The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 11, 1900, Image 2

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I 8
W. XV. HANIJICItS I'ublUhrr.
& hita Qnn
JLV1X 7UU. fr
KoliortV Hnrrnnr n .Mormon.
William A. King, the oticcesHor In
congrcHH to Itoberts, of Utah, Ih a
Mormon, but not a polygamic. He Is
:7 years old and has been in politics
for J5 years.
(Into Itapld Itltn to W'imltlt.
J. W. Gates, of Chicago, president
of tlie Amerieau Steel & Wire com
pany, started in biiHincHH a few ycarH
ago with $1,000, and liaH about com
pleted hlH contract to fence the earth.
Will ,'ot Nnvwnty I'liiiiiMund.
More than $11,000 baa already been
contributed toward the fund of $70,
000 to meet the expenses of the Cuban
public Hchool-teachcrH who nro to be
taken to Cambridge for a course of
instruction at Harvard.
Mlclilciiu I'urtliil to Nmlllift..
There are fle Smiths in the house
of representatives, and three of them
hall from Michigan Henry Casaorte
Smith, of Adrain, William Altlen
Smith, of Grand Wapitis and Samuel
William Smith, of Pontine.
(Jrowth of tin Jtlir.ll Knrvlnn.
There were 003 post olllces in 1800;
to-day we have 75,000 that Ik, la
America alone. It took u letter
10 days to go from J'hiladelphia to
Lexington, Ky.; lili days to Nashville,
Tenn. The cheapest letter postage
was eight cents, and to send a letter
more than 100 miles cost a shilling.
Three million letters and papers were
sent in a year; at the present time
the post otllce handles about 110,000,
000 pieces of mail in a single day.
Tim I'oroinuit JMnllinillnt City.
"Chicago is the foremost MethodlBt
city in the world," says the American
Illustrated Methodist ningizino in the
course of an article on Chicago Meth
odism. This, it asserts, is shown in
part by the. fact that during the last
15 years about SO Methodist, ehurehe.i
have been erected in the city and dur
ing the last two or three years
churches have been erected on an
average of one a month, these being
records that arc not equaled else
where. John Ailaiim I.lvoit I.oiiRnitt.
Look over the list of our presidents
and see what a line ago each arrivod
at excepting, of course, the two who
were taken off by the hand of an as
sassin. Washington was 07, John
Adams 00, Jefferson 8.1, Madison 85,
Monroe 711, John Quiney Adams 80,
Jackson 78, Van Huron 7'J, W. H. Har
rison 08, Tyler 71, Polk OH, Taylor 05,
Fillmore 74, Pierce 04, lluchuuun 77,
Johnson 00, Grant 03, Hayes 71 and
Arthur 50, while Cleveland still lives
ut 03 and Harrison at 07.
Torto Klco'a Itlrtliday.
May 1, 1900, wus a memorable day
in the annals of Porto Pico. On that
day United States civil authority was
established in the island, and the first
step taken in the work of political
advancement for that locality. In
iys years which has passed since the
stars and stripes were first raised
over the island it has been governed
by military power, but that regime
ceases. Tlio island's political ex
istence as part of one of the great
states of Christendom has begun.
llrlnulni; Up a Ituliy City.
Forty-six years ago a man of 41
broke the ground and built the first
house on tlie present site of tho clly
of Minneapolis. To-day, at tho age of
00, he is still alive, and likes to tell
how he has seen the frontier outpost
grow to a city of 300,000 people. It
took till of the first 30 years after
Ctipt. Stevens built his cottage on the
banks of the Mississippi, just below
the Falls of St. Anthony, to nccumji
late the first 50,000 people In the hist
520 years that figure has been multi
plied by six.
l'liiimlnc n llC Celebration.
A celebration lasting several days
will be given In Poston in honor of
the 125ti anniversary of the battle
of Hunker Hill. For the evening of
Juno 19 an electrical carnival has
been planned like thnt recently wit
nessed at. mardi gras In NCw Orleans.
