The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 09, 1900, Image 4

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UM i .im f
The Nebraska Advertiser
VT, W. NJt.YiUlittt, fnblltlur.
01.60 1'Kll TICAK
FKLUAY, MAItOH 0, 1000.
Local jlSTgws
TIiobIx wucka of gtoundliog weather
ifl Glided.
Wo had rain, snow and Blcot Sunday
night and Monday.
Goorgo Lindsey liaa moved Into tlio
MoNincli liouao in the western iurt of
Dim Muxwull, who has rented hia
father's fariii, tlio old John Jinnies
place, movod in from Auburn Friday
of last week.
Jiy an nriangomuiit made last Satur
day Jt. I Jirown tukrH only a third Jn
tereat iu the atoro of Andoraon &
Iirown. Mr. Andoraon ro-jervto two
tlilids interest.
Lloyd Jtoytio has sold his feed store
to a Mr. Jl ayes, of Aspiuwall, who will
take po'JMt'sslon soon Jjloyd oxpocta
to go to Oklahoma soon, with tlio rest
of the Roybo's Hrownvillo Sun.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Wade, of Crab
Oi chard, returned homo Tuesday after
a week's visit with their brothcrn-.
luw, L. H. Merritt. Mrs. Moirittand
tho liitlo girl went hoitio with thorn.
A letter from John Dorrani, who is
now located at Neck City, Mo., says ho
is night engineer for a big z no plant.
Willi tho exception of a lew nights
when ho was under tho weather ho has
worked every night tinco ho lim been
Lloyd Royao has resigned his posi
tion as postmaster of Brownvillo, to
tako place as noon as his successor is
appointed and quatiliod. E, D. lierlln,
Charley .Schiiiitss. T. C. J)llt. and Elmer
Cole ure candidates for tho appoint
ment. JJrownvillo Sun.
Mrs. S. M. Jvllao, who has been visit
ing her daughters, Mrs.
and Mis. Goo. Yackloy, and her tUBtois,
Mrs Oacar Scovlll, of Iirowuvlllo, and
Mrs. O. 1. Uuiker, of AHpinwall, for
about three week , started for her
homo in Garuett, Ivansas Tuesday.
If the editor has woin a scarod look
thi.s week it is uo limit; tliuu ahould be
expected Last week we Haul that
Mrs. S. M. ICIiso Intel gone to lirown
vllto to visit her mother, Mrs. Scovtll.
As Mis. Kliao is fifteen joara older
than Mrs. Soovill, wc would not blame
her for being offended. Tlio two Indies
are sistcis.
John Anderson, of I'helps, Mo., gave
us u pleasant call Tuesday. Mi. und
Mrj. Aitderiioii had been at Auburn
atlmiding the trial ot George Hay lor
the murder of Frank Chcesmiin. Mrs.
Anderson is a siotor of tho murdered
man, and bus adopted tho liitlo girl.
Mr. and Mia. Andeinnti came iu from
Auburn Monday and visited S. K. An
del Hon und family until Tins-lay nftei-
George Ray wus -i 1 trial 111 th dls
tnol court ul Auburn last wttik foi tlio
inurdor of Frank Cheeamuu. Tho ev
iduiicu was oouipleted Saturday night,
the testimony of tho witnesses all being
in. Monday morning tho attornoja on
both sides consulted and an agreement
was effected allo.ving the )risoutr to
jitead guilly 10 manslaughter. This
was done, and Judge jjtull sentenced
Kuy to ton years iu tho ponitentiaty.
A rather amusing story is told of
Mr. JjO-iley Poland, of Shubeit, who
who has rented tho old limmert farm
jiiAt north of town. Mr. Poland has
been temporal ily living with Elmer
James, and tho other night, which was
one of thttdo cold ones, ho went to bod
011 the second Hour, and throw his
pants, containing a small revolver and
325 iu cuironoy, too near theatovepije
which rutin up hia room
Poland waa boon in the land of dreams
und about the riiinn time his pants
tildil the, the revolver wa discharged
by the heat and Sift of the (25 were 1.0
badly burned that tho uiotie) had to bl
unt 10 Washington in exchange tui
other bills. Tho shots, of,
moused the entire houaHinld, but tin
lite was l'islintlleant and was .10011 put
uul.ti.iluiu Judex.
Died At lior home two miles north
west of llarada, Fob, 25th, Mrs. J5.
Uerg, of lung fovor. Tlio deceased was
about aovouty ycatM old, and a resident
of this county a number of year".
