The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 11, 1900, Image 4

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lw nmjimaiii hii imt.rii !
H'ji i ;iiiwijwuimMiwmwwwdwni
Standard and registered tiny homo,
(I yen is old, lfilmndw high, weigh 1KJU
ptitt fiilrt.
Sired bv Hpl!lrti 'J:U)J; hulf
brother to Pit L., V:W. Duiii, fjndio
Vera liv Talnver.i :W; Slid (litlii liotsy
Trotwood by Me.Mnhun 1MM.
Standard mid rrgintorei bav homo
it vears old, 10 lunula high, weight
11200 pound.
Siri'tflivl'nl L 2-011J. Dmii Sndln
Vera hv Tuliivcrit i!:,'IO; ihid dimi Hetwy
Trotwood by AIcMiilioii 'J:21.
Will tiiuko the reason of PJ0O. ex
cept Saturday, hi homo, Maple Jticln
Slock Fur m, L'i mile wmitliua.t of
Howe, Ncbr , lit. $10 to i tiHiire.
T. J I. JONES, Owner,
" irlclOIIW'u.Miiu.iK ruin thin Hiile lo nip-
KMi'iit. iiui In tlitlr own mill "iirrmiinlltiK
t'OllllllCH. Willing to piiv yearly $filX),'iylllH
wt-oiily. iX'slnililiMimdliiyiin'iii with units,
mil nppoitiiiiltles. Kururi'iict'H i'Xclmiit'd.
Kuolimusiilf-iiiliircuHi'il Hininpiwl envelopo.
ti. A. I'arlcil'iUiixtnu IlulltlliiK.hlciiKO,
Tako tlio wagonette when in Auburn
for any jiatt of the city. Easy riding.
Quick titiui. All traiua met. John
McElhuuoy, pronrlotor.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflclallydlgcststho food and aids
Naturo In strengthening and recon
structing tho exhausted dlgcitlva or
gans. It la tho latest discovered dlgest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in cfllcicncy. II in
stantly relieves and permanently cure
Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn,
Flattilence, Sour Storaacti, Nausea,
11 other results of 1 mperfect digestion.
'rooar4by E.C DWltt A Co., Cfclcoa
For nale by Keeling, the druggist.
We advise
our readers
to buy
Viok's ' Seeds
The handsomest and most complete
Catalogue the house has ever iBsuad
nt free, provided you state in what
you uro most interested Flower,
vegetables or Small Fruits. Address
Rochester, Now York.
Our fee returned if we fall. Any one nendliiir
sketch nuil dencriptlou of nny Invention will
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patentability of uvt. "Mow to Obtain a
ratcnt" aent upon request. Patents secured
through us ndrcrtlscd for Mile at our expense.
Patents taken" out through tin receive i)tec(al
notice, without charge, in 'fun 1'atknt Ki:coki,
nn illmtnited and widely circulated Journal,
consulted by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
(Jtotent Attorneys,)
Evans Building, WASHINGTON. D. C.
The Nebraska Advertiser
H Hf Anyonooiu1IiiB nikotrh nnd dofCTlptlonmar
K He nnlckly iiirortnlii our opinion frv whether au
JH U?'; liiveiilinn Is jinilmblr pntanUtilo. Cominuulr.v
HRf tloua wtrlctlr conntlentlaJ. Muudbookoul'atonta
HSiSS.' nt free. OMest nscuicr fur securluir patents.
Him) l'utoiita takon throuch JIunn ft Co. recotvo
HK icUlnutk4, without chnrite, In tho
m . Scientific American;
BJK Ahandsoniolr lllnstrntod wnnklv. I.tireetit clr
MWkV- dilution of any solwulllo journal. Tcrnm, f 3 n
KHfj Touri four months, $L Boldliyull noirsdcnlcr.
HI MUNH & Co Miodr. New York
HIEf? r JJrauBh Offlw. CS V St., WshlBton. V. V,
V. W. SAS'DHKS, Publisher.
Fiiiday. May 11, liioo.