There will be 10 floats, each equipped
with L'50 incandescent lights, except
one with 500. Tho pageant will be
called "The Christian Era." On Sun
day, June 17, the anniversary of the
battle, services will bo held on the
frigate Constitution.
3 Sun. Mon.
ail Ji
27 28
Tuo. Wod.
22 23
29 30
Lord IlolinrU ami lll Ariiijf Nnw 03 Mllca
Nortli of llldoiiifontMii mid Alovlnir
with Ornnt l'nirUloii,
London, May 8. Tho captiiro of
Winburg by tlio Hrltlsh Is confirmed,
and the main advunoo to Preform con
tinues with the muohlne-llko proci
hIou mid rapidity whluh bus character
ized all Lord Roberta' forward niovo-
mcntH. Jly the occupation of Win
burg, flcn. Hamilton putH litniHulf
nearly parallel with Lord Uobcrts and
only M nilli'H westward, while he ban
the additional advantage of being con
nected with IiIh chief by menus of the
railroad that runs from Hiniilldol, or
Winburg road station, as it is some
times called. The only feature of the
carefully-devised plan not disclosed
by the swift developments is that
part t lint Ibillcr has elected to take
In the operations. At present there
aro no indications of any movement
on the part of the Natal army.
Lord Roberts is now nine miles
north of the Vet and 03 miles north of
Hlocmfouteln. Evidently he is not let
ting grass grow under his feet,
though the lioei'H seem equally anx
ious to retreat towards Kroonstadt
und are so doing.
Ilrltlnh Occupy KotirUimi Htro.iin.
Wnrronton, May 8. The Poors have
been driven out of Fourteen Streams
and tlio Hritlsh are now encamped on
the north bank of the Vaal river.
(Irn. Youne ICnportH Thnt tlio Iltilxd r.cutlor
Ilui KitjuliKMl lino In Mountain
of JNiirtlmru I.ur.uu.
Mania, May 8. Telegrams received
here from Gen. Young report that
Agulnaldo has rejoined the rebel Gen.
Tino in the north and that they have
reassembled a considerable force in
the mountains. Gen. Young desires to
strike them before the rains, and asks
for reinforcements. The tenor of the
dispatch Indicates that Gen. Young is
confident that Agulnaldo is with
Tino and it is presumed they are plan
ning to rcsuiqe fighting during tlio
Two rebel attacks on the American
garrisons in the Visayan islands re
cently have resulted in the killing of
280 of the enemy and the wounding of
two Americans.
Wluliltu MutlioillHt Tlrj;rii!i tli (liwicrul
Coiifnri'lirA to Mora ltli;lilly Knforcn
tlio rremiiit Olmri'li I1IkoIiIIih.
Wichita, Kan., May 8. Wichita
Methodists have wired their represent
ative at the Chicago general con
ference the following request:
Tlio Wichita lOpworth leitRiin union of
tlio Methodist Kptscopul church, belluv
lnp that tho imperative nuetl of Metho
dism tho world over Is not only nbHtl
nonco from till worldly amusements but
more tdnccro consecration to God and
total iibslstonca from till conformity to
thu world, do most respectfully rotuiusl
that our dlHclpllno on this subject re
main unchanged and that a most rlKld
enforcement of Its requirements be urKcd
ujion tho church and ministry.
The resolution was most enthusi
ast ically passed by the four Metho
dist churches of Wichita.
Mrs. Hormlini ."Meyer, of l'lillailelplila,
Could Not Wltlintand a Kant of
1'lilrty-llvn Dayx.
Philadelphia, May 8. An investiga
tion into the death recently of Mrs.
Herminn Meyer, 50 years of age, has
shown that she was a victim of stravn
tlon following her attempt ut fasting
treatment for rheumatism. Mrs.