Grandma Uorg was a devoted christian,
un affoctlonato motlipr, a kind iiulgli
bor, and uver ready to assist in time of
sickness, fclie louver four sons and
two diiught'tfl to mourn the loss of a
mother wliuao place cm never be filled.
Tlio funeral was hold (roin tho real-
dunce Tuesday. A largo concouiso of
Horrowing relatives and fiieiids fol-
lowed tho remains totliecomutoty nenr
her late homo, where ull that was mor
tal of thoir beloved was laid In her last
resting place. May she rest in peace.
Uaradii correspondence in Falls City
Grandma Jierg wus well known to
many of our oltizons, having foimerly
lived for many years In Aopinwall.
Cottier Unlvoruty, located at Iietlw
any lit Ishts, a stibiub of liincoln, has
boon Btruggllng for yoaiB under a
crushing debt caused by extensive
building aud land operations under
taken at tuo very inception of tlio ini
stitiitioii. After a long biittlo tho cam
pus and buildings aro now entirely fiee
from debt, and tho title has again been
vested iu tho Christian chinch. Tho
old Inoubua removed, it may bo expect
ed that tlio school will now go ahead
as it has at no time in Hb previous his
tory. A good healthy school bus been
maintained undor tho moflt discourag
ing circumstances during tho panic
period. A devoted faculty has man
aged to keep tho work going without
adding to tlio dobt. Undor the new
conditions It seems curtain tiiat tho
university will grow and that tho cuius
cational suburbs around it will flourish
ami become one of tho most attractive
places of residence around tho capital
city. State Journal.
A Sure Sign of Group.
Hoarseness in a child that is subject
toeioup H a sine indication of the
approach of the disease It Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is given as soon
as tho child becomes hoaise, or even
after tlio croupy cough has appeared,
it will prevent the attack. Many
mothers who have cioupy children al
ways keep this lemedy at hand and
llixi that it saves them much trouble
and worry. It can always bo depend
ed upon and Is pleasant to take. For
salo by Keeling.
By this wo mean that If you ure not
already a subnet iber to Tho Nebraska
State Journal yon should become one
at once. Thu Journal is Nebiaska's
old reliable, lieing published at the
Ht.ito capital it piints moio kowh of
interest to Nebraskans than any
other paper in tho state. Many of ils
patrons have been subscribers foi over
a quarter of a century. Tho Journal
lias built up a tremendous business by
its push and energy and the puper
Htnnds at the head ot tlio coluiii!). its
daily and Sunday issues not only con
tain all the current news of the world
but aie IIIIhI with hp-'i'IhI tontines ,
I'lie Semi-Weekly Journal, which l
many is called "the farmers' dull,."
gives 10t papers a year lor Si. 00 and
h niiii ot l ho gieatest barmi.s evei
' iff e led rendem. 'I lie e;ir tllili) will l
i record briMik'T with The Journal, us
181)!) has been. Jqln the aimvol
realeiH for tho coming presidential
Thu Way to go to California
la In u tourist sleeper, personally coo
ducted. via Ihe Burlington Rome. You
dou't ehiingo eirs. You make
lime You see tho finest scenery on
the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fui
niHhod as a pdiirc sieepei but il ia jusl
ms clean, jiibt as coin tollable, just nt
good to rule in uhd ihmii, y-ji it tp
er II has wide vcstiluiles: PiiiIm-Ii
gas high back seats; a uniformed Pull
man porter; clean bedding; spueiouH
toilet tooiiix; tables aud a heating
no go. lieing; stinnglv and heauU
built, it 1 Ides biiioothly; it Is warm in
winter and cool iu summer.
Iu charge of each excuiHlun paily Is
an e.peileiiced excursion eomluotm
who iiceompanies it right tlnough to
IjQ's Angeles.
v.-.. r 1... n. . . . .
otwH leave uiiiuiin, i .loiepn.ijiucoin
and Hastings every Thur,'da,,.iiiiiving
fsui Franelsco tollowing .Sunday, Jaif
Angeles Monday Only three d.ij
riom the Missouri river to the Piiciih
Const including a stopover of 1 Iiiiiim
al Denver and 2J3' hours at Saft Lake
City two of the most Intori'rtilun eilies
on the eontiiieut.