A Nt'iit Hivlnille tvllh it Tt'n-Dollnr
lllll I'riwIli'iMl lt n l'liicnt
Yimiiik .Mini,
-The grocer wit on a high stool, hln cl
bowH on tliu counter and IiIh face bur
ied in his lunula. The Jirooklyn mail
came In to get n quartcr'B worth ot
"Hello," ho said, ''what's the matter
"I'm thinking," nald the grocer, "that
the man who mild that all Uio foolu
arc not dead knew precisely what he
waB talking nbout."
"How could you think otherwise-?"
remarked tho Brooklyn man, with true
Brooklyn humor, "with all Uiecuatom
cra you hare?"
"Jlold on," Bald the grocer, "thlB Is
no joke. Let mo tell you about it. A
little while ago I wns Bitting hero do
ing nothing1 In particular, when In
rushed a. very pleasant looking young
man. Ho had a lot of bill In his hand,
and ho wanted to know If I could let
him horo a ten-dollar bill for small
bills. He Bald that ho wanted to Bend
ten dollars away In a letter, and didn't
like to put Binull bills In an envelope.
Well, I'm a pretty good-natured sort
of a man ami I told him that I would
bo very glad to oblige him. So, while
1 went into the drawer to get tho bill,
he counted out ten dollars ho that 1
could hear him, and then flBhcd out an
envelopo Into which he placed the bill
that I gave him. Then he Btartcd out
of tho store. He didn't Bccm In a great
hurry, and bo, when, In counting over
the money that ho had given me, I
found that there was only nine dollars
1 didn't have any suspicions of in
tentional wrong-doing on IiIb part, but
credited the matter to a very natural
"Well, I called him back, and he was
very apologetic; said It was a curloun
mistake for him, and a few other things
that I don't remember. Ah a matter of
fact ho talked bo fast and bo smooth
that half of what ho Bald escaped me In
my admiration for IiIb oratorical pow
ers. While ho was talking ho wan fish
ing around in his pockets for an odd
dollar. Apparently ho couldn't find one,
for ho finally said:
" 'Well, 1 guesu I'll have to give you
your bill back until I can get that other
dollar.' Then ho looked at the envelope
in hlHhnnd and continued: 'Gee! that's
too bad. 1'vo gone and Bcaled that en
velope up and It's addressed and
Btamped and your ten-dollar bill Is In
side. I'll tell you what we might do,
though,' he went on, after a moment's
thought. 'You glvo mo my nine small
bills, uud I'll go out nnd get the other
bill. In tho meantlmo you hold on to
this envelope and when I come back
I'll give you the entire ten dollars,
and we won't have to open up my let
ter at all.'
"Well, I swear I couldn't seo any
linrin In tills arrangement, and I snid
'yes.' without a moment's hesitation.
What makes lno bo darn mad now Is
that I was oxnoKsively polite to tho.
duck. Why, 1 fairly bowed him out of
tho store, and after he had gone 1
carefully placed tlia envelopo In my
cash drawer and locked it up. Then I
waited for fully an hour for the young
man to comn buck, and when he failed
to show up I took tho envelopo out
and ripped it- open, not with any idea
In my head that anything waB wrong,
but simply because I was Impatient
with the man for being so inconsider
ate af,ter I had done him a favor. Well,
there was a neatly-folded piece of pa
per In the envelope, nnd on It was writ
ten in a neat hand: 'I'll be back when
the robins nest again.'
"Say, even theu it was a full min
ute before the truth dawned on mo.
When It did hit me it came like a ton
of brick. 'Oh, you gosh durned fool,'
I murmured and sat. down to think.
I was Ktill thinking when you came In,
and I'll start In again when you go
"Up in Keubenville, where I lived be
fore I eame to Brooklyn," said the
Brooklyn man, "we used to call that
"Oh, you did, eh," said the grocer,
"well, 1 don't know what they call It
In Brooklyn, but it'n a good game, and
when I get broku in tho grocery busl
ncss I'm going to try it on some guy
mjsiolf," and the grocer went back to
Ids thoughts, while his friend walked
out. N. Y. Sun.
Farm Journal is the old8t farm
monthly published, Hut it is not old
and moss p.rown: It s bristling and
hiiuimini; ovor with good things. You
should know It. Here's a chance.
Pay up your subscription to the Ads
vertiser one year ahead, and we will
Hend it nearly live years, tho remainder
of 1000, and all of 1001. 1002, 1003 and
1004; both papers at tlu price of one.