Meyer is said to have abstained abso
lutely from food for 35 days. For 25
days, Meyer says, his wife showed
signs of improvement. Then she was
seized with convulsive vomiting. On
the thirty-fifth day sho tasted footl.
From 150 pounds she was reduced to
a mere skeleton. Three weeks follow
ing tho breaking of the fast sho died.
IllRtrlct dudco lliixoii,of Topelcx, Knjolntt
tlio Statu Auditor from 1'uylnt,- for
New Ayltiiu Site.
Topeka, Kan., May S. Judge,
of the Shawnee district court, has al
lowed the injunction in the Parsons
asylum ease and decided that, the
board of public works no longer
exists. The suit was brought by Clay
Center, asking the court to enjoin tlie
state auditor, George K, Cole, from is
suing warrants on tlie stttlo treasurer
for ?2S,000 in payment for the laud
at Parsons condemned by John Sea
ton and Michael 1 leery, acting as the
board of public works, to be used for
tlie new state insane asylum
Senator Albertl, Whoae l'uper Hnd Crltl-
elaeil the Action of American OHli'laW,
Afcrt.iHidnated lit n Theater.
Giburu, Cuba, May S. Senator
Albert!, editor of the Hon Claridados,
was shot and instantly killed by an
unknown assassin at tlie theater his'
uigHt. Albertl was an active poli
tician and his paper recently has been
criticising the action of the Ameri
can olllcitilst, cspeuially the election or
ders. Albertl has received threaten
ing letters which he ridiculed In hl
papar. . .
About 400 l'nraona Sit Down to tlio Han-
tjuot at Oiimliu Mr. Ilrynn Mtle
an Ail'IroM.
Omaha, Neb., May 8, About -100
persons Hat down to the banquet
board of the Potor Cooper dollar din
ner at the ColiHuiim yesterday even
ing. JIalf of thiH number, perhaps,
was mtulo up of delegates to the pop
ullHt convention at Sioux Fullu. It
wiih given out on excellent authority
that the delegates had agreed to nom
inate Air. Jtryun Wednesday and to
leave second place open, to be made
the sub feet of a conference. A con-
ferenco committee is to be named to
meet a liko committee at Kansas City.
Mr. Hryiin was greeted by liberal
applause. There was little if any
thing now in his address. Its tenor
was an argument for the. continu
ance of fusion. lie specified the old
issues upon which the democrats,
populists and silver republicans fused
in 1890 and pointed out the reasons
why they should stand together now.
Ho devoted more time to the money
plank than to any other one Issue, de
nounced the republicans for setting
up the "subteriugc of international
bimetallism in IH'.lti, only to abandon
it and adopt the gold standard and n
hutcful currency measure in 1900."
Itnpillilloiin Claimant for (lovnrnor (loon to
WiiKlitncton to ItiMiinln Until tho
(Jontnnt It l)lpofiod Of.
Indianapolis, Intl., May 8. William
S. Taylor, republican claimant to the
governorship of Kentucky, was Mon
day the guest of Charles Kin ley, ex
seercttiry of state of Kentucky, who
is In this city. Gov. Taylor said ho is
on his way to Washington where he
will stay until the supremo court
passes on tlie governorship contro
versy. He declined to talk of the sit
uation in Kentucky. Mr. Finley as
serted there is no truth in the testi
mony of Golden at. Krankfort, Satur
day, in which he (Kinlcy) was repre
sented as saying that Gocbcl would
be killed.
Toruudo Swnpt TlimiiRli tho Tih City,
DoHtroylnir I'ropnrty Valued at Over
a Hundred TIioukimiiI DolIiirH.
San Antonio, Tex., May 8. A tor
nado swept through San Antonio yes
terday morning and caused a loss ag
gregating over $100,000. Xo loss of
life is reported. At Fort Sam Houston
tho entire galleries of three barracks
were demolished and the o Ulcers'
quarters were unroofed. Hundreds
of trees within tlie fort are utterly
ruined. Hcxnr county will be a
heavy loser by the wreckage of
bridges. A huge steel bridge over tho
Salado creek, nine miles from this
city, is completely demolished. The
damage will probably reach $20,000.
