;i i w " i w ' " rTvrt n - n r ' AU fc fc Kt m ill ? e in 11 fis uiUMija 2K ""-'JiiK Mwaumwwiniwil'WWW m imwigJW. i MWWHH Ug REPUBLICAN, Jr. 29348. Standard and registered bay horse, flyouisold, Hi bands high, weigliHllOU pounds. Hired hv UoptibllcMii 1!:H1; llf hrotlHT to Put L., 1!:U. Dum, Suilia Voni ty Tula vera ".:); ami im Uotsy Trotwood by MeMahon 12: 1 . LUDWICK 32673. Standard nnl registered bay homo a .years old, 10 hntnU high, weight V2(X) pound. Sireebv Put L. 2:09. Dntn Sadie Vera hv talavnra H.JIO; 12ntl dam iletfy Trot wn'od by McMnhon 2:21. Will mako the loason of 1900, t ex cept Saturday, at home, Maple Ridge Stock Farm, L'J tnllcA smilhonit of Howe, Nehr , at $10 to insure. T. Jr. JONES, Owner, HOWE, NKim. The Nebraska Advertiser W. Nr. SAXDKKS, Publisher. V itt day, May I, loot) CURIOUS WHEAT PROBLEM. NOTES FOR THE HOME. Vnrlou" Ileum of l)iinicllo Which Mny Ho INnunl of Vnlue. Iioro w rAXTKn-SKVKUAi.ri:soso fok nis. trlct onicu.Mun.ini rw In Mils t-Ule to rep- jiwont inn In tlit-lr own nun mirnaumiuK counties. Wlllluu to pay yiirly t00.pynbh vniKly. nPHlruiiloomillnymoiit with iinus unl opiioiiunltli'H. Keren-aces I'XohnriK'". KnrlnnKiilf.uililrPHnoil slumped envelope. 8. A. I'arlc.aiSlUaxluH MulldlnK. Chicago. Tukotho wagonette when In Auburn for any part of the city. Kiwy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McKlhauey.proiiilotor. Ud AlJr hm Dyspepsia Digests what you eat. Itartlflciully(llKritsthofoodiinanld8 Nature In strengthening and rccon- ctrnnf.lnfrt.1in fiXliatlSttid UIKCStlVO Or- uans. ltistholat.estdlBCovorcddiRCBt nnt and tonic. Ko other preparation can approach It in olllclency. It in fltantly relievos and-pcrnmuently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomacu, Nausea, Sicklleadachc.Gastralgia.Cranips.aud ll other rcsultsoflinporfectdlgeotion. roparcd by E. C DeWIU Co., Cbkeu 1)V sale by Keeling, the druggist. According i Thin Ciiiiiiiiiliillon Scur- ull) of I'oiiil In .Nut ly Any Ml'IIIK Remote. If Sir William Crookes 1h to be be lieved, scarcity of food 1h not by tiny ineniiM rt'tnote; it may come within sight of persona now alive, and these not very young, says the London Spec tator. The ease may be very easily Htntcd. At preheat the deficiencies of the wheat-eating count rlcs'tirc supplied by North America, especially by the United States. In 1S07-S the wheat crop of the United States was about 540,000,000 bushels. Of tills quantity 217,000,000 bushels were exported to Europe, where no country, excepting Itushiii and Turkey, grows enough for Its own population. The Btates are able to do this without trenching on the home supply, because the total pop ulation Is not more than 75,000,000. Jn 1031, if the Increase of population goes on at the same rate as that of the hiht 30 years, the 75,000,000 will have in creased to 130,000,000, and the surplus for export, will be no longer available. Whence, therefore, will the wants of the world be supplied? Itussia at present exports largely, the total be ing something more than two-fifths of that from the states. I'ut it cannot be lioped that Russia will come to the res cue of a hungry world. It is already hungry itself, exporting food while its own people are starving. Any change here must be In the way of distribu tion. This change will be the more speedy because the Kussinn population, In aplte of its sufferings, increases. In deed, the dillleulty of the general prob lem is aggravated by the fact that, up to the point of actual starvation, scarci ty not only does not cheek, but actual ly stimulates, the rate of increase. A perfectly well-fed, well-educated and generally comfortable population has a tendency to diminish rather than to grow. HUMAN FREAKS. Vurlnun Ai'coiiiiiIIliiuciitN Attained by .lien mill Women With out Arum. We advise our readers to buy Viok's Seeds THE BEST THE WORLD PRODUCES. Tim handsomest and mint complete Catalogue the house has ever Issued sent five, provided you state In what you am most interested Flowers, vegetables, or