Old papers for sale at this ofllce,
MUtulfrn Klntliir Which Canned
tho Dentil of Mnny Sick-
Iloom V'lutlni.
Thoughtlessness and mistaken kind
ness in the sickroom slay tlulr thou
Minds, and the famll.t and uuiwh are
ofttimi'M the unknown accessories to
the deed. They feiir criticism too much.
Thcirmothemiiud grandmothers never
dreamed of refusing ndinittnnrc to tho
sickroom; it would "cause talk" to be
gin It. So tho nurse easts responsibil
i'ty oit on etiBtom, and puts a blind trust
in Providence, and the deed Is done!
So matter how visibly it harrows the
soul of a nervous woman to have "out
siders" nbout her, there are thoso who
will persist in Invading every nickroom'
they can reach, regardless of the con
dition of the patient, or the probabil
ity (or lack of probability) that they
may be of any service, it often happens
that it is the least useful and and most
tactless women of the community who
nre most nctivo in their attentions to
the afllictcd. Such visitors seriously
handicap tho efforts of the physician
and nurses and undoubtedly causo
many a death. It Is astonishing to
witness tho recklessness of most fom
ilies in regard to this phase of the care
of their sick. Unless a pateint Is actu
ally In ortlculo mortis the country doc
tor docs not like to endanger IiIb pop
ularity by ordering the arbitrary ex
clusion of visitors. Without his com
mands to back them up the family that
attempts the innovation invites and
gets the ostracism of the neighborhood
for no short time. I would not be
thought to decry the good, Fcnsible,
self-denying neighbor nurse who in nl
most all rural communities nnd in
homes of Blender means everywhere
must supply the place of the trained
nurse when the home force is not suf
ficient to properly care for a patient.
God nlone knows the extent of her use
fulness and can adequately reward her:
Only cheerfully sympathetic society is
a benefit to convalescents, and that
lclnd, liko medicine, only at proper in
tervals and in right amount. In fact,
so much depends upon the mood and
manner of the visitor that one migtn
almost advise the patient to observe. .
the precaution that is atlixetl to some I
prescriptions: "Shake well before tak
ing." Bland Brunner Htwidleston, In
Woman's Home Comoanion.
Geo Noliind, Rockland. 0., says: My
wife had piles forty vrir. D Witt's
Witchllazel Salve cured her. It is the
best salve in America." IE besifa every
thine and cures all skin dkieaaes. W
W Keeling
A Sore Sign of Oraup
HoarBeness'.in a cbiM that: U labjsct
to croup is a sure indication of the
approach of the disease. If Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy ij iven aa soon
as tho child'becomed hura or even
after the croupy couzh haj appeared,
it will prevent the attack, ilany
mothers who have croupy children al
ways keep this remedy at hand and
(hid that it saves them much trouble
and worry. It can always be depend
ed unon and is pleasant to take. For
sale by Keeling.
We will send The Advertiser for one
year and the Farm Journal until Jan.
1st, 1905, for only $1, if paid in ad
vance. This offer applies to both old
and new subscribers.
has Grown!
One of our largo store rooms is now almost exclu
sively devoted to this part of our stock.
Our counters are loaded with novelties in China and
Our shelves are crowded with an immense assort
ment of plain and decorated white granite and porcelain
Manufacturers have made heavy advances in prices
ranging from 10 to 50 per cent.
Teacups and saucers, unhandlcd, best white ware,
while present stock lasts, 35 cents per set.
Plates, full size, best white ware, while present
stock lasts, 39 cents per set.
We are closing out our Clothing Stock at greatly
reduced prices.
Don't wait if you want to buy Clothing.
fie Great Casl Bptat Store
A. A. Mclninch & Son
The St. Louis
The Great Republican
Paper of America.
The Great jYewspaper
oi the World
Eight Pages
or More
each Tuesday
and Friday
Almost Equal
to a Daily
at the Price
of a Weekly
Tho Advertiser nnd the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
only 81.00.