Homo and .Somite I'iikh a 1(111 That JCe
Htorim Their Klulit-i to a lun-
mIoh or svrr.o.
Washington, May S. This was sus
pension day in the house mid quite a
number of bills were passed. The
most important was the senate bill
to amend the general pension laws so
as to provide for aggregating disa
bilities under the act of 1S90 without
regard to service, origin and to in
crease the net income n widow may
Jmve without destroying her right to
a pension from $90 to $250. Tho pur
pose of the bill is to modify rulings
of the pension office in accordance
with the. recommendations of the G.
A. It. It was passed without a dis
senting voice.
Warner' lleiuiirloible Statenirnt.
Springfield, 0., May 8. Gen. A. J.
Warner, a silver leader ami head of
the Piiuetallie union, is out in n re
markable interview published here.
Ho says that ho favors dropping out
of tho democrat iu platform tho phrase
10 to 1, as it is a mere incidental and
led tho people astray from the main
question In the financial issue, which
is tlie restoration of the double stand
ard, or bimetallism.
Admiral Dewey at .Mriuplil.
Memphis, Tenn., May 8. Memphis
yesterday surrendered unconditionally
to Admiral Hewoy. The climax of
tho day's festivities was a gorgeous
flower parade in the afternoon, which
passed through tho principal streets
and received the plaudits of citiens
and visitors. Thousands of visitors
arrived during the night ami tlio
streets were crowded with strangers.
In the TolU of Undo Mini.
Kansas City, Mo., May 8. S. A.
Weltmcr, president, and Joseph H.
Kelly, secretary, of tho American
School of Magnetic Healing, of Ne
vada, Mo., were arrested and brought
into tlie United States distrlot court
here to answer a charge of using the
mails for the purpose of fraud.
To Attrili'tiiiuitit Hour iy mpatlilor
Detroit, Mich, May S. Sybrant Wui
solius, of Grand Jtapids, has engaged
In endeavoring to nmnignte socintkM
of Poor sympathizers into a national
organization. Said Mr. Wrtwoliuu:
" have no doubt that a nntlonal so
ciety of Hour sympathizers will be
formed within sLv we;ikH."
Proceeding! of Our National Lawmaker!
from Day to I)uy In Condcnand form
Itenolutlont and Jlllla.
When tho ncnate convened on the 2d
Senator GallliiKcr (N. II.) presented a me
morial from tho Union Veterans' union
complaining about tlio government's pen
sion policy and made the memorial the
text for a speech In which ho mulntalncd
that thu criticisms were unjust. Sena
tor Sowell (N. J.) secured the passage of
u bill to establish tho Fredericksburg
and adjacent national battlclleldB me
morial park In Virginia. Tho army ap
propriation bill was then considered.
Tho house at tho conclusion of a stormy
debate passed tho Nicaragua canal bill
by 225 to i!5. All attempts to retain in
tho measuro tho language of tho orig
inal bill for tho fortification of the canal
wuro balked.
Tho army appropriation bill was passed
by tho senate on tho 3d, after a rather
spirited debate, without division. A res
olution requesting the civil service com
mission to supply Information conllrm
ing violations of tho civil service law in
IS'jS was adopted. Tho day closed with
tho passage of 137 private pension bills.
....Thu house passed tho "freo homes"
bill which has hern ponding before con
gross for a number of years. Tho bill
provides that tho government shall Issue
patents to uctual bona fldo settlers on ag
ricultural lands of Indian reservations
opened to sottlament.
Tho senate on tho 4th, inter a dctmto
lasting only throu hours, passed tho ar
my reorganization bill. In military cir
cles tho measuro Is rogarded as one of
tho most Important of tho present ses
sion, Tho fortlllcatlqns appropriation
bill, carrying J7.733.C28, was also passed.