Sin ill Fruits. Addrenn JAMES VICK'S SONS, Rochester, New York. There is nothing new under the sun, especially in the way of human freaks. The case of the late Charles Francois Fleu, the armless Belgian artist, re cently deceased, was no exception, Bays the Philadelphia Press. Cnmer tirltiH, over three centurleB ago, knew a man born armless who ate and drank with the help of his feet and wrote fair and straight copies in Latin and Her man, lie tells of another who could use a sword and throw javelins with his feet, and who was broken on the wheel for murder. Magdalene Rudolph Thulnly says Bartholin "with her feet spins and threads her needle; she weaveB, she charges and discharges a gun; with a scissors and a knife she cuts paper into divers artificial figures; she plays at tables and dice, she knows how to bring her feet to her breast and head so as to take her child to breast." Scaliger tells n similar tale of one An- tonius. Then there was a woman of Britain who was forced to use her mouth and tongue in spinning, threading a needle, tying knots and writing. Pictorius ViUingnnus rclateV, that he knew nn armless Spaniard who could with an nx give a blow that wouldicut a reasonably-sized bit of wood asunder at-one blow. START OF THE FEUD. Economical cooks do not boll the whole egg when only the hard-boiled yolk Is needed. Either the yolk la dropped alone and unbroken Into wa ter and boiled hard In this way, the white being previously drained off, or, after the yolk Is separated from the white, it is left In the shell and put thus Into the boiling water. At the fashionable shops smart-looking brocade-covered tables are shown for drawing-rooms, and, reproduced In cretonnes and chintzes, for bedrooms. It is not at all difllcult to copy theso with admirable success at home, par ticularly If one has stored nway one of tneold-fnshloned long withstands that used to grace country chambers. 1 licbo usually have a back piece projecting nbote the top. This will need to no taken olT. The top and shelf below nro then neatly covered with whatever ma terial is selected. The pieces of fabric are cut somewhat larger than the shelf they cover, and are folded under and tacked with small tacks on the under side. The legs arc similarly covered. Scalloped sweet potatoes are nn ex cellent luncheon dish to offer with any kind of cold roast meat. The potatoes nre peeled and boiled hnrd for about ten minutes. They are then removed from the fire, drained, and sliced in circles- into a baking dish. When half-full, the.v are spread with hits of butter and a tablespoonful of sugar. The dish Is then filled up. butter, sugar and a lit tle powdered cinnamon forming the top crust. At this heason of the year, as the potatoes grow somewhat dry and fibrous, half a teaeupful of boiling water may be poured over the dish be fore it is put into the oven. Bake un til the potatoes are tender. As Is well known discrimination In applying knowledge is as important as the knowledge itself. In a nursery seen recently, the walls were covered with one of the papers especially designed for nurseries, showing in constant rep etition ninny of the characters famed in children's stories. The paper was a study for the children, and, having been provided, it should have been left to be studied. Instead, the wnlls were covered with pictuies, good, bad and indifferent, an environment which must have been extremely distracting to the children who passed mos of their time in the room. Either a few good pictures against an almost plain background, or the riot of fairy-talc happenings alone put upon the walls for the occupation and interest of the children, would have been a much bet ter arrangement. X. V. Post. MclNlNCIfS QUEENSWARE DEPARTMENT has Grown! One of our large store rooms is now almost exclu-. sively devoted to this part of our stock. Our counters are loaded with novelties in China and Glassware. Our shelves are crowded with an immense assort ment of plain and decorated white granite and porcelain ware. NO ADVANCE IN OUR PRICES. Manufacturers have made heavy advances in prices ranging from 10 to 50 per cent. OUR PRICES REMAIN UNCHANGED." Teacups and saucers, unhandled, best white ware, while present stock lasts, 35 cents per set. Plates, full size, best white ware, while present stock lasts, 39 cents per set. "We are closing out our Clothing Stock at greatly reduced prices. Don't wait if you want to buy Clothing. fie Great Cast Bentat Store OF- A. A, Mclninch & Son BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Tip Great Republican Paper of America. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat Geo Noland, Rockland, 0., Eays: Mv wife had piles forty years. DeWitt's Witchllazel Salve cured her. It is tho best, salvo in America." It heals every thine and cures all skin diseases. W W Keeling A Sure Sign of Group- Hoarseness in a child that Is subject to cioup is a sure indication of the appio.ichof the disease. If Chamber lain's Cough Remedy iB given as soon as tlm child' becomes hoarse, or even after cl.o croupy cough has appeared, it wili prevent the attack. Many mothers who have cioupy children ul wavH keep this temedy tit hand and Hud that it saves them much trouble and woiry. It can always be depend ed upon and is pleasant to take. For salo bv Keeling The Advertiser Globe, Democrat only 31.00. ami the St. Louis both one year for The Great Newspaper of the World TWICE EVERY WEEK Eight Pages Almost Equal or More to a Daily- each Tuesday at the Price and Friday of a Weekly $1.00 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR $100 No other paper gives THE NEWS so promptly, so fully, so accurately No other paper prints so great a v.wibty or interesting and instructive leading matter for every momber of the family. No other paper is so good, m clean, so cheap. QTYrjQpT'D'ff MflAT Aml get this sterling Republican Newspaper, wUJJMWRflJJU 1NU VV this peerless Home Journal, dining all of tlm important National Campaign of lflOO, and until after tho election of the next President, It is indispensable to every citizen and ought ttrbe in every house hold. Sample copies free. Address The fiilobt JPrhHing Co., St. Xomi.s, JlRo. I Our fee returned if we fall. Anv one emlltiir sketch ninl (letcrit)Uon of ntiy invention vriil ironintiy receive our opinion uec concerning lie mtciitntilUtv of name. "How to Obtain a Patent" sent noon reiiueit. l'ntents nectired through un ndTcrtisctl for (wile nt our expense. Patents taken out through tn receive tprcml twticc, without charge, In Tun I'atknt Khcoun, nn illusirnifd nml widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers nnd Investor. bend for katnnlc copy FREE. Addles, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. latent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON. D. &. Srimtor Clnrtc lliul to Pn- Slnroiu Duly KlKhty TlioiiMUMl Dollnrn for n Strfiiin. Dr W Wixon, Italy Hill, N Y. Bays: I heartily recoinmondOiieMinuteUougli (Jure It gave my wite Immediate re lief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take; never tails to quickly cine all cougliH.colds, tliinul and lung troubles Keeling. The DAILY GLORE DEMOCRAT is without a rival iu all the west, and stands at the very front among the few Reully Great NewspapeiB of the world. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 9lmoff9 jjrtJrtTM- Trade MArms Dcsicrto CoPYniQHTB &C. AnTonotendliiR nukoloh nnd description mux Uly riBcorlnlii our oiuulon iruo uni'inur mi ntlnn la urolmiilr rmtentoblo. Cormnunlcn. cmiiilnntlnl. Handbook on Patents onto turn it.iii. utrlpllvf ,intfroo. Olrtost nifoiir-r lor iccurliiff intont. 