Dr W Wixon, Italy Hill. N Y, says:
I heartily reeommoiidOueMiiiuteCough
Cure. It gave my wife immediate re
lief In suffocating asthma." Pleasant
to take; never fails to quickly cure all
cougliH.colds, throat and lung troubles
By tills we mean that if you are not
already a subset iber to Tho Nebraska
Stato Journal joti should become one
at once. Tho Journal is Nebraska's
old reliable. Being published at the
Btato capital it piints moionewsof
interest to Nebraskwis than any
other paper in tho state. Mnny of its
pittons have been subscribers foi over
a quarter of a century. Tho Journal
has built up a tremendous business by
its push and energy and the paper
stands at tho head of the column. Its
daily and Sunday issues not only con
tain all tho current news of the world
hut are filled with special features.,
The Semi-Week!) Journal, which bv
many is called 'the farmers' daily."
gives 101 papers a year for Si.oo nnd
is one of tho gieatest bargains ever
offered readers. The ear mod will bo
a record-breaker with'The Journal, as
1801) has been Join tho army of
readers for the coming presidential
$1.00 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR $1.00
No other paper gives THE NEWS so pr-mptly, so fully, so accurately. N
other paper prints so great a variety of interesting and instructive reading
matter tor every member of tho family. No other paper is so goodo clean, so
SIT'RSHPT'RT?. NOW And get this sterling Republican Newspaper,
WU4JMUM1.U.U nv VV this peerless Home Journal, (luting all of tho
important National Campaign of 1000, and until after tho election or the next
I resident. It is indispensable to every citizen and ought to be in every house
hold. Sample copies free. Address
The Globe Printing Co,, St. JLouis, Mo.
The DAILY GLOBE DEMOCRAT Is without a rival in nil the wait, and
stands at the very tront among the few Really Great Nevvspapeis of ttio
Daily, Daily, Sunday
Including Sundxy. Without Sunday. Edition.
One Year 80 00 One Year tl 00 30 to 00 Pages
Months 3 00 0 Months 2 00 One Year S- 00
a Months 1 50 3 Months 100 0 Months 1 uo
Th NewYork Tribune
and the
Cheapest Known.
Tfilllino wnoso ''cwlurs have rep
IMUUIIc resented the very best
Ptiblisliod on
For over fifty-eight years
a national Family Paper
for furtnorn and villnj'orrt
Call in and no us if you want
subscribe for any paper published in
the United States.
Wo can give you reduced rates on
almost any paper published in the
United States,
A now nuil rornnrlcnbly attractive, publlcn- plninont nf nnr cnnnlrv nmmluiwui
11,,,. ,,rnr,,k..v lli.wtmi.ulurllli nnrtriillHiinil UUI1L"1 0I UUI -UnU H) 1)111111101).
iihimoiu-n; loHiuitiH nil the btrikinu novvs It gives all important news of the
fiituies or tho Daily Tribune. Hpeolul War ,,ni,m nn, u,n,.l, ilw ,l,i ,.i;.,l,l,
i)isimioiiuK,.iJoiientio ana Koroma cvines. nation tuiiM oiiu, the most reliable, short storieH.iitunoroiiH niustra- market reports, fascinating; short nto-
iliiim loitusi i tul lnlormntlon, Fashion Notos .... ., , , ",. , lv
AiHirultiiriil Mutttrn eiirelully trouiwl. mill ion, an nnu.ouiiou rtftTlcUltlirai UO
paitiiient, scientific and nieoliaiiica
information, Fashion Articles for the
('(iiiiiiiohLMis'vonuil Holtnblo KlnimcliU mill
Mnrkol Ht'pnitH. It Is iimlh-il lit hiuno hour
hh tho dully edition, rendu' u lui'KO propor
tion of Mihhurtburu on dutuof Issutt, and ouch
edition Is u thurouuhly tally
newhputier lor busy people.
KoBularjiubKcrlptlou price,
$1,50 per Year
Wo fu rnish It with TlioIAdvertlsor for
01.85 pei' Yeni
women; liuniorotta illustrations for
old and young. It is "The People's
Paper" for the entire United States,
Hutfulur Kiibst'ilptlon prion,
S1.00 per Year
"Wo furnish It with I'ho Advertise for
81,35 per Year
Send all orders to The Advwtiser, Xenuiha, Nebraska