After a short executlvo session un ad
journment was takun to tho "th Tho
house mado fair progress with tho sun
dry civil appropriation bill, completing
73 of tho 132 pages of tho bill. Mr. Par
ker (Mel.) introduced a bill repealing tho
Chinese exclusion laws and making tho
gouoral Immigration laws applicable to
Chinese who shall provo themselves ablo
to rend tho constitution of the United
Htates In Kugllsh or thu Chinese lan
guage. Tho senate wns not In session on tho
Cth Tho houso passed tho sundry civil
bill. It carries slightly moro than JC1,
G0O.O00. The senate amendments to tho
urmy appropriation bill were disagreed
to and tho bill was sent to conference.
Senator Tollar (Col.) strongly urged the
Hcnalo on tho 7th to extend Its sympathy
to tho Poors In their contest with Great
llrltaln. During tho remainder of tho
session tno naval appropriation bill was
considered, but tho measuro was not
completed. Senator Chandler (N. II.)
Introduced a resolution making a resolu
tion for seating or unseating a senator
privileged over all other business Tho
day wtiH suspension day In tho house and
qulto a number of bills were passed. Tho
most Important was tho sennto bill to
nmend tho general ponslon laws so as to
provide for aggregating disabilities under
tho act of 1S9U without regard to servlco
origin an- to Increase tho net Incomo a
widow may havo without destroying her
right to a pension from $9G to $250. Tho
measure is in accordance with tho rec
ommendations of the G. A. It. Tho bill
to increase tho appropriation for the na
tional guaru from 1 100,000 to $1,000,000 also
was among tho3e passed.
A Jokn on Itnril.
A good story is told in West Vir
ginia involving two of the congress
men from thnt snug little, state and
Thomns 13. Peed, tho gigantic speaker
of the last house. The two West Vir
ginians are Pltickburn P. Dovener and
Pomeo Hoyt Freer. Poth are small in
stature and wonderfully alike in their
general appearance. Toge.ther they
want up to the ponderous Maine man
to be introduced.
Humph!" said Mr. Peed, "is that
the best the Persimmon state can
"What do you mean?" asked Mr.
"Nothing," drawled the elephantine
speaker. "I was only wondering at
the uniformity of things down your
way. I suppose tho horses aro nil
ponies and thu persimmons all
dwarfs "
"Well," interrupted Mr. Freer,
"there is ono thing in our favor, the
persimmon has more taste than tho
The laugh was on the speaker, and
he acknowledged it by cordially grasp
ing the hands of the lilliputians and
joining in the merriment. Success.
IIU Offer.
A generous if not alluring offer was
that made by an exasperated physi
cian to the penurious father of an
insane young man. The old man
wished to secure his son's admission
to the insnnn asylum, but unwilling
to pay for the necessary certificate.
After hearing his plea of poverty
which the doctor knew to be false
and hearing him, also tell of the nuriv
expenses to which ha had been put
by his ungrateful children, the physi
cian waved his hand to end tho
recital. "Now seo here," he said,
sharply, "you just pay me for this
one, and 1 11 give you a certificate for
yourself whenever you wish to libe it,
for nothing!" Youth's Companion.
ilng!" outh's Companion
A rorulcn Tmi(;ut.
"What on earth is do matter vid
yoh talk?" asked Piccaninny Jim's '
"Dat talk what I was jes' now
"Oh, "dat alnt sho-null talk! J"v'y
body's gotter speak in school, an' de
tunchur is lenrnin' 1110 a negro dia
lect piece." Washington .Slur.
A OiirHllnii nf Kl.i'.
The elephant were comparing
trunks at the 7.00. "I could carry a
bonne with mine," aid the ox-circus
elephant. "My trunk's pretty fair,"
lU'gwd tlie smaller pachyderm.
Twiilc," trumpotud the oxciniiH
elephant. "You ain't yot no trunk.
