles and handsome ones too. Prices
very reasonable.
Best western grown flower, garden
and field seeds", warranted fresh and
true to name, for sale by Korker &
invites the continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. The
patrons may bo assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good lino of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A go stock of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
If you want anything in our line call
And see as. Prices right
m 1 1' inrUl3?SjMi Vi I'll',
F. L. MoNowu and M
scs Mel in
get and Florence Minick attended the
touchers' meeting ut Auburn lust Sat-"
Piof. Abbott, a phrenologist, has
been examining the bumps of some of
the Nemaha people this week and tell
lug them what they woro good for,
The whistlo foui V . W. Sold 's saw
m.'ll can be plainly hoard morning,
noon and night. Thoy are doing lots
whlstl'ng whether they aro doing much
sawing or not.
We have a number of extra com
mencement caids, similar to thoso fur
nished tho graduates, which wo will
sell at 10 coats eaoh, including inside
and outBido envelopes.
Al Morton and Harry Linn, with
mandolinand guitar, went serenading
one evening last week and gave somo
delightful music. Tho Advertiser
family was favored with several
Class No. 7 in the M. E. Sunday
school dossn'b propose to let class No
0 get ahead of them, so they will gtvea
festival in the near future. It will bo
something new. Particular will bo
given later.
The ladies of tho Ciiiistian church
gave a successful ico cteam festival at
the Minick hall last Satuiday night.
The only disagreeable feature was that
the ico cream guve oul too soon. Thoy
took in $10.25.
About SO bushels of good cant seed
for salo at 80 cents per bushel, After
May 31st, 85 cents, 00 -pounds to the
bushel. "Cash must accompany the
order or no trade.
Newton C. Jaiwis,
TltiMflh l?.fif ' -'d society
will ,ivs .'cst 9T i'). iho front room
under the opera house. Fiiday night of
next week the night of tho commence
ment exeicises. Tho ladies invito the
patronage of all.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fox and Miss
Mitchell drove iu f;om Auburn last
Sunday and spent a few hours visiting
S. K. Anderson and family. Mrs.
Anderson and tho children went back
with them, it-turning Wednesday.
J. A. Murphy, of Humboldt, came
to Nemaha Tuesday evening and is
visiting his daughters, Mrs. W. E. Seid
and Miss Mildred Murphv, for a few
days. Mr. Murphy and Miss Mildred
gave Tho Advertiser a pleusant call
The Advertiser's weather prophet
bos been stepping high since Sunday,
as it did not rain on that day, thus
fulfilling his prediction made tho woek
after Easter that it would not rain for
seven entire Sundays simply because it
rained Easter. But he does not intend
to start out as a weather prophet.
Nemaha county now has divine heal
ers, magnetic healers, christian scion
tists, osteopathists,dlopathists, oxydon
rs, besides physicians of the homeo
path, alopatb, eclectic and other
schools, so it stems useless for anyone
to bo sick. But even with all the
abova there is sickness uad death just
as it always has been.
There was great rejoicing in the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Scrivoner
Wednesday. Their granddaughter,
LK'.zlo 0'IIara, who was adopted by a
lady living in Illinois a year or two
ago, returned to Nomaha that duy and
will make her homo wiUi her grands
parents, the Illinois lady having rolini
qulshed all her right to the child.
W. W. Sanders received notice on
Monday of his appointment as census
enumerator for district No. 97, which
comprises Nemaha precinct, Including
the village ef Nemaha. Wo under
stand John C. Boyd has been appointed
enumerator for Aspinwall and St,
Derlon precincts, which are combined
in one district, and Geo. N. Sanders
for London precinct. Work will begin
tho first of Juno.
mil lUJH","'
Class No Oof tho Mi- !,,. si S n hiy
i school of Nomaha will give a May fes.
tlval at tho Mluick hall Saturday night
of this weuk. Icecream and enko will
bo soned fiom 0 o'clock until 11, Pro
co to u will bo applied on pustot'a salary.
Eveiybody ia invited.
