The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 02, 1900, Image 8

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    V.JWfWlT'' ''S'lJ '"' ""WTtf&FfipK, H-y-ig" f. ,wtnr)f t-
R' I : . f
k " . . .
' .'
I'.lllim WH(Hf All USt (A Lb
llml CmiKh Hrup. Tnrtt UihkI.
in tlmn. fold HT iiriiKKi'i"-
fjil-l OlJIIITI.liJII
Isumaha City, Nkhhaka.
fflce nt the drug store.
: - :
Aomo niul fcwatlto work 11 NpfMilitlty. CIh.
tfniK I111III. I'lipor IIiiiikIiik. KhImiiiiIiiIMk
n. id Wlluwnnlil.iK ilonu. Low prison, All
work wurriiiiluii.
Kcrker & Hoover,
Mentor In
IIUii it price pnlil for hides, lnrl, tiulow
gtlllll, I'lO'
TJIOS. w. in at r,
proprietor oflho
Livery & Feed Stable
Good Dray in Oonnootion with Livory
Good rift 9 anil prompt ecrvlco. Satisfaction
KUiirauluuil. U-W-'Jl)
Notice of Probato of Will.
SUtoof Nubniftlcn, count' of Nomalui, hh.
In thu County (Joint of Nomnlin County,
T Unvlil ThompHon, ttio holrH ut law of
Carrie 1). Hitkor, lliu lielrH nt litw of Hnrnli
Jolnmoii, tlt'oeiufMl, anil to all pornons lnltsi
eh tod In tlio I'Htnto of I.owlB i'iiompHon, dc
ouaHod. You nrolioreby notified that JnnoTliotnp
011 Iiiin IIIimI a petition pnt lii(? Unit an In.
vtrumotit II led In this court purporting to bo
the Inst will and tuNimncnt of mild IcpiihoI,
may bo proved, allowed and recoided nx
tlio lHt will and lentil niont ol LowlHTliomp.
sou, doconHcd; tliat Hitld Instruiuuiit may bo
admitted to probate, and iidmlnlHtratlon of
Huld tnltUo k rim led to John II. Huld hh execu
tor, iitul that thi) 3rd day of Keiiruary, A. 1).
WW. at 10 o'clock a, in., at county court, room
of Hald county . at Aulmrn, linn Ixmui fixed iih
thntlmuand place of proving said will. when
you and all Interested may nppnar and show
annuo, If there bo any, why the prayer of said
petition should not be granted, and contest
the probate thoreor.
Witness tnv hand and Heal of said court
this 4th dav of .Iimuiuv. 101M).
mOHAItl) K. N13AL, County Juilo.
Notico of Probato of Will.
Tho State of Nebraska, County of
In tho County Court of Nuiuaiia county. Not).
To Margaret Hnow, Thot. II. Hkeon. Kllza
beth lourtlot, Illchard J. Hkeon, Mury It.
Hhuhort, John W. Hkeon, Naney A. Linn,
hns Htatt, Hollo UuKHolt.Jolm lllatt, Hottlo
Yelser, l'eurl Hkoon, Don Skenn, and to ad
ixthohh Intorostod In tho estate ot Mary
Bkiioti, deceased.
You are horotiy notlflod that JolmW.Skopn
has (lied a not ltlon pruvliitf that an liiNtru
inont tiled In this oourt, purporting to ho tho
lnst will and testament of said tlecoaKod may
In prov id, allowed and recorded as the lnnt
will ami tufiiamont of Mary akeen.dtcenaed;
that Hnld lnntrum.iit may bo admitted to
prrbatn, and iidmlnlHtratlon or said estate
limn tori fo John W. akeen as executor, auri
that 5th day of February, A. I). 1900. at Id
o'clock a. m , nt county court room of said
county, uas hettn tlxed as tho time and place
of provlim HUld will, when vou and all 'ntor
ested may appour unri Hbow c.tuso, If thoru
bo any, why tho prnverof sold polltlon nhould
not b KNtutuil, and contest tho probato
VVItnoH my hand auri mnl of wild court
thlHfitltday or January . A, I). 1000.
8kaLj niCIlAHl) l' NHAL.
County JuiIko.
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist.
The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Worts 1b
Els laboratory.
There la a disease prevailing In this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive. Many sudden deaths aro caused by
It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
or apoplexy are often the result of kidney
disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed U ad
vance the kldney-polsoned blood will attack
the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Then the richness of the blood the albumen
leaks out and the sufferer has Bright
Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kllmer'3 Swamp-Root the new dis
covery Is tho true specific for kidney, bladder
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands
of apparently hopeless cases, after all other
efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent
and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free
by mall, also a book telling about Swamp
Root and Its wonderful cures. Address
Pr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and
mention this paper,
biWii!iyff?wa i I
The Nebraska Advertise
W. W. MJMMtHH, rbHih$r.
81.50 I'Hlt YltAU
Suiieay morning was tlio coldest
morning thin winter.
