The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 20, 1900, Image 1

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JLocal News
Warm went her.
Farmers are very busy.
Seo Hill & Keeling for lire Insurance
Who will start u bank in Nemaha?
See Keeling a uhw stork of wallpaper.
Tlio prospects aru lluu lor a big fruit
Mia li. A Muiick returned from
Johnson Tuesday.
Mis. it. I Brown and aim wont to
P.nvuoe City Friday.
Mrs. Maud Lemon returned to
liiuwnvillo last Saturday.
County Commissiuner John S. Ste
vensou gave ua u ouuial call last Fri
day. Several Indians passed tluough town
Wednesday on their wuj to South Dai
Henry beid was able to come to town
Thursday for the lirst time in several
Willie Yates went to HrowriTllle last
Saturday to visit his sister, Mis. Maud
Wo print' on one of the inside panes
n poiiruit of Congressman Elmer J.
The Royal Highlanders will hereaf
ter meet in the Masonic hall until fur
t ier notice.
Little Gilbert, who has
been very a ek for some time, is now
much bettei .
As the 22nd comeH on Sunday this
car, next Monday will be celebrated
ab Arbor Day
We hnd good showers Saturday, Sun
day, Monday and Tuesday. The soil
is now in lino shape.
Jimmy Jones has moved on bis farm
in Bedford precinct and is now u
h my handed farmer.
E E. Rumhuugh and Joseph Stiln
well have leased Hoover's opera house
for u year. They took possession
Wall Paper!
Keoling's drug store ha3 jiiBt received
u handsome line of wall paper latest
styles and handBomo ones too. Prices
very reasonable.
Best western grown flower, gardau,
and Held seeds, warranted fresh and
true to name, for sale by Kerker &
v, invites tho continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho
patrons may bo assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good lino of
and druggist's sundries alwnys kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A go stock of
in handsome designs and latest stylos.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
Y If you want anything In our line call
and see us, Prices right
' Mrs. .1. B. Hoover and Mrs John E.
Crother went to Brownvllle Wednes
day, returning Thursday.
Mrs Buchenau started for Custer
county, Oklahoma, Tuesday, lo visit
her sou and other relatives and triouds.
Misses Flora Illatt and Rose Sea
bury gavo Tho Advertiser office n very
plnasaut call Friday afternoon of last
Write to Dr. W. I. Seymour If you
aro having any trouble with your eyes,
ears, nose or throat. No. 1210 Kst.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Hill & Keeling write both farm and
city insurance and will save you money
Earle Gilbert.
Gilbert & McCandless
having bought the S. Gilbort stock of goods, and added a largo
invoico of new goods which are now being received, giving us a
full and comploto stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Hats,
Shoes, Etc, Etc.
A line lino of Shirt Waists just in. .
Sunbonnets, ready made, and cheaper than you can buy tho
material and make them.
A large stock of Slippers and shoes y d goods low prices'
Latest styles in Hats largo assorting - lowest prices.
Wo havo tho goods and havo put pri os low enough to sell
them. Your patronage is invited. Wo will treat you right.
E5f""Highest market price paid for all kinds of produce.
Our readers aro promised treat in
the beautifully illustrated article of
travel written by the noted Dr. W. I
Seymour of Lincoln, Neb.
Mrs. Mary Shellhom, of Chicago, has
been visiting her brothers, Casuer and
Luther II Barnes, of Nemaha product,
and her sister, Mis. C. M. Welton, at
JohuBon, for the past two weeks.
Mrs. Alico McCandless will give n
recital at McGechie's opera house, Shu
bert, Saturday night, April 28th. The
Shubert Mandolin club will assist in
the entertainment.
Luthor II Barnes has sold his lease
of tho Hoover pasture northeast of
town and the ono In Lockwood Bend
to Aven Harper and another gentle
man, and Lute started for Oklahoma
Friday to look up a loiMtion.
Aa it rained on Easter Sunday many
aro predicting that it will rain for
seven Sundays. Hut 'J he Advertiser
weather prophet ventures the predict
tion that tho old saying will be proven
false. Now keop tab and see who is
We havo an interesting letter trom
Jake Tidrow, written to his sisters,
Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Yackley,
which will bo published next week.
Mr. Tidrow is a volunteer soldier in
tho Philippine Islands and gives a brief
account of what ho 1ms seen .
We invite tho ladles to call and seo
tho tinware, galvanized iron ware, on,
amelod ware and woodenware. The
best and easiest running washing ma
chine made just received. Barrel
churns. Do not forget to investigate
tho merits of Cemeutico, the finest wall
finish made. Get somo of our paint
and brighten up the woodwork of )our
houses. Buy some of our woven fenc
ing. Got a now hoe, rake and other
garden making tools. Call and see
our stock of gotde anyway, whether
you boy or not.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co,,
Nemaha, Nob
settings for sale at 00 cents per setting.
Joun IIiatt,
Miss Vovn Clark Ib taking some f.
cellent outdoor views with her kodalr.