Fur folder giving full information
call at any Burlington Route ticket id
flee or write to J Francis. (Jen'l I'ns
Benger Agent. Omat a. Neb. li-'iliT
Ft'dt Hoi ironi th Gvjii
Was the ball that hit (1 B Stcii.lniau ol
Newark, Mich, in tlorHil vr It
iiised horrildo ulcers thu' no treat
niout helped lor 20 years Then Buck
leu's A 1 idea Salve em m him. t'uie
eiits. htuiN(s, bnrnii bolls, Miuweiin
kin eniptioiio BeH' pile cute on e -ill
'.Vie a bo v. I'nre gimutulei'd. an d In
Kcdlii.g, dr gglsl
f jraW
Ho la It D66 T
Th remarkable uo
of Prof. Theo Khaas,
of Nebwka Qiy, Jim
caused tha thinking
d.icc nf neoole to a sic
S n... I. It AnnrV Thu
$$$$ method ii caatly ex-
ur'l - iVU m4f.jNplnod to thosa who
-M jay asjjc 0j( prejudiced notion lotu?
. , to scnd for . era(lire explaining.!
Tho lOiaraa Method of Magnetic
i McnHnR.
appeal most to educated, thinking peo
ple. The ignorant and uper3titim are
afraid to investigate any new science.
1'rof. Khara cures all curable and many
to-called incurable disease without the
use of drugs or surgery. He also posseis
e the wonderful ability to cure certain
divMses at any distance, without ever
seeing the patient. This is what he calls
the "Abicnt Method." Many ahn3t
miraculous cures have bcon made, and
by writing you can get a long list of testi
monials and sworn statements by promi
nent people who have been restored to
health by this means.' Recorder of deeds
Chns. C. Hrnndt, Nebraska City, had lit
entire use oi right hand and arm by
paralysis; other methods failed and he
could'nt work. Prof. Khara treated him
and ho went to work in fur days, and in
si days he was entirely cured. Mr. Jns
McCain of Council BlulTs, la. had lost the
use of both lower limbs; in three days he
could walk, and cured in less than two
weeks. Editor Brown of the Ncbra-ka
City Daily and Weekly I'ref says; llr
(Kharas) undoubtedly dos a great deal
of good, and personally cannot thank him
enough; mv rheumatism is all gone, and
my eye, where burned, does not trouble
me any mori."OMrs. N. Urusha. a
prominent Nebraska City lady was cuwd
of nervous prostration of ten years stand
ing when other doctors said she en old
never be even helped. Miss May Dun
can, Nebraska City, could not turn in bed
so bediy was she afflicted with inflama
tory iheumatism for serernl weeks
Three treatments by Miss Worman (Ma
tron of the Nebrjek'. Magnetic lnfirmnrv)
cured her entirely. Mr. F. L. Kehey.
foreman of tho Daily IVess cured of ner
vous hoadaehe of 1 1 years standing by
one treatment by J'rof. Kharas. Friends
and relatives of Mrs. A. Sanqaest of Ne
braska City, said she could not live an
hour; in 15 minutes she was relieved ol
pain, and in two days was abla to be nt
work; neuraljia of the stomach was her
trouble; she has since been snccevdulty
treated for cancer of the breast by 1'iof.
Kharai. ,T
Tlio Nebraska School of Mn&rneUnin
and tlio Nebraska Magnetic Infirmary
are at Nebraska City. Branch Infirmaries
arc being located all over Nebraska and
Help Wanted
Several honest, consciendous men and
women to work in thes institutions at
splendid salaries. Write forinfurmition.
Its froe. Prof. Theo Krnran. Supt.
. Miss Emma Worm mi, Matron
Nebraska City, Neb.
Brunch ollice at Porn, Neb.
Mr. ami Mrs. Gillet, Matngcrs
Take the wiigouelto when 111 Auburn
for any jmit of the city. ISaov riding
Quirk time. All trains met. Join
MrElhauoy, prom iutor.
M.VIKl)-sj-VKl!U. I'Kli-ON's T U DIS-
lili't UHU P Mini ! is III till Mat, l ii
HS-fl.l lllf III lllr mill .til it "III Mlllllllll 1:
ci iiiiilt s. 1 II in to i y .1 l.v W'.p.Mii lo
wi'f'iMv l)'"imbl.' (iniillm morn Willi iiiiuk-
IHl Olipt Mil 111. n. Itcfi'll'IICI'H I . MlllW.Cil.
P.iifl -!- Ir nidi f.H a hiiiuif,i iMivcl in.