John Kinney went to Iowa Tuesday
to visit frienddin Fremont und Taylor
Mrs. M. II. Taylor cumo up from
Shubert Thursday aftesnoou to visit
Nemulia fiienila.
Mr. and Mra. Win, Kerlcy, of Johns
hod, visited Nemaha friend) from Mons
day until Wednesday.
Fred Cruno, Walter Curttright and
Mr. Hopkins went to Tecumseh Tuos-
day to work on tho 13. & M. extra
Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Colerick went to
Inivn Mitiiiluv tit v 1 4 1 f. Mru rVilrli'U'j
....... ...w......y v ,.w.. ....w. v.u. ... u
mother. It ia understood they do not
intend to return to Nemaha.
A good sheepskin mitUn was found
a few dayj ago. If owner will bring
umto along to Identify tho mitten he
can have it by paying for this notice
Jimmy Jones has bought a good 40"
aeio farm two and one-half miles sonih
odst of Howe. He cxpectB to move
about the tirst of March, and will then
be Fanner Jones.
Wo are now prapared to handle coal
a id have just tecuived a carload.
Parties wishing coal call on thu
EnwAitDS & liitADFoui) hbr. Oo,
Nemaha, Nehr.
Fon Sale: U00 two year old bud
ded peach trees Hales Karly, Alexan
der, Wager, and Champion, all true
to name, 1 conta each. Also 200
seedlings at 4 cents each.
N. 0. Jauvis.
Mrs. MollioPeory und children came
in from Johnson Monday and viBited
the parents and grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Hadlock, aud other rela
tives and friends, returning home
Large quantities of willows are being
cut on the bar near tho mouth of the
Nemaha river, loaded on cars and ship
ped to Itulo to be used by the li. & M
in ripraping along the Missouri river
at that point. Six car loads wore ship
ped this week.
Mr. and Mra. M. T. May returned
last Saturday from Carl Junction, Mo.,
where they have been visiting Mr.
May's brother, T. It. May. Mart says
ho never enjoyed a visit better in his
life and came homo feeling like a uew
man. He hss thrown away IiIb cane
except when ho takes a very long
walk, and looks the best he has for
months, He says Dave Frazior lives
at Prosperity, near Carl Junction, and
John Durrani also lives in Unit section
ht a place known as Hell's Neck. The
name of thepostolliee, however, is Neck
Tho protracted meetings at tho Meth
odist church will cloe Sunday nignt.
Twelve joined the church last Sunday
night Mr and Mia D It stoolo and
daughter, Miss May Steele, by let tr
from the Friend's chinch, Airs W S
Maxwell by letter from the Methodist
church at Auburn, Mrs Theo Hill by
lettei from iho Christian church, Mrs
M T Hill by letter from iho Lutheran
church at Stella, Eugeno Ilowo by
loiter from the Methodist church at
Peru, and Mrs Will F Keeling, Willie
Yates, Eddie Maxwell, and Theodore
and Clyde Hill on probation.
Millions Given Away
It Is certainly gratifying to tho pub
lic to know of ono concern in thu land
who are not afraid to bu generous to
tho needv and suffering. The proprie
tors of I)r King's Now Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds have
given away over ten million trial bot
tles of this grat medicine: and have
I he satisfaction of knowing it has ab
solutely (in red thousands of 1khh1(s
tint's. Asthma. Hioiic.liitiH, HoarHenoHs
and all (IIhciisph of the Throat, Chest
and Lung arc suicly oured by it. Ci'll
on Kecllnir tho (Inmujst and u'et a free
tr'al bottle. Hegiiinr size f0u and Si
Fvery bottle guaranteed or pi ice le
fundwl. Old piip i-o tu; tiale ut this ii11h'
Mr. and Mm. It. T. Dovoras returned
home from Missouri Tucftdiiy morning.
Judge Jarvls 8. Church, of Auburn,
had another light stroke of iiurulytjia
u fow dttyh uyo.
Friday was groundhog day and tho
groundhog could undoubtedly &ee ilia
shadow if lit looked for it.
Walter Farla is now chief clerk in
the hotel, taking Kemp Golerick'a
place. Ho is also carrying the mail to
and from the depot.
OsScovill was so anxious to see his
Nemaha friends that he walked down
from J3iownvillu Monday, returning
ud the train Tuesday afternoon.
Any one needing native lumber can
tlnd the same at my t evidence, ouo and
a half miles south of Nemaha.
W. W. Skid.
Friends of J. J. Merger will regret
to learn that ho Is very biuk with heart
disuusu at his home in Ualvesiuii, Texs
as, aud thu physicians give little hope
of uts recovory.