She is fast becoming an export in pin
The bnzuur held at ltrownvillo FrU
day of last week by the Methodist
ladles' aid society was a creat success.
The ladles took in 655 1(1.
Mrs. Jennie Chambers returned to
her homo near Tecumseh Tueaday.after
a visit of several days with relatives
and friends In this 'vicinity.
Mart May, Sherman May and Aug
Quiller went lo Phelps, Mo., Monday
and brouuht back with them a line
jack, "Judge Mammoth." which Mr
Quiller recently bought
A. R. McCandlkss.
Tho entertainment given at the
opera houso last Saturday night by
Mrs. Alice McCandless, assisted by
some of the best musicians of Nemaha
was excellent and was greatly enjoyed
by tho audience. Mrs. McCandless'
recitations aro always goud.
The Easter services Hint were to
havo been uiven at tho Methodist
church last Sunday night, by tho mem
bers of the Sunday school, wero posl-
poned on abcount of the rain. They
will be given next Sunday nightif it
doesn't rain.
This offer is limited,
These pictures are
the country and will be
Nemaha, Nebraska.
7WL1E.& "DD-SOUEIOs 3E3E3E3L.3L,,
invites all tho "Queons o( America" to call and ace her tine stuck of
ring & Summer
Call and sec her at the "Store for Bargains."
John A. Hiutt received his stock of
harne.-s goods tho first of the week and
Is now ready for business for anything
in that line. John E. Crother is at
woik and will make yon a now set of
harness, ropair your old ono or patch
up your shots in short order.
lli-v 1) A. Youtzy, of Elk Croik,
uo his lecture on "Ben Ilur," iilu.s
trnted with stereopticon views, at the
Christian church Wednesday night
Tho lectin or gavo t synopsis of tin
book as tho vlowa wore turned on tin
screen, nnd Interested nil. Tho enter-
tainment is a very interesting one.
Hairy Shudley, who has been section
foreman t Nemaha for sovoral years,
lnn resigned, and wo understand will
-toon take thu position of foreman of
he B. & M. lock quarry west of Au
burn. Fuller Burns has been tempu
ratily appointed section foi email and
will prohabiy be appointed pertna
Nemaha is now well supplied with
biiHiiiess enterprises with the ex
cupUou ol a It nk During tho past
ix or eight months there has been
addel to the business of the town an
o'her huidwaie store, a lumber yard, u
restaurant, a photograph gallery, and a
harness whop, and a now elevator has
beei. opened 'I bin the last year. In
addition to this tho merchants carry-,
ing general inciehandiso have greatly
lucremed their stocks of goods. No
malm is steadily improving.
See "W. W. Harris of
South Auburn for
I wouldn't be withoulDeWitl'sWitch
Ilazul Salve for any consideration."
writes Thos B Ilhodes, Centcrlleld, 0.
Infallible for piles.cutH, bur ns and skin
diseases. Bewuo of counterfeits. W
W Keeling
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tnblots.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to euro. E W Grove's signature
on every box. 25o
A l?a 1 ii"ft "IP I H Iftv H rf& B" 1? ?ft 0 9 K"ft tf" GP fl W
Until May 1st we will give as a premium
ife-Size Port
with every $10 worth of goods
purchased of us by one person.
and should be taken advantage of at once.
from one of the best portrait companies in
true to life.
Tho Odd Fellows of Nemaha aro
preparing for a big bl wont mxt
Thursday night, that being the aniiK
versary of (lie institution of the ordet
An interesting program haf bron pio
pared, which will be given in Odd Fel
low hall. Bev. J, M. Darby will de
liter an addrens, Supper will be teiv d
in tho Miniek hall.
0. W. Falrbrother, of Brownvllle,
hnd a stroke of paralysis Tuesday and
ia in a critical condition. On a count
f Ills aco and rnfwMeu condition lie
chances aro against tits recovery. Mr
Fulfill other is one of the pioneer ed
itors of Nebraska, and wns for a mini
In r of years editor of The Adveiticer.
Ho has many friends nil over the ntalo
who earnestly hope for his recovery.
Having sold the goueral merchan
dise stock belonging to tho S. Gilbert
cs'.ato, I wisli to settle up all the busi
ness of the estate as quickly us
blo, and would ask ull owing accounts
to call and settle by cash or uotn. All
notes und accounts will be in the olllco
of Gilbert. & McCandless and can bo
settled there at any time.
lloK Giuiickt. Admx.
Eor the best assort
ment of Dry Goods and
shoes go to the Day
light store of South
Auburn; W. W. Harris,
Any one needing native lumbei can
lind the same at my iwideiiee, ono ami
a half miles south ol Nemaha.
W. W. Skid.
Insure your farm and town property
with Funnel:) and Merchants ln.siiri
unco Co. of Lincoln F. 11. 1). Hunt
Agent, Neninl'ii. Neb
Wo have a numO, i ol mimplo copies
of the Inter Ocean that we will glvn
to any who call for them, It is a good
paper. Wo will send Tin Advertiser
and tho Inter Ocean both for ono year
lor only 81 40.
'iMIfrtmiMt11" -'
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