That thing of your don't amount to
Hnylliljitf mom than a rfrra unit
ore."--rjitladlnhia Nprth-Aimricmi,
Is Sought by Female Suffer-
ers From Ocean
to Ocean.
Mrs. P. W.
Goulder. 130C
4 th avc, Rock
Island, IU.,
"I was af
flicted forfivo
or six years
with catarrh
al difllculties
and was
worse nil tho
time. 1 began,
taking your
Peruna with,
a marked im
provomont from tho first.
of o u r i n c
:TN '
V Si:;.'
4:V'-$ft that, tho Pe
?T; greatly im
p r o v o d my
g o 11 oral
"Every bot
tle of Peruna.
is worth ita
weight in
gold; espe
cially to 1110,
for I owe my
present good
h oiilth to
All over tlio country thoro nro woraon
who havo been invalids for many years,
suffering with femalo dorangements
which the family dootor cannot euro.
What boon to much women fa Dr
llartman'm froo nttvtcol So famoum
haa his oftlll mat&o htm that hsrtHy a
hamlet or town In tm country but
hncwa hla name Ho cures tons of
thouar.ntls, and h&offoratoovory wo
man who will vrrlto to hint her symp
toms antl a history of Iwr trouble,
frao atlvlca antl Sroatmoni.
Tho medicines ho prescribes can bo ob
tained nt any drug store, and tho cost is
within tho reach of any woman. Ho de
scribes minutely and carefully just what
sho shall do and get to inako a healthy,
robust woman of herself.
Tho Doctor has writton a book especially
for this elasi of women, entitled " Health
and Beauty." This book contains many
facts of Interest to woman, and will ho sent
frco to any address by Or. Karimxn,.
Columbuo, Q.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signaturo of
Seo Fac-Sltniie Wrapper Below.
Tory small and'oa easy
to talis as imffnr.
2B cotrtj I Psercly VeffctaMaw?5
T.lfHttt 1I1U1I. K,nUAllBP
baBo wall coatlnrr.
In 5 lb. paper packages, mado roady for uso in
vkiU and fourtoon booutiful tints by wlslui:
with cold vratar. It is a coniont thnt t;oo3
through ti procosa 01 cottins, hardens with ago,
nnd on bo coated and rccoated without washing
off iti old coats boforo ronowinc
Is ontiroly
from all th
various kilsominea oa tho raarkot, bcinc durable
and not slack on tho wall witli rIuo. Alabnstino
cuitomora should insist on having tho Roods ia
uackasai properly labeled. Tuoy should rojoct
all imitatioat. Thoro Is cotkinff "just uQcood."
, r n r r- r ., ,
Pravents much BlcknoBs, particularly throat antl
lutifc' difllcultiet, attributable to unsanitary
coatine oa walh. It has boon rccoinmoudml
in a papr published by tho Michigan Hlato
hoard ot Hoilth on uccoinit of its nnnltary
feutnrfj; which ptitxtr Htronidy ronilt-mmul
kUtoiuiuei. AlnlitiMtfim r.nn bo UBrd on olthor
puttered wall, wood cnlliucs. brick orcutivtifl,
and uny ono rni, l,ruh it on. 1 1 admit.) of radi
cal fDuiifi'j from wall jmpur ilworntniim, than
m Hiring ai r.'tt,onbln erimiiMt tlio intent, find
iK-fitruttcij. A'..lMihiinoiiiiuiii)iifuciiin'dl)y thu
Inrtrnrilvnaiid fiilorcstini: booLlot inuilod froe
I.!cl (juiiti rixrup. 'I liitoM U('il. (Jim
r m
Ultimo. hi1 liyoriiiatlHu.
Klf 551. f
rf i r '.:''':
t .jj .'".v,:'
yy r
tt IB1CT
1 i 1 wjn & vi u x. a
cT u & u u un? B"2 vav u
in nrs ',1mm n 1 si
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