6. A I'liiU.'iaeUixi'Mi lliiililliiK.UIilnuo.
Dyspepsia Curo.
Naturo In strengtbenJn nod recon
BtruotlnK tho oshauBtwl digextive or
gans. J b id tho luU'Gt dlccover? d dtsost
ant and tonic. JTo ot her preparation
can approach it in oflicloncy. Itj in
otantty relieves iml permanently euros
Dyspepsia, Indention, Heartburn,
Plat.iilcr.ce. Sor Stomach, Nausea,
all other results of imperfect dlr;e5tioa
coaraii by K. C DWltt A- Co., C bltaj
For sale by Keeling, tho dru'int.
Anrono si'iulliig n lclph and eVnrri, lii iur
qttli'ltly (linrlnln eil'r oplt a 11 fruti whi .in r an
liiraiitlou isir.itiiilii7 pmui (sb'o, (1 in
lloiiHMrlctlyriiiiiuioiirli.l. Hum ton!t 11 1'uit-iita
eont frpo, ulloit luonry for oi'urm jiii us.
lMtuutn taken t.iriiiL'li fliliui x to. lecwlvc
tffini noticf, vlrhtjutolmruo, lit tho
A Imnrtnomuly llliitrntcil nn It. I rrcrx t Tlr
riilatlnii of any nelimtlilo J.uirniil. 1 eri i, 11 n
joint lour niuiitlitf. 11. Soldbyiill iowilf nkrs,
BROHH & Go.38"" Hbw YorK
llruacli onico. C5 V Ht Vi'H!.hl...sicii. I). C.
. 7,7 Jrs. M.T2 a Jk
cm X& ztty vuao M'AV fca
IMA 60
. M.t.a'aA!)(Tr
hw-WA DCT.1CN0
The Great Tewsj)n,cr
oi' tho World
Eight Pages Almost Equal
or More to a Daily-
each Tuesday at the Price
and Friday of a Weekly
$1.00 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR $100
No other paper gives THJ5 NEWS so promptly, so fully, no accurately. N
otlur paper prints no groat a variety of interesting and instinctive leading
matter for every member of tlio family. No other paper Is so good, f-o clean, so
SUBSCRIBE NOW AVd Rpt,tlli9,ft"'K Hepnbliean Newspaper,
QUiJOWiVAJJiJ J.NVVV this peerless Homo Journal, during all or thu
important National Campaign of 1000, and until after the election of the next
President. It is indispensablo to every citizen and ought to be iu every houses
hold. Sample copies free. Address
The Globe Printing Co,, Si. JLouis, .To.
stands at the very tront nmotig the
wot Id.
Including Sundny.
One Year SO 00
6 Months Ot)
8 Months 1 GO
Without Sunday.
Ono Year $4 00
0 Months 2 00
.' Months l 00
ho New'STork Tsibua
a Bvnsr
and the
Cheapest Known.
A new mill remrukubly nttr .citvo publica
tion, profusely llliisirated w Itii ifn irallM mill
loif-ii'DP"; contuliiN nl! tho Mrlklnu iias
leiiturosni the OhiIv 'I'libuui'. KijOiMiiI iir
lJlipnii,li"(, Dointfllc nno I'Vim'Ibii Ctios.
poiidtMici', Kliorl torlPN, IlutuoiotiH Illusliu
tKitis I ndiist rial Iiiliuiiialloii.Kiishlon ot)s
Ai Icilllurul Mixtlors cnrelullv tr.'.Ueil, ntid
O mi' liens'VH .itwl ltellntjlc riniincliil mui
nlii kt'i Itcp'-rH. It 1h iiiallod at Hami- hour
n tho dully nlitlnn, leucine a Iimko ppipor
lion of fulisiTllierd on ('.uloof Issue, and nauh
fdlllon In n thoroughly np-to-duto dally
nrwhpu it for liiicy people.
Hesular hiilitcrlptlou prtco,
$1,50 per Y"onx'
We furnt-iii U with IIjo AdveitlHt-r for
'll.Q5 per Xemv
ivi nu all orders lo The Ad
The tofliPHS!
& tvjimiffwpw n
hour Winds up like a clock. I'lays all the pieces ol Sousa's and Gilniorc Hands;
Recites, Tells runny Stories; will repeat your own oicc, your friend's oice, souks
sung into it, stories told to it. You can make your records easily at d reproduce them
at once, as often as desired. Price $5.00 includes Improved Gtm Gr.ipliophone, one
extra loud alumniuin Reproducer, one 10-inch horn, one Heating Tube. Ucat Exhi
bition Records (musical or talking) J.radoien, 4lc each.