1'ittoiits tukun through Muiiu A Co. rcivlvo lteiat notlc-t, without etinrjo, In tuo Scientific JitterEcaii. A handsomely MnMrnlod wopklr. Irr-PJt cir culation of nny nclotulilo journal. '1 crow, J h ypiir: four months, fl. Bold by all ticnuclt'iilor. MtOL-U OJtlco. lr Et., WushlEKiou U C. "Gus" Schmidt tells this story In connection with the trouble of Senator Clark, of .Montana, who is bitterly pur Biied by Marcus Daly, Miys the Indian apolis I'rehs: "The start of thia feud dates from their early mining days when Clark was dependent on the water from a small stream for the successful work ing of his mines. Daly bought the wa ter right for $35,000 and compelled Clark to pay s?bO,000 for its use. "A further item, which goes to show Clark's luck, or pluck, is that a prom inent western smelting company was financially embarratned, and as it war at a time of panic the company could not obtain ready money. Clark exam ined Its books, and. fitidlntr them in good condition, took SHO.fXQ stock in the company. In going over the books lie noticed a carload of ore once in awhile that was exceedingly rich, and made inquiry of the name of the mine from which the ore came. Ilewastold, and went to the mine dressed as a miner and hired himself out to the four young men who owned It. and went to work as a miner. After seeing the wraith of the mine he bought It for $2M).rC0, and this mine Is now making him millions," START THE YEAR RIGHT. Ry this we mean that if you are not already a sub-icuher to Tho Nebraska state Journal on should become one at once. Tho Journal is Nebraska's old reliable. Reing published at the statu capital it piints more news of i met est to Nebraskans than any other paper lit the state. Many of its patrons have been subscribers for over a (punier of u century. Tho Journal has built up a tremendous business by its push and energy and the paper stands at the head of the column. Its dally and Suudav issues not only con-1 tain all the current news of the world but are tilled with special features., The Setui-Weekh Journal, which by nianv is called "the tarmtirfl' daily." gives 101 impeis a vear for 81.00 nnd one of i he gi cutest bargains ever iffcred readers. The year 1000 will bo i reeord-bicaker with The Journal, as 181)0 has been Join tho army of readers for the coming presidential campaign. Gall in and see us if you want uibseti'j' for anv paper published in V United States. Old papers tor sale at thia ollke. Daily, Daily, Sunday Including Sunday. Without Sunday. Edition. One Year SO 00 Ono Yenr $4 00 .10 to 00 Pages Months a 00 0 Months 2 00 One Year S2 00 3 Months 150 a Months 100 0 Monlha 100 1JY MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID Th, ITewTTork Tribun. New York Weeklv T;u,mn whoso rcadeis have rep IIIUUIIC r ew York Tri Tribune Weekly Monday, Wednesday, Friday. PracticallyJ A DAILY and tho Cheapest Known. Published on Thuhsiiay. For over fifty-eight years a national Family Paper for laniU'i-R and villagers vIiobo readeis have rep esented the very host A now nntl romnrlcnuly nttrncUvo milillpn- clement of 0111' country population, lion, profusely Illustrated with portraits nml , . ... ',', i iiuirJimiPK. nnuiniiiM ni i ttm striitinu news It trives all i nnortsiiit news ol tl i"": nation and world, tho most r 10 eliablo poiulonce, Short stories, Humorous Illustru- market 1'OpOltR, UlRUHintinrf Hliort BtO- iIoiih, Industrial Inforinntlnn.Fuslilon Notos n,.n,,ll,l A n.i.iniil(nen1 l)n Aurloultiinil Mutters careful iv trented, nnd HOS, ail UllCXCOllecl AgllQllltUlfll J Oninnrelimmlvoaml Hollablo Financial and pnrtllieilt, Scientific 1111(1 mCLMIIUHCu Market Reports. It is mulled nt saino lionr .' .. , . ' , . , , . , ,, .. .i, us the dally edition, reaches n largo propor- llliormutlOll, Fashion Articles lor the t Ion of subscribers on date of Issue, and each Wnnion liimmrnna illimtrtitions for edition is a thoroughly up-to-duttj ially WOn10ll tiuniorous lllllHliail()UH itu nowspnrter for busy pooplo. old and young. It 1R " 1 lie People S Regular subsoription price, Paper" for tho entire United States, $1,50 per Year WefnrnlHli H vrllh The AdvertUor for $1,85 per Year I Regular subscription price, 81.00 per Year Wo furnish it with rho Adve-rMser for $1.35 per Year Send all orders to The Advortiscv, jemuliu, Kebrasko r v m X y '4 i w i, , . wdubh. i jm& m& ' -, .ifuii.t H. . ji t'iifctv!