Harness Shop Wanted.
Nemaha needs a harness shop aim
tho mail who puts one in here could
soon woik up a good business. Who
will be the man?
Valentine Social.
The Junior League will give a Val
i utiue social at the Minick hall Tuess night, Feb. lath. Valentines wil
be sold and rofieshinenia of cake, pn
ind coffee will bo seryed. Members of
thu Junior League will be ch.wged u
cents lor rot rudiments anil all others
11) cents. Proceeds to apply on pas
lor'a salary, Eu'nb.nh invited
Hie colored woik in Higgle lierrj
Book is an immunso aid to buti)
growers It shows tho leading bun les
rue to size, shape and color. riie
were Hist caret ully painted by an ex
pirieriCL'd artist, and thou repioductt
by lithography at a t-ost ot um
thousand dullard. Aside fiom tin
color work there are scores u ipi
ductions made diiectly lroui plioto
graphs of berries so that Hi- n',un
may have an acdurato idea ot Uh-iii
L'ho price is f0 ceuis, free by in hi; .i.l
dross the publishers, Wilmer All; iisoi
Co., Philadelphia.
The Odd Fellows lodge in Nemai.u
is enjoying quite a boom just nw
Thursday night twelve of our citizen
weiu initiated into the mysteries oi Hi
order. They were ltufus Itowec, t
W Roberts, Maibhull Webb, .l.nuts t
Stepliousou, Sylvester Hodges, .iie
IVabody, It L Keisler. W & k.. r
It McCatidless' S K Anderson, Kngei
Howe and Earle Gilbert. Grand je
retary 1 P Gage, of Fiemont, and Dib
Iriet Deputy I J Bull, of Brock, wet
present, and also the following vit-nii.
brethren: Win Watson, It C Bod
G Furlough. Geo Fablinger, Sam Cald
well, A Stoddard, Utssi l,iinghli , it
Avey, it M Gillau, B Mallotl, M in
and Dr V M Boal, of Auburn. M i
Taylor, I M Unpaid and Mr tinier, o
Call on iw foi jo wn.k.
Cavca Are Heiiiu Unlit Umler School
Wj have llro drillH w our public
chools in the ciiKt, i-.d very effeutive
drills they have proved iu more tlmn one
case of emergency. In Kansas they
rmve no fire drills, or, If they have, we
have still to hear of it, OuUhore tor
juidoes tire more to be drer.led Uiun
&rtK, 11ml the Bchoolchildrcn tre now
being trained iu tornado drilla.Miys the
Wcw York Sun.
When tornadoes strike a Knnsus
town everybody makes at once for
prairies. It is the only way to escape
death from Hying doors and chimneys,
foiling trees nnd toppling buildings,
Schoolchildren are trained to know this
from the cradle, and on these occasion
rush pell moll for the nearest bit of
clear prairie attainable. But many
children have been maimed nnd even
killed in these terrible storm...
So they hnvq Btnrted u movement
throughout tho state to have tornado
caves built under the sehoolhouses large
enough tonccommodatenll the children
while the blow lasts. And here comes
In the tornado drill, which is already
being put Into practice.
It is very much like our own fire drill.
The teacher sounds the alarm on the
piano and the children all stand up.
Then the tnnrch Is played, and out they
go in good order, down the stnlr& and
Into the enve.
Then let tho vlnds blow Let the
tire building full In ruins! The ohl).
dft'tj n i fciif,, , UHVe ol,.. t0 i,e due
out. b
& 77" JL3aXIOEiM3P,3FI.C3WrC
Hardware, Furniture,
We will send The Advertiser one year and
the Farm Journal to January 1st, 1905.
Call and see us for low combination
rates on the Iowa Homestead, Chicago Inter
Ocean, Globe Democrat and other papers.
s -A'N -Hauwas unoiujos "OQ GOpoiN AB 'fa MO rfd'ooijilj. iaiooojuo 3
3 poiitiin jo'-owpuu -ooi - Kjs)MnapA( nos iistitnoijoi tnAvoojt!Hjp jo tioi.)' ?ou kooi
; puu soHu nti jo; ojtis 'iiojtn P" v-Suni otn jo monoojjti u puu 'HJjtij.T a in 'ttnor) li
I auidooqA 'odcIaorI 'uzuonom 'kbouosjuoh 'PIoq 'nanoo ajoao oauo oj poojUOJCtirj 3t
LuiEgi Suni sJfem Bjfi 1
inpnaprjuoD idosj k osnopnolfiojjoo ano.C s A"nni ninidxpr 'tmiioti poutcflnj m ooiofoi 3
oa 'oojaptj jom aujMOnoj 'pmt osto ajom noiu Aiuptid BoucDsip jcotn pun Smit uo v
l8iniood8 jno uomi-uv oatj iaoito snojouoa mo jo BOAiosuion? potiAt) oacu fipuhnot),L 5
?s.', ,Il?,PjI,.?wAqil'-,uS ?IOOff aaHVlIXRATII no pun 'mvn mini '. i
b.a-bji -jq jo 3ndWVS J3M zi 'fcuuioisAtM jno aq 3ofAaV 33UJ JiWwo prAV M
WWIW il'ni I'l in lif lil I
-ij- jtv j j !iMy y
""& j-uitiivci a company bythe
hour. Winds up like a clock. Plays all the pieces of Sousa's and Gilmorc's Uands;
Recites; Tells Funny Stories; will repeat your own voice, your friend's voice, songs
sung into it.stories told to it. You can make your records easily and reproduce them
at once, as often as desired. Price $5.00 includes Improved Gem Grapliophone, one
extra loud alumniuin Reproducer, one 10-inch horn, one Hearing Tube. Best Exhi
bition Record (musical or talking) $5 a dozen, 42c each.