Seo W. W. Ilairis of South Auburn
for Clothing.
Magnetic IIoaMng! If tired of drugs
try Vital Mngfotism. I am now pres
pared to heat patients at resldouco.
Mils. Molliic Ginn.
Do not forget tho festival at tho
Minick hall Saturday night of this
week. You cau get plenty of ico cream
at any timo from 0 o'clock until 11.
Thero is no defect in sight that can
not be remedied by perfectly fitted
Classes. Call or write Dr. W.I. Soy
monr, 1210 K st., Lincoln, Nob., If
you wUh efllclont service.
The democrats of Nemulm precinct
aro feeling good as they found enough
democrats in tho precinct to send a
full delegation to Auburn and thoy
had somo left. At tho primary they
elected Will F. Keeling, Dr. Kay, W.
U, Swan, Joe Stillwell, James Hiatt,
Tom Hiatt, Morg Fiazler and A, V.
Far sou as delegates,
Friday night of next week, May 25
tho eighth annual commoncoraont ex
orcises of tho Nomaha high school will
bo held'at Hoover's opera house. Thoro
are flvo graduates Misses Mabel Bark-
or, Roso Seabury, Pearl Burns nhd
Noma HalLh, and Mr. Emery Howe.
Itflv. James Mark Darby will deliver
the class address.
S K Auderson, Wm W Sold, J W
Wolfe, Mrs and Mrs W S Maxwell, S
W Hodges, Fuller Burns, D H Clark,
J E Crother, Clarfiuce Peubody, L II
Merrltt, Roy Stophens.MarionEarhart,
G N Titus and Chas Stdlwell went to
Auburn Thursday to witness the cere
mony of tho laying of the cornerstone
of the new court house.
Only a short timo ago we had in a
notice of Harry McCandless having
bought a nice canopy top road wagon.
A fow days ago tho road wagon was
brought in for repairs. It was almost
a total wreck. He had a cultivator
wheel on in place of ono of the wheols
belong ug thereon, the bed was broken
in two in the center, tbo tongue was
splintered and there wero numerous
other broken places. It bad not been
in a lunaway, but only used by Harry
in his customary gentle driving over
tho country.
a Monday afternoon Mrs. O. B. Car
lisle heard something snap, sounding
liko something breaking, but could not
i-ae anything broken. When she went
to light tho lamp in tho evening, how
ever, she found the bowl bad broken
entirely In two. Tho lamp had been
almost full of oil and the oil had run
over the stand and on tho floor. If
accident had happened after the lamp
had been lighted a bad calamity might
have been tho result. Nothing had
struck the lamp and ne reason is
known for its breaking.
Before making arrangements for
your year's supply of reading raatto
call and got our clubbing rates. The
following aio somo of our comblna
nutions: The Advertiser ono year and tho
Farm Journal five years for $1
The Adr ier and St Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for "51.00
Tho Advertiser and tho Chicago In
ter Ocean for 81.40
The Advertiser and either the Toledo
Blado or the New York Tribune for
Tho Advertiser and tho Household,
a homo monthly, forai.35
The Advertiser and the Iowa IIome
stead, Poultry Farmer and Insurance
Journal all ono year for $1.35
Blank deeds, chattel moitgnges,faira
leases, etc., for salo at this ofllce.
Twoeisu leejeso 3ekx3l3e:
Invites all iho "Quena of America"
pring & Summer
Call and see her at tho
Friday of noxt wook will bo tho last
day of the schools in Nemaha for this
school year, and wo believe wo can
truly say It has boon tho host school
year In the history of Nemaha Good
work has been dono, tho teachors and
pupils ha''V) worked together haimon-
iously, and the advancement has been
rapid. Both teachers and pupils aro
to bo congratulated.
it was rumored Tuesday ovonlng
that Walter Furls and Miss Leta Sea
bury had boon to Falls City and get
married, so the boys went over to
Fred's that night and gave u liboral
"shiveree." After It was nil over they
were informed that thero had been no
weddlug but that the young folks had
just been down in Aspinwall precinct
visiting frleuds.