Slot Country dealers will find a veritable gold mine In our two new .lnt
Mneriinpa machines, The "Ideal" Graphophonc $20 and wondeiful "Uay"
... ... .... t . T 7
'- -'"---'fc' Klllf 'in4(!flPR
buy, requires no aiicmion wnaievcr, can ur piacru on
inon wriatever, can or piacrU on top of show case or coun'cr. Machines pay lor tlitni
'I he Kinctoscopc iloes lor the eye what the Graphnphone docs for tho car Ob- ffi f
if alive. Reprndurrs in miniature the tame siuVcts as the brc liiudrod dollar VXJ
lilnes. The parlor "Ray" ilovini; I'icturc Machine, thrre Lw'lls with Lai'h madi'i e.
BClVCk 111 iWIJ weeus.
iectsact and move as I
Moin2 I'icturc Machln
hend us I an I wc vill send ou ridiar 1n.1ch1.1e by Exres . C. O. D . subjsrt to cxaminntlrn. intuid
exactly as represented nnd entirely satisfactory in cv.r- .iy, pay the rt;ent our j-iice. lefs th fl rent viitil
c r 1CornP't,te,'cw Illustrated KlnetosLope. Hrjpl oh nc and Uetord Catalogue, containing tu.l At scnp.
tionof large exhibition iuu outfits, ranging from J 10 t j.,0, stnt liee on request.
Hnr.fjer ic Blisli, Western Selling Agto. 90.i9ioAaln St., Dubuque, town
miii &m t4
P0m$ Mrtmfflfe. &HT&W
Wo own nnd occupy the tnllrut msrconUle bullCinj H tho wnrlil. Wo havs
over a,ouo,ooo cu3tui.iirj. Sixti.f n h j ldrcd clerks urn constantly
mioced litlins out-of-town orders.
OUR GENERAL CATALOUUT: lo tio I00U of the prop's It quot' ji ItlK
Wllolelll Prices to Everybody, hiu or vh;, ii,ono'., and Wt,V
6a, co-i dt:rtpticna cf nrtit'.es with prices. Ic ci-fta ",i rrnn to pr rt an.l null & J
each copy. Wo wa-ic you to hive :m. fiKNU I'IKl'EBN CJ.'NTO to -ihow riMS
yu'T coo.1 fislth h iel j 'II .y '(d you a ior' l''I!K".. wit't ci c.i -f,v repi 1. I J. l
SrtA'fcv tsni'Tfir. tr" ir,,ri n 11
s,JHJLiy7.Csi! uy eiu. cAToVob M-l i
The Groat Republican
Paper of America
without a rival in all tho west, and
fow Really Gieat Nwspapoto of the
nfl to do Pages
Ona Year $2 oo
0 Months 1 00
Published on
For over fii'ty-eight years
a national J'ainily Paper
for farmers and villagers
whoso readers hnvo rep
resented the verv best
clement of our country population.
It gives all important news of tlio
nation and world, the most reliable
market reports, i'ascinatiiifv short sto
ries, an unexcelled Agricultural Do
piutnient, scientific and nicchuniea
information, Fashion Articles for the
women; humorous illustiations for
old and young. It is "The People's
Paper" for the entire United States.
ltL-guliir miIim'I !ptl')i) pi iff.
8)1. GO 7tr
jt enr
Wcfiirnlhli It with riie Adveillsir for
01.35 pci' 'iTt'ttr
vcrtiser, ioiiki1ui, jSreb"jtska
The Qem 5 lutt
1 with $1.00 and we will send you one of the " '
new Oein Graphonhouis bv hxnrcsi. LOU
subiect to examination You Cull ix.itnlne it at
your express office and if found exactly a represented,
entirely satisfactory in every way, and the liui.iI hi
alue to any machine sold at J10 and I2, pay our vgent
Our Special Offsr Price, $5 oo, and expriss chargeii,
less the $1 sint with order. Kor home nmuscincni this
King of Merry-Makcrs '" ?$
.......... ,........ - -, v'v, -.g--. -.,-.......... ...
Inr Innvinf 1 1 rtm p martmipl ?fil K. ntifrralr.nitrtin.itir-
top 01 snow case or coun'cr. wachlnis pay lor tlitni-
Mith tjsii Aifo. and fKt'jou .
V ( V
c, .Vi