Slot Country dealers will find a veritable gold mine in our two new slot
IUV.l. ! machines. The "Ideal" Hnnhnnlifinf n nnrl fn.ui
, . XT1UV.IIU1C3. Klnetoscope (or moving picture machine) Sis, operates automatic-
1 y, requires no attention whatever, can be placed on top of show case or counter. Machines pay for them
selves in two weeks. The KInctoscope does for the eye what the Graphophone does for the can Ob- B f
iects act and move as f alive. Reproduces in miniature the same subjects as the large hundred dollar Pr
Moving Picture Machines. The parlor "Ray" Moving Picture Machine, three belts with each machine. U
Send us f I and wc will send you either machine by Express C. O. D.. subject to examination. If found
exactly as represented and entirely satisfactory in every way, pay he agent our price, les the 1 sent with
order. Complete new Illustrated KInctoscope, Graphophone and RecorcT Catalogue, containing lull descrip
tion of large exhibition show outfits.iranging from $10 to 50, sent Irce on request.
Harger & Blish, Western Selling Agts. 904-910 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa
J in,... 1 'aalOMrgjij
Ifi 1 7rTrTTf""""wi H mil
g?r?.virr- ajr
Its Easy Writing"
if its a BUckensderfer No. 5.
Tlie universal favorite with all classes of
operators who desire a simple and speedy
More "Bllcks" In use among Iowa and Ne
braska newspapers than all the rest of the 3100
machines together. The only Typewriter on
the market doing hundred-dollar work that Is
sold at a popular price.
o fMKiS 28 ,K??S' .of & Characters and Letters;
Portable, weighing but Six Pounds with case.
Conies and Manifolds perfectly, 12 carbon
copies being easily taken at one writing.
Only one price-535.00 net. On ten days ap
proval to any responsible man in Iowa or Nebraska.
Harger & Blish,
Ocncral Agents,
904-910 Alain Street, DUBUQUE, IOWA.
mmmmmiMmmmBr .
fSPJR WfaWJP MJiiW ,1Rvou7l.jT.r(!cortl.lan'ctcin.
tk H fiJVlJ, ., OtliiT ltcc, Las, 1 U' l'i proimJon. TJciuo vrlto ui" Ho, 11 7 '
HHHl IJnxniiUpaulc fiecKim-nn io Ftfo arrivr.l.shin V? li A I f H' RP
m JllH soroly.ovell to Chi' ), V ,,i l. , ci, i K.,llil. Hi-p l,,Ct tVtni i.MUn.VtT5L "
JLjMr ImvobeortnBhturlcTr.. r Uidcf i-; ,onui CVUiri wwl'fi
Mfcr nlniw. fnp m 11... w 1. ... 1. hi. ;.i .'' , .' '"..'. I.' il'rViAS UavrvlHn .
Coffins and Caskets
Undertaking and Embalming
a specialty.
Ilcarso in tho couutv.
no line of UndcrtkcrH' Good,
eo satisiuct.ion.
1 'ill
Tho rSom Just out. Cut this ad.
iiv viviti out anj seI1(j jt ,0 UJ
witn 91.00 and we will send you one of the
new Gem Uraphophones by Express. C. O.
subject to examination. You can examine li at
your express office and if found exactly as represented,
entirely satisfactory in every way, and the equal in
value to any machine sold at $10 and f 12, pay our agent
Our Special Offer Price, $5.00, and express charges,
less the $1 sent with order. Kor home amusement this
Virttr t Ma.Mni,..n will entertain e.
has been added to the well
known Hospe
With Stool and Scnrf.
Write For Pnrticulnre.
rtt3m$m?xa!'?Ki 1V
ip,iC.l.lpena.WI Wl!. - ... J.' utWtf.
r . , -
IllVfUT nfflWtflBiW&IVItwfa1lfl'lwl,l