We will send The Advertise for one
year and tho Farm Journal until Jan.
1st, 1005, for only $1, if paid iu ad
vance. This offer applies to both old
and new subscribers.
24 Photos for 25 cents.
For a short time oniy I will make
21 stamps for 25 cents.
E. W. Aonew,
WW Keeling guarantees evory bottle
of Chamber I aiu's Cough Itomedy and
will rofund tho money toany ono who
is uotfiHtlsficrt after using two-thirds of
tho contents. This ls,tliH boat mmedy
iu the world for'r's,
croup and whoopiugcough and is pleas
tu; and safe to tako. It provonta any
tendency of a cold to result iu pueu
uionlu. Cull on us for job work.
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Flour for solo
nt the Keeling building.
Cobs for sale. Call at tho food store.
I wouldn't be withoutDeWltt'sWitch
Hazel Salvo for any consideration,"
writes Thos B Rhodes, Centorfleld, O.
Infallible for piles,outs, burns and skin
diseases, Beware of counterfeits. W
W Keeling. ,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists rofund the money if it
ails to cure. E W Grove's signature
en every box. 25o
to call and sto her Hue Mock of
"Store for Bargains."
See Keeling a new stouk of wallpi'j er.
Frank Wood waul has promised to
slug ono of tho songs ho used to sing
In his younger days at the commenco
ment exorcises Friday night of next
week. It is ontltlod "ThoroM a Tiinu-d
Down Pago ih Everybody's Life tha fn
BctUrNavorTeld." Tho nudlence is
roquestod by thu managers of the oi o a
houso to rurrtdn from thiowlng eggs or
brickbats, as tho scenery might bo de
faced or some oue injured.
Mr. W, A. Mines of Mouchesler, In.,
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death, says: "Exposure after
nenslos Induced serious lung trouble
which ended m consumption. I had
frequent hemorrhaggM and cougue
night and day. All my dootors said 1
must soon 4le. Thej I began te uso
Dr. King's Now Discovery which wholly
cured mo. Hundreds have used It on
uiy ueiee and nil any it never falls to
eilio throat, chest and lung tieublos."
Begednr hIeqOo and $1. Trial bottles
free at Keolifig dree; store.
Having aold tho goueral merchan
dise stock iolongtng to tho S. Gilbert
estate, I wish to Bettlo up all tho busi
ness of thojeatnte as quickly as possi
ble, and Tvfculd usk all owing accounts
to call andjUttle by cash or nolo. All
notes and accounts will bo in tho olllee
of Gilbert A McCandless and can bo
Bottled thorent any time.
Rose Gu.iiKitT. Adinx.
Old papers'for salo ut this office.
Any one noeiluij native lumber en
find the same nfcny residence, ono and
a half miles souh of Nemaha.
) W. W. Seid.
Insure yo ftrni and town pioporty
with FnrKVnrs and Merchants Insur.
nnco Ctof Lincoln. F. H. D. Hunt
Agouti Nemnha. Neb.
i .
J D Bridges, editor Domocrat, Lans
easier, N II, sayB: Ono Minute Cough
CuCo is the best remedy for croup I
ovor uki'." Immediately relieves and
cures Jpouglm, colds, croup, asthma,
puoutfco'iiu, bronchitis, grippo and all
thioi&and lung troubles It prevents
consumption, heeling.
Uve a number of sample coploi
of ti
Inter Ocean that we will ulvo
to I
ly woo call fer them. It is a good
ger. We win sond Tbo Advertiser
anflVhe later Ocean both for one your
fer efJ&v U.40.
If you don't believe it,
Gail and see.
Call and see anyway,
whether you want to
buy now or not.
We like to show goods.
' i
ikri-fe-Jcat aifti.W'?.... Vaa. ttoim MMkJl A'l&ii'j&te-'M 'J.tuiM-A..Y ., mtetiLti:. m .Ldu -ttawiSL ,
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